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Genesis Library / API Documentation

Getting Started

The latest version of the library source code is located at DEVELOPMENT-CENTRAL\For_IT\


Initiate Library Instance

using GenesisLibrary;

Uploader up = new Uploader(

“Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=genesis;User Id=oos; Password=it-oos;”,
new string[] {“column1”, “column2”);

To upload an excel file to Genesis

List<GenesisDuplicate> duplicates;
var uploaded = up.UploadFiles(filenames, out duplicates);

To get a record from Genesis using Data ID

gdr = new GenesisDataRow();
“Server=localhost;Port=5432;Database=genesis;User Id=oos; Password=it-oos;”,


Version Date Changes

V1.0.0 25-APR-2019 Initial Version

Uploader – contains the necessary methods on uploading an excel file to Genesis

GenesisDataRow – class definition on one record / row from Genesis

GenesisDuplicate – class definition for a duplicate record found during upload

SimFlex – contains the necessary methods on SimFlex job operations

SimFlexBatch – class definition on a batch record for SimFlex

SimFlexJob – class definition on a job record for SimFlex

SimFlexRegistration – class definition on a registration object for SimFlex

Uploader Class

Uploader(string genesisConnectionString, string genesisTableName, string
genesisCollectionName, string tempFolder, string[] columnDuplicateCheck)

- Constructor that initializes the instance for upload to Genesis

public GenesisDataRow UploadData(GenesisDataRow d)

- Upload one GenesisDataRow to Genesis

public void RegisterToSimFlexByJob(SimFlexJob job, string SimFlexConnString)

- Register a job to SimFlex

public void RegisterToSimFlexByJob(List<SimFlexJob> jobs, string SimFlexConnString)

- Register a list of jobs to SimFlex

public List<GenesisDataRow> UploadFiles(string[] xlfiles, out List<GenesisDuplicate>
duplicates, string[] autoCreateColumns = null, string[] columnsToDedup = null, string[]
statusColumns = null)

- Upload an array of excel files names to Genesis

GenesisDataRow Class

public string GetHash(params string[] columnNames)

- Generates a SHA512 hash of the values as specified in the columnNames parameter.

public string[] Row

- Generates a string array of the values

public string[] GetHeaders()

- Generates an array of string of the headers or column names

public string GetValueInColumn(string colname)

- Returns the values of the specified column name in colname parameter

public bool Contains(string s)

- Returns true if the value of one of the columns of the record contains the string s
public GenesisDataRow GetRecord(string Collection, int DataID, string TableName, string

- Returns the GenesisDataRow object based on Collection, DataID and Table Name
public static List<string> GetDistinctValues(string Collection, string ColumnName, string
TableName, string GenesisConnectionString)

- Returns a list of strings of all distinct values of a specific column based on Collection and Table
public static GenesisDataRow GetDataRow(string Collection, string ColumnName, string
Value, string TableName, string GenesisConnectionString, bool CaseSensitive)

- Returns a GenesisDataRow object based on Collection, Table Name, Column Name and Column
public static GenesisDataRow GetDataRow(string Collection, string SheetName, string
ColumnName, string Value, string TableName, string GenesisConnectionString, bool

- Returns a GenesisDataRow object based on Collection, Table Name, Sheet Name, Column Name
and Column Value
public static void UpdateGenesisDBDataRow(List<GenesisDataRow> rows, string TableName,
string GenesisConnectionString)

- Updates the records in Genesis for a specific Table Name using the list of GenesisDataRow
public static void UpdateGenesisDBDataRow(GenesisDataRow gdr, string TableName, string

- Updates a record in Genesis for a specific Table Name using a GenesisDataRow parameter.

SimFlex Class

public static void SimFlexJobDone(string jobName, string loginName, string

- Marks a SimFlex Job as Done

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