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A volume group (VG) in a Logical Volume Manager (LVM) setup is a collection of physical

storage devices (such as hard drives) used to store Logical Volumes. A Logical Volume (LV) is
a logical partition within the Volume Group.

In contrast, partitions are a way of dividing a physical storage device (such as a hard drive) into
separate sections, each with its own file system.

The main difference between partitions and LVM is the level of abstraction and flexibility. With
partitions, the size of each partition is fixed, and you cannot easily change it without losing data.
With LVM, you can dynamically resize existing logical volumes, create new ones, or
add/remove physical storage devices to/from the Volume Group. This allows for much more
flexible storage management.

Additionally, LVM also allows for adding multiple physical storage devices to a single Volume
Group, which can simplify storage management and provide additional benefits such as data
mirroring or snapshots.

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