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In Blender, you can create a 3D model of an android using a variety of tools, such as modeling

and sculpting tools. To get started, you will first need to open Blender and create a new project.
Once you have a new project open, you can begin to create your android model.

1. In the 3D viewport, press Shift + A to bring up the add menu. Select Mesh > Cube to add
a new cube to the scene.
2. To begin modeling your android, you can use a variety of tools such as the Extrude tool,
which allows you to pull out parts of the cube to create the basic shape of your android.
3. To add more details to your android, you can use the sculpting tools to shape and smooth
out the surface of the model.
4. Once you have your android model complete, you can add materials and textures to give
it a more realistic look.
5. Finally, you can use the lighting tools to illuminate your android and create a sense of
depth in your scene.

It's a very general explanation, as the process of creating an android is complex and depends on
the level of detail you want to achieve, but this should give you a rough idea of the steps
involved in creating a 3D android model in Blender.

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