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1st Quarter
1st Periodical Exam
TLE – Bread and Pastry 9
Name: Yr. & Sec


Direction: Read and understand each statement carefully, then choose the letter of
the correct answer by writing the letter on the blank provided before the number.

_____ 1. Which kind of flour contains more gluten and less starch?

a. all- purpose flour

b. bread flour
c. cake flour
d. yeast
_____ 2. Which of the following baking tools that is used to measure small quantities of

a. measuring cups
b. measuring spoons
c. liquid measuring cup
d. both a and b
_____ 3. What is the proper way to measure flour accurately?

a. level off with the use of the tines of a fork

b. shakes the measuring cup before leveling
c. shovel the flour
d. sift it before measuring
_____ 4. What is the best substitute for 1 cup sifted flour?

a. 1 c minus 1 tbsp. sifted all-purpose flour

b. 1 c minus 2 tbsp. sifted all-purpose flour
c. 1 c plus 2 tbsp. sifted all- purpose flour
d. 1 c sifted all-purpose flour
_____ 5. What is the best step to have better results in baking?

a. measure the ingredients accurately

b. memorize the recipe very well
c. use modern equipment
d. use only imported ingredients
_____ 6. Which of the following flour mixture is thick enough to be rolled and kneaded?

a. batter
b. cream
c. crust
d. dough
_____ 7. 4 gallons is equal to how many quarts?

a. 8
b. 10
c. 12
d. 16
_____ 8. What is the equivalent of 1 cup in tablespoon measurement?
a. 3
b .8
c. 12
d. 16
_____ 9. How many pints is equivalent to one quart?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 6
_____ 10. What type of chemical leaveners is a combination of baking soda and acid

a. baking soda
b. baking powder
c. cream of tartar
d. yeast
_______11. What classification of tools that a rolling pin which is used to flatten
the dough or pastry?
a. cutting
b. blending
c. mixing
d. measuring
______12. Which does not belongs to the group of baking tools and equipment?
a. wooden spoon
b. rubber scraper
c. flour sifter
d. baking
_____ 13. Baking tools and equipment that is a motored power device used to stir
and blend mixtures used in baking.
a. blender
b. electric mixer
c. rubber scraper
d. wooden spoon
_____ 14. What classification of tools in baking which is used to measure the
a. cutting tools
b. measuring tools
c. preparatory tools
d. mixing tools
_____ 15. What type of cutting tool is used to cut dough?
a. dough cutter
b. grater
c. knife
d. peeler
_____ 16. Which of the following tools and utensils used for mixing that does not?
belong to group ?
a. electric mixer
b. rubber scraper
c. rotary egg beater
d. grater
_____ 17. What kind of tool is used to grate cheese, chocolates and fruits and
a. grater
b. peeler
c. knife
d. dough cutter
_____ 18. A tool that is used to mix, scrape the sides of the bowl?
a. flour sifter
b. rubber scraper
c. spatula
d. wooden spoon
_____ 19. Which of the tool which is used to measure the weight of the items or
a. measuring cups
b. measuring spoons
c. liquid measuring cup
_____ 20. The following are the advantages of using a flour sifter except;
a. separating course particles
b. for finer particles
c. for blending and mixing ingredients
d. for cutting the baking products


Direction: Read statement carefully, and identify what is being asked.

1-6. Ways of Presenting Bakery Products

7-13. Proper Storing Techniques

14-20. Examples of Bakery Products

Prepared By: Ms. Nellrose B. Emlano

Tle Teacher

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