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Numerical Solutions

Activity #1

b=3 2
f ( x )=x −5
a x 2b f(a) f(x) f(b)
2 2.5 3 -1 1.25 4
2 2.25 2.5 -1 0.0625 1.25
2 2.125 2.25 -1 -0.484375 0.0625
2.125 2.1875 2.25 -0.484375 -0.21484375 0.0625
2.1875 2.21875 2.25 -0.21484375 -0.077148438 0.0625
2.21875 2.234375 2.25 -0.077148438 -0.007568359 0.0625
2.234375 2.2421875 2.25 -0.007568359 0.027404785 0.0625
2.234375 2.23828125 2.2421875 -0.007568359 0.009902954 0.027404785
2.234375 2.236328125 2.23828125 -0.007568359 0.001163483 0.009902954
2.234375 2.235351563 2.236328125 -0.007568359 -0.00320339 0.001163483
2.235351563 2.235839844 2.236328125 -0.00320339 -0.001020192 0.001163483
2.235839844 2.236083985 2.236328125 -0.001020192 0.000071587 0.001163483
2.235839844 2.235961915 2.236083985 -0.001020192 -0.000474315 0.000071587

The root of 2
f ( x )=x −5 is approximately equal to 2.235961915.

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