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Unit 01 LEQ #5 - Analyze how the development of Renaissance humanism and the printing press contributed to the emergence of a new theory of knowledge. 1. Introduction 1.1. The emergence of Renaissance humanism and the printing press were two of the most majo! events of the 14th to the 16th centuries. Humanism originated during the Italian Renaissance first, allowing scholars to look at the knowledge of the ancients in a new light that allowed for the glorification of the individual human. Slightly later, the printing press was developed in Germany, allowing this newly unlocked knowledge of the ancients to spread like wildfire. ‘Combined, these two advancements in human philosophy and invention allowed Europe to take a step forward into the prototype of the modern world, transforming the fundamental basics of knowledge. 2. Body 1 - Humanism 2.1. Humanism unlocked the secrets of the ancient world, due to an increased willingness to study the works of the Romans and Greeks for the betterment of humans. 2.2. Evidence - Humanist scholars like Francisco Petrarch recovered ancient texts and elevated Italian history. 2,3.Analysis - The efforts of Petrarch and other early Renaissance scholars brought forth the works of the ancients, setting the stage for the revolution in learning that was the Italian Renaissance. 2.4.Evidence - Humanism promoted a “liberal arts” style of learning. 2.5.Analysis - The idea of a liberal education included many ideas that we would consider modem. This idea of a well-rounded education would, ensure, a well-rounded populace. These changes would slowly trickle down to the rest of the population, priming Europe for the explosion of learning that took off with the printing press.0 3. Body 2 - Printing Press 3.1.The printing press and movable type by Johannes Gutenberg, enabled mass distribution of educational materials to those that could never access them before. 3.2.Evidence - Books were now far cheaper than they were before. Previously, they had to be hand-produced by scribes and monks. Now they could be mass produced, 3.3.Analysis - Previously, most of the population was illiterate. Learning was reserved for the wealthy and elite. Making books accessible to all through a drop in price allowed Greek and Roman learning uncovered during the Italian Renaissance to spread. 3.4.Evidence - The printing press helped standardize languages into printed, set, vernacular languages. 3.5.Analysis - This was a major leap in ease of communication. Now people could communicate in the same language, even if they were from different areas, enabling the rapid spread of learning and trade. 4, Conclusion 4.1.Humanism and the printing press revolutionized human learning and allowed Europe to advance into the beginning of the modern world as we know it. 5. Synthesis: 5.1.The revolution in learning that occurred as a result of humanism and the printing press is similar to advances in agricultural like the Agricultural Revolution. Both of these enabled large steps forward in humanity's history. For the Agricultural Revolution it was food. For the Renaissance, it was human learning. Both of the advances created during these time periods would prove to be essential cornerstones in the modern world.

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