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• Keep yourself updated.

With the various media platforms, it is next to

impossible to not be updated of the supposed typhoon’s movement.

Inspect and clean up your house especially your drainage system.

Check to see if there’s a need to fix your house such as holes on your
roofs, damaged doors, windows or ceilings. Have them fixed as soon
as possible. Do check as well your drainage system. If there’s clogging,
have them fixed or remove any material that may possibly cause the

Store ample amount of ready-to-eat foods and water. Make sure that
the foods and water that you will store is adequate enough for you and
your family and will last for few days. Ready-to-eat foods such as
canned/packed foods are especially helpful when cooking is no longer

If you have second or third floors or any part in your house that is
elevated, have your things especially those that generate electricity
placed in there. This will keep water from coming in contact with these

If you are advised to evacuate, do so. These people who will inform you
of the need for evacuation are more knowledgeable than anyone else.
So don’t be hard-headed, at least not during this time of distress.

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