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Abegail T.

Valesco BS-Accountancy l-B UTS M-W 1:00-2:30


Me as I see me
How others see you isn’t important, how you see yourself means everything.
As a person, you should be yourself, no matter how other person think about you.
As long as you know that you are doing the right thing, and that what you’re
doing are something that makes you happy, then you’re good to go. You cannot
control who will like you, who will vilify you, who will speak kindly of you, who will
judge you, who will love you, who will treat you unfairly, who will support you,
who will spread lies about you, or who will be your biggest fan. We literally
cannot control how any other person is going to feel, think, or treat us. Why
minding their opinion when we can turn our focus to the only thing in this life that
we actually can control, and that is how we feel about ourselves. “Be proud of
who you are, and not ashamed of how someone else sees you.” I learned that
lesson many years ago after going through a series of very difficult events in my
life. I’ve been into depression, anxiety, and faces family problems. I had spent
years trying to please other people, wanting them to recognize the good in me.
Yet, as hard as I tried, there was always someone who would tell me that I wasn’t
enough. I would feel horrible about myself. I would feel sad and discouraged and I
would allow myself to believe that someone else’s view of me was, in fact, true,
not until I realized that, why would I mind there opinion when I have the control
of myself ? and now I am much more better than who I am before. I see myself
much braver, happier and strong. I learn to know who I am, what I want, and
what I want to do in this life. I achieved many goals and now I’m trying to achieve
my dreams, to become CPA someday. Just try to be yourself without minding
others then you will be free. You are the director of your life, don’t play the
scripts written by others.

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