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Vishvanath Suresh nipped a win over Ronel Suyom by split decision,

tallying a score of 30-27 in the IBA Youth Men’s and Women’s World
Boxing Championships 2022 Finals (M48KG) that took place on La Nucia,
Spain last Saturday, November 26, 2022.

Indian Vishvanath Suresh made it happen by bestowing a flurry of blows

in the first round and jointing his athleticism, speed and will-power to
overwhelm the Filipino Ronel Suyom.

Suresh furnished a superb combo by using quick jab, hook and

uppercut to chip the round and clasp the judge’s decisions.

Gutsy Filipino Ronel Suyom had the advantage and confidence but the
Indian boxer had the best of him after three rounds and the end of the fight.

Suyom responded with consistent strikes and great defense before

ending the rounds with 20 seconds that remains.

Vishvanath Suresh was filled with excitement after the match and is now
currently waiting for the schedule of his next fight soon.

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