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Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 81±89

Determination of major and trace elements in sphalerite using laser

ablation double focusing sector ®eld ICP-MS
M.D. Axelsson a, I. Rodushkin b,*
Division of Applied Geology, Lulea University of Technology, S-971 87 Lulea, Sweden
SGAB Analytica, Lulea University of Technology, S-971 87 Lulea, Sweden
Accepted 31 October 2000

The analytical performance of laser ablation (LA) for the determination of Co, Fe, Cd, Ag, Mn, Cu and S in sphalerite was
evaluated using double focusing sector ®eld inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS). Samples were
collected from Zinkgruvan, situated in the south central Sweden. The use of Zn for internal standardisation, together with
correction for FeS impurities in sphalerite, allows straightforward quanti®cation without using external methods for the
determination of the actual Zn content. LA±ICP-SFMS results were compared with data obtained by conventional pneumatic
nebulisation introduction of sample solutions following acid digestion. Good agreement between the two methods was obtained
for homogeneously distributed elements. For the majority of the elements under consideration, LA±ICP-SFMS precision was
better than 10% RSD. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: laser ablation; high resolution ICP-MS; mineral analysis; sphalerite; trace elements

1. Introduction ore system, the Co content in the Zn concentrate has

tended to increase. Values up to 250 mg g 21 have been
Zinkgruvan is the largest zinc mine in Sweden, situ- found. An increased level of Co in the Zn concentrate
ated in the south central part of the country. The ore result in decreased economic value of the mining
system consists of ca. 1.9 Ga old stratiform lenses rich product. Chemical analyses of 300 whole rock drill
in sphalerite (ZnS with some Fe) and containing some core samples distributed over the ore system have
galena (PbS), occurring in a volcano-sedimentary envir- shown that the Co content and the Pb/Zn ratio both
onment (HedstroÈm et al., 1989). The suitability of the vary considerably between different areas (HedstroÈm,
ore for production of zinc concentrate is limited by the 1999). The highest observed Co content in the region
elemental composition due to economic considera- is 0.2%. Minor amounts of cobaltite have been found,
tions. For example, the Co content in the Zn concen- but not enough to explain the Co concentrations of
trate produced in the concentrating plant has usually whole rock samples. Two questions arise, ®rstly
been ,100 mg g 21. In recent years, however, when whether Co to some extent, are structure-bound in
mining operations have started in new areas of the the sphalerite, and secondly, how the Co concentra-
tion in the sphalerite varies between different areas of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 146-920-72489; fax: 146-920-
the ore system.
72490. Together with the Co concentration, impurities of
E-mail address: (I. Rodushkin). Fe, Mn, Cd, Ag and other elements, ranging from low
0375-6742/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0375-674 2(00)00166-7
82 M.D. Axelsson, I. Rodushkin / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 81±89

micrograms per gram to percent levels in the sphaler- sensitivity and lower background levels is obtained by
ite, are of interest. The need for multielement analysis using the latter compared with quadrupole-based mass
in geological materials has encouraged an increased spectrometer systems. Some of the bene®ts of ICP-
interest in analytical techniques such as inductively SFMS were recently demonstrated by the determina-
coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP- tion of platinum group elements in iron meteorites
OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectro- (Campbell and Humayun, 1999). The high-resolution
metry (ICP-MS). The instrumentation, traditionally capability of the ICP-SFMS also improves accuracy
equipped with solution nebulisation (SN) sample for many spectrally interfered isotopes (e.g. 16O2 on
introduction systems, requires transfer of analytes S, 40Ar 16O on 56Fe, 40Ar 14N 1H on 55Mn, 32S2
from the solid phase into solution. Consequently, on 64Zn).
minerals of interest should be separated from the
host rock, prior to dissolution or fusion. Mineral
separation is time consuming, and sample pre-treat- 2. Materials and methods
ment may result in incomplete recovery and/or
analyte losses (Eggins et al., 1998). Moreover, the 2.1. Instrumentation
SN approach provides only bulk chemical data. By
using laser ablation (LA) sample introduction, the The ICP-SFMS instrument used was the
elemental composition of mineral grains can be deter- ELEMENT equipped with an UV Laser Probe laser
mined in situ, with minor sample preparation. ablation system (both from Finnigan MAT, Bremen,
Although successful applications of LA±ICP-OES Germany). The device can be operated in low (LRM,
and LA±ICP-MS for geochemical studies have been m/Dm about 300), medium (MRM, m=Dm ˆ 4500†
extensively reported in the literature, serious problem and high-resolution mode (HRM, m=Dm ˆ 9200†:
may arise from dif®culties in the quanti®cation of Only MRM was used in this work because this was
analyte signals generated by LA. In fact, it has been suf®cient to overcome the spectral interferences
concluded (Watling et al., 1995) that direct quanti®- affecting analytes under consideration in LRM (e.g.
cation of the elemental composition of sulphide Ar 16O 1 interference on the 56Fe isotope, 32S2 on
minerals (including sphalerite), using a 1064-nm Zn). A disadvantage of using MRM compared to
Nd: YAG laser, is impossible. This is because of LRM is that the count rates decrease by a factor of
variations in sample matrices between mineral from approximately 15, which may affect the ability to
varying deposits due to different surface textures, determine ultra-trace elements. Details on instrumen-
different degrees of crystallinity and annealing. tal operating conditions and measuring parameters are
Perkins et al. (1997) describe calibration methods given in Table 1. ICP-SFMS optimisation and mass
for sulphide minerals, with the attempt to produce calibration was carried out using solution nebulisation
quantitative results by using spiked sulphide powders as reported previously (Rodushkin and Ruth, 1997).
and certi®ed metal material as standards. Though System optimisation for solid sampling was
quantitative results were obtained in the same work, performed for the 66Zn signal intensity during
using pressed mineral powders, the principal advan- continuous ablation of a large sphalerite grain. The
tage of LA over SN, is the freedom from of mineral only ICP parameter that has to be changed when shift-
separation and the minimal sample preparation. On ing from liquid to solid introduction is the sample gas
the other hand, accurate results for 10 minor and ¯ow rate (the optimum ¯ow for LA is about
trace elements in sphalerite certi®ed material were 0.2 l min 21 higher than for conventional nebulisation).
obtained by LA±ICP-OES using liquid±solid calibra- The major laser parameters that have to be opti-
tion in another study (Moenke-Blankenburg et al., mised are laser energy and sampling (i.e. ablation
1994). crater) diameter. Generally, higher energy results in
This study was carried out to evaluate the potential higher signal intensity. However, higher laser power
of LA for the direct analysis of sphalerite using double produces a noisy signal resulting from the release of
focusing sector ®eld ICP-MS (ICP-SFMS). The abil- large solid fragments to the plasma. This effect can, to
ity to resolve spectral interferences as well as higher some extent, be overcome by using a defocused laser
M.D. Axelsson, I. Rodushkin / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 81±89 83

Table 1 torch injector and on the sampling cone (Coedo et al.,

ICP-SFMS and LA operating conditions and measurement para- 1995).

Rf power (W) 1400 2.2. Sample preparation and analysis procedure

Sample uptake rate (ml min 21) 0.3 (solution nebulisation only)
Gas ¯ow rates (l min 21) The sphalerite originated from the ore deposits of
Coolant 15
Auxiliary 0.85
Zinkgruvan. The fragments were cut out from core
Nebuliser 1.15±1.30 samples, taken from locations in the sphalerite rich
Ion sampling depth (mm) 9 mining region. For LA, suitable sized (approximately
Ion lens settings Adjusted to obtain maximum 2 cm 2) fragments of the mineral were mounted in fast
signal intensity setting epoxy resin and ground to a ¯at surface using
Torch Demountable with sapphire
SiC followed by aluminium oxide paste, and ®nally
Nebuliser Micro¯ow PFE polished with diamond paste. The surface was
Spray chamber Scott type PFE (double-pass) thoroughly cleaned with ethanol to remove traces of
Sample cone Nickel, 1.1 mm ori®ce diameter polishing agents, followed by rinsing with high-purity
Skimmer Nickel, 0.8 mm ori®ce diameter Milli-Q water (Millipore Milli-Q, Bedford, USA).
Isotopes 32
S, 56Fe, 55Mn, 59Co, 63Cu, The samples were placed in the ablation cell one by
Zn a, 111,114Cd, 107Ag, 115In b one, and the sequence started with the analysis of the
Acquisition mode E-scan carrier gas without LA (argon gas blank). Gas blanks
No. of scans 15
Acquisition window (%) c 120
were measured repeatedly to determine the detection
Search window (%) c 80 limit, based on the 3s criterion. The detection limit
Integration window (%) c 60 was in the low or sub-micrograms per gram range for
Dwell time per sample (ms) 20 all elements except Cu, due to a high blank level
No. of samples per nuclide 25 caused by previous analyses. The laser was then
Laser (Nd:YAG) programmed to perform continuous raster ablation
Wavelength (nm) 266 on four to six areas (0.5±1.5 mm 2 each) in sequence
Pulse width (ns) 3 during approximately 15 min for each sample, in
Pulse energy (mJ) 1.5
Ablation diameter (mm) 40
order to detect possibly inhomogeneous distributions
Distance between points (mm) 0.1 of the impurities in the samples. Extreme care was
Repetition rate (Hz) 20 taken to ensure that the areas were chosen in predo-
Number of shots per point 50 minantly monomineralic parts of the samples. A 30 s
Sample scan mode Zigzag line scan across delay after beginning the ablation was included before
rectangular area (0.5±1.5 mm 2)
Time delay (s) 0.1
commencing ICP-SFMS data acquisition, allowing
analyte material to reach the plasma and the signal
Internal standard LA. to stabilise.
Internal standard nebulisation ICP-SFMS. For SN, sphalerite grains from ®ve drilling core
Percent of peak width.
fragments (remaining from sample preparation for
LA) were ®rst separated by hand, then a Frantz isody-
beam (i.e. larger sampling diameter). The optimum namic magnet separator was used for ®nal separation.
signal to noise ratio was found with 1.5 mJ laser Before dissolving the acquired concentrate, a rough
energy and 40 mm sampling diameter. Signal stability inspection using microscopy was used to provide
was further improved by including a Scott type double qualitative indications about the ef®ciency of the
pass spray chamber between the ablation chamber and separation. This was mostly done to ascertain whether
the ICP torch (Campbell and Humayun, 1999). The some further separation was necessary. The sphalerite
use of a spray chamber allows the particle size of the thus separated (approximately 10 mg per fragment)
ablated material to be controlled, achieving a more was treated with concentrated nitric acid (Merck,
uniform particle size distribution, thereby improving Darmstadt, Germany) using a Grant BT3 wet diges-
precision and preventing deposition of material in the tion system (Grant Instruments Ltd., Cambridge, UK)
84 M.D. Axelsson, I. Rodushkin / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 81±89

and diluted to 2% acid content with Milli-Q water. By considering the mass relationship between FeS
After addition of an internal standard (In), these solu- and ZnS in the solid, in terms of the normalised and
tions were analysed by SN±ICP-SFMS using external observed LA±ICP-SFMS intensities for Fe and Zn,
calibration with a standard that was prepared by dilut- respectively, the following equation is obtained:
ing 1 mg ml 21 single-element standard solutions
R…Fe† LA;norm C M M
(SPEX Plasma Standards, Edison, NJ, USA). ˆ k´ FeS ) k ˆ Fe ´ ZnS
2.3. Quanti®cation for LA±ICP-SFMS 55:84 97:456
ˆ ´ ˆ 0:9467 …1†
65:39 87:906
The dif®culties involved in calibration and quanti-
®cation represent the major problems hindering the where C denotes the mass fraction in the sample and
wider application of LA±ICP-MS, and are largely M the relative atomic or molecular mass, each refer-
ascribable to the currently limited quantity of ring to the species in question. Thus, k represents a
commercially available matrix-matched reference conversion factor from elemental to sulphide concen-
materials. tration ratios. The mass fraction of ZnS in the mineral
In LA±ICP-MS analysis, normalisation of the can then be calculated by making an assumption
response for the analyte to that of an internal standard regarding the bulk composition of the material
(IS, usually an isotope of a major element) is CZnS 1 CFeS ˆ 0:99 ) CFeS ˆ 0:99 2 CZnS …2†
frequently used (Pearce et al., 1997), with the major
element determined by an external method or from The above assumption (Eq. (2)) was made because,
mineral stoichiometry. Electron probe micro-analysis although, it is reasonable that the samples contain
(EPMA) has been used as a complimentary technique elements on impurity levels the main components in
for determination of candidate elements in IS (Pearce sphalerite is Zn, S and Fe. Substitution of Eq. (2) into
et al., 1997; Perkins et al., 1997; Pearce et al., 1992). Eq. (1) and rearrangement yields an expression for the
For sphalerite, Zn is a suitable choice as its concen- mass fraction of ZnS present
tration can be assumed to be relatively constant in the
mineral. 66Zn can therefore be utilised as an IS, and 0:9370
CZnS ˆ   …3†
calibration then consists of establishing the relation- R…Fe†LA;norm
0:9467 1
ship between the observed intensity ratio and the rela- R…Zn†LA
tive concentrations, analyte/IS. This is most In a similar fashion to that used to compute k and
conveniently performed by means of conventional CZnS, the mass fraction of Zn present in the mineral
nebulisation of aqueous standard solutions containing can also be calculated
the elements under consideration. However, if the Zn
concentration was taken from sphalerite stoichiome- 0:6287
CZn ˆ   …4†
try, a signi®cant error may be introduced due to FeS R…Fe†LA;norm
0:9467 1
impurities in the mineral. Fe concentrations from 0.1 R…Zn†LA
to 12% have been reported in sphalerite by Moenke-
Blankenburg et al. (1994) and Watling et al. (1995). In Using this estimate of the minerals Zn content as a
order to decrease the error, the actual Fe content in the starting point, the concentration of any element, X, in
samples has to be taken into consideration. the sample can then be determined
The slope (b) of the Fe calibration curve is given by R…X†LA b…Zn†solution
the instrumental response divided by the known Fe CX ˆ CZn ´ ´ …5†
R…Zn†LA b…X†solution
concentration (b(Fe)solution). The ratio of the slopes
for Fe and the internal standard Zn, can then be calcu- Limitations of this quanti®cation approach may
lated, b(Fe)solution/b(Zn)solution, to yield a normalisation arise from possible changes in analyte/IS ratios
factor between the isotopes. By dividing the measured between SN and LA (for example caused by changes
LA±ICP-SFMS response (R) of Fe by this factor, a in plasma temperature) and from element fractiona-
response normalised to Zn is obtained (R(Fe)LA,norm). tion effects during ablation.
Table 2
Comparison of results obtained for ®ve sphalerite samples by LA±ICP-SFMS and SN±ICP-SFMS

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5


Zn (%) 56.0(0.6) 51.9(1.9) 57.5(0.3) 58.1(0.6) 54.9(1.1) 57.1(1.5) 61.0(0.2) 59.7(0.6) 61.1(3.1) 51.4(1.2)
S (%) 28.2(0.8) 26.1(0.3) 29.9(0.3) 30.5(0.2) 32.2(2.5) 32.2(0.3) 33.1(0.7) 36.7(0.4) 33.0(2.4) 39.0(0.2)
Fe (%) 9.91(0.55) 9.86(0.17) 8.47(0.27) 8.83(0.23) 10.9(0.9) 9.83(0.1) 5.16(0.20) 5.08(0.03) 5.06(2.97) 3.75(0.03)
Mn (%) 0.169(0.013) 0.163(0.002) 0.231(0.007) 0.225(0.006) 0.577(0.192) 0.189(0.002) 0.128(0.004) 0.113(0.001) 0.034(0.003) 0.027(0.001)
Cd (mg g 21) 945(18) 963(5) 341(16) 361(17) 632(28) 842(8) 757(21) 813(2) 753(50) 805(1)
Co (mg g 21) 179(5) 164(2) 124(3) 128(6) 442(45) 489(7) 89(2) 92(1) 469(34) 456(4)
Cu (mg g ) 66(42) 123(15) 86(40) 63(1) 87(14) 55(2) 42(14) 22(1) 47000(42000) 21600(130)
Ag (mg g 21) 5.7(1.2) 4.3(0.4) 9.9(4.6) 5.5(0.7) 4.4(1.1) 3.7(0.2) 10.9(3.3) 10.3(0.5) 10.4(3.0) 3.3(0.3)
Total (%) 94.4 88.2 96.1 97.7 98.7 99.5 99.5 101.7 103.9 96.5

Standard deviation for results obtained for different ablation areas within the samples …n ˆ 4±6†:
Standard deviation for replicate analysis …n ˆ 3†:
M.D. Axelsson, I. Rodushkin / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 81±89
86 M.D. Axelsson, I. Rodushkin / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 81±89

3. Results and discussion minerals with similar separation properties. The

mineral separation technique used ensures only
The results obtained using LA±ICP-SFMS and about 95% sample enrichment in sphalerite. Secondly,
SN±ICP-SFMS for ®ve sphalerite samples are given SN provides only the bulk concentrations, while LA
in Table 2. When evaluating the accuracy of the LA± data can be affected by internal chemical zoning
ICP-SFMS results by comparison with SN±ICP- within samples. Fig. 1 demonstrates two examples
SFMS data, two important facts should be kept in of different elemental distributions within the
mind. Firstly, the concentrates obtained for sphalerite samples. As follows from these data, sample A is
digestion may not be fully separated from other homogeneous regarding both Co and Mn. On the

0.0025 0.012
Co, sample A Co, sample B
Ratio 59Co intensity/64Zn intensity

Ratio 59Co intensity/64Zn intensity






0 0
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

0.03 0.08

Mn, sample A Mn, sample D

Ratio 55Mn intensity/64Zn intensity

Ratio 55Mn intensity/64Zn intensity



0.015 0.04




0 0
Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

Fig. 1. Ratios (analyte/Zn) in pro®les from different ablation areas for Co (A) and Mn (A) in one homogeneous sphalerite sample. Ratios for Co
(B) and Mn (D) in two different inhomogeneous sphalerite samples analysed by LA±ICP-SFMS.
M.D. Axelsson, I. Rodushkin / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 81±89 87

contrary, signi®cant differences in concentrations are caused by the laser. Poor LA±ICP-SFMS results for
evident between different areas of samples B and D. Cu are attributed to problems with high instrumental
As a result of this inhomogeneity, the spread of LA± blank levels caused by contamination from previous
ICP-SFMS results signi®cantly increases for such analyses. The Ag sensitivity when using LA±ICP-
samples. Among the ®ve samples analysed by both SFMS in MRM is only about 100 counts s 21 mg g 21,
techniques (Table 2), results for two were affected which is responsible for the relatively high discre-
by this phenomenon: sample 3 (for Mn and Co) and pancies between results for this element. An
5 (Fe, Co and Cu). In sample 1, 2 and 5 some additional indication of the accuracy of the LA
problems to analyse the sulphur content can be seen. results for major elements is that the total concen-
The theoretical composition of monosulphides should tration is close to 100% (being in the range
be in the 32±34% range, the inaccuracy occurring for 94.4±103.9%).
sulphur for both for SN and for LA determinations The spread of results obtained within one sampling
need special evaluation when accuracy better than area is generally within 10% RSD, re¯ecting the
just a few percent is needed. It should also be noted homogeneity of sphalerite grains on the mm scale.
that the Cu concentration in sample 5 is higher than in When sample inhomogeneity on the cm scale is not
the other samples by about three orders of magnitude a limiting factor, precision for LA expressed as RSD
and shows very large differences between ablated for results for different areas within one sample are as
areas within the sample. A probable explanation for a rule, better than 5% for all elements under consid-
this behaviour is the ªchalcopyrite disease in sphal- eration except for Cu and Ag (Table 2).
eriteº, which is well-known to result in high concen- Application of LA±ICP-SFMS for the analysis of
tration Cu inclusions the sphalerite. These inclusions sphalerite grains in drill core samples from Zinkgru-
are clearly a result of the replacement of the original van reveals signi®cant variations in Co and Cu
Fe-bearing sphalerite by an aggregate of chalcopyrite concentrations in the ore system.
(CuFeS2) and low-Fe sphalerite as an integral part of
the mineralisation process (Barton and Bethke, 1987).
It should be noted that the presence of percent level 4. Conclusions
impurities in sphalerite from elements other than Fe
will introduce additional errors for all analytes LA±ICP-SFMS is a useful tool for the rapid analy-
because of the inaccuracy in calculating the IS (Zn) sis of sphalerite with minor sample preparation. The
concentration. The presence of zones with different results presented show that element fractionation
element concentrations within 2 cm 2 sphalerite during ablation and transport does not present a ®rst
samples highlights the need for analysing a few order problem. By using the 66Zn isotope as internal
areas on each sample if the bulk chemical composi- standard and correction for FeS content, accurate data
tion is of interest. Though the sub-millimetre spatial can be obtained for elements ranging from tens of
resolution of the LA allows study of the internal micrograms per gram to tens of percent levels in the
chemical zoning in sphalerite grains, it was outside sphalerite. For the determination of low-abundance
the scope of this work. elements, such as Ag, that are present in the mineral
With reservation for the aforementioned examples, at low and sub-micrograms per gram levels, LRM
close agreement between the LA and SN results for S, should be used. Though sub-millimetre resolution
Mn, Fe, Cd, and Co is obvious, as differences between can be achieved with the technique, analysis of differ-
the two data sets are generally less than 10%. The ent grains is mandatory in order to gain information of
close correlation between results obtained by the the bulk concentrations in the samples. Due to the
two techniques (Fig. 2) af®rms that these elements minimal amount of material needed for analysis by
are probably incorporated in the sphalerite structure LA±ICP-SFMS, in-house solid mineral standards of
and not occurring in separate mineral inclusions. The cut sphalerite mineral can be produced by a combina-
slope values systematically and signi®cantly is less tion of quantitative analysis of sample digests by
than unity. This error (6±10%) can be addressed to SN±ICP-SFMS and checking for within sample
sample inhomogeneity and ablation fractionation homogeneity by LA.
88 M.D. Axelsson, I. Rodushkin / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 72 (2001) 81±89

600 1200
Co Cd

500 1000

400 800

LA-ICP-SFMS, µg g-1
LA-ICP-SFMS, µg g-1

300 600

200 400

100 200
y = 0.9418x + 10.271 y = 0.9087x - 2.1285
R2 = 0.9847 R2 = 0.8814
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
SN-ICP-SFMS, µg g-1 SN-ICP-SFMS, µg g-1





y = 0.911x + 1.095
R = 0.9372
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fig. 2. Correlation between LA and SN±ICP-SFMS results for Co, Cd and Fe in ®ve samples using two methods. Error bars included denote
one standard deviation.

Acknowledgements References

Special thanks are due to Douglas Baxter for valu- Barton, P.B., Bethke, P.M., 1987. Chalcopyrite disease in sphaler-
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È hlander and Campbell, A.J., Humayun, M., 1999. Trace element microanalyses
manuscript. Thanks also to BjoÈrn O in iron meteorites by laser ablation ICPMS. Anal. Chem. 71,
Petra Appelblad for valuable comments and discus- 939±946.
sions during the work. This study was ®nanced by Coedo, A.G., Dorado, M.T., Fernandez, B.J., 1995. Spark ablation
Zinkgruvan Mining AB and Norrbottens forsknings- as sampling device for inductively-coupled plasma-mass spec-
raÊd. Sphalerite samples were provided by Per trometric analysis of low-alloyed steels. Anal. At. Spectrom. 10,
HedstroÈm and Anders Zetterqvist, additional Eggins, S.M., Rudnick, R.L., McDonough, W.F., 1998. The compo-
sample preparation was done by Jan-Anders sition of peridotites and their minerals: a laser-ablation ICP-MS
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