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Serial Number Question Signature

1 Given the school result data, analyses the performance of the
students on different parameters, e.g subject wise or class wise.
2 Given the school result data, analyses the performance of the
students on different parameters, e.g subject wise or class wise.
3 Take data of your interest from an open source (e.g.,
aggregate and summarize it. Then plot it using different plotting
functions of the Matplotlib library
4 Create a panda’s series from a dictionary of values and a ndarray.
5 Given a Series, print all the elements that are above the 75th
6 Create a Data Frame quarterly sales where each row contains the
item category, item name, and expenditure. Group the rows by the
category and print the total expenditure per category.
7 Create a data frame for examination result and display row labels,
column labels data types of each column and the dimensions
8 Filter out rows based on different criteria such as duplicate rows
9 Write a Pandas program to perform arithmetic operations on two
Pandas Series
10 Write a Pandas program to select the rows the percentage is between
70 and 90 (inclusive)
11 Importing and exporting data between pandas and CSV file.
(a) To create and open a data frame using Student_result.csv’ file
using Pandas.
(b.) To display row labels, column labels data types of each column
and the dimensions
(c.)To display the shape (number of rows and columns) of the CSV
12 12.Read the ‘Student_result.csv’ to create a data frame and do the
following operation:
(a) .To display Roll no, Gender and total from ‘student_result.csv’
(b).To display the first 5 and last 5 records from ‘student_result.csv’
13 Filter out rows based on different criteria such as duplicate rows
14 For the Data frames created above, analyze, and plot appropriate
charts with title and legend.
• Show the Average score of each subject
15 To create a student csv file from dataframe.
16 To modify the employee name from with help of csv in excel.
17 Subtract the mean of a row from each element of the row in a Data
18 Write a program to plot a bar chart in python to display the result of a
school for five consecutive years.
19 To visualize weather report for three consecutive weeks through line
plot using weather data.csv as shown fig
20 Assume a dataframe df that contains data about climate condition of
various cities with c1,c2,c3,c4 and c5 as index a given dataframe and
given the output
(a). Df.shape
(b). df[1:2]
(c). df.loc[‘c2’,:’c3’,’city’]
(d). sf.loc[2]
21 Consider the following table spice below:
(a) to increase the price of turmeric by RS100.
(b) to display the spice name, spice price and spice manufacturer of
all the spice in descending order of price.
(c) to insert a new row with the following value: SP1006,
Cardamom, 1450, 4, TATA
(d) right the output of the following command: SELECT spice name,
spice price from spice where spice name like 'powder';
22 Create a student table with the student id, name, and marks as
attributes where the student id is the primary key
23 Consider the following tables product and client. Write the SQL
command for the statement give the output of MY SQL queries.
(a) To display the details of those clients whose city is delhi.
(b) To display the details of product whose price is in the range of 50
to 100.
24 Write MYSQL code to demonstrate ascending order, select and
where clause
25 Write MYSQL code to demonstrate degree and cardinality of a table
along with pop and delete function\
26 Write SQL code to demonstrate aggregate functions such as count,
maximum etc. along with null value.
27 Example of mathematical/numeric function.
28 Some common string function.
29 Date and time function
30 Write MYSQl code to demonstrate COUNT and SUM function

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