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1. What are your difficulties in learning?

 My weakness when it comes to studies is memorization, and I can

easily lose focus. That’s why when our examination day comes, I have
a hard time to answer easily because the lecture that my prof(s) teach
to us don't sink into my brain.

2. What do you think is the most effective learning strategy to

avoid the difficulties mentioned above?

 For me the best way to avoid mental block and to be able to focus on
your studies is to get enough of sleep and always read dictionary. I
also prefer to watch german and english movies to learn a lot and
become even more proficient in speaking english.

3. What do you think is the least effective learning strategy to

avoid the difficulties mentioned above?

 Studying for long periods of time. Studying a single subject for a long
period of time and repeating phrases over and over to memorize them
(known as massed practice) Reviewing one topic repeatedly before
moving onto another topic (blocked practice) Reading and rereading a
text when you’re reviewing. Also, students often use ineffective
learning strategies such as rereading, highlighting, underlining and

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