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, 45:683–684 (2005)

Sharing the Secrets of Life Without Water

University of Massachusetts–Amherst

Water and life are inseparable. No known living erance in the crustacean, Artemia franciscana, and pre-
thing can function without water, and there is life sents new data on related tolerance of heat.
wherever there is water on Earth (Rothschild and Man- Negative correlation between the length of desic-
cinelli, 2001). One of the greatest problems of living cation that seeds and spores can survive and the num-
on land is thus that the air is almost always deadly ber of double bonds in the acyl chains of the lipids in
dry. For example, at equilbrium with air of 50% rel- their membranes indicates that deterioration of mem-
ative humidity at 208C, cells have a water content of branes limits the longevity of plants in the desiccated
about 0.1 g H2O g21 dry mass. This is probably not state and that lipid composition is important (Hoekstra,
enough water to surround the proteins and membranes this issue). Kranner and Birtić (this issue) emphasize
in a cell (Billi and Potts, 2002) and so stops metabo- the importance of anti-oxidants as scavengers of free
lism and kills almost all animals and plants. radicals that cause oxidation damage during desicca-
However, a very few animals, a few plants, and an tion; the major anti-oxidant glutathione may trigger
unknown proportion of microbes can be separated programmed cell death if not itself re-reduced. These
from water for a time. They can dry without dying, papers suggest that all desiccation tolerance relies
survive for hours to decades in a desiccated, ameta- mainly on a small set of mechanisms that stabilize
bolic state, and then recover full function after rewet- macromolecules and membranes as cells dry and that
ting. They are either small or found mainly where few protect cells from damage while dry. However, the de-
other organisms can survive. Though still little-known tails of the mechanisms differ between species.
even among biologists, this general taxonomic and The second six papers explore the evolution and
ecological scope of desiccation tolerance was well-es- ecology of desiccation-tolerant animals and plants:
how does tolerance affect fitness and when is it se-
tablished a half-century ago (Alpert, 2000). What has
lected for? Treonis and Wall (this issue) show that
awaited answer with more modern techniques are the
nematodes in the soil of Antarctica may have only
twin puzzles raised by the prodigious survival yet
rare, brief periods of activity when soil moisture is
modest distribution of desiccation-tolerant organisms:
high. Walters et al. (this issue) report evidence that
How do they tolerate desiccation? and Why are they
mild temperature and moderate humidity reduce the
not more common?
longevity of desiccated organisms. Ricci and Caprioli
These were therefore the two central topics of the (this issue) find no obvious metabolic cost of desic-
symposium on ‘‘the comparative mechanisms and evo- cation cycles in rotifers, and present evidence that they
lution of desiccation tolerance in animals, microbes, do not age while desiccated, but note that terrestrial
and plants,’’ held at the 2005 meeting of the Society rotifers, in which tolerance is obligate, tend to have
for Integrative Biology. This was the first symposium lower fecundity than aquatic ones. Jönsson (this issue)
since the advent of molecular genetics to compare all reports a similar link between low fecundity and tol-
three groups of desiccation-tolerant organisms, and as- erance in tardigrades, and a link with large egg size.
sembled researchers from four continents and from One reason why tolerance in plants may be more
disciplines ranging from ecology to biophysics. easily evolved than in animals is that genes necessary
The first six papers consider the mechanisms of des- for tolerance are conserved through selection on seeds
iccation tolerance, how tolerance is achieved. Bartels and spores. Comparison between the molecular biol-
(this issue) reviews evidence for the importance of ogy and physiology of tolerance in seeds and vegeta-
sugars, protective proteins, and regulatory genes in sta- tive tissues in angiosperms supports the hypothesis
bilization in the desiccation-tolerant flowering plant, that the second is derived from the first (Illing et al.,
Craterostigma plantigineum. During desiccation, the this issue). Tolerance in adult bryophytes may likewise
nematode Aphelenchus avenae upregulates genes that be derived from tolerance in spores (Oliver et al., this
encode some unique proteins but also some members issue). Together, these papers tend to support the gen-
of a protein family associated with tolerance in plants eral view that avoiding desiccation when possible may
(Goyal et al., this issue). Kikawada et al. (this issue) lead to greater productivity than tolerating it, causing
note the importance of sugar synthesis during drying tolerance to be lost through evolution when not essen-
in inducing tolerance in the larva of the fly Polype- tial.
dilum vanderplanki; in this species, a behavioral re- Understanding the mechanisms and evolution of tol-
sponse that slows drying appears to help ensure time erance enables us to ask a third, more self-interested
for synthesis. Clegg (this issue) reviews the biochem- question: Can we engineer it? None of the animals or
istry and biophysics associated with desiccation tol- plants raised by humans for food can tolerate desic-


cation, and drought is probably the major environmen- sue) seconds this hopeful prognosis for single cells and
tal cause of famine worldwide. Supplies of blood and calls for a further focus on trade-offs between toler-
other human cells for medical use are strongly limited ance and productivity.
by their short storage life while fresh. Can we engineer The symposium was generously supported by the
tolerance in sensitive species or cells? The last three Society, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Na-
papers examine the prospects for creating desiccation tional Science Foundation, and grants to individual
tolerance. Crowe et al. (this issue) describe how the participants from their home institutions and other so-
main sugar involved in tolerance in animals, trehalose, cieties and agencies. Thanks to the symposium partic-
has been successfully used to induce tolerance in hu- ipants and to the editorial staff of ICB, the immediate
man blood platelets, and how borrowing a stress pro- result is this issue.
tein from Artemia has helped improve tolerance in nu-
cleated cells. Based on a comparison between respons- REFERENCES
es to drying in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Potts Alpert, P. 2000. The discovery, scope, and puzzle of desiccation
et al. (this issue) propose that ‘‘a common set of struc- tolerance in plants. Plant Ecology 151:5–17.
Billi, D. and M. Potts. 2002. Life and death of dried prokaryotes.
tural, physiological and molecular mechanisms’’ for Research in Microbiology 153:7–12.
desiccation tolerance may lead us to the designs for Rothschild, L. J. and R. L. Mancinelli. 2001. Life in extreme envi-
extending tolerance to sensitive cells. Alpert (this is- ronments. Nature 409:1092–1101.

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