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Vol. 8, No. 3, 1972



Department o] Bota~y and Department o] Agronomy, University o] Florida,
GainesviUe, Flordia 32601

An important development in the field of plant cell and tissue culture has been the
demonstration in the past decade of the totipotency of higher plant cells. Isolated single
cells were first successfully grown on a nurse tissue separated by a filter paper and gave
rise to a callus tissue. Later, completely isolated single cells of tobacco were grown in
microchambers to form small clumps of cells which then could be differentiated to form
adult tobacco plants. Indirect evidence of the totipotency of higher plant cells has
also been provided in a number of other plants. Embryo-like structures (or embryoids) or
whole plants, or both, have been obtained from such highly differentiated cells as the
pollen grains (gametic and haploid), photosynthetic palisade cells in leaves, epidermal
cells from the hypocotyl, and the triploid endosperm cells; all of these cell types
perform very highly specialized functions in the plant. Plant protoplasts (cell wall is
digested with enzymes) have also been cultured to give rise to normal adult plants. In
many instances embryoids have been produced in vitro from several species of flowering
plants which do not show such asexual activity in nature. These embryoids are normally
indistinguishable morphologically from embryos produced by gametic fusion, often fol-
low the same pattern of cell divisions and differentiation as the developing zygote, and
are economically important as they provide clonal populations. Early work in this area
emphasized the necessity of dissociating tissues into single cells and providing a nutri-
tional environment identical to that of tim zygote in the embryo sac (usually by
supplementing the medium with liquid endosperm from coconuts), before the cells could
be released morphogenetically to express their totipotency by forming embryoids. Much
of the recent work, however, has shown that perfect development of embryoids can be
obtained in completely synthetic media in callus tissues as well as in suspension cultures.

Plant cell and tissue cultures have two impor- zygote after normal gametic fusion. In this re-
tant characteristics; the ability to regenerate spect, higher plant cell and tissue cultures differ
normal adult plants from single cells or groups of from similar animal cell and tissue cultures and
highly specialized cells, and in many cases to offer an important experimental system for the
recapitulate various stages of cell division, differ- study of cell function and differentiation. This
entiation, and morphogenesis undergone by the paper reviews and summarizes some of the
outstanding demonstrations of totipotency and
* This paper is dedicated to the memory of the embryogenesis in plant cell and tissue cultures.
late Professor Philip R. White, a dear friend who
provided much counsel and inspiration to us both, TOTIPOTENCY IN PLANT C E L L
for his pioneering work, valuable contributions, and AND TrSSUE CULTURES
untiring efforts in developing the science of plant
cell, tissue, and organ culture. The concept of cellular totipotency is inherent
Florida Agricultural Experiment. Stations Jour- in the Cell Theory of Sehleiden (1) and
nal Series No. 4699. Schwann (2), proposed during 1838-1839, and
Presented in the Symposium on Functional Dif-
ferentiated Systems at the 23rd Annual Meeting popularized by Virchow (3) in 1858 with his
of the Tissue Culture Association, Los Angeles, famous aphorism "omnis cellula e cellula"
California, June 5-8, 1972. (every cell from a cell). However, no attempts

were made to obtain any experimental evidence most important factor in the failure of his ex-
to support the idea of totipotency until 1878, periments. Further, he used the mature and
when VSchting (4) succeeded in dissecting highly differentiated mesophyll and palisade
plants into smaller and smaller fragments and cells from leaves, ill the belief that the natural
keeping the fragments viable and growing. The photosynthetic ability of these cells will prove
ultimate and unequivocal proof of cellular totip- advantageous for their survival and growth. He
otency could come only from the cultivation also used tissues from many monocotyledonous
and growth of isolated cells into whole orga- species. We know that even now, 70 years later,
nisms. This problem was set forth clearly and and with modern techniques and access to highly
boldly more than half a century after the for- improved nutrient media and plant growth sub-
mulation of the cell theory, by the famous bota- stances, it is generally very difficult, if not im-
nist Gottlieb Haberlandt (5), in a classically possible, to culture successfully mesophyll and
prophetic paper entitled "Experiments on the palisade cells, or tissues from many monocotyle-
Culture of Isolated Plant Cells" (a complete donous species.
English translation of the original paper has Haberlandt thus introduced the idea of plant
been published by Krikorian and Berquam (6), cell and tissue and organ culture, but it was left
along with an analysis of Haberlandt's work), to Molliard (7), Kotte (8, 9), and Robbins (10,
presented before a meeting of the Mathematics 11) to cultivate successfully fragments of plant
and Natural Sciences Section of the Vienna embryos and excised plant roots for brief peri-
Academy of Sciences in Berlin on February 6, ods of time. The first successful culture of ex-
1902. He made a number of important and far- cised roots for indefinite periods of time was
reaching predictions in his paper, based on pre- achieved by White (12) in 1934. A few years
liminary and largely unsuccessful laboratory ex- later, in 1939, Gautheret (13) in Paris,
periments, which nonetheless were to be experi- Nob~court (14) in Grenoble, and White (15) in
mentally tested and proved correct half a cen- Princeton, independently succeeded in cultivat-
tury later. For example, he suggested using em- ing cambial tissues of carrot and tobacco for
bryo sac fluids (coenocytic liquid endosperm) prolonged periods. The original cultures of ex-
for inducing cell divisions in vegetative cells, the cised tomato roots started by White in 1934, and
possibility of successfully cultivating artificial of carrot phloem tissue started by Gautheret in
embryos from vegetative cells, using the tech- 1937, are still being routinely grown and main-
nique of the culture of isolated plant cells in tained.
nutrient solutions for the investigation of the Extensive cell proliferation, and the formation
properties and potentialities of cells, and using of a relatively undifferentiated and homogeneous
such experimental techniques to understand the mass of cells called callus, can be obtained in a
"interrelationships and complementary influ- variety of higher plants. One of the common
ences to which cells within a multicellular whole methods used to obtain such calli, which are
organism are exposed." capable of indefinite growth with periodic sub-
Haberlandt attempted the culture of palisade culturing, is to grow explants from various parts
and mesophyll cells from leaves in Knop's sim- of a plant in a nutrient agar medium supple-
ple salt solution in hanging drop cultures. Ex- mented with an auxin (2,4-dichlorophen-
tension growth of cells continued up to 3 weeks oxyacetic acid, indoleaeetic acid, naphthalene-
in culture and resulted in a 2-fold increase in acetic acid, etc.) and a eytokinin (kinetin or
length as well as width. No nuclear or cell divi- 6-furfurylaminopurine), or very often an auxin
sion, however, took place. The absence of much like 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid alone. Cells
growth or any cell divisions in his cultures can which proliferate under the influence of the
be attributed to many factors. He noted that above plant growth substances are rather large,
"the cultured plant cells were impaired only thin-walled, vaeuolated, differentiated, and ma-
slightly in their progress by the presence of nu- ture parenchyma cells and must undergo dedif-
merous bacteria in the culture solutions," and ferentiation in order to become meristematic and
therefore, did not try to achieve complete steril- mitotically active. During this process, particu-
ity in his cultures. His choice of experimental larly in the presence of auxins, many changes
material was also unfortunate and perhaps the are noticeable in cells of the explant. These in-

dude enlargement of nuclei and nucleoli, appear- these experiments was the essential role of the
ance of vacuoles in nucleoli, an increase in the nurse tissue in the survival and growth of the
density of nucleohistones around the nucleoli, isolated single cell. However, it was not possible
and increased synthesis of proteins, DNA, and by this technique to monitor continuously and
particularly ribosomal RNA (16-23). Increased record the growth and divisions of the isolated
differentiation of the granular zone in the nu- cell. Bergmann (26, 27), therefore, introduced
cleolus and the formation of ribosomal precursor the plating technique which made it possible to
particles or the ribonucleoprotein particles takes grow a large number of single cell clones in a
place during cell proliferation induced by the relatively easy manner, and also permitted some
au.'dn herbicide, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyaeetie acid degree of freedom in observing the cells in cul-
(22). ture under an inverted microscope. Suspension
Once a continuing callus culture has been ob- cultures are filtered through sterile gauze of var-
tained, segments of it are transferred into a liq- iable porosity to obtain a nearly uniform popu-
uid nutrient medium and incubated on a gyra- lation of single cells; almost always these prepa-
tory shaker. Viable and growing cell suspensions rations are "contaminated" by the presence of
can be maintained in liquid media by transfer- small clmnps containing two or more cells. Sin-
ring small aliquots of the cell suspension to fresh gle cell suspensions are then mixed in nutrient
media every 2 to 4 weeks. Such suspension cul- agar medium and plated over agar media in
tures yield large populations of single cells, as Petri dishes. In Bergmann's experiments, about
well as groups of cells, and can be used as con- 20% of the plated single cells grew to form col-
venient sources for obtaining single cells. onies which could be subcultured. Essentially
It is with such suspension cultures that most the same procedure with a higher plating
of the work on single cell culture and totipo- efficiency was later used by Gibbs and Dougall
tency in higher plants has been done. Muir, Hil- (28), Blakely (29), Blakely and Steward (30),
debrandt, and Riker (24, 25) devised an inge- and Earle and Torrey (31, 32) to obtain colonies
nious technique to culture single plant ceils. from single cells of a number of different plants.
Cells from suspension cultures of grape, mari- Reinert (33) used a highly friable strain of the
gold, and tobacco were isolated and placed on crown gall tissue cultures of Vitis vinifera, which
8-ram = pieces of sterile filter paper which had could be easily spread with a spatula on the
rested for 2 or more days on the surface of an surface of chemically defined media in Petri
actively growing callus from the same species. dishes. He reported that, "Usually division of
The filter paper squares were then replaced on the isolated cells starts during the first 12 days
the surface of the callus tissue which now acted after spreading. However, others remain quies-
as a nurse tissue for the isolated single cell. Nu- cent for between 30 and 50 days. Most of these
trients as well as growth substances required for quiescent cells were in regions of the agar free
the growth and division of the isolated cell evi- from other cells and cell groups and their divi-
dently passed through the filter paper and stim- sion was found to occur as such regions of the
ulated the cell to divide repeatedly to form a agar became invaded with growing cells. It is
callus. Within 6 to 10 weeks a callus about 4 mm therefore concluded that the initiation of divi-
in diameter was formed from the single cell and sion in such cells is dependent on their coming
could be transferred directly onto nutrient agar under the sphere of influence of actively growing
media for further growth. These calli can be cells." Thus, even in the plating experiments, the
cultured indefinitely by subculturing and, given neighboring cells and cell groups perform the
our present knowledge about the control of or- function of the nurse tissue of Muir et aI. (24,
ganogenesis, can be used for differentiating 25).
shoots or roots, or whole plants. Jones et al. (34) used the microculture cham-
The results from the nurse tissue culture ex- ber to grow single cells of hybrid tobacco. Mi-
periments dearly demonstrated for the first time crochambers are prepared by placing two 22-
that single isolated cells of higher plants could mm 2, no. 1, cover glasses about 18 mm apart on
give rise to masses of tissue which retained the droplets of sterile U.S.P. heavy mineral oil on a
capacity to differentiate and undergo morphogen- glass slide. A drop of the conditioned medium
esis (24, 25). An important fact brought out by (medium in which cells have already grown for

some time) with one or more cells is placed in In the last few years improved techniques
between the two cover glasses and immediately have been developed to remove tile cell wall
covered by another cover glass and sealed from plant cells by enzyme treatments to pro-
around the edges with mineral oil. Many single duce large populations of viable plant proto-
cell clones were obtained by this method, which plasts (54). Nagata and Takebe (55) and Tak-
also allowed continuous observation of cells dur- ebe, Labib, and Melehers (56) have recently
ing their growth, enlargement, division, matura- succeeded in developing mature and fertile to-
tion, and senescence. It was still necessary to use bacco plants from protoplasts of tobacco meso-
a conditioned medium, and generally have more phyll cells? We have recently used the mieroeul-
than one cell per culture, to obtain continued ture chamber technique to grow protoplasts
growth and cell divisions. from mesophyll cells of tobacco, and mesophyll
The microculture chamber was used later by and petal protoplasts of Petunia (57). Detailed
Vasil and Hildebrandt (35) to obtain cell colo- observations on cell wall regeneration, move-
nies from completely isolated (only one cell in ment of cell organelles, cytoplasmic streaming,
each microeulture) single cells of hybrid tobacco and cell division in the protoplasts can be made
growing in fresh and previously unconditioned by this technique. There are several advantages
nutrient media. The same authors soon provided in using protoplasts as a source of single cell
an unequivocal evidence of the totipoteney of clones: protoplasts can generally be obtained in
the higher plant cell by successfully growing a pure single cell populations as compared to sin-
single and isolated tobacco cell to a mature and gle cells and cell groups grown in suspension
flowering plant (36, 37). The concept of cellular cultures, plating efficiency of protoplasts is
totipoteney was proved beyond doubt by these higher than that of plated cell suspensions, and
experiments, and was further strengthened by mesophyll cells appear to be uniformly diploid
indirect evidence of totipotency demonstrated in comparison to variations in the ploidy of cells
by several other workers using diploid tissues of in callus or suspension cultures.
many other angiosperms (38-42). Highly differentiated and mature haploid, dip-
Recent work has shown that it is not only the loid, and triploid cells of higher plants, normally
diploid somatic cells of higher plants which re- destined for diverse and highly specialized func-
tain their totipoteney through countless mitotic tions in the plant body, have thus been shown to
divisions and cellular differentiation, but even retain their full genetic potential which can be
haploid gametic tissues and triploid tissues unmasked under appropriate conditions in vitro
formed after meiosis and gametic fusion are ca- to produce normal and mature plants.
pable of proliferating and giving rise to haploid
and triploid plants, respectively. Anther cultures
of Datura (43-45), tobacco (46-48), rice (49),
Brassica (50), and some other plants 1 have been Regeneration of whole plants from cells, tis-
used to obtain large numbers of haploid plants. sues, or segments from different parts of the
In most eases it is the vegetative cell within the plant body is a relatively common phenomenon in
young pollen grain which divides repeatedly and most plant groups and is an important means of
gives rise either to a callus or directly to an vegetative propagation in nature as well as in
embryoid and a plantlet. Clonal populations of horticulture and agriculture. Buds formed from
haploid plants can be obtained by this tech- cells or groups of cells in roots of Cichorium and
nique; monozygous diploids can be obtained in Convolvulus, leaves of Bryophyllum and Kalan-
tobacco by culturing stem segments of haploids ehoe, inflorescences and flowers of Agave and
which undergo duplication of chromosome num- Liriope, and from epidermal cells in the leaves
ber during cell proliferation. The generally tri- of Begonia or the hypocotyl of Linum develop
ploid endosperm tissue of angiosperms, formed into normal adult plants. Buds, shoots, and roots
by the fusion of two haploid female nuclei with also develop readily in tissue cultures derived
a haploid sperm nucleus, has also been shown to from various tissues and organs of a wide vari-
proliferate in culture and undergo morphogene- ety of flowering plants. There is good experi-
sis to give rise to triploid plants (51-53). mental evidence to indicate that such differen-
1See note 1, p. 127. 2See note 2, p. 127.

tiation and organogenesis is under hormonal genesis in normally quiescent carrot tissues and
control. In many flowering plants, particularly cell suspensions, respectively. A 2- to 2.5-mg ex-
several varieties of Citrus and mango, vegetative plant of carrot secondary phloem, containing
embryos are produced within the seed without 25,000 to 28,000 cells, grew to a weight of 200 to
any fusion of gametes. These apomietie embryos 300 mg in 3 weeks and contained about
arise by the development of diploid somatic cells 2,500,000 cells, whereas an aliquot of cells ob-
of the nueellus, which surrounds the embryo sac, tained from a single embryo of carrot in suspen-
and generally follow the same sequence and pat- sion culture, formed up to 100,000 young em-
tern of cell divisions as undergone by the zygote bryoids when plated in a single Petri dish. Co-
during normal embryogenesis. In many cases conut milk is the principal nutritive substance
perfect embryo-like structures or embryoids, which bathes the young coconut embryo during
which closely simulate the development of the its development in nature. Endosperms of most
zygotic embryo, develop in vitro from cell and flowering plants, whether free nuclear or cellular
tissue cultures derived from virtually any part in development, perform a similar function; like
of the plant body. the coconut they can be extracted with relative
Sequential development of root and shoot pri- ease in species like horse chestnut and corn and
mordia and whole carrot plantlets in callus cul- are advantageous in plant tissue culture media.
tures was reported more than 20 years ago (58, On the basis of their extensive investigations of
59). Formation of embryoids from higher plant the carrot tissue culture system, Steward et al.
~issues in vitro was, however, first reported by (63) concluded that the tendency of diploid cells
Reinert (60-62), who showed that cells in callus in culture to behave as zygotes is a result of the
tissue derived from the root of carrot form em- fulfillment, in such cultures, of certain conditions
bryo-like structures. Tissue cultures obtained normally found in the angiosperm embryo sac,
from the secondary phloem of carrot root have and that in order to "release the totipotency of
since been used extensively and have provided any diploid carrot cell it is necessary (a) to
an important system for the study of embryo- obtain it, like the zygote, as a free cell, and (b)
genesis in vitro. Steward et al. (38) have cul- to cause it to divide under the influence of the
tured cells and cell groups from segments of special nutrients drawn from the environment of
carrot root in suspension cultures. Cells and cell natural, immature, zygotic embryos."
clusters withdrawn periodically from such cul- These conclusions have been vigorously chal-
tures show a variety of forms, some of which lenged by many workers who have duplicated
simulate various stages of embryogenesis in car- Steward's work on carrot tissues in relatively
rot. Many unorganized masses of tissue are also compact callus tissues grown on completely de-
formed in the same cultures, which later give fined nutrient media. As is shown by several
rise to nodules with roots. The rooted nodules, examples in the following discussion, it is not
when transferred to nutrient agar media, form essential to dissociate plant cells into single cells
shoots and ultimately normal and adult carrot to induce them to behave like zygotes and form
plants. Cell suspensions obtained from shaking embryoids. However, it is not yet entirely clear
carrot embryos in liquid media proliferate vigor- whether the embryoids formed in callus tissues,
ously and contain some large, vacuolated, undif- or from epidermal cells or nueellar cells sur-
ferentiated cells which occur singly or in clus- rounding the embryo sac in the ovule, originate
ters, and large numbers of embryo-like forms, from cells which are isolated from neighboring
which recapitulate in a surprisingly faithful cells by the severance of all plasmodesmatal
fashion the various stages of normal embryogen- connections and the thickening of cell walls? Iso-
esis before forming viable carrot plants (38, 39, lation of mierospore and megaspore mother cells,
63). The cells which give rise to the embryoids during the critical stages of meiosis, from the
are small, spherical, densely packed with starch, surrounding diploid somatic cells is well docu-
and usually form globular colonies. The liquid mented in flowering plants (64). "The zygote
endosperm of coconut (coconut milk or coconut and primary endosperm nucleus are formed si-
water), a highly complex and incompletely un- multaneously in the embryo sac by a process of
derstood mixture of various organic and inor- double fertilization, and, although the embryo
ganic chemical substances, is said to be very
effective in inducing cell divisions and embryo- 8 See n o t e 3, p. 127.

usually depends on the endosperm for its nutri- nutrient medium. Ammonium ions and casein
tion, there is no reason to suppose that the en- hydrolysate are strongly stimulatory to embryo-
dosperm confers embryological competence on genesis in comparison to nitrate and glutamine
the zygote or directs it into its unique develop- (65, 75). Tazawa and Reinert (72) have shown
mental pathway. Moreover, there are no experi- that embryoids are readily produced in media
mental data showing that coconut milk or other containing relatively large amounts of ammo-
endosperms specifically induce or even have a nium ions and nitrate, but embryoids are never
qualitative positive effect on embryogenesis in formed on a medium containing only nitrate in
cell cultures (65)." Callus or suspension cul- a low concentration. "Although the occurrence of
tures, or both, of many flowering plants have NH, + in the medium is not necessary for embryo
been shown to form typical embryoids in syn- formation in vitro it appears that a certain level
thetic media (39, 66-72). Some of these are dis- of intracellular NH, § is a prerequisite for this
cussed in greater detail in the following pages. process. Since there is a positive correlation be-
Single cells dissociating from the surface of tween embryo formation and the contents in the
friable callus tissue of carrot tap root, and float- cultures of both soluble and insoluble organic ni-
ing on to the wet surface of the agar medium, trogen, it is probable that NHd§ is important for
have been shown to follow a course of develop- embryo formation because it is an essential sub-
ment "quite similar to that observed in the ordi- strate for the synthesis of organic nitrogen com-
nary embryogenesis from zygote to plantlet pounds such as amino acids and proteins (72)."
(73)." In most cases a conditioned medium was Tissues which are cultured for long periods of
required for such development, although some time lose their ability to synthesize organic nitro-
times the same effect could be obtained by gen from ammonium ions and their capacity to
transplanting a mass of single cells onto fresh form embryoids. Halperin (65) believes that it is
nutrient media. unlikely that the nearly identical effects of ammo-
Normal dicotyledonous embryos develop nium and casein hydrolysate in his experiments
within 6 to 10 days from two- to five-celled are related to a general stimulation of protein
embryogenic structures in suspension cultures of synthesis, since glutamine is clearly much more
carrot tissue grown in a hormone-free liquid me- stimulatory to growth than ammonium but still
dium containing only salts, sucrose, and thiamin is a poor nitrogen source for the induction of
(74). Auxins are, therefore, not essential for the embryogenesis in carrot tissue cultures.
production of embryoids. In fact, it has been Callus tissue derived from the leaf petiole of
demonstrated that the removal of auxins (indole- parsley and maintained for several years on a
acetic acid or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) medium containing coconut milk and the auxin
from the nutrient medium results in the forma- herbicide, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, still
tion of embryoids in carrot tissue cultures (62). retains the ability to form embryoids when
Auxins are, however, essential for proliferation grown on a completely defined nutrient agar me-
of the initial explant, although cytokinins can be dium containing adenine sulphate, indoleacetic
two to three times more effective. However, Hal- acid, and kinetin (66). Adenine sulphate is es-
perin (65) has clearly shown that embryogenesis sential for the induction of embryogenesis in
is a vigorous process only iu those suspension parsley, since no embryoids are formed in media
cultures which are derived from explants in- containing only indolcacetic acid and kinetin.
duced to proliferate in a medium containing an Embryoids are formed from the cortical cells of
auxin as the only hormone. Cytokinins and gib- roots which differentiate during the first few
berellins cause partial or complete inhibition of days of culture, and also from the epidermal
the appearance of embryogenic cells, but have cells of embryoids themselves. Embryogenesis in
little effect on the ability of embryogenic cells, parsley very closely simulates the stages of nor-
once formed, to produce embryoids. Nutrient mal development and the germination of a dicot-
media used for the proliferation of the initial yledonous embryo. Embryoid formation has
explants, therefore, are most critical in the abil- also been reported in cell suspensions of endive
ity of the cells to undergo embryogenesis. embryo callus tissue in defined media containing
Another important nutritive factor affecting indoleacetic acid and kinetin (67).
embryogenesis in the carrot system in vitro is Formation of embryoids from epidermal cells
the form in which nitrogen is present in the of cultured stem segments of Ranunculus scelera-

tus (68) and carrot (76) and from hypoeotyle- The formation of shoots, roots, embryoids,
donary segments of tobacco (77) has also been and plantlets from such highly differentiated,
reported. Differentiation of embryoids from epi- determined, and often quiescent cells, with such
dermal cells is often associated with extensive specialized functions in the life of the plant as
disorganization of surrounding cells and may in- the storage parenchyma, pollen grains, meso-
dicate severance of plasmodesmatal connections phyll cells, epidermal cells, endosperm cells, etc.
and comparative isolation of embryoid-initiating --with variable ploidy levels, clearly demon-
cells? strates that the determined pattern of differen-
Tissue cultures obtained from diploid somatic tiation can be altered under suitable conditions.
cells of the stem, root, leaf, floral organs, and It is no longer true that tissue cultures derived
embryo have often been induced to form em- from normal zygotic embryos form embryoids
bryoids when grown in defined nutrient media more easily than those derived from roots or
on agar or in suspension cultures. Production of other parts of the plant. In fact, depending on
embryoids has also been achieved recently from the tissue being used, it may not even be neces-
haploid gametic cells in several species of flower- sary to provide any special growth substances to
ing plants (43-50, 78). Microspores and young induce a cell to undergo embryogenesis in vitro.
pollen grains of tobacco have proved to be the Thus, epidermal cells in the hypocotyl of R.
most suitable material for such studies. The sceleratus seedlings form embryoids in simple nu-
minimal medium on which pollen grains of to- trient media containing mineral salts, vitamins,
bacco proliferate consists of 2% sucrose solidified and sucrose only, whereas the pollen grains of
with agar. On such a medium, however, develop- tobacco form embryoids in sucrose alone, jelled
ment of the embryoids stops at the globular with agar.
stage. Lack of iron in the medium also arrests In conclusion, although it has been possible in
development at about the same stage. A com- the last 10 to 15 years to demonstrate the totip-
plete nutrient agar medium, without any auxins otency of a variety of specialized higher plant
or other plant growth substances, supports the cells and to cultivate artificial embryos from so-
development of haploid embryoids through char- matie and gametic cells in defined nutrient
acteristic globular, heart-shaped, torpedo- media under controlled experimental conditions,
shaped, and cotyledonary stages resembling the we are still far from understanding the precise
development of zygotic embryos. Auxins im- internal physiological and biochemical changes
prove somewhat the yield of anthers producing which must take place before a cell can exhibit
haploid embryoids. its totipotency or acquire embryological compe-
The marked change in the developmental pat- tence like a zygote. Hopefully, the next decade or
tern of pollen described above can be achieved so will be devoted to bridging this gap in our
only during specific stages of their ontogeny. understanding of totipotency and embryogenesis
Contrary to some of the earlier reports, young in higher plant cells.
pollen grains in which vegetative and generative
cells have been formed are still capable of pro-
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