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There are a lot of jobs that aren’t in the “cool kids”

options. The jobs that your parents will forbid you to do.
You know which ones I’m talking about.
 Trash collector
 Road cleaner or any form of cleaning job
 The security guard at a local mall or at ATM
 Deliverers
 Waitress
 Retail salesperson
There’s nothing wrong with these jobs
I’m so sick and tired of people judging others based on
where they work. We are all humans. We are all working
to support our lives.
Some of these jobs are a little harder to do but none
deserves to be ill-respected. In fact, you should thank the
person who clears the trash for you. Without them, your
pile of rubbish will sit and stink up your whole
If you are in a not-so-popular job, it’s okay. Work with
pride. You are earning a living for yourself and your
family. It’s honest work. At least you aren’t stealing or
hurting anyone. You’re actually helping people.
If these jobs don’t pay much, just do them while you
work on a side hustle.
Do it with pride
I’ve met people who chose to be on the shop floor despite
the low pay. They enjoy chatting with customers.
Taxi drivers are often looked down on.
“They drive people because they can’t find other jobs.”
“If they’re smart, people would be driving them. Not the
other around.”
“Study hard or you’ll end up as a taxi driver.”
These are some comments I’ve heard growing up. These
comments came from the adults who have great
influence over our developments.
Someone close to me drives a taxi. She has done it for
the past 30+ years and is still doing it. Because driving is
her passion. She does it with love and pride.
The world will be a better place with kinder souls
Imagine a world where every job is given equal respect.
Imagine everyone being happy in any job they have.
They’ll do their jobs with more dedication.
Work quality will increase. Employees will be productive.
Results will improve. The world will flourish.
Wouldn’t that be better?

“No matter what your differences are, you have to

embrace them and be proud of the way you are.” – said
Jazz Jennings. 

This particular quote implies that every individual is

unique in their way. Suppose you have already decided
to pursue mathematics, and become a professor. But, is
the course suitable for your skills? Do you have enough
mathematical and analytical capabilities? All of these
answers depend on what fits the best for you. 
This is exactly where career guidance comes into the
picture. The process not only helps you to climb the
appropriate steps but also brings desired results.
However, it is a lifelong process to reap the benefits of the
guidance. Individuals go through various circumstances
which require them to make quick decisions. 
Do you often encounter uncertainties around your career
If yes, you are not the only one on the list.  
People generally face a lot of dilemmas throughout their
They might be concerned about what stream to opt for,
which career path should they follow, or whether they
should change their job.  
The education system is constantly evolving with time. It
has also affected the job market substantially. With so
many industries and roles to choose from, perplexity is
certain to arrive. What should you do in such a scenario?
Do not restrict yourself to your family or friends' advice.  
Various factors decide the career path for any person.
Interests, potential, and scope are few vital checkpoints
here. A mere piece of advice can move your life in a 360-
degree angle. Do not worry, career guidance might come
as a lifesaver here. 
The career club simply does this job.  The sole aim of the
club is to create awareness of career opportunities and
enhance the process of career guidance. Hope you will be
Thank you

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