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Kemiael Lewis

Nov 4,2021
Grade 9

History assignment

1) Nagua :a peice of cotton cloth Taino women wore when they are married.
2) Alcos :the backless hunting dog used by the tainos:Arawaks
3) Manatee:the sea cow
4) Remora:sucker fish
5) guanine:the cacique's ornaments made from gold and copper.
6) Yautia:a crop
7) Cacique: the chief of the tainos
8) Utia:a small animal that is a kind of coney.
9) Cassereep: a sauce made from cassava juice ,salt and pepper.
10) Pepper pot :a great stew or soup into which went meat. vegetables, nuts and pepper.

11) Name 3 types of meat eaten by the Taino from the sea.

Turtles ,shell fishes and manatees

•12) What are the 3 things they used to do their fishing

They fished with nets made of fibres, bone hooks and harpoons

a remora (sucker-fish) was caught and tied on a long line to a canoe. The _ remora would dive
for the turtle and attach itself to the back with its sucker. The turtle would then be pulled into the
canoe by the fishermen.

13) Name 3 small animals eaten by the Tainos

The utia,ducks and doves

14) How did the Tainos catch the

a)dove :they were caught in nets

b) parrots: by slipping a noose over their heads

•15) List 6 fruits eaten by the Tainos

Mammee apples
Star apples

16)What did the Tainos use the cassava for

To bake cassava cakes.

17) Name the 3 ways of preparing food by the Tainos smoking,baking and roasting

18) What are the 2 things used for seasoning food by the Tainos

salt and pepper

•19) What are the ingredients of the cassareep

Cassava juice, salt and pepper

20) What are the 2 ingredients used to make Tainos intoxicated

Cassava and maize(corn)

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