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What is the physical appearance of the Tainos?

1. The Taino were short and muscular.

2. brown olive complexion
3. Long straight hair.
4. They wore little clothes.

5. They wore little clothes. Married women wore a loin cloth. Women
married to cacique wore shirt.
6. Taino mothers flattened the forehead of their babies by placing the head
of the infants between two pieces of board, a practiced they thought
enhanced the children’s beauty.
7. Decorated their bodies with brightly coloured vegetable dyes made from
roucou, a red dye and indigo. It was also use as body paint.
8. The Tainos wore arm and leg bands made of cotton.
9. They wore ornaments such as pendants, necklaces, and bracelets. They
were made from stone, bone , pottery, feather, beads shells and gold
pieces. Gold rings were worn in ears and nose.
10.Cacique worn more ornaments than the other members of his group.
11.Caciques wore magnificent headdresses of feather fixed with plates of
gold and band of coloured beads and bones

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