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IGCSE English as a

Second Language
Speaking skills
Each speaking test lasts around 15
minutes and has four parts:
(i) Part A - Introduction
(ii) Part B - Warm-up section
(iii) Part C - Choosing the Speaking Test
(iv) Part D Main part of the test
Note that only Part D is assessed.
Part A -Introduction 1.
● The examiner starts the recording,
welcomes the candidate and explains
briefly what is going to happen during the
course of the test.
Part B Warm-up
section (2–3 minutes) 2.
● The examiner asks the candidate a few
questions about themselves, their hobbies
and interests.
● This helps the examiner to get an idea of
what card to choose for the assessed part
of the test.
Part C Choosing the
Assessment Card 3.
● This must take place AFTER the warm-up has
taken place.
● Any necessary explanation should be given at
this point, followed by a short preparation period
(approximately 2–3 minutes), when the
candidate may ask questions.
● The candidate may not make notes during this
Part D Assessed conversation
(6–9 minutes)

This is the main part of the test; the only part to be
assessed and must be a conversation based on the topic
on the card.
● It should be a discussion with the examiner, not a
● The five prompts provided must be used in the order in
which they appear on the card. All prompts must be
used. The candidate is also free to consider any other
related ideas of their own
Jot down Practise TASK: 5 min (planning)
immediate 10 min (find a partner)
responses to

can you use
discuss your

Write down
that you can

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