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This portion shows the level of satisfaction on the antenatal program among pregnant women in

terms of physical examination, fetal monitoring and screening, and health promotion. Please
indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following questions. There are no right and
wrong answers; select the response which best indicates how you feel about each statement by
checking the box corresponds to your choice.

Interpretation: 5-Excellent 4- Very Good 3-Good 2- Fair 1-Poor

A. Satisfaction level receive from Antenatal Care Services 5 4 3 2 1

1. Confidentiality during antenatal care service.
2. Accommodation from service provider.
3. Information and education service.
4. Access to pregnancy services from health facilities.
5. Support an advice from the healthcare provider.
6. Efficiency of service provide.
7. Participation in decisions affecting treatment and condition.
8. Accessed on medication and dietary supplements.
9. Stress and anxiety subside during counseling.
10. Well informed regarding oral health and its influence on the fetus.
11. Courtesy and respect from medical staff.
12. Comprehensive assessment of the quality of care.
13. Health care workers’ performance in terms of compliance with the
standards of care.
14. Facilities safety precaution guidelines for standard precaution in
health care.
15. Vaccination service received from the health facilities.

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