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A Thesis is Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attanment

of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department









“There is no success without hard work, There is no success without

togetherness, There is no ease without prayer”

Siti nurhadijah rahman


My Beloved Prophet

Muhammad Shallallahu Alaih iwa Sallam

My Father Alm. Rahman Ismail And My Mother Umi Noho

Who Until Now Struggled And Worked Hard For My Education.

Thanks to my brothers and sister who always support me.

My Brother Abd. Aziz Hariyanto Rahman

My Brother Adam Rahman

My Sister Sri Norpin Rahman

My Brother Abdul Karim Rahman

My Diversity

English Department Class 2018

My Almamater

IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo


The undersigned below:

Name : Siti Nurhadijah Rahman

NIM : 181042011




Certify that the writing of this thesis based on research results, ideas and original

presentation of my own, both for drafts and programming activities are listed as

part of this thesis. If there are other people work, I would have a clear

acknowledgment of this source.

This statement I make with real and if there are irregularities in the future and

untruth in this statement, then I am willing to accept the sanction of revocation of

academic degrees which have been obtained for this paper and other sanctions in

accordance with the regulations of the Sultan Amai State Institute Islamic


This statement I made im a conscious state without any coercion from any

part. Gorontalo, 15 Juni 2022

The researcher,


NIM. 181042011


‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Alhamdulillahirobbil 'Alamin, all praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, who

has bestowed His grace, taufik, and guidance without getting tired. so that the

writer can complete this thesis entitled "The Descriptive of English Learning

Process Using Blended Learning Model At MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru"

Shalawat and Salam always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has

brought us from the darkness to the brightness.

In the preparation of this thesis, the writer realizes that there are many

obstacles that hinder the author's steps in completing this thesis. However, thanks

to the guidance, direction, and motivation from various parties, the writer was

finally able to finish this thesis. For that, allow the author to:

1. Dr. H. Zulkarnain Suleman, M.Hi, as the Rector of IAIN Sultan Amai


2. Dr. Sofyan A.P. Kau, M.Ag. , Dr. Mujahid Damopolii M.Pd., Dr.

H.Lukman Arsyad, M.Pd as the vice of Rector I, II, III of IAIN Sultan

Amai Gorontalo.

3. Dr. H. Said Subhan Posangi, S.Ag, as the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training Faculty of IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo.

4. Dr. Herson Anwar, M.Pd , D.r. Lian G. Otaya, SE,. M.Pd, Dr. Damhuri,

S.Ag, M.Ag, as the Vice of Dean I,II,III OF Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training Faculty of IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo.

5. La Aba S.Pd.M.Pd.M.H, as the Head of English Education Department

6. Hj. Enni Akhmad, S. S, M. Pd, as the secretary of English Education


7. The researcher’s advisers during composing my thesis. Sir La Aba

S.Pd.M.Pd.M.H (ADVISER I) and Mam Hj. Enni Akhmad, S. S, M. Pd

(ADVISER II), who has provided various knowledge, direction, advice,

motivation with sincerity, patience for my thesis.

8. Thank you very much to my beloved lecturer Sir La Aba S.Pd.M.Pd.M.H

as my PA (academic advisor).

9. Thank you very much all lecturers of English Department are, Dr. Jhems

Richard Hasan, S.Pd, M.Hum, Abdul Kadir Ismail, S.Pd, M.Hum, Zulkifli

Akhmad M.Pd, Hasan Ayuba, M.Pd, Alvons Habibie, M.Pd, Yuwin R.

Saleh, S.Pd, M.Pd, HarniYusuf, M.Pd, Dr. Asna Usman Dilo, M.Pd,

Adimawati Helingo, S.Pd, M.Hum, Andiani Rezkita Nabu, S.Pd, MA,

Titin Suhartini Kaaba, M.Pd, and Nur Wahidah Thayib Pido, M.Pd, who

give motivate to me.

10. Thank you my beloved parents Alm Rahman Ismail and Umi Noho hwo

always work hard for my education. Specially for my mother who is never

tired and always pray for my success.

11. Thank you for all my families and my brother and my sister who always

support to me.

12. Thank you for my brother Zulyan Tolinggugu S.Pd. who always motivated

and support to me.

13. Thank you English Department Class (Diversity 2018) who give support

to me.

14. Thank you to the teacher Khairatul M. Sidiki S.Pd, and the students of

science 11th at MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru. Who has been willing to help

in my research so that this research becomes complete.

15. Thank you for my best friends Opin Musa, Ulan Iti, Surtin Palowa, Dea

Tuluki, Sindi Husain, Yandra Pomalingo, Cici Husain, Siska Kamaru,

Nanda Yahya. Who are give me support to my thesis.

16. Thank You to myself for continuing to struggle, thank you for being

patient when falling, and getting up again with my own two hands.

Thank you for all support, motivated, advice,and other help that you have

given to me. So I can finish my skripsi. May all of be blessed with the grace of

Allah SWT.

Gorontalo, 14 June 2022

The Researcher,


NIM . 181042011


Siti Nurhadijah Rahman, Nim: 181042011. Mendeskripsikan proses pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris menggunakan model blended learning di MAS Gemilang Telaga
Biru. Jurusan Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo.

Pembimbing: (1) La Aba S.Pd.M.Pd.M.H, (2) Hj. Enni Akhmad, S. S, M. Pd.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses penerapan pembelajaran
Bahasa Inggris menggunakan model blended learning. Penelitian ini dilakukan
pada guru Bahasa Inggris dan siswa IX IPA MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru. Jenis
penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dan teknik
pengumpulan data yaitu menggunakan wawancara terstruktur, observasi, dan
dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru
sudah menerapkan model blended learning. Pembelajaran tatap muka
menggunakan metode ceramah dengan model buku teks dan pembelajaran online
menggunakan metode ceramah dengan model E-Learning dan dibagikan group
WhatsApp. khususnya di XI IPA proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dapat
membantu pembelajaran menjadi efektif dan efisian.

Kata Kunci: Blended Learning, penerapan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Siti Nurhadijah Rahman, 181042011. The Descriptive of English Learning
Process Using Blended Learning Model At MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru, English
Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Islamic
Institution (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo.

Advisors : (1) La Aba S.Pd.M.Pd.M.H, (2) Hj. Enni Akhmad, S. S, M. Pd.

This research aims to describe the process of applying English learning using a
blended learning model. This research was conducted on English teachers and
students of 11th science MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru. The type of research used is
qualitative research methods and techniques of collection data using structured
interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this research indicate
that MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru has implemented a blended learning model.
Face-to-face learning used the lecture method with the textbook model and online
learning used the lecture method with the E-Learning model and is distributed to
WhatsApp groups. Especially in 11th science, the English learning process can
help learning to be effective and efficient. 

Keywords : Blended Learning, Implementation English Learning.

APPROVAL SHEET...................................................................................... i
MOTTO & DEDICATION ........................................................................... ii
THE STATEMENT OF SKRIPSI AUTHENTICITY................................ iii
PREFACE....................................................................................................... vi
ABSTRAK....................................................................................................... vii
ABSTRAK....................................................................................................... viii
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1
1.1. Basic Consideration................................................................................. 1
1.2. Focus of Research ................................................................................... 4
1.3. research Question ................................................................................... 5
1.4. Research Objective.................................................................................. 5
1.5. Significance of Research.......................................................................... 5
1.6. Definition of Terms.................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ................................................. 6
2.1. Theoretical Description .......................................................................... 6
2.2. Previous Research.................................................................................... 24
2.3. Conceptual Framework........................................................................... 25
CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ............................................... 26
3.1. Reseacrh Types........................................................................................ 26
3.2. Setting of Research ................................................................................. 26
3.3. Subject of Research.................................................................................27
3.4. Technique and Instrument Of Colleting Data...................................... 27
3.5. Trustworthy and Credibility.................................................................. 28
3.6. Technique of Analyzing Data................................................................. 29

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ......................................... 31
4.1. Findings of Research .............................................................................. 41
4.2. Discussion Of Research........................................................................... 45
4.3. Research Limitations............................................................................... 47
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 48
5.1. Conclusion................................................................................................ 48
5.2. Implication................................................................................................ 49
5.3. Suggestion................................................................................................. 50
BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................... 54
APPENDIX LIST............................................................................................82

1.1 Basic Consideration

In today's era that learning can be done anywhere, anytime, and by

anyone, and through any learning resources. Learning is a process that is

carried out individually to produce new changes. Learning is also an activity

that achieves intelligence to achieve the desired goal. Aunurrahman said

learning is a process carried out individually to get a change in overall

behavior, as one's own experience with the environment. 1

While Lefrancois

said that learning is the preparation of external events in a learning situation in

order to make it easier for students to store the power of remembering

information, and transferring knowledge and skills. 2

Learning English is a universal language because it is used by most

countries in the world as the main language. then, English is also one of the

important international languages to be mastered or learned. Although in

Indonesia English is a foreign language, it occupies an important position in

the daily life of our society. This is clearly seen in the world of education in

Indonesia. English is one of the subjects taught to students from elementary to

college level. English is a means of communication for everyone. Because of

Pennycook's opinion that English has become a very decisive tool for the

continuation of education, employment and social status of the community.3

Blended learning is very important because the blended learning model is

one model that can help teachers and provide positive benefits to students in

Herlina ect, Teori Blejar dan Pembelajaran,, ( Lakeisha: 2021), p. 2.
Herlina ect, Teori Blejar dan Pembelajaran,, ( Lakeisha: 2021), p. 5.
Putri Puspanantasari ERNI, ECT, Papan Ceria (PANCER), 2019, P. 94.

learning English. Blended learning is a learning model that is combined offline

and online learning. Offline learning can interact directly with teachers and

students in the classroom, while online learning can not directly interact with

teachers and students in the classroom but with an internet connection. The

existence of the blended learning model attracts the attention of teachers and

students, especially in the process of learning in the era of digital. Ima cited

Tomlinson and Whittaker said that Blended learning is the most popular way of

learning that combines direct and indirect teaching (offline and online) with

materials, methods, and all activities in learning.4 In addition, Coolis and Moonen

Said that blended learning is learning that is not only learned directly in the

classroom but outside the classroom learning can also be combined offline

learning and online learning.5 Blended learning as a facility for students to

improve the quality of learning. Blended learning provides opportunities for

students to be independent in learning and the learning process can run effectively

and efficiently. Graham said that the blended learning method has characteristics

including that blended learning is a learning model that combines various

educational models, delivery methods, learning styles, and various technology-

based media. 6

Blended learning as a facility for students to improve the quality of

learning. Blended learning provides opportunities for students to be independent

Ima Frafika Sari (act), Blended learning:Improving Students’s Motivation in English
Teaching Learning Process (International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching:2018)
vol. 6, p. 164.
Sam Fravita Sari, Investigating The Students’ Perceptioan Toward Blended Learning
Method Implemented In Teaching English at Seventh Semester English Students Of Unismu
Makassar: 2020.p. 3
Rini Ekayati, Implementasi Metode Blnded Learnng Berbasis Aplikasi Edmodo, 2018,
P. 51.

in learning and the learning process can run effectively and efficiently.

Some advantages of blended learning can be described based on the

experience are:

(1). Teachers can communicate directly with students and other students in the

class, (2). Teachers can provide lessons in many ways such as material through

videos, power points, in learning, (3). Greatly saves time and energy in the

teaching and learning process, (4) Students can study independently anywhere and

anytime, (5). The creation of effective and efficient learning.

Some disadvantages of blended learning have been experienced are:

(1). Teachers need to prepare everything in the teaching and learning process,

(2). The teacher also prepares learning materials, teaching media so that students

are interested in learning, and easy-to-understand teaching methods, (3), lack of

adequate infrastructure, (4). Internet access is one of the things that students learn.

Recently, the blended learning model has been commonly used in

kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, and even universities. One that

has implemented this blended learning model is at MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru.

especially in English lessons. Pre-observation shows that learning at school has

several obstacles based on an interview with an English teacher her name is

Khairatul Mukminina Sidiki, on Thursday/September 16 she said that in learning

English there are several obstacles, namely internet access is difficult to reach,

some students do not have data, some only riding the network, some students do

not fill in the absences due to network constraints. This is an obstacle for teachers

and students in the learning process in the current pandemic situation. As for the

application of the teacher in the teaching and learning process in the classroom,

the teacher makes attendance to students after explaining the material to provide

understanding to students, then after explaining the teacher gives assignments

through media such as: Whatsapp Group, E-Learning, Youtube and English


The opinion of parents in the use of blended learning is that blended

learning can help students, teachers, and also parents in learning. save more costs,

and also so that students are not lazy in the learning process. because learning

only online is not very effective, therefore blended learning is best in a pandemic


However, the previous researches and theorists that blended learning

model is recommended, but sometimes it does not happen in a real situation.

Based on the about argument above that researcher interested to conduct

the blended learning implementation in school the title of this research is The

Descriptive Of English Learning Process Using Blended Learning Model At

MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru.

1.2 Focus Of Research

This research focuses on the implementation of the English learning

process using blended learning model at Mas Gemilang Telaga Biru.

1.3 Research Question

How is the implementation of English learning process using the blended

learning model at MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru?

1.4 Research Objective

To describe the implementation of English learning process using the

blended learning model at MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru.

English Teacher Khairatul Mukminina Sidiki S.P.d

1.5 Significance Of Research

This research is expected to provide benefits and can help teachers and

students in using the blended learning model in the implementation of English

learning process at MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru and will be very useful as a guide

for future researchers.

1.6 Definition Of Terms

1.6.2 English Learning

English is the most popular language and is the second language of

Indonesian. Therefore, it is important to learn English by everyone,

anywhere, anytime to learn English.

1.6.2 Blended Learning

Blended learning is a learning model that combines learning media,

learning methods, learning materials, and also blended learning that

combines face-to-face learning (offline), namely meeting directly with

teachers and students, and online learning (online). Blended learning is

one of the learning models that can be used in the English learning



2.1 Theoretical Description

2.1.1 Definition English Learning

Learning English is one of the subjects that is included as a compulsory

subject. Learning English is not the same as other subjects. The purpose of

English lessons is to equip students with English language learning skills.

English learning is a process that involves students as well as teachers. English

is also a very important foreign language to learn and provides benefits for

many people. In today's digital era, many people use the internet as a medium

to get information and communication in English, so this is a challenge for

anyone who wants to master English.

English is a language that really needs to be mastered so that

competitiveness between educators can increase. This is the reason why

English is one of the compulsory subjects in the Indonesian education

curriculum program. In this case, English subjects can help former students to

master English which is an international language. Alma Sri Andriyani cited

Mahu as saying that learning English is a foreign language that broadens our

understanding such as appreciating the culture of a country. When you

understand people's culture and learn the language, you can communicate well

without any misunderstandings.8 Nasution cited Comey said that,

communication is important for students and lecturers as well as other students

so that it can inspire enthusiasm and become the key to the actual learning
Alma Sri Andriyani, Student’s Perception In Learning English Trough Learning, p.
process.9 Teachers and students need communication so that learning runs

smoothly and effectively.

The process of learning English is very important, learning does not

have to be in the classroom outside the classroom, we students can learn.

Moreover, there are many ways in English if students want to add insight and


2.1.2. English Learning of Important

Learning English is very important for students in terms of education.

In traditional English teaching is teaching between teachers and students who

can build language communication. Learning English is one of the most

important learning approaches which is included as the main individual

student. Learning English as we know it, texts and knowledge in the classroom

are limited, and impractical. Implementation of learning is very limited and

time in the classroom. English is very widely used. Therefore, learning and

mastering English is a necessity, if we don't want to say it is a must. Sutama

said that students' language cannot be said to be able to speak English properly

and correctly, both orally and in writing, at every school level from elementary

to high school. 10
English as the first language in Indonesia among other

foreign languages is based on several considerations, as stated by Kartono who

said that currently the national language cannot be used as a means of

communication with the outside world to establish friendship with other

nations, and basically English is the language of international communication,

Nasution Nurliana act, model blended learning (pekanbaru-riau: UnilakPress, 2019),
p. 41.
Idham Syahputra, Strategi Bahsa Inggris Sebagai Bahasa Asing Dalam Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Berbahasa SIswa, 2014, p. 128.
the language of science, and is used in almost all fields, so English clearly must

be given first priority to be learned among other foreign languages. Definiton of Blended Learning

Blended learning has two meanings, namely blended which means

(mixed), and learning which means (learning). The blended learning model is a

program whose education consists of formal education which means direct

learning with teachers and students, and informal education which means

indirect learning (online) or which combines face-to-face learning (offline) and

online learning (online).

The blended learning model is a learning model that combines face-to-

face teaching methods with computer-assisted teaching methods both offline

and online. The aim of blended learning is to provide the most effective and

efficient learning experience. Blended learning is also often defined as a

learning system that is carried out by combining face-to-face learning with

technology-mediated learning Bonk & Graham. 11

Sri cited Santosh said that blended learning is formal learning where

this learning is carried out with the teacher with students and other students in

the classroom. The point is that some students learn not face-to-face but they

can also learn online, with several systems from many times, places, digital

media, materials that we can use in the English learning process. And then Sri

cited Melbourne said that blended learning is a way to combine teaching and

Idrus Husni, Pembelajaran Model Bended Learning, vol. 5. p. 62.
learning methods between direct and virtual learning. Teachers and students

can communicate with each other online.12

2.1.2 The Purpose of Blended Learning 

The following are the objectives of using blended learning models. Sari

cited Husamah said:

1. can provide and assist students in the competence of the learning process

with a good learning style. 

2. can be useful in providing opportunities for teachers and students to be


3. improvement of the increase in the learning schedule for students, by

combining it with face-to-face and online learning. serves to involve

students and teachers in the classroom to create a good atmosphere in the

learning process.13

2.1.3 Characteristic Of The Blended Learning Model in English Learning


The application of blended learning does not just happen, but some

things have become a joint decision in holding a blended learning model.

As for the characteristics of blended learning, as Andi Kristanto cited

Riyana said that the characteristics of blended learning are regarding the

learning agreement material which is only an addition to the material. Then

learning online as a guide or change in the way of implementation in online

Sri Sherli noviati Talis, The Sudents Perception Toward Implementing Blended
Learning Method In English Language Teaching (ELT) at The fifth Semster Students
EnglishDepartment Makassar Muhammadiyah University(2018):p. 12.
Sam Fravita Sari, Investigating The Students’ Perceptioan Toward Blended Learning
Method Implemented In Teaching English at Seventh Semester English Students Of Unismu
Makassar: 2020.p. 14.
learning. Learning that combines both learning models in terms of material,

media and is included in blended learning”. 14 In addition, Andi Kristanto cited

Sharpe, said that most of the learning activities are combined with

traditional learning and online. The characteristics of the blended learning

model are a combination of face-to-face learning offline and online learning.

Graham said that the blended learning method has characteristics

including that blended learning is a learning model that combines various

educational models, delivery methods, learning styles, and various

technology-based media. Then, this learning model has several advantages,

among others, seen from the effectiveness of learning, aspects of improving

learning outcomes, learning comfort, cost efficiency, and adaptation of

learning styles owned by each student. The blended-learning learning model

has also helped learners to learn independently, shifted the paradigm from

teacher center to student center, as well as achieving learning goals. 15 The advantage and disadvantage of Blended Learning are as follow:

Blended learning is a new concept. The blended learning model was

developed because of the weaknesses of face-to-face learning and online

learning. In this case, it is expected to complete all the needs of students and

teachers in the learning process. Especially the English lesson, which we all

know that the lesson is difficult and seeing the combined model of the two,

hopes to make students happy in the learning process.

Andi Kritanto, The Development of Instructional Material E- Learning Based On
Blended Learning , 2017,Vol 10, p. 12.

Rini Ekayati, Implementasi Metode Blnded Learnng Berbasis Aplikasi Edmodo, 2018,
P. 51.
The Advantages of Blended Learning Model The following are the

advantages possessed by learning Blended learning according to Husamah:

1. Occurrence of independent and conventional learning which both of them

have its strength which can complement each other.

2. More effective and efficient learning.

3. Improving accessibility. With Blended learning, students learn easier to

access the learning materials.

4. Enabling learners to learn the subject matter independently by making use

of the online materials.

5. Students’ discussions with teachers or other learners outside of the formal

teaching-learning process.

6. Learning Activities undertaken by learners outside of face-to-face can be

managed and controlled by teachers.

7. Enrichment materials provided by teachers via the internet.

8. Teachers’ instruction for students to read or working on tests conducted

before the lesson.

9. The ease of organizing quizzes, giving feedback, and making use of test

results effectively for teachers.

10. Teachers can organize quizzes, give back, and make use of the test results


11. Learners can share files or data with other learners.

12. Expanding the range of learning/training.

13. Ease of implementation.

14. Cost efficiency.

15. Optimal results.

16. Adjusting the various learning needs.

17. Increasing the attractiveness of learning

There are some disadvantages of the blended learning model according to

in Husamah listed the disadvantage:

1. Media required is very diverse. Thus, there are some difficulties in

applying it when the infrastructure does not support it.

2. Not every student has the same access in Blended Learning facilities, such

as computer and internet access. Whereas, Blended 38 learning needs

adequate internet access and when the network is less adequate, it will

make students have difficulties following the independent learning online.

3. Learning resources (teachers, learners, an elderly person) is lacking the

knowledge of technology use in the teaching-learning process.16

2.1.4 Components Of Blended Learning Model

Graham mentions the definition of blended learning that is most often put

forword, namely:

1. Definitions that combine various modalities of learning media

2. A definition that combines various methods - learning methods, learning

theories, and pedagogic dimensions.

3. Definition that combines online learning with face to face (face-to-face

learning). 17

Fauziyah Sulistiani, The Iplementation Of Blended Learning Model Baesd On Edmodo
To Improve Students’ Learning Motivation And Anchievement In xAk 2 Smk N 7 Yogyakarta
Academic Year: 2016. P. 36-38.
Nasution Nurliana act, model blended learning (pekanbaru-riau: UnilakPress, 2019,
When implementing blended learning, it is important to consider all

aspects involved in it.

The first component that teachers must pay attention to is blended learning

methods, material layout, and media. 

The second component, the technology component, becomes the main

consideration when teachers plan offline and online activities. Teachers need to

have a variety of technology resources to hold their students' attention: If Face-to-

face and virtual classes are not challenging, students may feel bored or frustrated.

It is necessary to present topics and exercises of interest to them.

The third component is pedagogical, which is undoubtedly the most

important in learning English. If the teacher has a methodological plan to organize

Face-to-face classes and online aspects, it will lead language learners to succeed

in their learning process and get better results because they manage both

components correctly. Dudeney and Hockly said that it is important to remember

several considerations regarding pedagogical implementation, such as mode of

delivery, task design, materials, roles of students and teachers, assessment, and


Mode of delivery: Teachers and curriculum planners must consider what

percentage of learning is being delivered. will be face-to-face or online

components, and how and what materials will be delivered using Internet groups,

email, etc. (Dudeney & Hockly).

Design of assignments and Materials: Blended Learning teachers must

determine the type of material, whether it is custom-made or tools available from

the Internet. In addition, it is important for English teachers, who are planning to
learn English, to provide their students with various online and Face-to-face

activities that are of interest to their students and based on the needs analysis

conducted at the beginning of the course.

Teacher-Students: They are both the main participants in the teaching-

learning process of English. When learning, keep in mind the familiarity of

students and teachers with technology and their role in both Face-To-Face and

virtual classrooms. It is important to consider how much guidance students need

from the teacher and the student's prior knowledge. In addition, Nunez and Tellez

said that Blended Learning in Teaching English as a Foreign Language: An

Educational Challenge “The teaching process is very important in efforts to

develop materials that satisfy students' goals and learning styles, preferences, and

expectations.” When students find the right resources and the teacher provides

them according to students' needs, students can solve their doubts and answer

their questions. These aspects can foster autonomy as students can monitor their

learning process, define their learning strategies and take charge of their way of

acquiring knowledge. In short, students demand meaningful material according to

their needs to achieve their assignments.

Assessment and Evaluation: The teacher must decide whether blended

learning in English learning is planned to apply formative and summative


The fourth component is interface design which covers the various ways

teachers can present online and offline materials by selecting designs and

activities for each unit. To continuously improve the virtual and face-to-face

aspects of a classroom, it is necessary to carry out a continuous evaluation to

check what is appropriate and what is not, taking into account student needs and

preferences, institutional policies, and curriculum guidelines. to teach English. 

The fifth component is management. It is important to set up all LMS

(Learning Management System) and train students to handle this system: How to

enter, how to do different tasks, and, of course, apply learning strategies that suit

the virtual environment. In addition, resource support is recommended for

learning English so that students can surf the internet and have links to various

web resources around the world.18 The Blended Learning Model Has Two Learning Components, as


1. Face-to-face learning

Face-to-face learning is a learning model that is currently being carried

out and used in the learning process in the classroom. Face-to-face learning is

one of the traditional lessons that seeks to convey knowledge to students.

Learning that unites teachers and students in the classroom. Graham

suggested that face-to-face learning is often done in the classroom where

there is interaction between the teacher and fellow students, which is carried

out by a teacher to achieve learning objectives. 19

 Ahmadi concluded that face-to-face learning is a learning method used

by a teacher in achieving learning objectives by using ways of telling,

explaining, enlightening, and presenting learning materials or materials orally

Ochoa Alpala, Blended Learning In The Teaching of English as a Foreign
Language:An Educational Challenge. ( Diciembre: 2011), vol.18, n. 1, p. 157-158
Siti Istiningsih ect, Blended Learning Trend Strategi Pembelajaran Masa Depan, vol, 1,
2015, p. 53.
to several students. 20 In addition, Moestofa and Sondang as cited in Kurniawati

define conventional learning as a learning model that only focuses on the

lecture learning method. 21

Face-to-face learning is still used today. Learning

that is in the classroom between teachers and students, students and other

students. in face-to-face learning using various methods in the learning process

to make the learning process more active and interesting. The various forms of

learning methods that are usually carried out are as follows: 

1. Lecture

Method: The simplest method because the teacher only conveys

learning material through speaking activities or lectures in front of the

class and sometimes using other media to support the learning process.

2. Assignment

Method Learning method by giving assignments to be done in

class, training students' independence and responsibility.  

3. Question and Answer

Method A learning method that creates interaction between students

and teachers, the teacher gives questions to students and students answer

questions from the teacher or vice versa. 

Sam Fravita Sari, Investigating The Students’ Perceptioan Toward Blended Learning
Method Implemented In Teaching English at Seventh Semester English Students Of Unismu
Makassar: 2020.p. 10.
Ibid, p. 11.
1. Textbook

Textbooks are books that contain descriptions of materials about certain

subjects or fields of study which are arranged systematically and have been

selected based on certain objectives. Textbooks are mandatory references to be

used in primary and secondary education units or universities that contain

learning materials to increase the need for textbooks to support the learning

process. In face-to-face learning, they usually use printed books that have

become the teacher's guide in the teaching process. 

2. Online Learning

Learning is a learning model used online or distance learning. The

materials such as lectures and simulations have been made into videotape

forms and then developed using the internet, and others. make learning by

using video call facilities between teachers and students making it easier for

students to learn and explore knowledge. However, online learning still

requires face-to-face learning called blended learning, which combines online

learning with face-to-face learning. However, Noer in Husamah said that

online learning has problems with direct communication with students and

teachers, however teachers need feedback from students and vice versa. The

reason why online learning is unsatisfactory even though the material is

readily available can learn anywhere at any time, because students still need

direct communication with the teacher. 22

Kurniawati concludes that online learning is learning that is carried

out using the internet, and web-based technology that allows learning
Husamah, Model Blended Learning Dalam Meningkatkan Efektivitas pembelajaran, p.
2018, 858.
interactions between students and educators by accessing information and


The stages of face to face learning and online learning are as follows;

a. The opening stage, where the teacher

conditions students to enter the learning atmosphere by conveying

greetings and learning objectives;

 b. The development stage is the stage

implementation of the teaching and learning process which is filled with

the delivery of material orally supported by the use of media; 

c. Evaluation stage where the teacher evaluates

student learning by drawing conclusions or summaries of materials

learning, giving assignments, and ending with thanks for the

the seriousness of students in learning. 

Blended learning is a solution to the weaknesses of online learning

because it combines online, offline and face-to-face learning.

Thorne said that, blended learning is the most elegant solution for

developing learning challenges according to the individual needs of students.

Blended learning is a real opportunity to integrate the technological advances

and innovations that online learning has to offer, with the communication and

participation that traditional learning has to offer at its best. 24

While Khan

said that blended learning is mixed learning that combines several media

Sam Fravita Sari, Investigating The Students’ Perceptioan Toward Blended Learning
Method Implemented In Teaching English at Seventh Semester English Students Of Unismu
Makassar: 2020.p.12.
Maria Dissriany Vista Bagur, Blended Learning: Solusi Pembelajaran di Era Revolusi
Industri 4.0, 2020, p. 26
designed to complement each other and to improve the quality of student

learning. 25

From the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded that

blended learning is held as a solution to face-to-face learning and also online

learning so that learning becomes perfect. Based on the background where the

problems have been obtained, blended learning is a good model for learning. 

The following are the kinds of learning media used in the English

learning process:

1. WhatsApp

Whatsapp is one of the digital media available on smartphones and is

quite popular in online learning. The WhatsApp application can only work for

fellow users who have the WhatsApp application. This WhatsApp application

can be downloaded for free on the website and this application uses the user's

cell phone number to interact with fellow WhatsApp users. Whatsapp uses the

push feature so that users can always know if there is an incoming message.

Hartono said that WhatsApp is a cross-platform messaging application that

allows users to exchange messages without SMS fees, because WhatsApp

uses the same internet data plan for email, web browsing, and others. 26

Utilization of the WhatsApp application as a communication medium to

maintain good relations between the two by continuing to communicate.

WhatsApp Messenger is a popular technology that has the potential to be used

Ibid, 2020, p. 27
Chandra Rizky M. ect, Kegunaan Aplikasi Whatsapp Sebagai Media Pembelajaran
Pada Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia UNIMED, 2021, P.2
as a learning tool. Al Saleem said that in WhatsApp Messenger there is a

Whatsapp Group that is able to build fun learning related to various discussion

topics given by the teacher.

Below are the features on WhatsApp social media, as follows:

1). Sending text messages 2). Sending photos from the gallery or from the

camera 3). Sending videos 4). Sending office files or others 5). Calling via

voice, including sending voice messages that can be heard by the recipient at

any time. 6). Sharing location using GPS 7). Sending contact cards 8).

WhatsApp also supports some emoticons, but for stickers, WhatsApp is quite

minimalist. In contrast to Line, which is more diligent in developing it. In

WhatsApp, users can also set up their own profile panel, consisting of name,

photo, status as well as several privacy settings tools to protect the profile and

also help tools to backup messages, change account numbers and make


2. YouTube

Youtube is a learning media that is very easy to use. With YouTube

itself, there is a variety of content to choose from and you can send YouTube

links easily. Even some teachers often make videos that they upload

themselves to the teacher's YouTube channel. Students also gave a good

response in the use of YouTube as a teaching medium. Sari stated that by

using learning videos about the material accompanied by assignments, then

uploading to the YouTube channel and students answering and collecting

assignments via YouTube as well. 27

Alami Yasni, Media Pembelajaran Daring pada Masa Covid-19 Online Learnng
Media During The Coronavirus Disease, 2020, p. 53.
Youtube is a video sharing website, Youtube was founded in America

in February 2005. Currently Youtube can be downloaded on Google Playstore

or on the web and can be accessed for free using the internet network. One of

the services contained in Youtube, among others, users can upload videos and

share them and can be accessed by other users around the world. Video blog is

a form of simple information media that is used online through the Youtube

channel Yudhi & Priana, 2017.

According to Suryaman, Youtube has advantages as a learning

medium, namely (1) Informative, which can provide information about the

development of science and technology; (2) Cost Effective, which can be

accessed for free by using the internet network; (3) Potential, which is a very

popular site that has a lot of videos so that it has an impact on education; (4)

Practical and complete, that is, it can be used easily and has complete

information; (5) Shareable, ie videos can be shared easily by sharing a link;

and (6) Interactive, which has facilities for questions and answers through the

comments column. 28

2. E-Learning

E-learning is a form of teaching and learning using internet, intranet or

other computer networks to deliver teaching materials to students. E-learning

methods can learn anywhere and anytime. According to Hadjerrouit, E-

learning can be grouped into two main groups, namely network-based e-

learning (covering online learning and web-based learning) and e-learning that

Susanti Tati Elva ect, Pemanfaatan YouTube Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Matematika
Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19, 2021, p. 16.
does not use a network (computer based learning). 29
E-learning has

components that support learning activities in the form of (a) teaching

materials; material is provided in the form of modules equipped with

questions as a measure of student success and equipped with results and

discussions, (b) community; students can develop online communication with

the learning community, (c) online learners; teachers are always online to

provide direction to students, answer questions and assist in class discussions,

(d) opportunities to work together; the existence of software that regulates

online meetings so that the learning process can be carried out simultaneously

or in real time without distance constraints, (e) multimedia; the use of audio

video technology in the delivery of material so that it attracts interest in

learning. E-Learning which aims to minimize the difficulties of students and

teachers in teaching and learning activities.

Based on the definition and understanding above, it can be concluded

that blended learning in English subjects is a learning process using a mixed

model component, namely between face-to-face learning and online learning.

These two components can be applied to learning English so that it can be

deeper in teaching because not all students have good internet access, so the

combination of the two is very useful to make it more effective.

2.2 Previous Of Research

Dalu Arrum Cyly Zaudah ect, Pengembangan E-Learning Sebagai Media
Pembelajaran Simulasi dan Komunikasi Digital bagi Siswa SMK, 2019, P. 27.
In this study, several researchers tried to examine topics related to the

blended learning model, in this case, they could support this research. First,

Sari Fravita 2020 in her research entitled Investigating The Students'

Perception of the Blended Learning Method Applied in Teaching English to

English Students Semester VII Unismuh Makassar. Department of English

Education Unismuh Makassar, 2020. This research focuses on the strengths

and weaknesses of the Blended Learning Method based on perceptions of the

VII Semester English Students. based on the results of the study, students

gave positive responses to the use of blended learning which is an effective

and efficient learning model.30

Second, Talis Noviati, in her research entitled Student Perceptions of

the Application of Blended Learning Methods in Teaching English (ELT) to

Semester V Students of English Department, University of Muhammadiyah

Makassar. Department of English Education at the University of

Muhammadiyah Makassar. 2018 academic year. This research focuses on

students' perceptions of blended learning and its benefits for students,

especially semester V students. Based on the research results, students are

happy to respond well when teachers implement blended learning models.31

Third, Fauziyah Sulistiani, in her research entitled “The

Implementation Of Blended Learning Model Based On Edmodo To Improve

Students Learning Motivation And Achievement In X Ak 2 Smk N 7

Yogyakarta Academic Year 2015/1016. This research focuses on student

Sam Fravita Sari, Investigating The Students’ Perceptioan Toward Blended Learning
Method Implemented In Teaching English at Seventh Semester English Students Of Unismu
Makassar: 2020.p. 6.
Sri Sherli Noviati Talis, The Sudents Perception Toward Implementing Blended
Learning Method In English Language Teaching (ELT) at The fifth Semster Students
EnglishDepartment Makassar Muhammadiyah University(2018):p. 5.
achievement and motivation in the cognitive and affective domains. Based on

the results of the study, students in the use of blended learning are very

helpful in the teaching and learning process in schools.32

Based on the results of my research and previous research, it can be

concluded that my research and previous studies have differences. The focus

of my research is the process of applying English language learning using

blended learning at MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru. My research subjects are

students and teachers. while the previous research was about the strengths and

weaknesses of the Blended Learning Method based on the perceptions of the

VII semester English students, the students' perceptions about blended

learning and its benefits for students, especially the 5th-semester students,

and on the achievement and motivation of students in the cognitive and

affective domains. 

2.3 Conceptual Framework

32 Blended Learning
Fauziyah Sulistiani, The Iplementation Of Blended Learning Model Baesd On Edmodo
To Improve Students’ Learning Motivation And Anchievement In xAk 2 Smk N 7 Yogyakarta
Academic Year: 2016. p. 6.

Face to Face Learning Online Learning

Implementation of
Blended Learning


3.1 Research Types

This research used a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative research is

used naturally based on facts in the field with qualitative research results. The

study used descriptive qualitative research, namely to find out how the process of

learning English by using a blended learning model at MAS Gemilang Telaga


Research is a way of searching for meaning, understanding concepts,

characteristics and descriptions of a phenomenon, which is natural and factual. By

using several ways by being presented in a narrative manner. Simply put,

qualitative research is to find answers to a phenomenon that has been passed.

Research describes or provides a real phenomenon as it is according to the

context. It should not be led by the science or theory it has in the phenomenon.

Therefore, qualitative research should not affect the social interaction or situation

between the researcher and the informant or the subject being studied. It means

that the interaction between individuals should occur as it actually is in the

context, not the author's composition.33

3.2 Setting Of Research

This research was conducted in MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru. Address Jl.

A. Wahab. Ulapato A Village, Telaga Biru District. In this study, researchers will

examine the process of learning English using blended learning.

A. Muri Yusuf, Metode Penelitian: Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan
Penelitian Gabungan (Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group, 2017), p.148.

3.3 Subject of Research

A sample in this study was 19 students of IX Science and English teacher

of MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru. Then in the process of taking research samples,

researchers will use snowball sampling techniques. The snowball sampling


3.4 Technique and instrument of collecting data

1. Observation

Observation activities are direct observations and look for sources that

obtain the truth. And observing the student learning process so that researchers

can find out the situation and conditions that exist in the school then the

observation uses a safety sheet.

According to Gordon E Mills, observation is a focused and planned

activity to see and record a series of behaviors and the operation of a system to

achieve goals. 34

2. Interview

This interview activity was carried out by asking questions to students

and teachers with the aim of finding out whether this school had used the

blended learning model or not, then how was the learning process in the

classroom, how the teacher taught in the classroom, the methods and media

used by the teacher in the learning process.

Umar Sidiq, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Di Bidang Pendidikan CV. Nata
Karya, 2019. P. 67.

3. Documentation

Documentation is a complement to the results of observations and

interviews with qualitative methods. This documentation is done by taking

pictures of the learning process in the classroom, and videos of situations and

conditions in the classroom.

According to Arikunto the documents needed in qualitative research are

documents that are relevant and focused on the research needed. Documents

can be in the form of image, video, in written form. 35

3.5 Trustworthy and Credibility

This research uses a qualitative method by means of triangulation, namely

triangulation of validity checking techniques and utilizing something else, which

is outside the data for checking data and against the data comparison itself.

Triangulation is done by means of triangulation of techniques, sources and data.

Technical triangulation is done by asking the same thing with different

techniques, namely through interviews, observation and documentation. The

application is to find information and check the results of interviews with

informants related to the process of learning English with the blended learning

model at MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru. Then the results of the interviews obtained

were checked with data obtained from observations and documentation.

Abdussamad Zuchri, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, 2021, p. 150.

Source triangulation is done by asking the same thing. In this case, the

data sources are English teachers and students of class XI IPA MAS Gemilang

Telaga Biru.

3.6 Techniques for Analyzing Data

Analyzing data have three streams of activities that occur simultaneously,

namely reducing data, displaying data and drawing conclusions/verification.

here are three types of ways to perform qualitative data analysis

techniques, namely:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is done by collecting and summarizing data. Data reduction

is one way to choose the most important things and focus on what will be reduced.

Data reduction is analyzing something that is not necessary, summarizing the data

in such a way that the data can be concluded and verified.

Data reduction is a process that must be thought out properly that requires

a high level of intelligence and depth of insight. In doing reduction, you can

discuss it with experts or friends. Therefore, the researcher's insight will develop,

so that it can reduce data that has an appropriate finding value. 36

a. Researchers edit and improve all the results obtained with content

analysis aspects.

Umar Sidiq, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Di Bidang Pendidikan CV. Nata Karya,
2019.P. 81.

b. After that, do the editing and give the code. Then in this step the

researcher encodes the data according to the interview sequence by

giving a tick symbol.

c. And the last is a description by analyzing the data, then the

researcher calculates the data and arranges the data which is edited

from the coding results.

2. Data Display

According to Miles and Huberman said that “The most frequently used

method in qualitative research is to present data or narrative text”. In qualitative

research, after the data is reduced then the data is presented with data in the form

of brief descriptions, charts, graphs, and tables. So the results of data reduction

into data that are categorized according to the theme become simpler and the

researcher tries to present data that is in accordance with the subject or theme by

coding for each sub-problem.

3. Drawing conclusions/verification

Based on these results, the researcher concludes a description of all the

results obtained. from tabular form and data coding. Researchers draw

conclusions to answer the problem formulation that has been determined by the

research. The researchers concluded by counting the number of numbers that had

been coded yes or no on the observation sheet.




4.1. Research Findings

In this chapter, the researcher explains the research findings. Data obtained

from an instrument, observation, and documentation. The research results aim to

answer the research problems in the first chapter. The data was obtained from the

results of interviews with English teachers and students of class IX science at the

MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru school.

Based on the results of learning English using the blended learning model

at the MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru school, it has been implemented. The

following are the steps for implementing English learning through offline learning

and online learning.

4.1.1 Steps for Implementation of Blended Learning

1. The teacher greets and checks student attendance

The first thing the teacher does in the face-to-face learning process and

also online is by greeting and checking student attendance. This is very important

in opening the learning process in the classroom and through online learning. The

teacher is obliged to know how many students are present and how many students

are not present. If a student is absent, the teacher must ask how the student is

absent. Because basically teachers are parents of students at school. Then the

teacher's obligation is to ask how things are, greet students and provide motivation

before starting the lesson. And the obligation of students is also to respond to the

teacher so that there is reciprocity between students and teachers. Building good

communication between teachers and students is one way to lighten the

atmosphere in the classroom.

Opening is very important for teachers to start learning in the classroom.

It aims to attract students' attention so that they can enjoy learning in the

classroom. The point is don't immediately give the material before the teacher

does apperception. The success of the teacher will be determined by the extent of

the teacher's creativity in attracting student focus so that the learning process can

be well received.

Apperception is an activity that is carried out before stepping into the

process of providing subject matter. Apperception intends to pay attention to

whether the student is ready to receive the lesson.

2. The teacher provides blended learning subject matter.

Then after doing apperception, the very important thing is that the

teacher provides subject matter. Teachers must prepare subject matter both

through face-to-face lessons and online. Material is the thing that becomes the

process of learning in the classroom.

Teaching materials are a source of material. The importance of teachers

in carrying out the learning process. without teaching materials, it seems that the

teacher will have difficulty in the teaching process. In essence, the teacher must

always be ready to prepare all things related to learning, especially the material.

because if the teacher teaches without having the material and does not prepare

everything in teaching, it will be certain that the learning process will not be


Teaching materials as a guide for teachers, all forms of information, tools

or texts to assist teachers in teaching and learning activities. Because for students

the teacher is often used as the main character and plays an important role in the

teaching and learning process. The teacher will also be very easy to convey the

subject matter to students and students will also easily accept what the teacher


Like how the teacher is in the process of giving English material at the

MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru school, especially class XI IPA. The teacher explains

the material as in the lesson plan. Adapted to the current curriculum, namely the

emergency curriculum. Why is that because the emergency curriculum is a

curriculum that can help teachers and students in the face-to-face learning process

and online learning or what is known as the blended learning model.

The current curriculum is implemented by the government through the

ministry of education and culture to ease learning difficulties during the

pandemic. So that the material being taught is now adjusted to the lesson plan.

The curriculum intends to simplify the basic competencies for each subject. So

that in the existing RPP there is also a reduction in subject matter and lesson


RPP is a learning implementation plan that is a teacher's guide in

teaching in the classroom. The lesson plans are made by the teacher to help him fit

the current situation. In accordance with existing competency standards. The

lesson plan contains the teacher's teaching process.

In face-to-face learning, the teacher previously conveyed the learning

objectives. The teacher teaches the material through English books. with the

lecture method. The teacher explains in front of the class using the blackboard that

has been prepared by the school. As the researcher observed that in the classroom

there is no LCD, therefore the teacher only uses the existing blackboard. As for

giving material to students, after explaining the English material the teacher gives

time to ask whether the material is clear or not, if it is not clear then the teacher

will explain the material again. Sometimes students don't understand because they

don't pay attention to the teacher in providing subject matter. Then the material

given by the teacher cannot be captured by students. Then there are students who

are quick to grasp the material, while students are slow in understanding the

material. because we know that every student has a very different way of learning.

Then in online learning that material is usually taken via the internet and

then shared to the class whatsapp group. The steps in online learning are that the

teacher sends a file of English material which is then explained by the teacher via

voice message. Then after being explained students were asked to listen to the

material given, if anyone did not understand then they were given time to ask

questions related to the material. Sometimes the teacher sends material through

photos. If there is material that students do not understand, they immediately ask

in the class group. Students can send private chat messages to teachers as well.

Learning English through face-to-face and online means the delivery of

subject matter is different. The method is adapted to the learning material. Face-

to-face learning and online learning have their own learning styles. Students are

also expected to be able to help each other with the teacher so that the learning

process will run well. Without students the learning process will not go well

because teachers and students both complement each other and mutually support

each other for the learning process to take place.

3. What kind of media the teacher uses in blended learning

Media is a very important thing also in the learning process. Without the

media it feels incomplete. Media plays an important role in delivering subject

matter. Media is a tool or media that serves to connect from one party to another if

in education it is called learning media.

Media is a tool, this tool is electronic, visual, and audio that is used to

facilitate the learning process. As for some of the media used by teachers at the

MA Gemilang Telaga Biru school, namely (Whatsapp, Youtube, English books).

Based on the results observed by the researcher, in the classroom that in

face-to-face learning the media used was an English book for class IX Bachtiar

Bima M, Cicik Kurniawati. 2018. Intan Pariwara. Then in online learning the

media used are Whatsapp and Youtube. From the results of teacher and student

interviews the media that is often used in the online learning process is Whatsapp.

The reason is because WhatsApp is easy to carry out the learning process.

Whatsapp is one of the uses of technology that exists today. Whatsapp is

a messaging application on smartphones that can send messages and receive

messages just like SMS which does not take up credit in communicating.

Whatsapp itself serves for communication at its core.

As for YouTube, the English teacher Khairatul M. Sidiki said that in

online learning through YouTube, the material was adjusted. For example,

procedural text material. The procedure material is sent the link then shared in the

whatsapp group. Why does it have to be youtube because if you use zoom it can't

be possible. Therefore, the media is always adjusted to the subject matter. Another

example is song material (Meaningful Lyrics). 37

4. Face to face learning time and also online learning time.

Learning The combined learning process of offline learning and online

learning is carried out due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So that current learning has

a difference, namely the time difference. In face-to-face learning (offline) a permit

letter from the Covid task force is carried out. Therefore, the MAS Gemilang

Telaga Biru school can already conduct face-to-face learning provided that it

adheres to health protocols. Thank God the school has provided a place to wash

hands that is equipped with soap, the use of masks has become an obligation. In

addition to being required to wear masks, teachers also provide hand sanitizer

which has been provided in advance. On this occasion, the face-to-face learning

process is carried out 30 minutes x 2 JP. Face-to-face learning is carried out with

material and time determined by the teacher himself and the needs of students.

Likewise with online learning, the learning time is also the same, namely 30
English Teacher Khairatul M. Sidiki.S.P.d

minutes x 2 JP. There is no time difference in face-to-face learning and online

learning during the pandemic. Talking about time is very different from previous

learning. If the previous lesson was 45 minutes, then in a pandemic situation, the

learning time was reduced. In face-to-face learning, there is also no shift in

learning because the students are few and it is not possible to do it that way.

Although the learning time is small, it does not increase the enthusiasm of the

students and teachers in carrying out the teaching and learning process. The most

important thing is that learning continues and does not reduce the value of their

learning. Regarding the relatively short time in face-to-face learning, the teacher

must make the best use of the time to achieve learning.

5. The school does not provide internet

As we know that this school uses a blended learning model, namely

mixed learning (offline and online). Therefore, the researcher asked whether the

internet quota has been provided in this school. Seeing that in online learning, of

course, all teachers and also students use cellphones to carry out learning,

especially teachers who sometimes carry out learning with laptops. However, after

being interviewed by students and teachers that the school does not provide

internet quota. It's just that in this school, as said by the English teacher Khairatu

M. Sidik said that the school does not provide internet quota but in this school

there is provided a place to live or what is called a student dormitory. considering

that many students live far from school. And I have seen for myself where the

students live, namely the dormitory. There are some students who live far away in

the school dormitory.


6. Constraints and efforts in blended learning

Every learning must have its own obstacles. both in terms of learning,

materials, media, or learning methods in the classroom. Khairatul M. Sidiki said

that, in face-to-face learning in the classroom, there are only obstacles

experienced by the teacher when teaching in the classroom, namely if the teacher

is teaching while there are students who do not pay attention, there are students

who do not want to do assignments, and so on. Sometimes when the teacher

explains learning English there are those who don't understand and don't want to

ask, that's difficult, especially if in online learning the teacher has more difficulty

controlling the learning process. Why is it because it is not known that the student

actually follows the learning process or not. That is the obstacle for teachers, it is

difficult to supervise students in the online learning process. Because the teacher

doesn't know that the student understands or doesn't even know and when given

an assignment some don't do the assignment and also the teacher doesn't teach

with power point because they don't have an LCD. 38

Students' problems are also

the same. Because in online learning or online students do not directly capture

learning. If students ask the teacher when online learning is sometimes limited,

sometimes the teacher is busy and doesn't read student messages quickly. because

the teacher does not always hold the cellphone. Teachers also have other


So the obstacles that were said earlier became a consideration for the

teacher. To be held face to face in a week. so that face-to-face and online learning

English Teacher Khairatul M. Sidiki.S.P.d

can run well. This is in accordance with the results observed by researchers. The

researcher asked directly to the teachers and students at the school. It is part of the

efforts of schools, teachers and students in the learning process. Likewise, Sandra

Adam said that, if students do not understand in the learning process, especially

learning English, one way to do it is to ask the teacher if they don't understand,

ask friends or translate on google cellphone. It is a student's effort to understand in

learning English. 39
Basically, during this pandemic, students are required to learn

independently, especially network problems.

The main obstacle is the internet network which is difficult to reach,

especially students who find it difficult to get a good network. Because some of

them use Axis, Tri, XL and Telkomsel cards. As the Engslih Teacher said that,

many students live in places that are difficult to reach a good network. There are

students who live in Dulamayo in particular who have difficulty networking. 40

This is reinforced by students Maslan Djauhari said that, where they have to ride

wifi next door, some have to buy data and look for a place that has a network.

Sometimes they cannot follow the lesson perfectly because they are often

disturbed by the network. Often does not focus on following the learning process.

Therefore, to be able to follow the learning process well, they have to make

sacrifices to buy data and stay in households that have wifi. This is one of the

struggles of students just for the sake of learning. 41

Students Sandra Adam IX IPA
English Teacher Khairatul M. Sidiki. S.P.d
Student Maslan Djauhari IX IPA

7. Advantages and disadvantages of blended learning

In mixed learning, namely face-to-face learning and online learning, of

course it has advantages and disadvantages. Among them:

a. Teachers and students can interact directly in the classroom.

b. Teachers and students do not have to buy internet quota

c. Teachers and students can teach and learn anywhere, and can enjoy


d. Teachers and students must have a good internet and network quota.

e. The teacher must have interesting and interesting media in teaching.

f. Sudents do not understand the learning process, especially English.

8. Evaluation of the blended learning in English Learning process.

After the teacher gives the material, explains the material, then the

teacher evaluates. Evaluation is an evaluation of the material given by the

teacher. Evaluation is the process of obtaining information data needed to

determine the extent to which the learning process has been passed. The

evaluation was conducted to determine the face-to-face learning process and

online learning. Evaluation is also interpreted as a measuring tool that students

really understand the material that has been given by the teacher. From this

evaluation, the teacher knows whether everything the teacher gives in the

teaching and learning process can be useful and understandable. For example,

in face-to-face learning so that the teacher knows how far the students

understand the lesson, one of the ways the teacher does it is by appointing one

by one to repeat the learning according to the students' own understanding. In


addition to being appointed one by one, students are given the task of taking

notes and summarizing the subject matter.

Likewise, in online learning, the way teachers evaluate students is by

asking students whether they understand what the teacher has given, then just

like face-to-face lessons are given assignments, sometimes students are given

the task of taking notes, summarizing the subject matter.

To strengthen the subject matter to be mastered, Khairatul M. Sidiki

said that the teacher gives practice assignments while in online learning the

task is photographed and sent to the teacher via whatsapp message. Then if in

face-to-face learning it is collected and given to the teacher when in class. 42

According to Annisa Nurfadhilah, teachers usually give evaluations to

students, namely they are given the task of recording important material or

summarizing the material. Sometimes after the learning process the teacher

appoints students to conclude the material obtained. 43

If the learning does not evaluate, the teacher will not know the extent to

which students understand the material provided. Especially in learning

English. which is very difficult for students to learn. Therefore, in the learning

process there must be an evaluation. Whether it's the evaluation of the subject

matter, the evacuation of students' attitudes in participating in learning, the

teacher's way of teaching and the way students understand the material are very


English Teacher Khairatul M. Sidiki S.P.d
Student Annisa Nurfadhilah IX IPA

4.2 Discussion of Research

In this discussion, to meet the learning needs of students during the

COVID-19 pandemic, a learning model that can be applied during the current

pandemic is needed. Zakiyah Mawadah cited Dwiyanto said that the learning

process that teachers and students can easily do during a pandemic and easily

meet health protocol standards is blended learning. 44

Graham said that the

blended learning method has characteristics including that blended learning is a

learning model that combines various educational models, delivery methods,

learning styles, and various technology-based media. 45

Based on the findings

made by the researcher, the MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru school, especially in

class IX science, has implemented Blended Learning. This can be seen from the

steps in implementing blended learning (offline/online). In the implementation of

blended learning, it is intended to facilitate the learning process during the

pandemic and to make it easier for teachers and students of course. Alma Sri

Andriyani cited Blended learning as a learning approach that basically combined

learning models, namely direct or face-to-face learning and also online learning

that uses all types of media or modern technology which are considered to be

media in learning. 46
Hranstinski said that blended learning can also be used to

describe other blends, such as combining different learning methods, media, and

technological learning style approaches, although this blend does not align with

the influential definition of blended learning. The development of learning which

Zakiyah Mawadah, Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning di Kelas V
Sekolah Dasar Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19, 2021, P. 69.
Rini Ekayati, Implementasi Metode Blnded Learnng Berbasis Aplikasi Edmodo, 2018,
P. 51.
Alma Sri Andriyani, Student’s Perception In Learning English Trough Learning, p. 13.

initially used the traditional concept of face-to-face was then developed by experts

by utilizing information and communication technology which had a major impact

on humans. Technological developments in education are online and offline

learning. Online learning is a renewal of learning by developing media with a

connection to the internet network. Learning materials can be varied in a more

interesting and dynamic form. By using a variety of learning variations, it can

increase students' enthusiasm for learning

Therefore, the researcher concludes that there are two mixed learnings,

namely face-to-face learning and online learning. Which connects various mixes

using various instruments. This is supported by Bryan and Volchencova who said

that today's technology has the potential to bridge space, but also to bridge time,

and for each individual learning (students can understand the material, and learn

speed). 47

Then from the observations made by the researchers, it is known that the

application of the blended learning model in the English learning process in class

IX science has covered all components in blended learning, namely online

learning which is carried out using online media such as YouTube and whatsapp

groups. Students and teachers interact indirectly through these media and carry

out learning with blended learning stages. Putri Kumala Dewi cited Sanaky said

the purpose of learning media is to deliver subject matter from the teacher to the

learner in an easier and more efficient way, increasing the effectiveness and

quality of learning. 48
Therefore, the researcher concludes that with the existence

Ibid, p. 14.
Putri Kumala Sari, Language Learning Media: Application of Learning Thepry and
Optimizing Learning Strategies, (UB Press: 2018), p. 5

of learning media, teachers can provide material using media. which varies. The

media that is often used by teachers in learning, especially online, is Whatsapp.

As we know that whatsapp is an application that can send messages, send pictures,

videos and so on. So Rehema Guma cited Barhoumi & Rossi as said that in the

teaching and learning process, Whatsapp provides opportunities for students to

work together and collaborate online. 49

it can be concluded that whatsapp can be

useful between teachers and students to collaborate in the learning process,

especially English. how students can learn independently the teacher can create a

variety of media and then can take advantage of the time there.

The process of combining face-to-face learning and online learning is very

helpful. Especially in learning English, we know that English is indeed difficult

for students to understand the lesson. Learning English is a compulsory subject

among other subjects. so that English is a second language that must be known by

students for education. English is the world language. Therefore, it is important

that English can be said to dominate between four to five thousand languages in

the world. It functions in various forms in different countries and states of the

world. It can be a lingua franca, a foreign language, a second or third language

and can be used as an international or international language in the speech

community. Akinwamide &Timothy Kolade cited Kolawole said that the reasons

for this are not far-fetched because as Western Civilization took over the whole

world, so did English that existed alongside Western Civilization. 50

So teachers

and students play an important role in the teaching and learning process.

Rehema Baguma, Using WhatsApp in Teaching to Develop Higher Order Thingking
Skills-a Literature Review Using the Activity Theory Lens, (IJEDICT: 2019), P. 75.
Akinwamide ect, The Influence of Process Approach on English as Second Language
Students’s Performances in Essay Writing, vol 5 p. 16.

Moreover, in English, face-to-face learning is very impactful for students because

the learning is done face-to-face. While online learning is also very impactful for

students to pay more attention to what the teacher teaches so that students


With a series of steps in the process of implementing learning between

face-to-face learning and online learning, of course, after carrying out the learning

process the teacher evaluates learning. The implementation of learning in the

classroom has consequences for a teacher to increase his role and competence,

because a competent teacher will be better able to manage the class and carry out

evaluations for students both individually and in class. Evaluation is an attempt to

obtain information about student learning outcomes as a whole, both knowledge,

concepts, attitudes, values, and skills. Pandjaitan sait that assessment is intended

to see how far the competencies that have been mastered by students in the form

of learning outcomes are shown after they take the learning experience. Then

Brown also said that in curriculum development, evaluation activities are carried

out at every stage of curriculum development, starting from needs analysis, goal

setting, assessment, material development, to learning activities. 51

In the teaching

and learning process the teacher should be a good evaluator. The study of the

achievement of learning objectives carried out by the teacher can determine

whether the teaching and learning process carried out is effective enough to

provide good and satisfactory results, or vice versa. So it is clear that the teacher

should be able and skilled in carrying out the assessment, because with the

assessment the teacher can find out the achievements achieved by students after

Nunung Nuriyah, Evaluation of Learning, 2014. P. 75

he carries out the learning process. It has been observed by researchers that the

English teacher has carried out the stages of assesment and evaluation of learning

to students of class IX science.

4.3 Research Limitations

In this study, the researchers focused on conducting research on the

implementation of the English learning process using a blended learning model.

How face-to-face learning and online learning are carried out. So that in the end

researchers can find out the extent of the implementation of learning by using

these two learning models. With the limitations of this study, researchers focused

on the process of learning English in the implementation of blended learning.

Some things that become limitations in this study are as follows:

1. There are some students who live far from home. It is difficult to do face-

to-face learning so the school provides a special place to live for students,

namely student dormitories.

2. Then in the online learning process there are also some students whose

networks are difficult and do not have data, so that in the teaching and

learning process there are students who do not take English lessons because of


3. Class limitations in having LCD sample facilities, so teachers only teach

using the existing blackboard. The teacher rarely teaches using Power Point


4. The limitations of students in understanding English subjects so that

sometimes what is known is very difficult to learn.

5. The limitations of teachers in controlling the learning process, especially

online learning.



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of research on the application of the blended learning

learning model in the English learning process in class IX Science, it can be

concluded that the blended learning model can be used as a solution in learning

the covid-19 pandemic. The application of the English learning process has an

emergency RPP implemented by the Minister of Education and Culture. The

teacher also arranges face-to-face learning and online learning. Learning today is

much different from teaching before. The way teachers provide teaching materials

is different. The teacher arranges the learning steps well. then in this mixed

learning (offline/online) the class usually uses media, namely English books,

Youtube, and also whatsapp.

Assessment and evaluation are usually carried out by teachers in terms of

assessing student attitudes, knowledge and skills of students in the process of

learning English. Evaluation is usually done by giving the task to record,

summarize, and appoint one last person to evaluate by giving a test. Both in face-

to-face learning and online learning. In addition, factors that support the process

of learning English are saving time, being able to take advantage of the existing

internet. The factors that hinder the learning process are the difficulty of the

network, not having data, thus hampering the learning process and inability to

participate in learning activities. However, they are still under the supervision of

their parents.

5.2 Implication

Based on the research results, the implications of this thesis are as follows:

1. For schools, it can be used as a reference in implementing a blended

learning model that combines two learning styles between face-to-face

learning and online learning. in the process of learning English.

2. Despite the lack of understanding of students in teaching, this research

hopes that between teachers and students there must also be reciprocity in the

learning process. Teachers by looking for the best solutions in the process of

learning English so that students can increase their learning activity and

understand better in learning English.

3. This thesis is a reference source for research related to the process of

learning English with the blended learning model. In this study, the researcher

is far from perfect, therefore the next researcher will do more in-depth

research and for the teacher as a reference and material in the implementation

of the English learning process with the blended learning model.

5.3 Suggestion

Based on the research conducted, the researchers provide the following


1. Schools

Schools are expected to maximize facilities and infrastructure, especially

during the school pandemic to be able to provide internet quota for students.

2. Teachers

In the application of blended learning models, teachers are expected to pay

more attention to student activity, student interactions in learning English.

3. Students

Students are expected to have reciprocity in the learning process. In

particular, English lessons, which include material that is difficult to understand,

make students more able to pay attention to the teacher and be active in the

learning process.

For further researchers, it is recommended to conduct research that focuses

more on increasing the activeness and motivation of students to learn, which does

not exist yet in this study. so that it can help students in increasing their

knowledge of English lessons that cannot be reached by researchers. 



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The Descriptive of English Learning Process Using Blended Learning Model

"At MAS Gemilang Kabupaten Gorontalo

The Results of English Teacher Interviews

No. Questions Respons

1. How do teachers apply the steps for  The teacher provides

implementing Offline/Online English lesson material.

learning ?  The teacher explains the

Engish subjrct matter.

 The teacher gives

assignments and evaluates

the English lesson.

2. Does the teacher apply the method of  The learning

implementing Offline/Online learning ? implementation method is

adjusted to the lesson plan.

3. Does the teacher apply the Offline/Online  The blended learning

learning implementation model? model has been applied At

MA Gemilang Kabupaten


4. What media are used by the teacher in  Media such as modules,

the implementation of Offline/Online the Internet , youtube and

learning ? whatsapp.

5. Does the teacher prepare materials for  Learning implementation


the implementation of Offline/Online materials are adjusted to

learning ? the lesson plan.

6. How do teachers prepare lesson plans  RPP is adapted to the

in the implementation of emergency curriculum.

Offline/Online learning ?

7. What kind of curriculum is used in the  The curriculum used in the

implementation of school learning ? implementation of English

learning is the emergency


8. Do teachers have learning resources in  Learning resources in the

the implementation of Offline/Online implementation of English

learning learning are English books

and the internet.

9. How teachers do time management in  Face-to-face learning 30

the implementation of Offline/Online minutes.

learning ?  Online learning 30 minutes.

10. Does the school prepare an internet  Schools do not provide

quota in the implementation of internet quota.

Offline/Online learning ?

11. Does the teacher have any obstacles in  Face to face learning has

the implementation of Offline/Online no problems.

learning ? Online learning has

obstacles including:

 Students have network


difficulties, teacher find it

difficult to control

students in the learning


12. How are the teacher's efforts to  Face to face learningis

overcome the obstacles faced in the carried out with a permit

implementation of Offline/Online to the Covid task force by

learning ? complying with health


 Online learning for

students who have internet

problems is provided with

a dormitory space.

13. What are the advantages in  The advantage of face to

implementing Offline/Online face learning is face to

learning ? face with students. Easier

interaction and


 The advantages of online

learning allow teaching

and learning to

caollaborate and reduce

the impact of Covid-19.

14. What are the disadvantages  Of face to face learning


implementation of Offline/Online does not used technology

learning ? in the classroom.

 Online earning that

students are sometimes not

active in the learning


15. How do teachers evaluate the  The teacher gives the

implementation of Offline/Online material along with the

learning ? exercise and is given an


The Descriptive of English Learning Process Using Blended Learning Model

"At MAS Gemilang Kabupaten Gorontalo

The Results of English Students

No Questions Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3

1. What are the The teacher The teacher First the teacher

students' opinions givesl English greets and fills grests and asks

on the steps for material. in the absence. how.

implementing The teacher Of the teacher The teacher is

Offline/Online asked for the gives the subject giving English

learning ? material matter. lesson material.

yestersay. The teacher Then the teacher

Explain the explains the explains the

subject matter. material and material and gives


Evaluates in the gives an evaluation.

learning process. assignments.

2. Are students Is interested, Yes, interested. Intersted, because

interested in the because the Because if if students don’t

method of teacher explain students don’t understand the

implementing the learning understand the material is

Offline/Online material is easier teacher is repeated.

learning ? in the learning explained again.


3. Are students Interested, Is less interested Yes, it’s

interested in the because the if the subject interesting.

media used by the teacher explain matter is via Because if online

teacher in the the learning youtube and is learning is done

implementation of material. more interested via whatsapp it

Offline/Online Interested, in learning face doesn’t drain data

learning ? because the to face. and if it’s via

teacher youtube

immediately sometimes don’t

putd on the understand.


4. Do students more Face to face Easy to learn Is understandable

easily understand learning face to face with if the teacher

offline/online understads. the teacher explains the

learning Online learning Difficult to learn material, it is


materials ? does not only by online. repeated until it is

understand. understood.

5. How students do If the teacher If students are That if the task is

time management gives an given given by the

in the assignment in assignmets to teacher, it os done

implementation of offline/online work on because immediately.

Offline/Online learning, it is time is limited.

learning ? done


6. Do students have a The network is Some students Sometimes the

good network not good, it is are good network s not

during the difficult to reach. connections, good.

implementation of some networks

Offline/Online are difficult to

learning ? reach.

7. Do students have In online If face to face In face to face

obstacles faced in learning there learning does learning and in

the are several, not exist. online learning if

implementation of namely the If learning there is English

Offline/Online network is not online if there is material that is

learning ? good and does English material not understand

not have data. what is difficult ask the teacher

to understand but, it is not like

must be face to face


translated first. learning.

8. How are the Have to buy data If you are Face to face

students' efforts to or wifi at a learning learning and

overcome the neighbor’s English, if you online learning, if

obstacles faced in house. don’t understand don’t understand

the there is no face it, ask the the English

implementation of to face. But if teacher whether material given by

Offline/Online the material is it’s offline and teacher, ask the

learning ? not understand online learning. teacher or friends.

immediately ask. Loking for a

good network so

that you csn take


9. According to The advantages The advantages If the advantages

students' opinions, of face to face of face toface of face to face are

what are the learning directly material are many, can ask the

advantages of with the teacher explained teacher directly if

implementing if you don’t directly n class. you don’t

Offline/Online understand More active in understand, can

learning? directly ask. the learning interact directly

Advantages process. with the teacher

online can be The advantages and friends.

relaxed, can of being online As for the

search for are that you can advantages of


material on the learn anywhere learning online,

internet. and enjoy can enjoy it more

learning more. with the time


10. In the opinion of Disadvantages of The The

students, what are face to face disadvantages of disadvantages of

the shortcomings learning there face to face face to face does

of implementing are no. learning are not not exist. And if

Offline/Online Disadvantages there. And from online

learning? online it is online there is learning there are

difficult to that sometimes several that are

understand the network is sometimes

lesson. not good, inactive, don’t

sometimes the have a quota and

laerning is not the network is

efficient. very difficult.

11. How do teachers The teacher Sometimes they After parcipating

evaluate the appoints one by are given the ask in the lesson the

implementation of one to repeat the of taking notes teacher gives

Offline/Online lesson learned. and asked one practice

learning? by one whether assignments or is

the material has given assignments

been to take notes.



(RPP 01)

Madrasah : MAS Gemilang Telaga Biru

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI MIA/Genap
AlokasiWaktu : 10 Pekan x 2 JP (30 Menit)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan mampu:
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
dari teks prosedur berbentuk manual dan kiat-kiat (tips), sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya
 Mengidentifikasi verba yang menunjukan imperative dan frasa
adverbial dengan benar dan akurat
 Menjelaskan teks prosedur berupa kiat-kiat secara benar dan tepat
 Menulis teks prosedur berupa kiat-kiat dengan benar dan tepat

B. Materi Pembelajaran
Materi Pokok:
Teks Prosedur (Procedural text)
Materi Esensial
 Spoken procedural text
 Written procedural text

C. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Media Alat pembelajaran Sumber belajar

 Worksheet atau  Penggaris,  Cicik Kurniawati,
lembar kerja (siswa) spidol, papan Susiningsih, Yuniarti
 Lembar penilaian tulis Dwi Arini. 2018. Bahasa
 CD Proyektor/ Slide  Laptop & infocus Inggris SMA/MA kelas
presentasi (ppt) XI Semester 2. Intan

Pertemuan I

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa

 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk

melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan
terkait materi Definition of procedural text

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi Definition of procedural text

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi

mengenai materi Definition of procedural text

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi Definition
of procedural text Peserta didik kemudian diberi
kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang
belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan II

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa

 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk

melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan

terkait materi Manual/user guide

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi Manual/user guide

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi
mengenai materi Manual/user guide

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi
Manual/user guide Peserta didik kemudian diberi
kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang
belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan III

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa


 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi

 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk

melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan
terkait materi Tips

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi Tips

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi
mengenai materi Tips

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi Tips Peserta
didik kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan
kembali hal-hal yang belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)


 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan IV

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa

 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk

melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan
terkait materi Instruction

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi Instruction

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,

mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi

mengenai materi Instruction

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi
Instruction Peserta didik kemudian diberi kesempatan
untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan V

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa

 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk

melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan

terkait materi The structure of procedural text

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi The structure of procedural text

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi
mengenai materi The structure of procedural text

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi The
structure of procedural text Peserta didik kemudian
diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal
yang belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan VI

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa


 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi

 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk

melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan
terkait materi Imperatives

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi Imperatives

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi
mengenai materi Imperatives

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi Imperatives
Peserta didik kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk
menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)


 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan VII

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa

 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk

melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan
terkait materi Sentence connectors

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi Sentence connectors

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi
mengenai materi Sentence connectors

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat

atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi

kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi Sentence
connectors Peserta didik kemudian diberi kesempatan
untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan VIII

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa

 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk

melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya
kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan
terkait materi Adverbs

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan

dengan materi Adverbs

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi
mengenai materi Adverbs

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi Adverbs
Peserta didik kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk
menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan IX

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa

 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk


melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya

kembali. Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan
terkait materi Written procedural text

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi Written procedural text

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi
mengenai materi Written procedural text

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang

hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi Written
procedural text Peserta didik kemudian diberi
kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang
belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

Pertemuan X

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)


 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak Peserta didik berdoa

 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik dan memberi motivasi
 Guru menyampaikan tujuan dan manfaat pembelajaran tentang topik yang
akan diajarkan
 Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan langkah pembelajaran
Kegiatan Inti ( 40 Menit)

Kegiatan Literasi Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan untuk melihat,
mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya kembali.
Mereka diberi tayangan dan bahan bacaan terkait materi
Spoken procedural text

Critical Thinking Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi

sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai
dari pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang
bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini harus tetap berkaitan
dengan materi Spoken procedural text

Collaboration Peserta didik dibentuk dalam beberapa kelompok untuk

mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling bertukar informasi
mengenai materi Spoken procedural text

Communication Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompok

atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat
atas presentasi yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi
kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang

Creativity Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang hal-

hal yang telah dipelajari terkait materi Spoken
procedural text Peserta didik kemudian diberi
kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-hal yang

belum dipahami

Kegiatan Penutup (10 Menit)

 Guru bersama peserta didik merefleksikan pengalaman belajar

 Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya dan

D. Penilaian

1. Penilaian Pembelajaran
Aspek Sikap Pengetahuan

Teknik Observasi Tes Tulis Penugasan

Bentuk Lembar Observasi

Instrume Pilihan Ganda/Essai Fortopolio

2. Remedial dan Pengayaan

a. Remedial
 Remedial dapat diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum
mencapai KBM maupun kepada peserta didik yang sudah
melampui KBM. Remidial terdiri atas dua bagian : remedial karena
belum mencapai KBM dan remedial karena belum mencapai
Kompetensi Dasar
 Guru memberi semangat kepada peserta didik yang belum
mencapai KBM (Ketuntasan Belajar Minimum). Guru akan
memberikan tugas bagi peserta didik yang belum mencapai KBM
(Ketuntasan Belajar Minimum), misalnya sebagai berikut.
 Menyusun text prosedur
 Tulis kegiatan pembelajaran remedial antara lain dalam bentuk:
pembelajaran ulang, bimbingan perorangan, belajar kelompok,
pemanfaatan tutor sebaya bagi peserta didik yang belum mencapai
ketuntasan belajar sesuai hasil analisis penilaian.

b. Pengayaan
 Pengayaan diberikan untuk menambah wawasan peserta didik
mengenai materi pembelajaran yang dapat diberikan kepada
peserta didik yang telah tuntas mencapai KBM atau mencapai
Kompetensi Dasar.

 Pengayaan dapat ditagihkan atau tidak ditagihkan, sesuai

kesepakatan dengan peserta didik.
 Direncanakan berdasarkan IPK atau materi pembelajaran yang
membutuhkan pengembangan lebih luas
 Berdasarkan hasil analisis penilaian, peserta didik yang sudah
mencapai ketuntasan belajar diberi kegiatan pembelajaran
pengayaan untuk perluasan dan/atau pendalaman materi
(kompetensi) antara lain dalam bentuk tugasmengerjakan soal-soal
dengan tingkat kesulitan lebih tinggi, meringkas buku-buku
referensi dan mewawancarai narasumber.

Mengetahui Telaga Biru, Januari

Kepala Madrasah 2022
Guru Mata Pelajaran

Azis Kadir Ismail, S.Pd

Khairatul M. Sidiki, S.Pd
NIP. 19770305 200312 1

 Documentation
Face to Face Learning

Online Learning

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