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Presented to
Undergraduate Program
English Education Program
Nurul Jadid University
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor in English Language Education

Kamelia Yulia Novita
NIM 1842300038




This is to certify that the Skripsi of Kamelia Yulia Novita Islam has been approved by
the board of Examiners on 7th August 2022

Paiton, 7th August 2022

Main Examiner,

Examiner I,

Examiner II,

Acknowledged by
Faculty of Social and Humanity
Nurul Jadid University

Dr. Tirmidi, M. Pd.

“Success is an achievement. Whereas,
struggling could be a should”

1. My Parents, Asmat and Aini Nofemtri

2. My young sister, Intan Putri Tania
3. All my comrades


Herewith, I :

Name : Kamelia Yulia Novita

NPM : 1842300038
Major : English Education
Address : Jl. Kawah ijen, Sempol Bondowoso

Declare that :
1. This skripsi is the sole of work of the author and has not been written in
collaboration with any other person, nor does it include, without due
acknowledgment, the work of any other person.
2. If at a later time it is found that the skripsi is a product of plagiarism, I am willing to
accept any legal consequences that may be imposed to me.



NIM 1842300038


Novita, Kamelia Yulia.2022. The Effect Of English Extra Class On Students’
Motivation In Second Grade At SMA Nurul Jadid. Undergraduate Program
Nurul Jadid University. Advisor (I) M. Sofyan Adi Pranata, M.Li, Advisor (II)
Dr. Tirmidi, M.Pd.,

Key word: English Extra Class and Students’ Motivation

This study aims to determine the effect of English extra class on the motivation of grade
2 students at SMA Nurul Jadid. In this study, additional classes are expected to provide
additional material during hours outside of school and also to be able to solve students'
problems in learning English. As well as knowing the factors that motivates students in
taking extra English classes. This research method is an ex post facto method, using a
quantitative approach, and a causal-comparative design. In this study, the research used
a questionnaire to collect data. Data were calculated with SPSS 16.0.
According to the results of the questionnaire. Thus the results show that the English
extra class has good grades and has an effect on increasing students' knowledge about
learning English. Provide material that is easy to understand with various strategies
carried out by teachers so that they can overcome the difficulties experienced by
students, as well as to achieve good performance in school. This is evidenced by data
showing that the Mann-Whitney U-test statistic score and the level of significance
indicate that the scores are 0.500 and 0.000, respectively. Because the Mann-Whitney
U-test score is lower than the Mann-Whitney U-test (0.500<28), the alternative
hypothesis is accepted. The result of this research is that the English extra class has a
significant influence on the students' motivation to learn the language program.


Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the

Most Merciful, all praise be to Allah SWT who has bestowed His mercy and help in

every step I take, so that I can complete this thesis. Sholawat and greetings may

continue to be poured out to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us to

where we are today.

In this acknowledgment, I would like to express my gratitude to the people

who have helped me and have always encouraged and supported me in working on

this thesis. So that my thesis can be completed as it is today.

1. I would like to express my appreciation to my beloved parents, Mr. Asmat and

Mrs. Aini Nofemtri. Thank you so much for the support given to me during this

time. Thank you for being a good motivator for me, and for always taking the

time to pray for me, so that I can complete my thesis. And also to my only sister,

Intan Putri Tania, who always gives encouragement and becomes a place to

complain about the process that has been passed until this thesis can be


2. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. M. Sofyan Adi Pranata,

M.Li. and Dr. Tirmidi, M.Pd. for their invaluable guidance, advice, corrections,

suggestions, support and patience from the beginning to the end of this thesis.

To all lecturers of the English Department, I am very grateful for all the

knowledge and experience that has been given so that it can help me in

completing this thesis. I would also like to thank the Principal of SMA Nurul

Jadid Paiton Probolinggo who has allowed me to do research at the school, as

well as to all grade 2 students majoring in Languages who have participated and

assisted in completing this research so that this thesis can be completed.

3. I would like to thank all students of the 2018 English Department of Nurul Jadid

University, thank you for your cooperation and teamwork for four years.

Especially to Siti Kholilatul Jannah, thank you for helping a lot from the

beginning until now, thank you for supporting each other and always

encouraging and being friends with complaints so that I can finish this thesis.

And also to Mrs. Indana who has always supported, encouraged and never got

tired of guiding me in completing this thesis, I thank you profusely.

4. I want to say thank you to someone I have mentioned in prayer and whom I wish

for my future. Thank you for taking the time, energy and feeling to support, pray

and always give encouragement and patience until now, thank you for being a

person who always understands and listens to complaints in all conditions so

that this thesis can be completed. And also to Squad Curut; Alvin Nurir Rahman,

Muhammad Risqianto Wijaya, Dhimas Dwi Cahyo, Lutfianto, Ibrahim Rassya

Islamay Fauzi, thank you very much for taking the time to share with me, thank

you for being family who is always there in any case. Thank you so much for

helping, understanding and never getting tired of always giving encouragement

and support so that this thesis can be completed.

5. I would like to thank all my friends at Abidah Ardelia; Mrs. Umamah, Mrs.

Martini, Mrs Dian, Siti Khomariya, Siti Rosyidah, Siti Khalimatus Sholehah,

and Arika Ramadhany. And don't forget my friends in Al-munnawaroh; Anis

Zahro, Sa’diyaturrahma, Silvy Qotrun Nada, Indah Ainussyarifah, Diana

Octaviana, Diana Izza, Kamaliyah, Dina Nur Faizah, Apriyanti, Luluil Maqnun,

Mirayanti, Siti Nur Inayah, Ira Alfa Ida and Dila who always support and always

give encouragement so that this thesis can be completed.

6. I would like to thank all my family who always pray, educate, advise and always

motivate and support me so I can be like this.

I realize that this thesis is far from perfect. Therefore, I really expect and

appreciate many corrections, suggestions and criticisms. Finally, I hope this thesis

can be a useful reference for future researchers.

The researcher

Kamelia Yulia Novita

INSIDE COVER...........................................................................................................i
MOTTO AND DEDICATION...................................................................................iii
DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP.......................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................ix
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................................1

A. The Background of the Study............................................................................1

B. The Statement of Research Problem..................................................................5
C. The Objective of Study......................................................................................5
D. The Significance of the Study............................................................................5
E. The Research Hypothesis...................................................................................6
F. The Definition of Operational Key Term..........................................................7
G. The Previous Study............................................................................................7

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.......................................10

A. English Extra Class...........................................................................................10

B. Students Motivation..........................................................................................11
C. The Relationship between English Extra Class on Students’ Motivation…….15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD...................................................................18

A. The Research Design........................................................................................18

B. Population and Sample.....................................................................................19
C. The Research Instrument..................................................................................20
D. The Data Collection..........................................................................................22
E. The Data Analysis.............................................................................................23

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION......................................................24

A. The Display of Data..........................................................................................24

B. The Testing Hypothesis....................................................................................42
C. Discussion.........................................................................................................44

CHAPTER V RESEARCH CONCLUSION............................................................47

A. Conclusion........................................................................................................47
B. Suggestion.........................................................................................................48




This chapter describes the introduction. Preliminary is the first step in

conducting research. This chapter contains an introduction consisting of:

background of the study, statement of the research problem, objective of the study,

significance of the study, theoretical hypothesis, definition of operational key term,

and previous research.


One of the biggest problems in education is to improve the performance of

students who are far below in learning in specific knowledge, especially in learning

English language education. Realizing that, English language skill is needed to be

learned in life. Moreover, English has become an international language which is

very influential for students and is also very necessary to facilitate communication

between various nations. English is indispensable in the interests of science and

technology. It is found that English is taught by teachers and then practiced by

students with limited time, only when they are carrying out teaching and learning

activities with limited time, opportunities and facilities in formal classes only.

That's why some of these limitations cause a decrease in the interest and motivation

of students in learning English. So, the teacher give English extra class.

Extra classes give students the opportunity to practice extra. Students need

additional time to explore what they are learning. In extra class, students can repeat

and practice what they learned in formal class. They can even gain clearer and more

detailed knowledge from additional classes.

Working outside of the classroom with diverse groups of individuals allow

student to gain more self-confidence, autonomy, and appreciation for other’s

differences and similarities. Students have opportunities to improve their leadership

and interpersonal skills while also increasing their self-confidence. Also, extra class

involvement allows students to link academic knowledge with practical experience,

thereby leading to a better understanding of their own abilities, talents and career

goals.Stressed the contribution of out-of-class experiences to student achievement 1.

He said that any institution that wishes to make student satisfaction, persistence and

learning a priority must have extensive extra class activities which help in the

attainment of the academic mission of the institution realize its goals.

Students who need additional classes are students who are below average in

learning English in the morning2. Additional classes do not teach students new

knowledge, but focus more on revising what has been learned in school hours. In

addition, they also learn more about English, especially for students who are weak

in that subject. Therefore some students go to extra classes because they need extra

time to learn English language to balance their knowledge with other students.

Extra English classes are important in improving the ability of students who are less

motivated to learn more English at school.

Bearns (2015)” Status of Co-Curricular and Extra Class Activities of Student Organizations. Asia Pacific
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ”
Santhi (2011) The Effect of English Extra Class on Students’ Motivation. Doctoral dissertation, UIN Ar-
Raniry Banda Aceh.

In learning activities, motivation is needed to arouse students' enthusiasm

for learning so that learning activities can run well. A person's learning motivation

is also very influential in every process of learning activities so that learning

activities run well so that the desired learning objectives can be achieved.

According to learning motivation is "the overall driving force within students that

causes learning activities, which ensure the continuity of learning activities and

provide direction to learning activities, so that the goals desired by the learning

subject can be achieved"3. Says that learning motivation is an internal and external

encouragement for students who are learning to make changes in behavior,

generally with several indicators or supporting elements4.

Motivation is a main impetus that makes someone start learning and the

driving force that will sustain the learning process in a sustainable manner.

Whereas learning is the basic process of the development of human life, by learning

humans make individual changes so that their behavior develops 5. All activities

carried out and the results of each achievement are none other than the results of

learning, because someone lives and works according to what they have learned.

In relation to student motivation, one of the factors that comes from outside

the individual that affects a student in learning, one of which is the influence of

parents and teachers. Parents are an external factor that can be an influence on

students6. Because parents are the first to educate their children before getting

Sardiman (2018: 75)
Uno (2017: 23)Motivation in Learning.Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies.
(Dornyei, & Stephen, Ryan, 2015 :72)
(Fatwa, 2014).

education from others. In educating and meeting the needs of their children, it

requires attention from parents.

Furthermore, when carrying out the learning process there are two factors

that become the driving force, namely extrinsic motivation, namely motivation that

comes from outside the self and intrinsic motivation that comes from within

himself7. A child who learns with low or even no motivation, will be difficult to

achieve, the child feels quickly satisfied with the results obtained, apathetic, not

creative and unfocused.

Based on the observation, the researcher find out a lot of obstacles in

learning English. Students need to more attention to their learning. In this case,

English teacher should think about the solution to solve the problem. In addition,

facilities that can address their problem must be facilitated, which one of them is an

English extra class. English extra class gives many advantages for students' in

developing knowledge about English. The students who attended the English extra

class, they felt more serious than in the morning class. Students were interested in

the way the teacher deliver the material at English extra class that makes them

easier to understand. Students felt comfortable to ask about the difficulties that they

faced in learning English to the teacher at the English extra class. The English extra

class held in SMA Nurul Jadid is the additional class for learning English in the

afternoon. Students need more knowledge about English to get more skills in

English. Besides, English supports their future life. Moreover, the students realized

that important to have skills in English as an international language. Therefore,

(Ihsan, 2016).

students need to learn English more. Considering the problem, the researcher

intends to focus on “The Effect of English Extra Class on Students’ Motivation in

Second Grade at SMA Nurul Jadid”


Based on the background above, the researcher would like to formulate the

statement of the research problem as follow:

1. Does English extra class effect students’ motivation?

2. What factors motivate students in taking English extra class?


Based on the research problem above, the researcher aims to find out:

1. The effect of English extra class on students’ motivation.

2. The factors motivate students in taking English extra class


This research was expected to provide significant contribution both theoretically

and practically:

a. Theoretically Significance

This research is expected to contribute and provide empirical evidence to

support effect of English extra class on students’ motivation in first grade at

SMA Nurul Jadid.

b. Practically Significance

1. For teacher, it is hoped that they can provide further information regarding

the effectiveness of English extra class on students’ motivation in first grade

at SMA Nurul Jadid

2. For students, to increase students learning motivation in English extra class

in first grade at SMA Nurul Jadid

3. For readers and other researchers, this research can be used as a reference

and comparison material for further researchers.


H0 : There is no effect of English extra class on students’ motivation in first grade

at SMA Nurul Jadid

H1 : There is effect of English extra class on students’ motivation in first grade at

SMA Nurul Jadid


1. English Extra Class

English extra class is activities that are carried outside of formal lesson

hours. In this study, the English extra class is learning and teaching activity in

the afternoon. Extra classes aim to prepare students to be able to pass their goals

at school and support their future lives. This activity is very helpful for students

in developing the knowledge that has been obtained in formal classes.

2. Students’ Motivation

Motivation comes from the Latin word, namely "movere" which means

encouragement or driving force. Stanford in the book Mangkunegara That

motivation as an energizing condition of the organism that services to direct that

organism toward the goal of a certain class8. Motivation is the encouragement

of students to achieve learning goals, such as understanding the material or

developing learning. Motivation cans also guide and support students' attitudes

in learning English in extra classes. With motivation, students will continue to

be enthusiastic in learning without coercion from anywhere.


There are several researchers who conducted research on the effectiveness of

the English Extra Class on Students’ Motivation. They are: (1) Miftakhul Hidayah

(Universities Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2021), (2) Sisay

Ayalew University-BiT, Ethiopia, 2020).

1. Miftakhul Hidayah
Fillmore H. (2017: 93)

Miftakhul Hidayah conducted a research entitled “The Effectiveness of

Muhadharah Extracurricular Activities for Improving Public Speaking Skills for

Class VII Students Madrasah Tsanawiyah Islamic Boarding School As-Salam

Rimbo Bujang Tebo Regency, Jambi Province.” This research was conducted to

improve vocabulary learning and lack of enthusiasm in attending extracurricular

classes. In this case, additional classes are expected to provide additional

material that has not been completed during school hours and also to be able to

solve students' problems in learning English. The results showed that

Muhadharah extracurricular activities at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Class VII As-

Salam were very effective in training those who did not yet have the courage to

speak and appear in front of the public and then become brave and those who

already had talent were further improved and developed. This extracurricular

muhadharah activity also helps in language skills. In this activity, students learn

three languages, namely Indonesian, Arabic and English. Therefore, with this

muhadharah activity, it is enough to help students who lack language

vocabulary, and also students have the courage to speak in public.

2. Sisay Ayalew

Sisay Ayalew conducted a research entitled “Effects of Extra Class Activities on

Students Oral Communication Skills.” The aim of this study was to investigate

the impact of extra classroom activities in improving students' language listening

and speaking skills. It also aims to identify extra classroom activities that are

effective for developing student skills. It can be concluded. The results showed

that students in the experimental group outperformed students in the control

group in overall listening and speaking skills. The results of questionnaires,

interviews, and focus group discussions showed that students had positive

attitudes towards extra-class activities even though there was no such activity

program at school.

3. Current Study Position

In the first and second previous studies, both conducted research on the effect of

English extra class, but the researchers focused on oral communication skills and

also improving public speaking skills, while the current researchers focused on

knowing the effect of extra English classes on students' motivation and to find

out factors that motivate students in taking extra English classes.



The review of related literature is presented about the theories that

support the study then these theories become a guidance to do this study, and

there are many explanations of previous studies that become a basic of the


1. English Extra Class

Additional English learning is a learning program carried out outside

school hours. Additional learning of English can be done by students at

school and the mentors come from English subject teachers at school.

Additional learning of English is carried out by students aiming to increase

understanding and deepening of the material. It aims to overcome learning

difficulties in English subjects. Students who join additional study programs

have more opportunities to achieve their goals and benefit greatly. Therefore,

additional learning programs need to be followed properly by students. Not

just joining the school program but actually following it wholeheartedly.

This is a way to improve their English knowledge. So, extra English class is

a solution for students to gain more knowledge which will help them to more

easily know and understand English lessons.

However, the teaching methods of teachers also influence the

effectiveness of extra classes of students’ academic achievement9. Research

findings also show students’ high perception towards the effect of extra

classes. There is a significant relationship between the effectiveness of

Mahzan, 2014 (Extra_Classes_Effectiveness_in_Smart_Secondary_Sch)


additional classes with students’ understanding. In carrying out his

profession as a teacher, teachers always expect success in teaching and

learning activities and everything taught can be well received by students. So

the teacher is very influential for students in taking additional classes,

because the success of additional classes is also how the teacher provides

material to students.

2. Students Motivation

A. Definition of Motivation

In learning activities, motivation is needed to generate

enthusiasm and support for student learning so that learning activities

can run well. There are several sources of motivation to get a better life

and also encourage them to be better. That's why motivation is very

influential in life. Motivation can function as a driver of effort and

achievement. So it can be said that if a student has the motivation in

learning, the student's learning achievement is expected to increase10.

Motivation is the desire to achieve a goal combined with the energy to

work towards a goal11. Some people are motivated by the goals they will

achieve in the end. There are various sources of motivation, such as the

need for achievement, biological need, and relatedness, among many

others12. “Motivation is often inferred from learning, and learning is

Sardiman (2012),Study on Students’ Motivation in Joining an English Course. Journal of
Education and Learning.
Alizadeh (2016), Motivational model of English learning among elementary school students: Japan
Reeve (2014),.

usually an indicator of motivation for educational psychologists”13. Most

language teachers believe that motivation is a success factor in language


B. The Type of Motivation

The author will discuss two types of motivation, namely

motivation that comes from within a person's personality which is

commonly called intrinsic motivation, and motivation that comes from

outside a person's personality which is commonly called extrinsic

motivation. Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation are types of

motivation based on their source14. The intrinsic motivation and extrinsic

motivation are:

a. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that comes from a person. This

motivation usually arises because of a person's hopes, goals, and

desires for something so that he has the spirit to achieve it.

b. Extrinsic motivation is something that is expected to be obtained

from outside a person. This motivation is usually in the form of the

value of a material, for example, a reward in the form of money or

other incentives obtained for an effort that has been made.

Butler (2014)
Tambunan (2015: 196),Impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on

readingachievment of firts grade students. ( Doctoral dissertation).

RetrievedfromProQuest LLC

So, someone who is intrinsically motivated, they do some

activities because they find it fun. On the other hand, extrinsic

motivation is not an activity based on a target to achieve some goal.

C. Factors influencing students’ motivation

Learning motivation is a psychological aspect that is

experiencing development, meaning that it is affected by the

physiological conditions and psychological maturity of students.

Learning motivation can arise due to several factors15, namely:

a Internal factors

1. Physical factors

Physical factors are factors that affect the body and appearance of

the individual. Physical factors include nutrition (nutrition), health

and physical functions, especially the five senses.

2. Psychological factors

Psychological factors are intrinsic factors related to aspects that

encourage or hinder student learning activities. This factor

concerns the spiritual condition of students.

b External factors

1. Social factors

Syamsu Yusuf in Rima Rahmawati's thesis (2016:17),

It is a factor that comes from humans around the student

environment. Includes teachers, peers, parents, neighbors, and so


2. Non-social factors

Non-social factors are factors that come from the physical

conditions around students. Includes air conditions (hot or cold

weather), time (morning, afternoon, or evening), place (quiet,

noisy, or the quality of the school where students study), and

learning facilities.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that many

factors can affect student learning motivation. That these factors can

come from within the students themselves such as students' physical and

spiritual conditions, students' abilities, and so on. While extrinsic factors

that can affect students' learning motivation include school environment

conditions, family, teachers, learning facilities, and associations.

D. Motivation and language learning

In learning activities, students need motivation. The motivation

that exists in each student has different characteristics. A student with

strong motivation will study hard to achieve his goals. 16States that to be

motivated, learners will need reasons related to goals. Therefore,

motivation has an important role in language learning, because there

Jafari (2013),

must be something that the learner wants to achieve the goal. The

performance of learners abroad in language learning was improved

because they were motivated17. In addition, the process of language

learning occurs when a person is motivated. Related to this case is why

teachers need knowledge of motivation theory, at least they know

students are motivated in learning.

3. The Relationship between English Extra Class on Students’ Motivation

The relationship between English Extra Class in students' learning

motivation is the occurrence of thinking activities and social interactions with

motivation to learn English. It has been proven by previous researchers that

the additional classroom environment conditions in preparing and delivering

lesson material clearly, assignments that are informed in detail and facilitate

student learning activities, as well as creating a classroom atmosphere where

social interaction between teachers and students and fellow students takes

place. Properly during learning can foster student learning motivation. To

create a good teaching and learning environment is more active and

enthusiastic. Because students who are motivated to learn will be able to

develop abilities in problem-solving, as well as being able to reflect and take

the initiative, as the values that students learn during the teaching and

learning process at school.

Students who have greater learning motivation will certainly encourage

students to behave actively in getting achievements, but too strong motivation

Carreira (2013)

can also hurt the effectiveness of student learning efforts 18. A person's

learning motivation can be seen from several indicators such as the level of

inspiration, duration of the activity, ability, level of qualification of results, as

well as the direction of attitude towards the target of the activity which has an

important role in student learning outcomes. Teachers play an important role

in motivating students. So it can be concluded that the teacher's ability to

motivate students greatly determines student learning outcomes 19. This study

aims to determine the relationship between Extra classes with motivating

students’ English language skills.

So, the relationship between the English language class and the students’

motivation is much related, because in the additional class there is a lot of

motivation that will be obtained by the students. English Extra Class can

generate interest and motivation in learning because each student has

different interests and learning motivations, so this additional class will foster

student interest which can make students have the motivation to learn. The

emergence of motivation will make students better master the material

presented by the teacher. The greater the motivation of students, it will be

easier to understand the learning material well, can overcome student

difficulties, and can also achieve the learning objectives set.

(Fauziah et al., 2017) “The retaltionship additional class on motivation”
(Andriani & Rasto, 2019)



This chapter described the methodology used in the study including the

research design, population and sample, the research instrument, the data collection

technique, and the data analysis technique.


This research is quantitative research. Quantitative research involves

collecting data so that information can qualify and be subject to treatment statistics

to support “alternative knowledge claims”20. It is used to answer questions about the

relationship in measurable variables by predicting, intending to explain and control

phenomena21. Researchers use quantitative methods, namely by identifying several

variables that will be used in research by collecting data related to variables.

The method of this research was ex post facto method. According to

Sugiyono, ex-post-facto is a study which has objective of examining events that

have occurred and then trace back to find out the factors that can cause these


There are two kinds of ex post facto design. Those are causal research

design and causal-comparative research design. This study uses causal-comparative

research design. Causal-comparative research is a type of research that tests a

hypothesis about the causal relationship of several variables 23. This study can be

used to test whether a variable has an influence on other variables or it can be used

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Researh design: Qualitative and QuntitativeApproachesed Method Approaches.
UnitedStates of America: SAGE Publication, Inc.
Walliman (2011)
H Sugiyono, “Metode Kualitatif Dan Kuantitatif,” Cetakan Ke-23. Alfabeta, Bandung, 2016
Clyde Reginald Alston, A Causal Comparative Study of Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of
School Climate within Elementary Schools in a School District (Liberty University, 2017).

to determine how much the relative contribution of the independent variable to the

existence of the dependent variable. In this study, it can also be used to determine

the difference between a variable. In this study the sample was divided into two

groups. They are Language program students with additional English extra class as

group one and Language program students with no additional English extra class as

group two.


1. Population

The target population of this research is all students of the language

program at SMA Nurul Jadid who are domiciled in Islamic boarding schools.

The populations that can be accessed in this study are thirteen students of the

English language program who take an additional English extra class and nine

students who do not take an additional English extra class at SMA Nurul Jadid.

The total number of affordable population is twenty two students.

2. Sample

Sample is part of the population as samples taken using certain methods.

To determine the number of the samples, this study uses purposive sampling

techniques. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique of data sources with

certain considerations24. The reason for using the purposive sampling technique

is because not all samples have criteria that match the phenomenon under study.

Therefore, this study used a purposive sampling technique which establishes

Ilker Etikan, Sulaiman Abubakar Musa, and Rukayya Sunusi Alkassim, “Comparison of Convenience
Sampling and Purposive Sampling,” American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 5, no. 1
(2016): 1–4.

certain considerations or criteria that must be met by the samples used in this

study. In this study, the sample is students who meet certain criteria. The criteria

used as research samples are:

a. The sample must be students of the Language program from those enrolled

in the educational institution of SMA Nurul Jadid.

b. The student must be registered as a sophomore in the Language program.

c. The students live in Islamic boarding schools.

d. The student is a female student.

With these criteria, this study used thirteen students of the SMA Nurul Jadid

language program who took an English extra class. As a comparison group, this

study used nine students of the SMA Nurul Jadid language program who didn’t

take the English Extra Class.


For this research, the researcher used observation and a questionnaire as

an instrument. Observation is a data collection technique that is carried out

through observation, accompanied by notes on the state or behavior of the target

object. The observation technique is the systematic observation and recording of

the phenomena being investigated. In a broad sense, actual observation is not

only limited to observations carried out either directly or indirectly. Whereas, a

questionnaire is a technique of collecting data through forms containing

questions or statements submitted in writing to a person or group of people to

get answers or responses and information needed by the researchers 25. The

questionnaires were used to collect data on students' motivation for learning

English in the extra class. The questionnaire has been validated. The

questionnaire was to find out the students’ motivation in learning English

through Extra classes. The questionnaire contains statements about students'

perceptions and expectations of the English extra class and what factors

motivated them to enjoining the English extra class.

1. Validity

Validity refers to the precise measurements of the test. Validity is

defined as the extent to which the instrument measures what it supposes to

measure26. It means that a valid test of subject would measure the subject itself.

For instance, the valid of motivation questionnaire would measure motivation.

There are three kinds of validity: content validity, construct validity, and

empirical validity27. Content validity meant the test reflected an analysis

according to the views of recognized authorities in the skill area. Construct

validity was the way the test look whether it was irrelevant, silly, inappropriate,

etc. Empirical validity depended in large part on the reliability of the test and

criterion measure.

2. Reliability

Jon A Krosnick, “Questionnaire Design,” in The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research (Springer,
2018), 439–55.
Roberta Heale and Alison Twycross, “Validity and Reliability in Quantitative Studies,” Evidence-Based
Nursing 18, no. 3 (2015): 66–67.
Catherine S Taylor, Validity and Validation (Oxford University Press, 2013).

Reliability is the consistency of the measurement, or the degree to which

an instrument measures the same way each time it is used under the same

condition with the same subjects28. In short, it is the repeatability of your

measurement. In this research, the reliability of the items is tested by using

SPSS. 16.0,


For the collecting data, this research conducted several agenda as follows:

1. Collecting the total number of the samples is the first step of this research. It is

done by sending a letter to the institution to confirm the research used their

students as sample.

2. For data collection, the researcher used a questionnaire. Questionnaires are a

number of written questions that must be answered or completed by

respondents29. Questionnaires were used to measure students' motivation in

taking extra English classes. Students put a check mark on the appropriate

answer on the questionnaire that has been provided with the answer criteria.

This instrument uses a rating scale. Students will choose one of the grading

scales denoted by:

1 = Strongly Disagree

2 = Disagree

3 = Agree
S Lakshmi and M Akbar Mohideen, “Issues in Reliabilityand Validity of Research,” International
Journal of Management Research and Reviews 3, no. 4 (2013): 2752
(Abu-Afyah, 2019)

4 = Strongly Agree

3. Testing the validity and the reliability of the questionnaire is the third step. For

testing the validity, this research only used content and constructs validity. For

testing the reliability, this research use SPSS 16.0.

4. Distributing the questionnaire to the samples is the next step. It used paper


5. Calculating the data from the paper questionnaire.


To analyze the data of the questionnaire, this research use the non-

parametric test, specifically use the Mann-Whitney U-test with two independent

samples. The counting of the result use manners, those are through the formula of

Mann Whitney U-test through SPSS 16.0. Through SPSS 16.0 that total score of

each respondent’s answer is calculated by the data input of the SPSS 16.0,

calculating data use the two independent samples and Mann-Whitney U-test in

SPSS 16.0



This chapter presents about the display of the data, the testing hypothesis,

and the discussion based on the result of the research.


This section displays the questionnaire scores of students who took the

English Extra Class and those who did not take the English Extra Class. For all

students of the second grade language program at SMA Nurul Jadid who are

domiciled in Islamic boarding schools. There are thirteen students in the English

study program who take additional English classes and nine students who do not

take additional English classes at SMA Nurul Jadid.

The analyzed data in this study was mainly from questionnaire. The data from

questionnaire can be presented and analyzed in the following tables:

1. I really like English lessons, so I am interested in taking appropriate extra


19 %
English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.1

As the figure 4.1 displays, the percentage obtained from the two comparisons

of students who like English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid is higher (49%),

compared to students who do not like English Extra Class (19%). This shows that

the second grade students of SMA Nurul Jadid in English lessons are interested in

learning more about English extra class. In addition, the students suggested taking

the English Extra Class because of the motivation they get and also can learn more


2. I realized English is a language lesson that is needed in life





English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.2

As the figure 4.2 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid

was higher (49%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class

(27%). This shows that the second grade students of SMA Nurul Jadid realize that

English lessons are needed in life. In addition, they realize that English is one of the

most important languages to learn, this is why it encourages them to learn more

about English extra class.

3. The extra class that I take is a solution to support students continuing to study



50 48%




English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.3

As the figure 4.3 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (48%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (27%).

This shows that many students in the second grade of the Language program at

SMA Nurul Jadid agree that by joining the English extra class they have great

motivation to join in learning English. In addition, the English extra class has a

good effect on them to achieve their goals.

4. I have high ideals and plan to make it happen by taking extra class that I take.





English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.4

As the figure 4.4 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (49%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (23%).

This shows that many students in the second grade of the Language program at

SMA Nurul Jadid agree that by joining the English extra class they have great

motivation to join in learning English. In addition, the English extra class has a

good effect on them to achieve their goals.

5. My motivation is to attend extra class that I take to support my future career.

English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.5

As the figure 4.5 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (45%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (23%).

This shows that the second year students of the Language program at SMA Nurul

Jadid are motivated to take English extra class to support their future careers.

6. The extra class I took motivated me to learn more English.



30 22%


English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.6

As the figure 4.6 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (49%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (22%).

This shows that the second year students of the Language program at SMA Nurul

Jadid are motivated to take English extra class and can learn more English.

7. I got good grades during the extra class I took.

45 44%
25 24%
English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.7

As the figure 4.7 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (44%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (24%).

This indicates that second grade students of the Language program at SMA Nurul

Jadid who attend English extra class will provide them with the opportunity to get

high marks both in school and outside of school.

8. I like to take extra class that I take because they have many strategies to solve

my difficulties in learning English.

English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.8

As the figure 4.8 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (45%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (21%).

This shows that the English extra class can overcome their difficulties in learning

English. In English extra class, they get many strategies to solve their problems in

learning English. The strategy of delivering material in the English extra class

motivates students to learn more English.

9. The extra class I took helped me with assignments in English lessons.

25 20%
English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.9

As the figure 4.9 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (47%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (20%).

This shows that joining English extra class helps them in doing their homework at

school. English extra class is programs that facilitate them to study English further.

10. I can easily answer the questions given by the teacher at school after attending

the extra class I take.

40 %
25 20%
English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.10

As the figure 4.10 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (46%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (20%).

This shows that they can answer the questions given by the teacher.

11. I like to take extra class that I follow because the method used by the teacher is

very easy to understand.

English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.11

As the figure 4.11 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (43%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (22%).

This shows that they are happy to participate in English extra class. They easily

understand what the teacher is teaching with fun methods in English lessons. So

they are interested in learning English extra class.

12. My English lessons have improved over the course of the extra class I've taken.

English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.12

As the figure 4.12 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (45%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (20%).

This shows that their English proficiency increases when they take English extra

classes. This can be an effect of the way teachers teach them in extra class and

make students enjoy learning in extra class.

13. The material provided in the extra class I attended supports the material taught

in school hours.

45 44
40 %
25 21
20 %
English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.13

As the figure 4.13 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (44%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (21%).

This shows that the English extra provides material that supports the material

taught in school hours. Teachers in English supplementary classes teach lessons

to meet the needs of students during school hours. Students attend English extra

class to gain more knowledge and strategies in learning English. This program

supports them in achieving the targets set by the school in learning English so

that they will understand better in learning English.

14. Since I joined the supplementary class I was taking, I was making good

progress in English lessons.

English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.14

As the figure 4.14 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (45%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (24%).

This shows that the English extra class has a good influence on them. They realized

that during joining extra English extra class, their English improved and made good

progress. This shows that studying in extra classes gives them ample opportunity to

get good grades in school.

15. The extra class I take are a way to improve my learning in English lessons to

support my future.

25 20%
English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.15

As the figure 4.15 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (47%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (20%).

This shows that English extra class are a way for them to improve English lessons

that support their future life.

16. I feel that I have to take extra class that I take that is held by the school to

expand my knowledge of English.

30 20%
English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.16

As the figure 4.16 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (45%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (20%).

This shows that they feel lucky to have the opportunity to take English extra class

organized by the school to increase their knowledge of English.

17. I can choose anything at the University to continue my study abroad.

30 25%
English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.17

As the figure 4.17 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (46%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (25%).

This shows that taking English extra class will help them in choosing any

university to continue their studies at. They think about their future education,

even they are still in second grade. This means that they are worried about the

future life, in order to achieve a better one they have to study hard, especially

English lessons.

18. My goal is that I can speak English fluently by taking extra class that I take.



30 25%



English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.18

As the figure 4.18 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (49%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (25%).

This shows that they take English extra class feel more confident to speak in

English. Therefore, the English extra class gives them a good effect on improving

their English skills.

19. I hope that by taking the extra class I take, I can communicate with strangers.

English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.19

As the figure 4.19 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (47%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (25%).

This shows that they take English extra class they feel more confident to speak in

English. They can try to communicate with strangers. Therefore, the English extra

class gives them a good effect on improving their English skills.

20. After taking extra class that I took, I got a lot of strategies and solutions to

difficulties in English assignments well

English Extra Class Not English Extra Class

Figure 4.20

As the figure 4.20 displays, The percentage obtained from the two

comparisons of students who took English Extra Class at SMA Nurul Jadid was

higher (46%), compared to students who did not take English Extra Class (22%).

This shows that by taking English extra class to overcome their difficulties in

English lessons. In the English extra class, they get many strategies to solve their

problems in learning English. Programs organized by the school help students

learn more English. The strategy of delivering material in English extra class

motivates students to learn English a lot.


This part presented the Students’ score of the questionnaire who are under

English extra class and those who are not under English extra class. For all students

of the second grade language program at SMA Nurul Jadid who are domiciled in

Islamic boarding schools. There are thirteen students in the English study program

who take additional English classes and nine students who do not take additional

English classes at SMA Nurul Jadid. The group of not under English extra class is

group 1 and the group from English extra class is group 2. The samples of the

research are female, language program and had stayed in Islamic Boarding School

or Pesantren or Ma’had.

To analyze the data of the questionnaire, this research use the non-

parametric test, specifically use the Mann-Whitney U-test with two independent

samples. The counting of the result use manner, those are through the formula of

Mann Whitney U-test through SPSS 16.0.

Table 4.1

Ranks of Students’ group

Group N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Students’ Group 1 9 5.06 45.50

Motivation Group 2 13 15.96 207.50

Total 22


The result of test statistic
Test Statisticsb


Mann-Whitney U .500
Wilcoxon W 45.500
Z -3.880
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed

a. Not corrected for ties.

b. Grouping Variable: Group of
Students’ English

The ranking table shows that the total sample is 22 people. The average

rating of group 1 is 5.06 and the total rating is 45.50 while in group 2, the

average rating is 15.96 and the total rating is 207.50. This table shows that the

score of group 2 is higher than group 1. From the table of test statistics, the

Mann-Whitney U-test score and significance score. This shows that the Mann-

Whitney U-test is .500 and the significance value is .000.

Based on statistical calculations through SPSS 16.0, group 2's score was

higher than group 1 both in terms of mean rank scores and sum rank scores.

Based on the output of "Test Statistics" it is known that the Asymp value. Sig.

(2-tailed) of 0.000<0.05. Then it can be concluded that H1 is accepted. Thus it

can be said that there are differences in students taking the Extra class. Because

there is a significant difference, it can be said that there is an influence in

following the English Extra Class on the motivation of grade 2 students at SMA

Nurul Jadid.


The discussion in this section is to answer the research questions raised in

Chapter I. Here, the researcher describes several brief explanations of the research

data that have been obtained through questionnaires. The first research question is

whether extra English classes have an effect on students' learning motivation.

According to the results of the questionnaire, the results show that the English extra

class has a good value and has an effect on increasing students' knowledge about

learning English. This is evidenced by the Mann-Whitney U-test is .500 and the

significance value is .000. Based on statistical calculations through SPSS 16.0,

group 2's score was higher than group 1 both in terms of mean rank scores and sum

rank scores. Based on the output of "Test Statistics" it is known that the Asymp

value. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000<0.05. The Mann-Whitney U-test score is lower than

the Mann-Whitney U-test table value (0.500<28), Thus, it can be concluded that H1

is accepted.

They are motivated to take extra English classes. This includes two factors

that make them take extra English classes. Both are intrinsic and extrinsic

motivation. As explained “Extrinsic motivation occurs when students engage in

activities for external reasons, such as praise, grades. Special privileges, and

certificates or material rewards30. In addition, it is said that, intrinsic motivation

involves internal motivation to do something for oneself 31. The main purpose of the

school holding this program is to improve the quality of English skills. This is

evidenced by the answers to the questionnaire, the students feel lucky that they

have the opportunity to join English extra class to increase knowledge about

English. Moreover, it also belongs to them the initiative to get good learning to

achieve high and good achievement in school.

Motivation drives to achieve goals. While most students agree that extra

English class is the right place to improve their English skills to achieve several

goals. This shows that students agree that the additional English class provides

good material that is easy to understand and use by the teacher in an interesting way

of delivering material based on the module, students' motivation in taking extra

English classes depends on their interest which occurs from the student's personal

reasons. Meanwhile, additional English classes provide materials that support the

material taught during school hours. Then, the expectation of extra English classes

also has an influence on students' motivation, such as they can speak English

fluently by taking extra English classes, can apply to any university to continue

their studies, can do all the assignments given by the teacher, and they hope that by

learning English in extra classes it can support their future careers, so on.

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Most of the students strongly agreed that some of the statements were related

to what they got and expected after attending the extra English class. The results of

the questionnaire on the second research question show that students' motivation in

learning English in extra class is caused by both intrinsic and extrinsic because

these factors do not only come from themselves but also include their social

environment. In addition, some of the students learn English because of their

initiative to achieve the goal and they like to learn it. In addition, they also like

English because they want to communicate with foreigners and travel around the

world. Two factors that make students' motivation in learning English in extra

class. In extra grade English that they get clearer answers to their questions than in

school time is also the reason why they enjoy studying in extra class more than

school. In short, most of the students are in instrumental motivation because they

study English for the sake of learning English related to them the program is

successful. It could be intrinsic or extrinsic factors that make future needs such as

studies, careers or their achievements in passing their study programs at school.

And some students are also in integrative to learn English because they want to

communicate in English fluently or to communicate with foreigners. Thus, the

English extra class has had a good effect and increased the students’ motivation in

second grade at SMA Nurul Jadid.



This chapter is presented as conclusions related to the research problems

stated in Chapter I. Moreover, it also gives some suggestions regarding the learning

motivation and further researches that might be conducted by other researchers.


Based on the research findings and data analysis in the previous chapter, it

can be concluded that most of the students are intrinsically and extrinsically

motivated to learn English in additional English classes. Students want to learn

English by taking an English extra class because they want to know how people

communicate fluently in English. This includes their need to learn, and socialize

with people who speak foreign languages. Then, motivation shows that learning

English in additional classes enhances students' career or business opportunities,

and gives them more opportunities and strength to pass their study program at

school. This shows that the addition of English provides material that supports the

material taught in school hours. Teachers in English supplementary classes teach

lessons to meet the needs of students during school hours. Students attend

additional English classes to gain more knowledge and strategies in learning

English. This program supports them in achieving the targets set by the school in

learning English so that they will understand better in learning English.

In the hypothesis testing English extra class has a significant influence on

the learning motivation of students majoring in Language at SMA Nurul Jadid.

Based on the mean rank and sum rank scores, the learning motivation score of

Language Department students by taking English extra class is higher than the

learning motivation of Language Department students without taking English extra

class. With the difference in scores, it is significant enough to state that English

extra class has a significant influence on the learning motivation of Language

Department students, in other words H1 is accepted.


The suggestions are given to the student, the lecturer, and the future


a. For the Student

Students should be more enthusiastic about participating in English extra

class activities held by the school, have more enthusiasm so that everything can

be achieved. Students need to maintain the stability of their motivation,

especially in the learning process. This is important because a student learns best

when he or she recognizes a need and develops a desire to learn through

motivation. In addition, motivation increases the speed of work done by the

learner to achieve a goal.

b. For the Teacher

English teachers need to develop learning teaching materials based on

students' needs and motivations; teachers must motivate students during the

teaching-learning process and provide them with materials in a fun way, so that

they can easily understand what they are learning. Teachers must pay attention

to what students need in the teaching and learning process. It also needs a

teacher to create a fun process in learning to prevent boredom in the classroom.

This is important during the teaching and learning process because most of the

students' interest in the subject depends on the types of activities developed in

the class that can increase students' motivation and enthusiasm to join the class.

c. For the Future Research

It is necessary to conduct research on student motivation with various

learning objectives in extra English classes. It is also hoped that the

implementation of English extra class activities will be more extensive.


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Appendix 1


Identitas Responden :

Nama : …………………

Kelas : …………………

Program : …………………

Extra class : …………………

Petunjuk pengisian Angket :

1. Isilah data diri Anda pada tempat yang telah disediakan. Kerahasiaan data

pribadi Anda kami jamin. Data pribadi semata dibutuhkan untuk bukti otentitas


2. Bacalah dengan cermat setiap butir pertanyaan, kemudian jawablah sesuai

dengan keadaan Anda yang sebenarnya dengan cara memberi tanda cek (√) atau

silang (X) pada kotak jawaban yang sesuai.

3. Butir pertanyaan berjumlah 20.

4. Kategori yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan adalah sebagai berikut:

Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS) :1

Tidak Setuju (TS) :2

Setuju (S) :3

Sangat Setuju (SS) :4

5. Isilah kuesioner berikut sesuai keadaan motivasi belajar Anda ketika Anda

mengikuti Extra class

6. Selamat mengerjakan dan terima kasih atas kesediannya untuk mengisi angket


N Sangat Setuju Tidak Sangat

O PERNYATAAN Setuju (S) Setuju Tidak
(SS) (TS) Setuju
1 Saya sangat suka pelajaran Bahasa Inggris,
jadi saya tertarik mengambil Kelas
tambahan yang sesuai.
2 Saya menyadari Bahasa Inggris adalah
pelajaran bahasa yang sangat dibutuhkan
dalam kehidupan.
3 Kelas tambahan yang saya ikuti adalah
solusi untuk mendukung siswa
melanjutkan belajar ke luar negeri.
4 Saya memiliki cita-cita yang tinggi dan
secara terencana berusaha mewujudkannya
dengan mengikuti kelas tambahan yang
saya ikuti.
5 Motivasi saya untuk menghadiri kelas
tambahan yang saya ikuti untuk
mendukung karir masa depan saya.
6 Kelas tambahan yang saya ikuti
memotivasi saya untuk belajar Bahasa
Inggris lebih banyak.
7 Saya mendapatkan nilai bagus selama
mengikuti kelas tambahan yang saya ikuti.
8 Saya suka mengikuti kelas tambahan yang
saya ikuti karena mempunyai banyak
strategi untuk memecahkan kesulitan saya
dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
9 Kelas tambahan yang saya ikuti membantu
saya mengerjakan tugas dalam pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris.
10 Saya dapat menjawab dengan mudah
pertanyaan yang diberikan oleh guru di
sekolah setelah mengikuti kelas tambahan

yang saya ikuti.
11 Saya suka mengikuti kelas tambahan yang
saya ikuti karena metode yang di gunakan
oleh guru sangat mudah untuk dipahami.
12 Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris saya telah
meningkat selama mengikuti kelas
tambahan yang saya ikuti.
13 Materi yang diberikan dalam kelas
tambahan yang saya ikuti mendukung
materi yang diajarkan di jam sekolah.
14 Sejak saya bergabung dengan kelas
tambahan yang saya ikuti, saya mendapat
kemajuan yang baik dalam pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris.
15 Kelas tambahan yang saya ikuti adalah
cara untuk meningkatkan belajar saya
dalam pelajaran Bahasa inggris untuk
mendukung masa depan saya.
16 Saya merasa bahwa saya harus mengikuti
kelas tambahan yang saya ikuti yang
diadakan oleh sekolah untuk memperluas
pengetahuan tentang Bahasa Inggris.
17 Saya dapat memilih apa saja di Universitas
untuk melanjutkan belajar saya diluar
18 Target saya adalah saya dapat berbicara
Bahasa Inggris dengan fasih dengan
mengikuti kelas tambahan yang saya ikuti
19 Saya berharap dengan mengikuti kelas
tambahan yang saya ikuti, saya dapat
berkomunikasi dengan orang asing
20 Setelah mengikuti kelas tambahan yang
saya ikuti, saya mendapat banyak strategi
dan penyeselaian terhadap kesulitan-
kesulitan dalam tugas Bahasa Inggris
dengan baik

Appendix 2

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
5 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20
6   5 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 17 19 21 22 24 25 27
7     8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 32
8       13 15 17 19 22 24 26 29 31 34 36 38 41
9         17 20 23 26 28 31 34 37 39 42 45 48
10           23 26 29 33 36 39 42 45 48 52 55
11             30 33 37 40 44 47 51 55 58 62
12               37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69
13                 45 50 54 59 63 67 72 76
14                   55 59 64 69 74 78 83
15                     64 70 75 80 85 90
16                       75 81 86 92 98
17                         87 93 99 105
18                           99 106 112
19                             113 119
20                               127

Appendix 3
Mann-Whitney U-test of English Department Students’ Motivation

  /M-W= Result BY Group(1 2)


NPar Tests


Output Created 31-Jul-2022 09:18:23


Input Active Dataset DataSet0

Filter <none>

Weight <none>

Split File <none>

N of Rows in Working Data


Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are treated
as missing.

Cases Used Statistics for each test are based on all

cases with valid data for the variable(s)
used in that test.


/M-W= Result BY Group(1 2)

Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.000

Elapsed Time 00:00:00.004

Number of Cases Alloweda 112347

a. Based on availability of workspace memory.


Mann-Whitney Test


Group N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Students'Motivation Group 1 9 5.06 45.50

Group 2 13 15.96 207.50

Total 22

Test Statisticsb


Mann-Whitney U .500

Wilcoxon W 45.500

Z -3.880

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .000a

a. Not corrected for ties.

b. Grouping Variable: Group


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