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Morning No. 1 with RJ Mallishka on 1st December 2021 she had a conversation with Dr. Shuchin Bajaj ,
who threw light on the new corona virus mutation called ‘OMICRON’ , ideally this mutation is 500%
more transmissible but has less fatality rate as compared to the previous mutations of Covid. Omicron is
spreading at a very high rate in South Africa , the day it was detected for the first time in SOUTH AFRICA
and after two days it was declared as a variant of concern by WHO , which has not ever happened in the
history . Within 10 days it has come to 75% from 0 in South Africa , but hospital rates haven’t increased.
Dr. Bajaj also mentioned that when does WHO declares a variant a variant of concern when it has an
increased transmissibility rate , when it has an increased fatality rate and lastly when it skips all the the
public health and therapeutic measures , and the Omicron virus has stood up on all the parameters.

The target audience for this show are people from all age groups right from kids to senior citizens ,
because this is a health emergency and every citizen of the country should be aware about it , and plus
having a doctor or a healthcare professional providing information on the pandemic can be proven
helpful and informative as they have all the possible knowledge about the virus , its mutations and the
precautionary measures one should take.

Malishka uses Hindi as well as English in her shows , she exactly knows how to play with words and
make conversation interesting for the audience , she cracks jokes and has humourous way of talking ,
which makes the show even more enjoyable .

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