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Claudia García Monje

2º medicina

La práctica la hicimos entre 3: Aroa González Dorta, Claudia González González y

Claudia García Monje

Creating a brief glossary of 8 idioms to talk about health and illness
a) A very short explanation or synonym per idiom/term (listening)

Idiom Meaning
In bad shape Being in poor physical condition/ Being unfit/ Not being able
to do a lot of physical activity
Back on your feet Recovering from an illness/accident
Bag of bones To be skinny/thin/weak
Black out Losing consciousness
Blind as a bat Poor vision
Feel blue Feeling sad/ having depression
Off color Feeling sick/looking sick
Full of beans Lively, happy and healthy

b) A sentence in which each idiom/term is correctly used.

• It’s been a month since the last time I went to the gym. I'm in such a bad shape.
• My friend suffered a car accident 4 months ago but he’s back on his feet and
started playing basketball again
• My grandmother always tells me that I am very skinny, she says I am a bag of
• Everytime she sees blood she blacks out, she has hematophobia.
• He is as blind as a bat, he can’t see anything without his glasses when he is
• My mother is feeling blue because her phone is broken and she needed it.
• Hey, you look off color, are you feeling alright? Do you want me to take you to the
• The secret of being full of beans it’s living a very healthy lifestyle.

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