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The blue diamond (oral questions)

Chapter 2 The Blue diamond

1. Who arrived at Holmes’s house?

2. Did Peterson know how much the diamond cost?
3. Who did the diamond belong to?
4. When did the diamond disappear?
5. How did SH know about the diamond?
6. How much did the Countess pay for it?
7. Where did the diamond disappear from?
8. How much money was the countess going to pay to the finder?
9. Who did the police think stole the diamond?
10. Why did Horner go to the hotel?
11. Who was James Ryder?
12. What did Ryder find when he came back to the room?
13. Who was Catherine Cusack? What did she see?
14. Did the police go to Horner’s house? What did they find there?
15. What did Horner do when detective Bradstreet accused him?
16. Has Horner ever gone to prison before? Why?
17. Where did the case go?
18. What did SH want to know?
19. What did SH decide to do to find Mr. Henry Baker?
20. What did the advertisement say?
21. What was Mr. Baker worried about it (according SH)?
22. Who was going to tell Mr. Baker about the advert if he didn’t see the
23. Who SH asked to put the advert?
24. What did SH ask Mr. Peterson to buy?
25. What happened with the old goose?

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