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Learning outcome.

My anecdote is from the year 2022, on Christmas vacation, I went to

my hometown of Tampico with my friends and family I went from one
place to another of tour. Precisely on December 26, after stay the the
day with the family. my friends Valto y alvarez with frigthen asked my
father for the car and for some reason he gave it to him and we got in
the car ; Valto, Alvarez, Arturo, Hector and I, went to the beach, the
place was cold and we were confused as to why they wanted to go
there. they drived on the coast directly to a seafood stand and had a
strong smell really disgust. during the talk whit valto, He told me that
they went there because the alcohol was cheap. this notice interested
me because my friends are really challenging each other when they
drink and this day was no exception, after starting to drink they went
out to the beach and began to run in the sand shouting stupid things
causing all the tourists to see us.

with all we personal things I went after them with great shame.

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