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Transformation 101

--© 2012 J.Hamilton

By J.Hamilton

Transformation is that act of awareness combined with action that brings refined results.
Action in this case might be mental, emotional, spiritual or possibly physical. Physical is
mentioned last because generally transformation is about the subtleness of life and the
subtleness of shift. And transformation is about elevated consciousness because it truly
is about consciousness, i.e., a better connection with ourselves.

Transformation is perspective. Perspective is that value that we give to things as we

learn and grow. Perspective is that wisdom that we somehow acquire through bruised
shins and errors that take a time to heal and for which we learn to do better. Perspective
is about listening to our inner nature for which we receive hints if we are willing to be
truthful with ourselves. In other words, transformation is about changing our minds.

Courage is an important component of our unfolding because it takes courage to have

more than we presently have. Often we are afraid of what we don't know about so the
Unknown seems to be more dangerous that what we presently have in our lives. But
what if what we have is painful, debilitating, or simply a product of being lazy - mentally,
or emotionally or spiritually lazy? What if what we have is not sufficient or satisfying but
we are not yet willing to have more in our lives? This is the part that courage plays in
the discovery of our Inner Nature.

We all have an Inner Connection that teaches us and knows the difference. I call it
Innate Intelligence, or Source or Universal Mind, and it is accessed through our nervous
system. "Out of contrast comes clarity" as Abraham of Abraham-Hicks says, and it is
this contrast that gives us our impetus to grow and become more. It is in the pain or
discomfort of what we have that causes us to grow and stretch and transform. We can
see it in our own lives (if we are willing to look) and we can see it in our surroundings.
We can can see it in the human species making new choices from the errors of its
ways, and that is what life is all about.

Certainly we are learning every day. "Out of contrast comes clarity" is an important
principle for as we feel the subtleness of the discomfort of what is not a match for what
is true at the Center of our Being, with courage and a bit of nudge from our developing
insights and inner wisdom, do we begin to transform our lives. And, as we transform our
lives, we become subtle leaders and we learn how to contribute in a new way. This
makes the world a better place, one person at a time - though there is the exponential
multiplier principal (the 100th Monkey), but that is for another conversation.

Wishing you well, and

Sending you Love, naturally.

Key words:
Transformation, awareness, elevated consciousness, spiritual, shift, subtleness of life,
consciousness, connection, perspective, learn and grow, inner nature, changing our
minds, Courage, unknown, inner connection, Innate Intelligence, Source, Out of
contrast comes clarity, Abraham, Abraham-Hicks, 100th Monkey, Namasté, J.Hamilton

About the author. J.Hamilton has been meditating for 38+ years and teaching personal
empowerment for 22+ years. His first book, Visionaries Thrive In All Times: Blueprint
for Reality Creation (2005) is about the possibilities of individual and collective reality
creation in alignment with Innate Intelligence.
J.Hamilton released an eBook titled CORE Resonance (2009) for the purpose of
identifying access to nonresistance and the resultant Innate Guidance that becomes
available. Key words: nonresistance, mindlessness, Innate Guidance, timelessness,
solutions and timeliness. Link
He released a third title: Beyond Words: thoughts become awareness (2010), a documentation of his process of
52 Weeks of Visionary Focus is soon to be released.
Presently, J.Hamilton's focus is the introduction of CORE Resonance Systems, a technology designed to quiet the
brain and nervous system and re-enable one's natural state of connection with Source. As we accomplish this task,
nonresistance becomes available – an alternate to creating reality by resistance and reaction to our surroundings.
As we discover a new way of doing things, we become exponentially more useful to, not only ourselves but also
the Whole. The Formula? Nonresistance and the Law of Attraction
J.Hamilton is available through his website at or
by email, or by telephone 310 878-2260

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