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by Prentice Mulfor
"Go, speed the stars of Thought
On to their shining goals;
The sower scatters broad his seed,
The wheat thou strew'st be souls."
First Published by G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., LONDON, 1908.
le!troni! dition Published by "he Se!ret #$osed, %u&ust 200'.
)ha$ter 1 * "he +aterial +ind ,. "he S$iritual +ind
)ha$ter 2 * -ho are our relations.
)ha$ter ( * "hou&ht !urrents
)ha$ter / * One 0ay to !ulti1ate !oura&e
)ha$ter 2 * Loo3 4or0ard5
)ha$ter 6 * God in the trees7 or, "he in4inite 8ind in nature
)ha$ter ' * So8e la0s o4 health and beauty
)ha$ter 8 * +useu8 and 8ena&erie horrors
)ha$ter 9 * "he God in yoursel4
)ha$ter 10 * "he healin& and rene0in& 4or!e o4 S$rin&
)ha$ter 11 * 988ortality in the 4lesh
)ha$ter 12 * "he attra!tion o4 as$iration
)ha$ter 1( * "he a!!ession o4 ne0 thou&ht
":; belon&s to e1ery hu8an bein& a hi&her sel4 and a lo0er sel4<<a sel4
or 8ind o4 the s$irit 0hi!h has been &ro0in& 4or a&es, and a sel4 o4 the body,
0hi!h is but a thin& o4 yesterday. "he hi&her sel4 is 4ull o4 $ro8$tin& idea,
su&&estion and as$iration. "his it re!ei1es o4 the Su$re8e Po0er. %ll this the
lo0er or ani8al sel4 re&ards as 0ild and 1isionary. "he hi&her sel4 ar&ues
$ossibilities and $o0er 4or us &reater than 8en and 0o8en no0 $ossess and
en=oy. "he lo0er sel4 says 0e !an only li1e and e#ist as 8en and 0o8en ha1e
li1ed and e#isted be4ore us. "he hi&her sel4 !ra1es 4reedo8 4ro8 the
!u8bousness, the li8itations, the $ains and disabilities o4 the body. "he
lo0er sel4 says that 0e are born to the8, born to ill, born to su44er, and 8ust
su44er as ha1e so 8any be4ore us. "he hi&her sel4 0ants a standard 4or ri&ht
and 0ron& o4 its o0n. "he lo0er sel4 says 0e 8ust a!!e$t a standard 8ade
4or us by others<<by &eneral and lon&<held o$inion, belie4 and $re=udi!e.
>"o thine o0n sel4 be true> is an o4t<uttered ada&e. But to 0hi!h sel4. "he
hi&her or lo0er.
?ou ha1e in a sense t0o 8inds<<the 8ind o4 the body and the 8ind o4 the
S$irit is a 4or!e and a 8ystery. %ll 0e 3no0 or 8ay e1er 3no0 o4 it is that it
e#ists, and is e1er 0or3in& and $rodu!in& all results in $hysi!al thin&s seen
o4 $hysi!al sense and 8any 8ore not so seen.
-hat is seen, o4 any ob=e!t, a tree, an ani8al, a stone, a 8an is only a $art o4
that tree, ani8al, stone, or 8an. "here is a 4or!e 0hi!h 4or a ti8e binds su!h
ob=e!ts to&ether in the 4or8 you see the8. "hat 4or!e is al0ays a!tin& on
the8 to &reater or lesser de&ree. 9t builds u$ the 4lo0er to its 4ullest 8aturity.
9ts !essation to a!t on the 4lo0er or tree !auses 0hat 0e !all de!ay. 9t is
!onstantly !han&in& the sha$e o4 all 4or8s o4 0hat are !alled or&ani@ed
8atter. %n ani8al, a $lant, a hu8an bein& are not in $hysi!al sha$e this
8onth or this year 0hat they 0ill be ne#t 8onth or ne#t year.
"his e1er<a!tin&, e1er<1aryin& 4or!e, 0hi!h lies behind and, in a sense,
!reates all 4or8s o4 8atter 0e !all S$irit.
"o see, reason and =ud&e o4 li4e and thin&s in the 3no0led&e o4 this 4or!e
8a3es 0hat is ter8ed the >S$iritual +ind.>
-e ha1e throu&h 3no0led&e the 0onder4ul $o0er o4 usin& or dire!tin& this
4or!e, 0hen 0e re!o&ni@e it, and 3no0 that it e#ists so as to brin& us health,
ha$$iness and eternal $ea!e o4 8ind. )o8$osed as 0e are o4 this 4or!e, 0e
are e1er attra!tin& 8ore o4 it to us and 8a3in& it a $art o4 our bein&.
-ith 8ore o4 this 4or!e 8ust !o8e 8ore and 8ore 3no0led&e. %t 4irst in our
$hysi!al e#isten!es 0e allo0 it to 0or3 blindly. "hen 0e are in the i&noran!e
o4 that !ondition 3no0n as the 8aterial 8ind. But as 8ind throu&h its &ro0th
or in!rease o4 this $o0er be!o8es 8ore and 8ore a0a3ened, it as3sA >-hy
!o8es so 8u!h o4 $ain, &rie4 and disa$$oint8ent in the $hysi!al li4e.> >-hy
do 0e see8 born to su44er and de!ay>
"hat Buestion is the 4irst a0a3enin& !ry o4 the s$iritual 8ind, and an earnest
Buestion or de8and 4or 3no0led&e 8ust in ti8e be ans0ered.
"he 8aterial 8ind is a $art o4 yoursel4, 0hi!h has been a$$ro$riated by the
body and edu!ated by the body. 9t is as i4 you tau&ht a !hild that the 0heels o4
a stea8boat 8ade the boat 8o1e, and said nothin& o4 the stea8, 0hi!h &i1es
the real $o0er. Bred in su!h i&noran!e, the !hild, should the 0heels sto$
8o1in&, 0ould loo3 no 4arther 4or the !ause o4 their sto$$a&e than to try to
4ind 0here to re$air the8, 1ery 8u!h as no0 so 8any de$end entirely on
re$air o4 the $hysi!al body to ensure its healthy, 1i&orous 8o1e8ent, ne1er
drea8in& that the i8$er4e!tion lies in the real 8oti1e $o0er<<the 8ind.
"he 8ind o4 the body or 8aterial 8ind sees, thin3s and =ud&es entirely 4ro8
the 8aterial or $hysi!al stand$oint. 9t sees in your o0n body all there is o4
you. "he s$iritual 8ind sees the body as an instru8ent 4or the 8ind or real
sel4 to use in dealin& 0ith 8aterial thin&s. "he 8aterial 8ind sees in the
death o4 the body an end o4 all there is o4 you. "he s$iritual 8ind sees in the
death o4 the body only the 4allin& o44 4ro8 the s$irit o4 a 0orn<out
instru8ent. 9t 3no0s that you e#ist as be4ore only in1isible to the $hysi!al
eye. "he 8aterial 8ind sees your $hysi!al stren&th as !o8in& entirely 4ro8
your 8us!les and sine0s, and not 4ro8 sour!e 0ithout your body.
9t sees in su!h $ersuasi1e $o0er, as you 8ay ha1e 0ith ton&ue or $en, the
only 4or!e you $ossess 4or dealin& 0ith $eo$le to a!!o8$lish results "he
s$iritual 8ind 0ill 3no0 in ti8e that your thou&ht in4luen!es $eo$le 4or or
a&ainst your interests, thou&h their bodies are thousands o4 8iles distant. "he
8aterial 8ind does not re&ard its thou&ht as an a!tual ele8ent as real as air or
0ater. "he s$iritual 8ind 3no0s that e1ery one o4 its thousand daily se!ret
thou&hts are real thin&s a!tin& on the 8inds o4 the $ersons they are sent to.
"he s$iritual 8ind 3no0s that 8atter or the 8aterial is only an e#$ression o4
s$irit or 4or!e7 that su!h 8atter is e1er !han&in& in a!!ordan!e 0ith the s$irit
that 8a3es or e#ternali@es itsel4 in the 4or8 0e !all 8atter, and there4ore, i4
the thou&ht o4 health, stren&th and re!u$eration is !onstantly held to in the
8ind, su!h thou&ht o4 health, stren&th and re=u1enation 0ill e#$ress itsel4 in
the body, 8a3in& 8aturity ne1er !easin&, 1i&or ne1er endin&, and the
3eenness o4 e1ery $hysi!al sense e1er in!reasin&.
"he 8aterial 8ind thin3s 8atter, or that 0hi!h is 3no0n by our $hysi!al
senses, to be the lar&est $art o4 0hat e#ists. "he s$iritual 8ind re&ards 8atter
as the !oarser or !ruder e#$ression o4 s$irit and the s8allest $art o4 0hat
really e#ists. "he 8aterial 8ind is 8ade sad at the !onte8$lation o4 de!ay.
"he s$iritual 8ind atta!hes little i8$ortan!e to de!ay, 3no0in& in su!h de!ay
that s$irit or the 8o1in& 4or!e in all thin&s is si8$ly ta3in& the dead body or
the rotten tree to $ie!es, and that it 0ill build the8 u$ a&ain as be4ore
te8$orarily into so8e other ne0 $hysi!al 4or8 o4 li4e and beauty. "he 8ind
o4 the body thin3s that its $hysi!al senses o4 seein&, hearin& and 4eelin&
!onstitute all the senses you $ossess. "he hi&her 8ind or 8ind o4 the s$irit
3no0s that it $ossesses other senses a3in to those o4 $hysi!al si&ht and
hearin&, but 8ore $o0er4ul and 4ar rea!hin&.
"he 8ind o4 the body has been 1ariously ter8ed >the 8aterial 8ind,> the
>8ortal 8ind > and the >!arnal 8ind.> %ll these re4er to the sa8e 8ind, or, in
other 0ords to that $art o4 your real sell 0hi!h has been edu!ated in error by
the body.
94 you had been born and bred entirely a8on& $eo$le 0ho belie1ed that the
earth 0as a 4lat sur4a!e and did not re1ol1e around the sun, you 0ould in the
earlier years o4 your $hysi!al &ro0th belie1e as they did. #a!tly in su!h
4ashion do you in your earlier years absorb the thou&ht and belie4 o4 those
nearest you, 0ho thin3 that the body is all there is o4 the8, and =ud&e o4
e1erythin& by its $hysi!al inter$retation to the8. "his 8a3es your 8aterial
"he 8aterial 8ind seein&, 0hat see8s to it, de$th, dissolution and de!ay in
all hu8an or&ani@ation, and i&norant o4 the 4a!t that the real sel4 or
intelli&en!e has in su!h see8in& death only !ast o44 a 0orn<out en1elo$e,
thin3s that de!ay and death is the ulti8ate o4 all hu8anity. For su!h reason it
!annot a1oid a &loo8 or sadness !o8in& o4 su!h error, 0hi!h no0 $er1ades
so 8u!h o4 hu8an li4e at $resent. One result or rea!tion 4ro8 su!h &loo8
born o4 ho$elessness is a re!3less s$irit 4or &ettin& e1ery $ossible
&rati4i!ation and $leasure, re&ardless o4 ri&ht and =usti!e so lon& as the
$resent body lasts. "his is a &reat 8ista3e. %ll $leasure so &ained !annot be
lastin&. 9t brin&s besides a hundred4old 8ore 8isery and disa$$oint8ent.
"he s$iritual 8ind tea!hes that $leasure is the &reat ai8 o4 e#isten!e. But it
$oints out 0ays and 8eans 4or &ainin& lastin& ha$$iness other than those
!o8in& o4 the tea!hin& o4 the 8aterial 8ind. "he s$iritual 8ind, or 8ind
o$ened to hi&her and ne0er 4or!es o4 li4e, tea!hes that there is a la0
re&ulatin& the e#er!ise o4 e1ery $hysi!al sense. -hen 0e learn and 4ollo0
this la0, our &rati4i!ations and $ossessions do not $ro1e sour!es o4 &reater
$ain than ha$$iness, as they do to so 8any.
By the s$iritual 8ind is 8eant a !learer 8ental si&ht o4 thin&s and 4or!es
e#istin& both in us and the Cni1erse, and o4 0hi!h the ra!e 4or the 8ost $art
has been in total i&noran!e. -e ha1e no0 but a &li8$se o4 these 4or!es, those
o4 so8e bein& relati1ely a little !learer than those o4 others. But enou&h has
been sho0n to !on1in!e a 4e0 that the real and e#istin& !auses 4or hu8anityDs
si!3ness, sorro0 and disa$$oint8ent ha1e not in the $ast been seen at all. 9n
other 0ords, the ra!e has been as !hildren, 4an!yin& that the 8iller inside 0as
turnin& the ar8s o4 the 0ind8ill, be!ause so8e $erson had so told the8. So
tau&ht their 0ould re8ain in total i&noran!e that the 0ind 0as the 8oti1e
"his illustration is not at all an o1erdra0n $i!ture o4 the e#istin& i&noran!e
0hi!h re=e!ts the idea that thou&ht is an ele8ent all about us as $lenti4ul as
air, and that as blindly dire!ted by indi1iduals and 8asses o4 indi1iduals in
the do8ain o4 8aterial 8ind or i&noran!e, it is turnin& the 0ind8illDs ar8s,
so8eti8es in one dire!tion, so8eti8es in another7 so8eti8es 0ith &ood and
so8eti8es 0ith e1il results.
% suit o4 !lothes is not the body that 0ears su!h suit. ?et the 8aterial 8ind
reasons 1ery 8u!h in this 0ay. 9t 3no0s o4 no su!h thin& as !lothin& 4or the
s$irit, 4or it does not 3no0 that body and s$irit are t0o distin!t thin&s. 9t
reasons that the suit o4 !lothin& Ethe bodyF is all there is o4 the 8an or
0o8an. -hen that 8an or 0o8an tu8bles to $ie!es throu&h 0ea3ness, it
sees only the suit o4 !lothes so &oin& to $ie!es, and all its e44orts to 8a3e that
8an or 0o8an stron&er are $ut on the suit instead o4 8a3in& e44ort to
rein4or!e the $o0er 0ithin 0hi!h has 8ade the suit.
"here are $robably no t0o indi1iduals $re!isely ali3e as re&ards the relati1e
!ondition or a!tion on the8 o4 their 8aterial and s$iritual 8inds. -ith so8e
the s$iritual see8s not at all a0a3ened. -ith others it has be&un to stret!h
and rub its eyes as a $erson does on $hysi!al a0a3enin&, 0hen e1erythin&
still a$$ears 1a&ue and indistin!t. Others are 8ore 4ully a0a3ened. "hey 4eel
to &reater or lesser e#tent that there are 4or!es belon&in& to the8 be4ore
unthou&ht o4. 9t is 0ith su!h that the stru&&le 4or 8astery bet0een the
8aterial and s$iritual 8ind is li3ely to be 8ost se1ere, and su!h stru&&le 4or a
ti8e is li3ely to be a!!o8$anied by $hysi!al disturban!e, $ain or la!3 o4
"he 8aterial 8ind is, until 0on o1er and !on1in!ed o4 the truths, !onstantly
re!ei1ed by the s$iritual 8ind at 0ar and in o$$osition to it "he i&norant $art
o4 yoursel4 disli3es 1ery 8u!h to &i1e u$ its lon& a!!usto8ed habits o4
thin3in&. 9ts !osts a stru&&le in any !ase at 4irst to o0n that 0e ha1e been
8ista3en and &i1e u$ 1ie0s lon& held to.
"he 8aterial 8ind 0ants to 8ore on in a rut o4 li4e and idea, as it al0ays has
done, and as thousands are no0 doin&. 9t disli3es !han&e 8ore and 8ore as
the !rust o4 the old thou&ht held 4ro8 year to year &ro0s 8ore thi!3ly o1er it.
9t 0ants to li1e on and on in the house it has inhabited 4or years7 dress in the
4ashion o4 the $ast7 &o to business and return year in and year out at $re!isely
the sa8e hour. 9t re=e!ts and des$ises a4ter a !ertain a&e the idea o4 learnin&
any ne0 a!!o8$lish8ents, su!h as $aintin& or 8usi!, 0hose &reatest use is to
di1ert the 8ind, rest it, and enable you to li1e in other de$art8ents o4 bein&,
all this bein& a$art 4ro8 the $leasure also &i1en you as the 8ind or s$irit
tea!hes the body 8ore and 8ore s3ill and e#$ertness in the art you $ursue.
"he 8aterial 8ind sees as the $rin!i$al use o4 any art only a 8eans to brin&
8oney, and not in su!h art a 8eans 4or &i1in& 1ariety to li4e, dis$ellin&
0eariness, restin& that $ortion o4 the 8ind de1oted to other business,
i8$ro1in& health and in!reasin& 1i&or o4 8ind and body. 9t holds to the idea
o4 bein& >too old to learn.>
"his is the !ondition o4 so 8any $ersons 0ho ha1e arri1ed at or are $ast >
8iddle a&e.> "hey 0ant to >settle do0n.> "hey a!!e$t as ine1itable the idea
o4 >&ro0in& old.> "heir 8aterial 8ind tells the8 that their bodies 8ust
&radually 0ea3en, shrin3 4ro8 the 4ullness and $ro$ortion o4 youth, de!ay
and 4inally die.
+aterial 8inds say this al0ays has been, and there4ore al0ays 8ust be. "hey
a!!e$t the idea 0holly. "hey say Buite un!ons!iously, >9t 8ust be.>
"o say a thin& 8ust be, is the 1ery $o0er that 8a3es it. "he 8aterial 8ind
then sees the body e1er as &radually de!ayin&, e1en thou&h it disli3es the
$i!ture, and $uts it out o4 si&ht as 8u!h as $ossible. But the idea 0ill re!ur
4ro8 ti8e to ti8e as su&&ested by the death o4 their !onte8$oraries, and as it
does they thin3 > 8ust,> and that state o4 8ind indi!ated by the 0ord >8ust>
0ill ine1itably brin& 8aterial results in de!ay.
"he s$iritual or 8ore enli&htened 8ind saysA >94 you 0ould hel$ to dri1e
a0ay si!3ness, turn your thou&ht as 8u!h as you !an on health, stren&th and
1i&or, and on stron&, healthy, 1i&orous 8aterial thin&s, su!h as 8o1in&
!louds, 4resh bree@es, the !as!ade, the o!ean sur&e7 on 0oodland s!enes and
&ro0in& healthy trees7 on birds 4ull o4 li4e and 8otion7 4or in so doin& you
turn on yoursel4 a real !urrent or this healthy li4e<&i1in& thou&ht, 0hi!h is
su&&ested and brou&ht you by the thou&ht o4 su!h 1i&orous, stron& 8aterial
%nd abo1e all, try to rely and trust that Su$re8e Po0er 0hi!h 4or8ed all
these thin&s and 4ar 8ore and 0hi!h is the endless and ine#haustible $art o4
your hi&her sel4 or s$iritual 8ind, and as your 4aith in!reases in this Po0er,
so 0ill your o0n $o0er e1er in!rease.
Nonsense5 > says the ultra 8aterial 8ind. > 94 8y body is si!3, 9 8ust ha1e
so8ethin& done to !ure that body 0ith thin&s 9 !an see and 4eel, and that is
the onl" thin& to be done. %s 4or thin3in&, it 8a3es no di44eren!e 0hat 9
thin3, si!3 or 0ell.>
%t $resent in su!h a !ase a 8ind 0hose sense o4 these truths ne0 to it, has
=ust !o88en!ed to be a0a3ened, 0ill, in 8any !ases, allo0 itsel4 to be 4or a
ti8e o1er$o0ered and ridi!uled out o4 su!h an idea by its o0n 8aterial 8ind
or unedu!ated $art o4 itsel47 and in this it is 1ery li3ely to be assisted by other
8aterial 8inds, 0ho ha1e not 0o3e u$ at all to these truths, and 0ho are
te8$orarily all the stron&er throu&h the $ositi1eness o4 i&noran!e. "hese are
as $eo$le 0ho !annot see as 4ar ahead as one 8ay 0ith a teles!o$e, and 0ho
8ay be $er4e!tly honest in their disbelie4 re&ardin& 0hat the $erson 0ith the
teles!o$e does see. "hou&h su!h $eo$le do not s$ea3 a 0ord or ar&ue a&ainst
the belie4 o4 the $artly a0a3ened 8ind, still their thou&ht a!ts on su!h a 8ind
as a bar or blind to these &li8$ses o4 the truth.
But 0hen the s$iritual 8ind has on!e !o88en!ed to a0a3en, nothin& !an
sto$ its 4urther 0a3in&, thou&h the 8aterial 8ay 4or a ti8e retard it.
>?our real sel4 8ay not at ti8es be 0here your body is> says the s$iritual
8ind. 9t is 0here your 8ind is<<in the store, the o44i!e, the 0or3sho$, or 0ith
so8e $erson to 0ho8 you are stron&ly atta!hed, and all o4 these 8ay be in
to0ns or !ities 4ar 4ro8 the one your body resides in. ?our real sel4 8o1es
0ith in!on!ei1able ra$idity as your thou&ht 8o1es. DDNonsense> says your
8aterial 8ind7 >9 8ysel4 a8 0here1er 8y body is, and no0here else>
+any a thou&ht or idea that you re=e!t as 1isionary, or as a 0hi8 or 4an!y,
!o8es o4 the $ro8$tin& o4 your s$iritual 8ind. 9t is your 8aterial 8ind that
re=e!ts it.
No su!h idea !o8es but that there is a truth in it. But that truth 0e 8ay not be
able to !arry out to a relati1e $er4e!tion i88ediately. "0o hundred years a&o
so8e 8ind 8ay ha1e seen the use o4 stea8 as a 8oti1e $o0er. But that
8oti1e $o0er !ould not then ha1e been !arried out as it is today. % !ertain
$re1ious &ro0th 0as ne!essary<<a &ro0th and i8$ro1e8ent in the
8anu4a!ture o4 iron, in the !onstru!tion o4 roads, and in the needs o4 the
But the idea 0as a truth. :eld to by 1arious 8inds, it has brou&ht stea8 as a
8oti1e $o0er to its $resent relati1e $er4e!tion. 9t has stru&&led a&ainst and
o1er!o8e e1ery ar&u8ent and obsta!le $la!ed in its 0ay by dull, 8aterial,
$loddin& 8inds. -hen you entertain any idea and say to yoursel4 in
substan!eA >-ell, su!h a thin& 8ay be, thou&h 9 !annot no0 see it> you
re8o1e a &reat barrier to the !arryin& out and reali@ation by yoursel4 o4 the
ne0 and stran&e $ossibilities in store 4or you.
"he s$iritual 8ind today sees belon&in& to itsel4 a $o0er 4or a!!o8$lishin&
any and all results in the $hysi!al 0orld, &reater than the 8asses drea8 o4. 9t
sees that as re&ards li4eDs $ossibilities 0e are still in dense i&noran!e. 9t sees
ho0e1er, a 4e0 thin&s<<na8ely, $er4e!t health, 4reedo8 4ro8 de!ay,
0ea3ness and death o4 the body, $o0er o4 transit, tra1el and obser1ation
inde$endent o4 the body, and 8ethods 4or obtainin& all need4ul and desirable
8aterial thin&s throu&h the a!tion and 0or3in& o4 silent 8ind or thou&ht,
either sin&ly or in !o<o$eration 0ith others.
"he !ondition o4 8ind to be desired is the entire do8inan!y o4 the s$iritual
8ind. But this does not i8$ly do8inan!y or !ontrol in any sense o4
tyranni!al 8astershi$ o4 the 8aterial 8ind by the s$iritual 8ind. 9t does
i8$ly that the 8aterial 8ind 0ill be s0e$t a0ay so 4ar as its stubborn
resistan!e and o$$osition to the $ro8$tin&s o4 the s$iritual are !on!erned. 9t
i8$lies that the body 0ill be!o8e the 0illin& ser1ant, or rather assistant o4
the s$irit. 9t i8$lies that the 8aterial 8ind 0ill not endea1or to a!t itsel4 u$ as
the su$erior 0hen it is only the in4erior. 9t i8$lies that state 0hen the body
0ill &ladly lend its !o<o$eration to all the desires o4 the s$iritual 8ind.
"hen all $o0er !an be &i1en your s$irit. "hen no 4or!e need be e#$ended in
resistin& the hostility o4 the 8aterial 8ind. "hen all su!h 4or!e 0ill be used to
4urther our underta3in&s, to brin& us 8aterial &oods, to raise us hi&her and
hi&her into real8s o4 $o0er, $ea!e and ha$$iness, to a!!o8$lish 0hat no0
0ould be !alled 8ira!les.
Neither the 8aterial 8ind nor the 8aterial body is to be 0on o1er and
8er&ed into the s$iritual by any !ourse o4 se1ere sel4 !ensure or sel4 denial,
nor sel4 $unish8ent in e#$iation 4or sins !o88itted, nor as!eti!is8. "hat 0ill
only 8a3e you the 8ore harsh, se1ere, bi&oted and 8er!iless, both to
yoursel4 and others. 9t is out o4 this $er1ersion o4 the truth that ha1e arisen
su!h ter8s as > !ru!i4yin& the body> and > sub=u&atin& the lo0er or ani8al
8ind.> 9t is 4ro8 this $er1ersion that ha1e !o8e orders and asso!iations o4
8en and 0o8en 0ho, &oin& to another e#tre8e, see3 holiness in sel4 denial
and $enan!e.
>:oliness> i8$lies 0holeness, or 0hole a!tion o4 the s$irit on the body, or
$er4e!t !ontrol by your s$irit o1er a body, throu&h 3no0led&e and 4aith in our
!a$a!ity to dra0 e1er 8ore and 8ore 4ro8 the Su$re8e Po0er.
-hen you &et out o4 $atien!e 0ith yoursel4, throu&h the a&&ressi1eness o4
the 8aterial 8ind, throu&h your 4reBuent sli$s and 4alls into your besettin&
sins throu&h $eriods o4 $etulan!e or ill te8$er, or e#!ess in any dire!tion, you
do no &ood, and only ill in !allin& or thin3in& 4or yoursel4 hard na8es. ?ou
should not !all yoursel4 >a 1ile sinner> any8ore than you 0ould !all any
other $erson a >1ile sinner,> 94 you do, you $ut out in thou&ht the >1ile
sinner> and 8a3e it te8$orarily a reality. 94 in your 8ental 1ision you tea!h
yoursel4 that you are >utterly de$ra1ed> and a >1ile sinner,> you are
un!ons!iously 8a3in& that your ideal, and you 0ill un!ons!iously &ro0 u$ to
it until the $ain and e1il !o8in& o4 su!h unhealthy &ro0th either 8a3es you
turn ba!3 or destroys your body, For out o4 this state o4 8ind, 0hi!h in the
$ast has been 8u!h in!ul!ated, !o8es harshness, bi&otry, la!3 o4 !harity 4or
others, hard, stern and &loo8y and unhealthy 1ie0s o4 li4e, and these 8ental
!onditions 0ill surely brin& $hysi!al disease.
-hen the 8aterial 8ind is $ut a0ay, or, in other 0ords, then 0e be!o8e
!on1in!ed o4 the e#isten!e o4 these s$iritual 4or!es, both in oursel1es, and
outside o4 oursel1es, and 0hen 0e learn to use the8 ri&htly E4or 0e are no0
and al0ays ha1e been usin& the8 in so8e 0ayF, then to use the 0ords o4
PaulA > Faith is s0allo0ed u$ in 1i!tory,> and the stin& and 4ear o4 death is
re8o1ed. Li4e be!o8es then one &lorious ad1an!e 4or0ard 4ro8 the $leasure
o4 today to the &reater $leasure o4 to8orro0, and the $hrase >to li1e> 8eans
only to en=oy.
": 8an or 0o8an 0ho i4 8ost li3e you in tastes, 8oti1es, and habits o4
thou&ht, and to 0ho8 you 4eel 8ost attra!ted, 8ay not be brother, sister,
!ousin, or any $hysi!al relati1e at all. But su!h $erson is to you a 1ery near
?our brothers or sisters 8ay not be li3e you at all in 8ind, taste, and
in!lination. ?ou 8ay asso!iate 0ith the8 be!ause they are 8e8bers o4 the
4a8ily, but 0ere you not to 3no0 the8 as brothers, sisters, or other relati1es,
or 0ere you to see else0here their e#a!t !ounter$arts in !hara!ter, you 8i&ht
not li3e su!h !ounter$arts at all.
Physi!al or > blood relationshi$> has 1ery little bearin& on the real or 8ental
relationshi$. 9t is $ossible 4or a brother or sister, a 4ather or 8other to be 1ery
!losely allied to you in thou&ht and sy8$athy. %&ain, it is $ossible 4or a
4ather or 8other, brother or sister, to be 1ery re8ote 4ro8 you in thou&ht and
sy8$athy, and to li1e in a real8 or at8os$here o4 thou&ht 1ery unli3e yours.
?ou !an li1e neither health4ully nor !o84ortably, unless 0ith those 0hose
thou&ht<at8os$here Ea literal e8anation 4ro8 the8F is si8ilar to your o0n.
Physi!al relationshi$ 8ay or 8ay not 4urnish su!h at at8os$here. )o8$el a
laborin& 8an 0hose thou&ht &oes little beyond his eatin&, drin3in& and daily
round o4 0or3, to li1e e#!lusi1ely 0ith a !o8$any o4 artists and
$hiloso$hers, seein& none o4 his o0n 3ind and order o4 thou&ht, and that
8anDs s$irits 0ould in ti8e be de$ressed, and his health 0ould su44er. "he
sa8e la0 0or3s 0hen the su$erior 8ind is !o8$elled to !onstant asso!iation
0ith the in4erior. Su!h 8ay be your $osition a8on& $hysi!al relati1es.
)hildren li1e, thri1e and are e#hilarated by the thou&ht<at8os$here
e8anatin& 4ro8 their $lay8ates. )ut the8 entirely o44 4ro8 su!h asso!iation
and they droo$. %s a !hild, you li1ed u$on this at8os$here o4 !hildhood7 that
is, you li1ed in the s$iritual relationshi$ o4 !hildhood, and re&ardin& a !ertain
$lay4ul thou&ht nutri8ent, re!ei1ed it and also &a1e it to your $lay8ates. ?ou
8ay 0onder no0 0hy you !annot arouse the old 4eelin& and e#hilaration
!o8in& either 4ro8 the asso!iations o4 !hildhood or youth. 9t is be!ause your
s$irit reBuires another thou&ht 4ood or at8os$here, 0hi!h only another and
$robably hi&her order o4 8ind !an &i1e. "hat re!ei1ed, and ti8e 0ould $ass
as Bui!3ly and $leasantly as it did 0ith the asso!iates o4 your earlier $hysi!al
"hose 0ho !an 4urnish it are your real relations. But su!h relationshi$ !annot
e#ist unless you !an 4urnish the8 0ith the sa8e Buality o4 thou&ht in return.
"he real or s$iritual relations o4 8any 8er!hants, 8e!hani!s, and those o4
other !allin&s, are their brother 8er!hants, 8e!hani!s, or those o4 si8ilar
o!!u$ations. "hey $ro1e this by their li1es. "hey 4eel 8ore at ho8e 0ith
those 0hose business is li3e their o0n than they do in the $la!es they 8ay
!all ho8e, to 0hi!h they resort to eat, slee$, and s$end o4ten a tireso8e
Sunday, lon&in& 4or +ondayDs !o8in&, and the 8ore 0el!o8e li4e o4 the
8ar3et<stall and store. Be!ause there they are a8on&st their real relations,
and are bein& literally led and sti8ulated by the thou&ht< at8os$here
4urnished the8 by these relati1es, 0hi!h they also 4urnish in turn.
1ery order o4 8ind or Buality o4 thou&ht 8ust ha1e asso!iation 0ith a
!orres$ondin& order o4 8ind and Buality o4 thou&ht, or it 0ill su44er. But
DDblood relationshi$> has little to do 0ith 4urnishin& su!h order o4 thou&ht.
"here is a 1ast a8ount o4 un!ons!ious tyranny e#er!ised throu&h the ties o4
$hysi!al relationshi$. )hildren o4ten, 0hen &ro0n u$, $la!e the 8others or
4athers in their 8inds in a s$here and 8ethod o4 li4e 0here they 8ay or 8ay
not !are to belon&. "hen thou&ht, seldo8 i4 e1er e#$ressed, runs in substan!e
thusA >+other is &ettin& too old to 0ear bri&ht !olors She 8ust dress 8ore
subdued.> > 9t is ridi!ulous 4or 8other Ei4 a 0ido0F to 8arry a&ain> E1ery
hard !ash reasons so8eti8es enterin& into this senti8entF. > +other, o4
!ourse, does not 0ant to enter into our &ayer li4e, so she !an stay at ho8e and
ta3e !are o4 the !hildren.> or, > 9t is ti8e 4ather retired 4ro8 business,> or, >
FatherDs idea o4 8arryin& a&ain is ridi!ulous.>
No 4or!e is 8ore subtle in its 0or3in&s, nor 8ore $o0er4ul to brin& results
4or &ood or ill than the steady out$ut o4 thou&ht 4ro8 one or se1eral 8inds
!o8bined, on one $erson to e44e!t so8e desired result, and 0hether this is
done intelli&ently and !ons!iously, or blindly, the 4or!e 0or3s the sa8e
No0 a !ontinual 4lo0 o4 this 3ind o4 thou&ht, !o8in& 4ro8, $ossibly, three or
4our 8inds to 0ho8 >8other> 0as instru8ental in 4urnishin& ne0 bodies,
and !ontinually dire!ted on >8other,> is a 1ery $o0er4ul 4or!e to dire!t and
3ee$ her e#a!tly 0here the !hildren 4ind it 8ost !on1enient to ha1e her. "he
0hole !on1entional !urrent o4 thou&ht also 4lo0s as an aid in this dire!tion.
>+other,> says this uns$o3en senti8ent, >8ust o4 !ourse &ro0 old, retire
&radually 4ro8 a 8ore a!ti1e and &ayer li4e, and retire also to a !orner o4 the
household, to asso!iate 0ith other shel1ed and de!linin& $arents, and he
use4ul as a &eneral u$$er nurse in ti8es o4 si!3ness or other 4a8ily
e8er&en!y.DD "hrou&h the a!tion on her on these 8inds, 8any 8others !ease
to ha1e any $ri1ile&es as indi1iduals, and e1entually do e#a!tly as their
!hildren desire.
Possibly it is here re8ar3ed or thou&ht, >But should 9 not &o to 8y 8other or
other near relati1e 0ith 8y !ares and trials, and re!ei1e her hel$, as 9 ha1e
al0ays been in the habit o4 doin&. Ou&ht not those o4 8y o0n 4a8ily, abo1e
all others, to hel$ 8e in ti8e o4 need.>
)ertainly, i4 the 8other or any o4 your $hysi!al relati1es are &lad and an#ious
so to do. )ertainly, i4 su!h ser1i!e 4ro8 a relati1e !o8es dire!tly 4ro8 the
heart and is not i8$elled by the senti8ent ta3in& so8eti8es this 4or8 o4
uns$o3en e#$ressionA >9 su$$ose 9 8ust do this be!ause it is 8y brother, or
8y son, or other $hysi!al relati1e 0ho as3s it.DD %s3s it. +any, 8any are
these ser1i!es 0hi!h are un!ons!iously de8anded, rather than as3ed, in these
!ases. Loads are $iled u$on relati1es si8$ly because they are relati1es.
Fa1ors in 8oney<<in the endorse8ent o4 notes, are in a sense e#a!ted throu&h
sy8$athy o4 relati1es. Su$$ort, 4ood, shelter, 8aintenan!e, are e#$e!ted 4ro8
relati1es 0hen it !annot be $ro!ured else0here. :os$itality is e#pected 4ro8
relati1es, 0hen to e#$e!t hos$itality is to 8a3e su!h entertain8ent the result
o4 a de8and. Presents are e#$e!ted 4ro8 relati1es, 0hen to e#$e!t a &i4t
8a3es it rather an e#tortion.
;eal &i4ts are al0ays sur$rises. No one e#$e!ts a sur$rise sin!e e#$e!tation
destroys sur$rise. ;elati1es 1isit and >!a8$ do0n> on other relati1es si8$ly
be!ause they are relati1es, and a 1ast a8ount o4 &rud&in&, &ru8blin&, but
uns$o3en thou&ht is al0ays &oin& out 0hen relati1es use ea!h otherDs houses
to sa1e hotel bills.
No real or lastin& &ood !o8es o4 any &i4t besto0ed on another unless the
heart &oes 0ith it, and its besto0al is to the &i1er an a!t o4 unalloyed
$leasure. Be!ause so8ethin& else &oes 0ith the 8aterial &i4t, the 4ood, the
shelter, the loan, 0hi!h thou&h not seen, and little 3no0n, is 8ore i8$ortant
than the 4or8 itsel4. "hat is the thou&ht 0hi!h &oes 0ith it, "hat thou&ht
stron&ly a44e!ts, 4or &ood or ill, the $erson 0ho re!ei1es the &i4t. 94, as &i1in&
0ithin your 8eans, you besto0 the 8erest tri4le in 8oney u$on a $erson in
need, and the thou&ht that &oes 0ith it is not only the 8ost sin!ere desire to
hel$ that $erson, but you 4eel a 3een sense o4 $leasure in &i1in& su!h hel$,
then you thro0 u$on that $erson a !ertain thou&ht<ele8ent 0hi!h 0ill ne1er
lea1e the8, and bene4it the8 eternally and in $ro$ortion to the Buality, $o0er
and 4or!e o4 your thou&ht. "hen you do 4ar 8ore than relie1e their $resent
$hysi!al ne!essity. ?ou &i1e the8 a !ertain a8ount o4 s$iritual $o0er. ?our
0ish that their $o0er 8ay be so de1elo$ed and in!reased as to enable the8 to
li1e abo1e be&&ary, and dra0 to the8sel1es the &oods o4 this earth Eas all 0ill
and 8ust, 0hen &ro0n to a !ertain stature in s$iritual $o0erF, is a &reat hel$
4or the8 in ti8e to a!Buire su!h $o0er. ?ou ha1e sent and so0n in the8 a
seed o4 thou&ht 0hi!h 0ill ta3e root and bear 4ruit at so8e $eriod o4 their real
or s$iritual e#isten!e.
But i4 you &i1e &rud&in&ly, i4 you &i1e under any sort o4 !o8$ulsion, i4 you
&i1e 4ood, shelter, !lothin&, 8oney, anythin&, only be!ause !ir!u8stan!es
!o8$el you so to do, or be!ause $eo$le 8i&ht tal3 un4a1orably o4 you 4or not
&i1in&, or be!ause other $eo$le are so &i1in&, then your &i4t does relati1ely
little &ood, no 8atter on 0ho8 besto0ed, be it e1en 8other, 4ather, brother,
sister, son or dau&hter.
?ou relie1e, then, only a $hysi!al ne!essity, and that only 4or a ti8e. ?ou 8ay
$ossibly 4eed a body, shelter it, !lothe it. But you do not, and !annot 4eed
$ro$erly the s$irit that uses that body i4 the thou&ht &oin& 0ith your &i4t is
not that o4 the 8ost $er4e!t 0illin&ness and hearty $leasure in relie1in& that
bodyDs ne!essities. "he &rud&in& thou&ht a!!o8$anyin& the &i4t, the thou&ht
!o88on to that $osition 0hen the re!i$ient o4 the &i4t Eno 8atter ho0 near
the relationshi$F is endured rather than en=oyed, the thou&ht a!!o8$anyin&
any &i4t to any $erson, or relati1e, that is &i1en $rin!i$ally be!ause !usto8
and $ubli! o$inion reBuire it, or be!ause o4 the re!i$ientDs i8$ortunity, is a
&reat da8a&e both to &i1er and ta3er. 9t is the sendin& to the one 0ho re!ei1es
a !urrent o4 thou&ht, e1il in its !hara!ter and result. 9t brin&s ba!3 to the &i1er
4ro8 the one 0ho ta3es a res$onse in thou&ht o4 li3e nature, and this also is
har84ul. Be!ause, i4 you re!ei1e a &i4t 0hi!h you ha1e in any 0ay e#torted
your 4eelin& 4or the &i1er is not that o4 0ar8, &lo0in& &ratitude, but
so8ethin& Buite di44erent.
"he )hrist o4 Gudea, 0hen !o88endin& the 0ido0 0ho !ast her 8ite into the
treasury, did so in our esti8ation and as seen in this li&ht, not 8erely be!ause
she &a1e in $ro$ortion to her 8aterial 8eans, but be!ause he sa0 that her
thou&ht o4 desire to hel$ in 0hate1er 0ay hel$ 0as needed, &oin& 0ith that
8ite, 0as 4ar 8ore heart4elt and &enuine than that o4 ri!her $eo$le 0ho !ast
in lar&er su8s, but !ast in also 0ith the8 a lo0er !hara!ter o4 thou&ht and
8oti1e. :e sa0, also, that the 0o8anDs thou&ht 0as a!tually doin& 4ar 8ore
to hel$ than that o4 the others, 4or it 0as $urer, less 8i#ed 0ith lo0er 8oti1e
and there4ore 4ar the stron&er.
>9s it not 8y duty,> so8e 8ay as3, >to 4eed, !lothe, shelter, and su$$ort a
1ery near relati1e or $arent, i4 hel$less, in their old a&e.>
"he ter8 >doin& 4ro8 a sense o4 duty> does not al0ays i8$ly that the thin&
done, be it the $erson hel$ed or the $atient nursed throu&h si!3ness, is done
4ro8 the i8$ulse o4 lo1e 4or that $erson or lo1e 4or the doin&. 9t is so8eti8es
done 8e!hani!ally, or 0ith disli3e 4or the doin&. 9t is so8eti8es a 4or!ed and
$ain4ul $er4or8an!e. For su!h reason little &ood is done, 4or i4 $hysi!al
ne!essities are te8$orarily relie1ed, s$iritual ne!essities are not, and unless
the s$iritual $ortion o4 our natures is 4ed there !an be no $er8anent relie4 or
&ood done the $hysi!al. Parents 0ho in old a&e are su$$orted by their
!hildren 8erely 4ro8 a sense o4 duty, ha1e so8eti8es their s$irits 0ounded
and star1ed<<0ounded, be!ause they 4eel they are endured en!u8bran!es<<<
star1ed, be!ause no real lo1e &oes 0ith the &i4t or ser1i!e done by these
!hildren. )hildren 0ho !o8e into the 0orld un0el!o8ed by the $arent and
are brou&ht u$ only be!ause !usto8, !on1entionality and $ubli! o$inion
de8and their su$$ort 4ro8 that $arent, are 8ost un4ortunate, and su44er 4ro8
the bli&ht and star1ation thereby !aused their s$irits. Genuine heart4elt lo1e is
literally li4e &i1in&, and i4 re!ei1ed by the !hild is 4or it a sour!e o4 !heer,
health, stren&th, and a!ti1ity.
"here is a !ertain trained !ons!ien!e 0hose basis o4 edu!ation is 4ear o4
$ubli! or $ri1ate o$inion. "his so8eti8es really i8$els a!ts 0hi!h are said to
be done 4ro8 a >sense o4 duty.> 94 $ubli! o$inion should suddenly !han&e,
and !ast no !ensure at all on the $erson 0ho re4used to su$$ort 1ery near
relati1es in 0ant or old a&e, a $ro$ortion o4 su!h relati1es 0ould $robably &o
to the $oor<house, and the son or dau&hter 0ho sent the8 there 0ould be
a!tin& out their real natures, and not 4ei&nin& a senti8ent they did not
+others so8eti8es say, >9 donDt !are 0hat be!o8es o4 8e, so that 8y
!hildren are 0ell brou&ht u$ and edu!ated.> % 8other should !are a &reat deal
4or her o0n !ulti1ation. 94 her !ulti1ation and &ro0th in 0isdo8 are !he!3ed,
that o4 her !hildren 0ill be !he!3ed. 9t 0ill be !he!3ed i4 she sin3s hersel4 in
her endea1or to 4a1or her !hildren. % &enuine 8other 0ill !ontinually !o8$el
the ad8iration and res$e!t, as 0ell as lo1e o4 her !hildren. Su!h ad8iration
and res$e!t !an be !o8$elled only by a 0o8an 0ho 3no0s the 0orld, has
standin& and $osition in it and is e1er $ushin& 4or0ard to 8ore !o88andin&
$la!e and $osition. Su!h ad8iration and res$e!t 4ro8 son or dau&hter !annot
be !o8$elled by the 8other 0ho retires to a household !orner, be!o8es a
!ross bet0een u$$er nurse and &o1erness, ne&le!ts her dress and $ersonal
a$$earan!e, and tea!hes her !hildren that she is at their dis$osal and use in all
4a8ily e8er&en!ies, real or 4an!ied. For this 1ery reason are 8any 8others
i&nored, snubbed, and ridi!uled by their &ro0n<u$ !hildren.
94 8others so sin3 the8sel1es, as they 4alsely i8a&ine, to bene4it their
!hildren, they $ay in !ases a terrible $enalty. 94 you allo0 your 0ill
!onstantly to be o1erborne by another7 i4 you &i1e u$ your o0n $re4eren!es
and in!linations, and be!o8e only anotherDs e!ho7 i4 you li1e =ust as others
desire, you 0ill lose 8ore and 8ore, 4or this e#isten!e, the $o0er o4 sel4<
assertion7 you 0ill absorb so 8u!h o4 the other 8ind and thou&ht about you
as to be!o8e a $art o4 that 8ind, and so a!t in a!!ordan!e e1en 0ith its silent
0ill and uns$o3en desire7 you 0ill 4ossili@e, and sin3 into a ho$eless
ser1itude7 you 0ill lose 8ore and 8ore o4 both $hysi!al and 8ental $o0er
4or doin& anythin&7 you 0ill be!o8e the !hi8ney<!orner en!u8bran!e, the
senile $arent, the hel$less old 8an or 0o8an, endured rather than lo1ed.
"his, in 8any instan!es, has been the e44e!t o4 the &ro0n<u$ !hildrenDs 8inds
u$on a $arent. 9t is the silent 4or!e o4 those 8inds, !ontinually 0or3in& on
that o4 the $arent, 0hi!h hel$s to brea3 the $arent do0n $hysi!ally, and the
de!ay and 8ental 0ea3ness, !o88only !har&ed to >ad1an!in& years,> is due
in $art to the in=urious e44e!t o4 a 8ind or &rou$ o4 8inds, see3in& to usur$
and o1er$o0er another. "his e1il is done un!ons!iously. "he son 0ishes to
8ana&e the 4ar8. :is 0ill 8ay be stron&. :e &ains $o0er ste$ by ste$. :e
ta3es as ri&hts 0hat at 4irst he too3 only by a 4atherDs $er8ission or as
$ri1ile&es. :e &oes on ste$ by ste$, ha1in& his 0ay in all thin&s, &reat and
s8all, $erha$s bein& aided by others o4 the !hildren, usin& their silent 4or!e
in the sa8e dire!tion. %nd this 8ay be a !o8bined 4or!e al8ost i8$ossible
4or one $erson to 0ithstand i4 !ontinually e#$osed to it. 9t is a steady,
in!essant $ressure, all in one dire!tion. 9t 0or3s ni&ht and day. 9t 0or3s all
the 8ore e44i!a!iously, be!ause the $arent so e#$osed to it is utterly i&norant
o4 su!h a 4or!e and its o$eration u$on hi8. :e 4inds hi8sel4 &ro0in& 0ea3.
:e be!o8es inert. :e la!3s his old 1i&or, and thin3s it is throu&h the
a$$roa!h o4 old a&e.
9 3ne0 a 8an o1er se1enty years o4 a&e and as sound, a!ti1e and 1i&orous in
8ind and body as one o4 4orty. :e had or&ani@ed and built u$ a lar&e
business. :is se1eral !hildren at last too3 it into their heads that it 0as ti8e >
4ather retired 4ro8 business.> :en!e4orth, the thou&ht s$o3en and uns$o3en,
bearin& 8onth in and 8onth out on 4ather 4ro8 the !hildren, 0as this desire
and de8and that he should retire 4ro8 business. )on4idin& his situation to a
4riend, he said, >-hy should 9 retire 4ro8 business. 9 li1e in it, 9 li3e it, and
so 4ar as 9 !an see, a8 able to !ondu!t it $ro$erly.> But the $ersistent de8and
and 4or!e brou&ht to bear on hi8 4ro8 these 4oes o4 his o0n blood and
household 0ere too &reat to 0ithstand. :e did retire. "he sons and dau&hters
0ere satis4ied. "he 4ather soon !o88en!ed to de!line in health. :e li1ed
about t0o years a4ter0ards, and one o4 his last re8ar3s 0as, >+y !hildren
ha1e 3illed 8e.>
>Ou&ht 9 not to lo1e 8y !hildren abo1e all others> as3s one. "he ter8 > ou&ht
> has no a$$li!ation to the nature o4 lo1e. Lo1e &oes 0here it 0ill, and to
0ho8 it 0ill, and 0here it is attra!ted. ?ou !annot 4or!e yoursel4 to lo1e
anythin& or anybody. "here ha1e been $arents 0ho had no real lo1e 4or their
!hildren, and !hildren 0ho had no real lo1e 4or their $arents. Neither $arty
!an be bla8ed 4or this. "hey 0ere la!3in& in the !a$a!ity 4or lo1in&. "hey
0ere born so la!3in&. "hey are no 8ore to be !ensured 4or su!h de4i!ien!y
than you 0ould !ensure a $erson 4or bein& born blind or !ri$$le.
So8e $arents 4an!y they lo1e their !hildren, yet do not. % 4ather 0ho loses
his te8$er and beats his son does not really lo1e that son. 9t 0ould be better
to say that he lo1ed to beat hi8, or tyranni@e o1er hi8. Go1ern8ent in the
4a8ily is ne!essary7 bur no sound, lo1in& &o1ern8ent is ad8inistered on a
basis o4 an&er and iras!ibility. Parents so8eti8es inter4ere and seriously
a44e!t the 4uture o4 a !hild by o$$osin& its desires in the !hoi!e o4 a
$ro4ession. "he $arent 8ay be $re=udi!ed a&ainst !ertain 0al3s in li4e. "he
!hild 8ay 0ish to 4ollo0 one o4 these 0al3s. 9t 8eets a bitter,
un!o8$ro8isin& o$$osition on the $arentDs $art. "here is no reasonin&,
dis!ussion, or !ounselin& in the 8atter<<nothin& but a stern, $ositi1e >No.>
Su!h senti8ent and a!t are not i8$elled by lo1e 4or the !hild on the $arentDs
$art. "hey are i8$elled by the $arentDs lo1e 4or his or her o0n o$inion and a
lo1e o4 tyranny.
Parents so8eti8es 4or&et that a4ter the !hild e8er&es 4ro8 the utter $hysi!al
and 8ental hel$lessness o4 in4an!y, it is be!o8in& 8ore and 8ore an
indi1idual. %s an indi1idual it 8ay sho0 de!ided tastes, $re4eren!es and
in!linations in so8e dire!tion. No $arent and no $erson !an brea3 or alter
these tastes and $re4eren!es. No one !an 8a3e that !hildDs 8ind o1er into
so8ethin& else. For the !hildDs 8ind as 0e !all it, is really a 8ind or s$irit,
0hi!h has li1ed other $hysi!al li1es 4ro8 in4an!y to 8aturity, i4 not to old
a&e, and as it !o8es into $ossession o4 its ne0 body, and a!Buires a relati1e
!ontrol o1er that body, it 0ill be&in to a!t out the 8an or 0o8an as it 0as in
its 4or8er li4e, and that 8ay be a 8an or 0o8an 1ery !losely related to the
$arent or hardly related at all. But in any e1ent, the $arent is dealin& 0ith an
indi1idual, 0ho is &ro0in& 8ore and 8ore into tastes, $re4eren!es, and traits
o4 !hara!ter 0hi!h belon& to and are a $art o4 it "hese 8ust ha1e e#$ression.
"hey 0ill ha1e e#$ression in 8ind or s$irit, 0hether allo0ed to $hysi!ally or
not. 94 the boy is e1er lon&in& to &o to sea, and the $arent 4orbids, the boy is
on the sea in 8ind7 and i4 so in 8ind, it is 4ar better that his body should
4ollo0, 4or there is only da8a&e 0hen 8ind and body are not 0or3in& in
!orres$onden!e to&ether. 94 the 8other re4use to allo0 the boy to &o to sea
be!ause she 4ears its dan&ers 4or hi8, still she is lo1in& her o0n 4ears and her
o0n 0ay, too, 8ore than she does her son.
"he $arent so8eti8es usur$s a !o8$lete tyranny, not only o1er the !hildDs
body, but o1er its 8ind. "he !hildDs tastes, in!lination, tenden!ies and
$re4eren!es are held as o4 no i8$ortan!e 0hate1er. 94 the boy 0ants to be a
sailor, and the $arent 0ants hi8 so8ethin& else<<that so8ethin& else the
$arent 8ay insist that he shall be, but does he su!!eed. Let the host o4
8edio!rity in all !allin&s in the land ans0er. %nd 8edio!rity 8eans the
8e!hani!al 4ollo0in& o4 any $ursuit in 0hi!h there it no li1e interest.
+ore than this7 0here a body is !o8$elled to do one thin&, or li1e in a !ertain
0ay, and the 8ind lon&s to li1e in another, there is a 4or!e set in 8otion
0hi!h in 8any !ases tears 8ind and body a$art7 and $arents so8eti8es
&rie1e o1er the loss o4 a !hild, 0hen they are res$onsible 4or the death o4 its
body 4ro8 this !ause.
:o0 lon&, then, should $arental !ontrol !ontinue o1er the !hild<<or, rather,
o1er a s$irit 4or 0hi!h you ha1e been an a&en!y 4or 4urnishin& 0ith a ne0
body. 9s it unreasonable to say that su!h !ontrol should not !ontinue a4ter
su!h body, e8er&in& 4ro8 the hel$lessness o4 in4an!y, shall ha1e a!Buired
su!h !ontrol o4 its or&ani@ation as shall enable it to 8eet all $hysi!al de8ands
and ne!essities. "o &o beyond this, and &i1e 4ood, !lothes, shelter,
8aintenan!e, to a $erson, is doin& hi8 or her a &reat in=usti!e, and e1en
!ruelty. 9n so doin& you do not &rant e#er!ise to those 4a!ulties 0hi!h 8ust
be used in !o$in& su!!ess4ully 0ith the 0orld. ?ou 8a3e the !hildren the less
4itted to be sel4<sustainin&, and earn their o0n li1in&. ?ou tea!h the8 to lie in
a so4t, lu#urious bed, 0hen they should be out in the 0orld e#er!isin& and
8a3in& 8ore stron& and de#terous their $o0ers, both o4 8ind and body.
Parents so8eti8es 8a3e the8sel1es un=ustly res$onsible, and in4li!t needless
8ental su44erin& on the8sel1es, 4or the errors and tenden!ies o4 their
!hildren. % son or dau&hter ta3es a 0ron& !ourse<<or, rather, let us $ut it, a
!ourse 0here the e1il is 8ore $ro8inent or 8ore o$$osed to !on1entional
ideas o4 $ro$riety than other habits 8ore tolerated and dee8ed re$utable, but
0hi!h 8ay be the subtle, and 4or the 8ost $art un3no0n, sour!es o4 as &reat
ills as those !onde8ned by so!iety. % son ta3es to drin3 or re!3less asso!iates
and !o88its so8e !ri8e. "he $arent !onde8ns hersel4 4or not ha1in& loo3ed
8ore !are4ully a4ter her boy. She 8ay a!!use hersel4 as ha1in& been, throu&h
her ne&le!t, the $ri8e a&en!y 4or her sonDs 8isdeeds.
+ada8e, you bla8e yoursel4 4ar too 8u!h. ?ou did not 8a3e that son or
dau&hterDs !hara!ter. 9t 0as 8ade lon& be4ore that s$irit had the use o4 its last
ne0 body. -hat traits, 0hat i8$er4e!tions 0ere 1ery $ro8inent in its last
e#isten!e, 0ill a$$ear in its ne#t. 94 that 0as a thie1in& s$irit be4ore, it 0ill
$robably sho0 thie1in& tenden!ies no0. 94 it 0as &ross, ani8al and
&luttonous, then si8ilar tenden!ies 0ill sho0 the8sel1es no0. ?ou, i4 &ro0n
to a 8ore re4ined $lane o4 thou&ht, 8ay do 8u!h to 8odi4y and lessen these
But all that you 0ill do in this res$e!t 0ill be done throu&h the silent 4or!e
and a!tion o4 your su$erior thou&ht on your !hildDs 8ind. 9t 0ill not be done
throu&h a &reat deal o4 1erbal !ounsel or $hysi!al $unish8ent or dis!i$line.
-hate1er a 8ind is on enterin& on a ne0 $hysi!al e#$erien!e, 0hate1er
i8$er4e!tion belon&s to it, 8ust a$$ear and be a!ted out and be&et $ain and
$unish8ent o4 so8e 3ind, until that s$irit sees !learly 4or itsel4, ho0, throu&h
its errors, it brin&s these $unish8ents on itsel4. "hese lessons !an only be
learned 0hen that $erson has 4ull 4reedo8, so 4ar as $arental !ontrol &oes, to
li1e as it $leases. ?ou 8ay 4or a ti8e !ontrol su!h a li4e, and 8a3e it
e#ternally li1e as you $lease. But su!h e#ternal li4e is only a 1eneer, i4 the
8ind be 4ull o4 lo0er tastes and in!linations. "he sooner these are li1ed out,
the sooner 0ill that $erson learn the real la0, 0hi!h in4li!ts $ains and
$enalties 4or brea3in& its un!han&eable rules, and the sooner 0ill it 3no0 the
ha$$iness 0hi!h !o8es o4 li1in& in a!!ordan!e 0ith 9ts rules. "hat e1ery
s$irit 8ust do 4or hi8 or hersel4.
% $arent 8ay 8ould a 4alse !hara!ter 4or a !hild. 9t 8ay tea!h indire!tly,
throu&h the e44e!t o4 its o0n 8ental !ondition o$eratin& on the !hild, ho0 to
4ei&n 0hat the 0orld !alls &oodness, ho0 it 8ay see8, as re&ards out0ard
!ondu!t, to be 0hat it is not at all in se!ret tenden!y and in!lination,<<ho0, in
brie4, to be a hy$o!rite.
No $erson is really re4or8ed by another, in the sense su!h a ter8 is
so8eti8es used. ;e4or8 8ust !o8e 4ro8 0ithin. 9t 8ust be sel4<sustainin&.
9t 8ust not de$end 0holly on anotherDs $resen!e or in4luen!e. 94 it does, it is
only a te8$orary re4or8. 9t 0ill 4ail 0hen the in4luen!e o4 the $erson on
0ho8 it de$ends is re8o1ed. -e hear so8eti8es the assertion, >su!h or su!h
a $ersonDs 0i4e has been the 8a3in& o4 hi8> E8eanin& the husbandF. By the
0ay, 0hy do 0e ne1er hear o4 the 8anDs bein& the 8a3in& o4 his 0i4e.
% 8an 8ay be $re1ented 4ro8 inte8$eran!e, or he 8ay !ontinually be
bra!ed u$ to 8eet the 0orld throu&h his 0i4eDs in4luen!e and 8ental $o0er.
But i4 in su!h re4or8 he relies entirely u$on her7 i4 he !annot sustain hi8sel4
0ithout her !ontinual $resen!e and $ro8$tin&, his is no lastin& re4or8ation,
and he is also a 1ery hea1y and da8a&in& load 4or her to !arry. 9t is a one<
sided $ie!e o4 business 0hen one $erson 8ust su$$ly all the sustainin& 4or!e
4or t0o, and i4 this is $ersisted in, the 0i4e, or 0hoe1er so su$$lies it, 0ill at
last sin3 under su!h burden, and there 0ill be t0o 0re!3ed li1es instead o4
one. No $erson !an >8a3e another,> in the hi&hest sense. But one $erson
ha1in& the su$erior 8ind, !an, i4 in a 1ery !lose and lon&<!ontinued
asso!iation 0ith one 0ea3er, &i1e te8$orarily to the 0ea3er their 1ery li4e
and 4or!e, i4 their desire it 1ery stron& to hel$ the 0ea3er. 94 it be the husband
0ho so re!ei1es o4 the 0i4e, and is so de$endent on the 0i4e then he does not
re$resent any !hara!ter o4 his o0n. :e re$resents and is !lothed te8$orarily
0ith his 0i4eDs !hara!ter, or as 8u!h o4 it as he !an a$$ro$riate. 94 she dies, or
is re8o1ed 4ro8 hi8, then he rela$ses and sin3s into his real sel4, unless he is
resol1ed to be sel4<sustainin&, and e1ol1e 4or!e out o4 hi8sel4 instead o4
usin& anotherDs. 94 she !ontinues to su$$ly hi8, she is only sustainin& his
te8$orary !hara!ter, 0hi!h !annot last 0hen its sour!e o4 su$$ly is re8o1ed,
and in su!h !ontinuan!e she 0ill !ertainly in ti8e e#haust hersel4.
Parents o4ten un!ons!iously tea!h their !hildren to lie do0n u$on the8, to
de$end u$on the8 too lon& 4or 8oral su$$ort. "he result o4 this error is that
then the $arentDs li4e is dra&&ed out, throu&h !arryin& so hea1y a load, the
!hild !eases to ha1e any &enuine lo1e 4or its $arent. ?ou 8ay $ity 0hat is
de!re$it, 0ea3, and shattered. Lo1e it you !annot. Lo1e is based on
ad8iration, and ad8iration is not !o8$elled by de!ay.
"he tenden!y !alled instin!t, 0hi!h i8$els the 8other bird to turn its youn&
out o4 the nest, so soon as they ha1e su44i!ient stren&th to 4ly, and the ani8al
in 0eanin& its youn& to turn the8 adri4t and lea1e the8 to shi4t 4or
the8sel1es, is 4ounded on the natural and di1ine la0s. -e 8ay say it is the
!usto8 o4 the brutes and is there4ore >brutal.> But 0ould it be a 3indness 4or
the bird to en!oura&e the youn& to stay in the nest 0here it !ould not &ain
stren&th, and 0hen a 4e0 0ee3s 0ill brin& the stor8s and se1erity o4 0inter,
0hi!h the $arent bird itsel4 !annot 0ithstand. %&ain, the $arent, be it bird,
ani8al, or hu8an 8other, needs a4ter these $eriods o4 brin&in& their youn&
into the 0orld and rearin& the8, a season o4 entire rest and re!u$eration, and
the duration o4 su!h restin& season should be $ro$ortionate to the !o8$le#ity
o4 the or&ani@ation and the 4or!e e#$ended by su!h or&ani@ation. Durin& su!h
$eriods, the $arent should be 4reed 4ro8 any and all de8ands 4ro8 the !hild.
Birds and ani8als in their natural or 0ild li4e ta3e su!h $eriods o4 rest. But
thousands o4 hu8an 8others are ne1er 4ree 4ro8 the de8ands o4 their
!hildren, until 0orn out they dro$ into their &ra1es. "hey should be as 4ree,
so 4ar as their !hildren a !on!erned, as they 0ere in &irlhood, and be4ore they
be!a8e 8others. +otherhood is a 8ost ne!essary and an indis$ensable $hase
o4 e#isten!e 4or ri$enin& and de1elo$in& Bualities. But no one e#$erien!e
should be 4ollo0ed and d0elt in 4ore1er. Li4e in its 8ore $er4e!ted state 0ill
be 4ull o4 alterations<<not a rut, into 0hi!h i4 you are on!e set you 8ust
!ontinually tra1el.
94 hu8an !hildren re8ain 0ith the 8other years a4ter attainin& 0hat 8ay be
ter8ed a res$onsible a&e7 i4 they al0ays loo3 to her 4or aid, ad1i!e,
sy8$athy, and assistan!e7 i4 the 8other allo0s hersel4 to be!o8e the 4a8ily
leanin&<$ost, she 8ay also be re$eatin& the one<sided business o4 su$$lyin&
too 8u!h 4or!e to others and &ettin& none ba!3. She 8ay be $ra!ti!in& a 4alse
and in=urious s$e!ies o4 8otherhood be!ause it is e#a!ted, be&&ed, or
dra&&ed 4ro8 her. She 8ay be robbin& hersel4 o4 the ne0 li4e 0hi!h a0aits
her, 0hen the brood is reared and their 0in&s are sel4<sustainin&. She is
hel$in& the !hildren to 8a3e her a 4eeble, 0itless >old 0o8an.>
Perha$s one re8ar3sA > 94 your su&&estion 0as literally 4ollo0ed, the streets
0ould be 4ull o4 !hildren turned by $arents out o4 their ho8es and unable to
$ro1ide 4or the8sel1es.> So they 0ould. 9 ar&ue here no literal 4ollo0in& o4
the e#a8$le set by bird and beast. 9t 0ould be a &reat in=usti!e. No !usto8,
0hen 4ollo0ed 4or a&es, e1en i4 based in error, !an be suddenly !han&ed
0ithout disturban!e, in=usti!e, and 0ron&. ?et it is 0orth our 0hile to study
this $rin!i$le that 0e 4ind in nature, 4ro8 the tree that !asts adri4t the ri$e
a!orn, to the bird or ani8al that !asts adri4t the relati1ely ri$ened youn&.
Neither a!orn, bird nor ani8al, 0hen !ast o44 or 0eaned, e1er returns to the
$arent 4or sel4<sustainin& $o0er. Su!h $o0er, in these !ases, is only &i1en by
the $arent until the ne0 or&ani@ation is stron& enou&h to absorb and
a$$ro$riate o4 the ele8ents about it, absorb o4 earth and sunshine, or 4lesh or
&rain, the nourish8ent ne!essary to its su$$ort.
%re not our streets today 4ull o4 &ro0n<u$ !hildren Buite unable to $ro1ide
4or the8sel1es. Do not thousands lea1e $arental ho8es 0ith no sel4<
sustainin& $o0er, 0ho are all throu&h li4e unable to 4eed, !lothe, and shelter
the8sel1es, sa1e by lon& hours o4 drud&in& labor at the lo0est 0a&es. Does
not this li4e o4 drud&ery e#haust and !ut the8 o44 $re8aturely. %re there not
thousands o4 dau&hters all o1er the land 0ho 0ill be!o8e >old 8aids,> and
0hose $arents 0ill not $er8it the8, 0ere they so dis$osed, to &o out in the
0orld and ta3e their !han!es. "hese are the birds !uddled in the nest, until
their 0in&s, denied e#er!ise, lose at last all $o0er or $ro8$tin& 4or 4li&ht, and
0hose 8ouths, thou&h they be!o8e &ro0n<u$ birds, are trained only to o$en
and re!ei1e the 8orsels dro$$ed in the8.
- need to be !are4ul o4 0hat 0e thin3 and tal3. Be!ause thou&ht runs in
!urrents as real as those o4 air and 0ater. O4 0hat 0e thin3 and tal3 0e attra!t
to us a li3e !urrent o4 thou&ht. "his a!ts on 8ind or body 4or &ood or ill.
94 thou&ht 0as 1isible to the $hysi!al eye 0e should see its !urrents 4lo0in&
to and 4ro8 $eo$le. -e should see that $ersons si8ilar in te8$era8ent,
!hara!ter and 8oti1e are in the sa8e literal !urrent o4 thou&ht. -e should see
that the $erson in a des$ondent and an&ry 8ood 0as in the sa8e !urrent 0ith
others des$ondent or an&ry, and that ea!h one in su!h 8oods ser1es as an
additional battery or &enerator o4 su!h thou&ht and is stren&thenin& that
$arti!ular !urrent. -e should see these 4or!es 0or3in& in si8ilar 8anner and
!onne!tin& the ho$e4ul, !oura&eous and !heer4ul, 0ith all others ho$e4ul,
!oura&eous and !heer4ul.
-hen you are in lo0 s$irits or >blue> you ha1e a!tin& on you the thou&ht
!urrent !o8in& 4ro8 all others in lo0 s$irits. ?ou are in oneness 0ith the
des$ondent order o4 thou&ht. "he 8ind is then si!3. 9t !an be !ured, but a
$er8anent !ure !annot al0ays !o8e i88ediately 0hen one has lon& been in
the habit o4 o$enin& the 8ind to this !urrent o4 thou&ht.
9n attra!tin& to us the !urrent o4 any 3ind o4 e1il, 0e be!o8e 4or a ti8e one
0ith e1il. 9n the thou&ht !urrent o4 the Su$re8e Po0er 4or &ood 0e 8ay
be!o8e 8ore and 8ore as one 0ith that $o0er, or in Bibli!al $hrase >One
0ith God.> "hat is the desirable thou&ht !urrent 4or us to attra!t.
94 a &rou$ o4 $eo$le tal3 o4 any 4or8 o4 disease or su44erin&, o4 death<bed
s!enes and dyin& a&onies, i4 they !ulti1ate this 8orbid taste 4or the unhealthy
and &hastly, and it 4or8s their sta$le to$i!s o4 !on1ersation, they brin& in
the8sel1es a li3e !urrent o4 thou&ht 4ull o4 i8a&es o4 si!3ness, su44erin& and
thin&s re1oltin& to a healthy 8ind. "his !urrent 0ill a!t on the8, and
e1entually brin& the8 disease and su44erin& in so8e 4or8.
94 0e are tal3in& 8u!h o4 si!3 $eo$le or are 8u!h a8on& the8 and thin3in&
o4 the8, be our 8oti1e 0hat it 8ay, 0e shall dra0 on oursel1es a !urrent o4
si!3ly thou&ht, and its ill results 0ill in ti8e 8ateriali@e itsel4 in out bodies.
-e ha1e 4ar 8ore to do to sa1e oursel1es than is no0 reali@ed.
-hen 8en tal3 business to&ether they attra!t a business !urrent o4 idea and
su&&estion. "he better they a&ree the 8ore o4 this thou&ht !urrent do they
attra!t and the 8ore do they re!ei1e o4 idea and su&&estion 4or i8$ro1in& and
e#tendin& their business. 9n this 0ay does the !on4eren!e or dis!ussion
a8on& the leadin& 8e8bers o4 the !o8$any or !or$oration !reate the 4or!e
that !arries their business ahead.
"ra1el in 4irst<!lass style, $ut u$ at 4irst<!lass hotels and dress in a$$arel >as
!ostly as your $urse !an buy,> 0ithout runnin& into the e#tre8e o4
4o$$ishness. 9n these thin&s you 4ind aids to $la!e you in a !urrent o4 relati1e
$o0er and su!!ess. 94 your $urse does not no0 0arrant su!h e#$enditure, or
you thin3 it does not, you !an !o88en!e so li1in& in 8ind. "his 0ill 8a3e
you ta3e the 4irst ste$s in this dire!tion. Su!!ess4ul $eo$le in the do8ain o4
4inan!e un!ons!iously li1e u$ to this la0. Desire 4or sho0 in4luen!es so8e to
this !ourse. But there is another 4or!e and 4a!tor 0hi!h so i8$els the8. "hat
is a 0isdo8 o4 0hi!h their 8aterial 8inds are s!ar!ely !ons!ious. 9t is the
0isdo8 o4 the s$irit tellin& the8 to &et in the thou&ht !urrent o4 the
su!!ess4ul, and by su!h !urrent be borne to su!!ess. 9t is not a rounded<out
su!!ess, but &ood is 4ar as it &oes.
94 our 8inds are, 4ro8 0hat is 4alsely !alled e!ono8y, e1er set on the !hea$<<
!hea$ lod&in&s, !hea$ 4ood and !hea$ 4ares, 0e &et in the thou&ht !urrent o4
the !hea$, the sla1ish and the 4ear4ul. Our 1ie0s o4 li4e and our $lans 0ill be
in4luen!ed and 0ar$ed by it. 9t $araly@es that !oura&e and enter$rise i8$lied
in the old ada&e >Nothin& 1entured nothin& &ained.> %bsorbed in this !urrent
and ha1in& it e1er a!tin& on you, it is 4elt i88ediately 0hen you !o8e into
the $resen!e o4 the su!!ess4ul and !auses the8 to a1oid you. "hey 4eel in you
the absen!e o4 that ele8ent 0hi!h brin&s the8 their relati1e su!!ess. 9t a!ts as
a barrier, $re1entin& the 4lo0 to you o4 their sy8$athy. Sy8$athy is a 8ost
i8$ortant 4a!tor in business. Des$ite o$$osition and !o8$etition, a !ertain
thou&ht !urrent o4 sy8$athy binds the 8ost su!!ess4ul to&ether. "he 8ania
4or !hea$ness lies in the thou&ht !urrent o4 4ear and 4ailure. "he thou&ht
!urrent o4 4ear and 4ailure, and the thou&ht !urrent o4 dash, !oura&e and
su!!ess 0ill not 8in&le nor brin& to&ether the indi1iduals 0ho are in these
res$e!ti1e strea8s o4 thou&ht. "hey anta&oni@e, and bet0een the t0o !lasses
o4 8ind is built a barrier 8ore i8$enetrable than 0alls o4 stone.
Li1e alto&ether in any one idea, any one >re4or8> and you &et into the
thou&ht !urrent o4 all other 8inds 0ho are !arryin& that idea to e#tre8es.
"here is no >re4or8> but 0hat !an be $ushed too 4ar. "he har8 o4 su!h
e#tre8e 4alls on the $erson 0ho so $ushes it. 9t 0ar$s 8ind, =ud&8ent and
reason all on one side. 9t 8a3es 4anati!s, bi&ots, !ran3s and lunati!s, 0hether
the idea in1ol1es an art or study, a s!ien!e, a >re4or8> or a >8o1e8ent.> 9t
!onne!ts the e#tre8ists o4 all $eo$le in su!h order and !urrent o4 8ind, no
8atter 0hat their s$e!ialties 8ay be. Su!h $eo$le o4ten end in be!o8in&
4urious haters o4 all 0ho di44er 0ith the8 and in so hatin& e#$end their 4or!e
in tearin& the8sel1es to $ie!es. "he sa4e side lies in !allin& daily 4or the
thou&ht !urrent o4 0isdo8 4ro8 the 9n4inite +ind.
-hen that 0isdo8 is 8ore in1o3ed our >re4or8s> and or&ani@ations >4or the
&ood o4 the 0hole> 0ill not run into internal 0ran&les al8ost as soon as they
or&ani@e. %s no0 !ondu!ted the thou&ht !urrent o4 hatred o4 and anta&onis8
to the >o$$ressor> and 8ono$olist is ad8itted at their birth. "his 1ery 4or!e
breeds Buarrels and dissensions a8on& the 8e8bers. 9t is 4or!e used to tear
do0n instead o4 build u$. 9t is li3e ta3in& the 4ire used to &enerate stea8 in
the boilers and s!atterin& it throu&hout the buildin&.
-hen $eo$le !o8e to&ether and in any 0ay tal3 out their ill<0ill to0ards
others they are dra0in& to the8sel1es 0ith ten<4old $o0er an in=urious
thou&ht !urrent. Be!ause the 8ore 8inds united on any $ur$ose the 8ore
$o0er do they attra!t to e44e!t that $ur$ose. "he thou&ht !urrent so attra!ted
by those !hroni! !o8$lainers, &ru8blers and s!andal 8on&ers, 0ill in=ure
their bodies. Be!ause 0hate1er thou&ht is 8ost held in 8ind is 8ost
8ateriali@ed in the body. 94 0e are al0ays thin3in& and tal3in& o4 $eo$leDs
i8$er4e!tions 0e are dra0in& to us e1er o4 that thou&ht !urrent, and thereby
in!or$oratin& into oursel1es those 1ery i8$er4e!tions.
-e ha1e said in $re1ious boo3s that >"al3 )reates For!e,> and that the 8ore
0ho tal3 in sy8$athy the &reater is the 1olu8e and $o0er o4 the thou&ht
!urrent &enerated and attra!ted 4or &ood or ill. % &rou$ o4 &ossi$s 0ho !an
ne1er $ut their heads to&ether 0ithout ra3in& o1er the 4aults o4 the absent are
un!ons!iously 0or3in& a la0 0ith terrible results to the8sel1es.
Gossi$ is 4as!inatin&. "here is an e#hilaration in s!andal and the ra3in& o1er
o4 our 4riendDs or nei&hborDs or ene8yDs 4aults is al8ost eBual to that $rodu!ed
by !ha8$a&ne. But in the end 0e $ay dearly 4or these $leasures.
94 but t0o $eo$le 0ere to 8eet at re&ular inter1als and tal3 o4 health, stren&th
and 1i&or o4 body and 8ind, at the sa8e ti8e o$enin& their 8inds to re!ei1e
o4 the Su$re8e the best idea as to the 0ays and 8eans 4or se!urin& these
blessin&s, they 0ould attra!t to the8 a thou&ht !urrent o4 su!h idea. 94 these
t0o $eo$le or 8ore 3e$t u$ these !on1ersations on these sub=e!ts at a re&ular
ti8e and $la!e, and 4ound $leasure in su!h !o88unin&s, and they 0ere not
4or!ed or stilted7 i4 they !ould !arry the8 on 0ithout !ontro1ersy, and enter
into the8 0ithout $re!on!ei1ed idea, and not allo0 any shade o4 tattle or
tale<bearin&, or !ensure o4 others to dri4t into their tal3, they 0ould be
astonished at the yearDs end at the bene4i!ial results to 8ind and body.
Be!ause in so doin& and !o8in& to&ether 0ith a silent de8and o4 the
Su$re8e to &et the best idea, they 0ould attra!t to the8 a !urrent o4 Li4e<
&i1in& 4or!e.
Let t0o so !o88en!e rather than 8ore. For e1en t0o $ersons in the $ro$er
a&ree8ent and a!!ord to brin& the desired results are not easy to 4ind. "he
desire 4or su!h 8eetin&s 8ust be s$ontaneous, and any other 8oti1e 0ill bar
out the hi&hest thou&ht !urrent 4or &ood.
"he old<4ashioned re1i1al 8eetin&, or !a8$ 8eetin&, throu&h the !o8bined
a!tion and desire o4 a nu8ber o4 8inds brou&ht a thou&ht !urrent, !ausin& 4or
the ti8e the e!stasy, 4er1or and enthusias8 0hi!h !hara!teri@ed those
&atherin&s "he North %8eri!an 9ndian 0or3ed hi8sel4 into the 4ren@y o4 his
0ar dan!e by a si8ilar la0. :e brou&ht to hi8 by 4or!e o4 united desire a
thou&ht ele8ent and !urrent 0hi!h sti8ulated and e1en into#i!ated hi8. :is
sole desire 0as to brin& on hi8 this 8ental into#i!ation. "he 8ore 8inds so
0or3in& in the sa8e 1ein, the Bui!3er !a8e the desired result.
"he real orator in his e44ort dra0s to hi8 a !urrent o4 thou&ht, 0hi!h as sent
a&ain 4ro8 hi8 to his audien!e, thrills the8. So does the ins$ired a!tor or
a!tress. "hey brin& a hi&her and 8ore $o0er4ul ele8ent o4 thou&ht to
the8sel1es 4irst, and this 4lo0in& throu&h the8 a!ts on the audien!e
94 you d0ell a &reat deal on your o0n 4aults you 0ill by the sa8e la0s attra!t
8ore and 8ore o4 their thou&ht !urrent, and so in!rease those 4aults. 9t is
enou&h that you re!o&ni@e in yoursel4 those 4aults. DonDt be al0ays sayin& o4
yoursel4, >9 a8 0ea3 or !o0ardly or ill<te8$ered or i8$rudent,> Dra0 to
yoursel4 rather the thou&ht !urrent o4 stren&th, !oura&e, e1en te8$er,
$ruden!e and all other &ood Bualities. Hee$ the i8a&e o4 these Bualities in
8ind and you 8a3e the8 a $art o4 yoursel4.
?ou ha1e so8eti8es been beset, absorbed, and e1en annoyed 4or days in the
thou&ht o4 the suit o4 !lothes you 0anted to buy, the !ut, !olor and 4ashion o4
a dress, the sele!tion o4 a bonnet, or !ra1at, until you 0ere nothin& in thou&ht
but !lothes, hat, bonnet, dress, !ra1at or so8e other detail o4 li4e. ?ou 8ay
not ha1e been able to 8a3e u$ your 8ind 0hat you should buy, and ha1e then
$ossibly been tossed about 8entally on the billo0s o4 inde!ision 4or days.
?ou ha1e then &ot into the thou&ht !urrent o4 thousands o4 other 8inds
!ontinually in this 8ood o4 thou&ht.
"he surest 0ay 4or a youn& 0o8an to be!o8e u&ly is to be dis!ontented,
$ee1ish, !ross, !o8$lainin& and en1ious o4 others. Be!ause in these states o4
8ind she is dra0in& to her the in1isible substan!e o4 thou&ht, 0hi!h a!ts on
and in=ures her body. 9t ruins the !o8$le#ion, 8a3es lines and !reases in the
4a!e, shar$ens the nose and trans4or8s the 4a!e o4 youth into that o4 the
shre0 in 1ery Bui!3 ti8e.
9 a8 not 8orali@in& here or sayin&A >?ou ou&ht not to do thus and so.> 9t is
si8$ly !ause and result. Put your 4a!e in the 4ire, and it is s!arred and
dis4i&ured, be!ause o4 an ele8ent a!tin& on it. Put your 8ind in the 4ire o4 ill<
0ill, en1y or =ealousy, and it is also s!arred, sea8ed and dis4i&ured, be!ause
o4 an ele8ent as real as 4ire, thou&h in1isible, a!tin& on it.
%ll thin&s that are e1il and i8$er4e!t, su!h as disa&reeable traits o4 !hara!ter
in others<<thin&s un$leasant to hear or loo3 u$on should be &otten out o4 our
8inds as Bui!3ly as $ossible. Other0ise i4 d0elt u$on, they attra!t o4 their
thou&ht !urrent. "hey 0ill then be!o8e $er8anent s$iritual 4i#tures, and
these 0ill in ti8e 8ateriali@e the8sel1es into !orres$ondin& $hysi!al
4i#tures. 94 0e are al0ays 3ee$in& in 8ind the $erson doin& so8e 0ron&
thin&, 0e are the 8ore a$t to do that 1ery thin& oursel1es.
Let us endea1or, then, 0ith the hel$ o4 the Su$re8e Po0er, to &et into the
thou&ht !urrent o4 thin&s that are healthy, natural, stron& and beauti4ul. Let us
try to a1oid thou&hts o4 disease, o4 su44erin&, o4 de4or8ity, o4 4aultiness. %
4ield o4 0a1in& &rain or the rollin& sur4 is better to !onte8$late than to $ore
o1er the horrors o4 a rail0ay a!!ident. -e do not reali@e ho0 8u!h 0e are
de$ressed $hysi!ally and 8entally by the in!essant 4east o4 horrors $re$ared
4or us by the daily $ress. -e in1o3e in their $erusal a thou&ht !urrent, 4illed
0ith thin&s and i8a&es o4 horror and su44erin&. -e brin& oursel1es in this
0ay in !onne!tion and oneness 0ith all other 8orbid and diseased 8ind,
0hi!h li1es and re1els in this !urrent. it leads not to li4e, but to disease and
death. Neither others nor yoursel4 are one $arti!le aided by your 3no0in& o4
e1ery 4ire, e#$losion, 8urder, the4t or !ri8e 0hi!h the ne0s$a$ers !hroni!le
e1ery t0enty<4ours hours.
94 0e read boots 0ritten by !yni!al, sar!asti! 8inds, 0ho are so 0ar$ed as to
be able to see only the 4aults o4 others, and at last unable to see &ood
any0here, 0e brin& on oursel1es their unhealthy thou&ht !urrent, and are one
0ith it. "he arro0 al0ays ti$$ed 0ith ill<nature and sar!as8 is deadliest to
hi8 0ho sends it. 9n other 0ords, the 8an 0ho is e1er in1itin& and
!ulti1atin& this thou&ht !urrent, is in1itin& the unrest, disease and 8is4ortune
it 0ill assuredly brin& to hi8, and 0hen 0e &et too 8u!h into his 8ind 0e
in1ite si8ilar results.
?ou 8ay be neat, !are4ul and 8ethodi!al in your habits, e#a!t and elaborate
in your 0or3, yet i4 you asso!iate !losely 0ith those 0ho are !areless and
slo1enly you 8ay 4ind in yoursel4 a tenden!y to be also !areless and slo1enly,
and a di44i!ulty in resu8in& and !arryin& out your 4or8er neat, 8ethodi!al
and orderly 8ethods. Be!ause you ha1e not only absorbed o4 the !areless
8ind, or the 8ind la!3in& $atien!e to do anythin& re$ose4ully, but the
4ra&8ent o4 su!h 8ind so absorbed is a!tin& as a 8a&net in attra!tin& to you
its li3e thou&ht !urrent.
-hen an e1il is 3no0n it is hal4 !ured. Bear in 8ind 0hen you are in any
un$leasant 4ra8e o4 8ind that a thou&ht !urrent o4 su!h disa&reeable 8ood is
a!tin& on you. Bear in 8ind that you are then one in a sort o4 ele!tri!al
!onne!tion 0ith 8any other si!3ly and 8orbid 8inds, all &eneratin& and
sendin& un$leasant thou&ht to ea!h other. "he ne#t thin& to be done is to $ray
or de8and to &et out o4 this !urrent o4 e1il thou&ht. ?ou !annot do this
0holly o4 your o0n indi1idual e44ort. ?ou 8ust de8and o4 the Su$re8e
Po0er to di1ert it 4ro8 you.
-e !an 8ore and 8ore in1ite the thou&ht !urrent o4 thin&s that are li1ely,
s$ri&htly and a8usin&. Li4e should be 4ull o4 $lay4ulness. )ontinued
seriousness is but a 4e0 de&rees re8o1ed 4ront &loo8 and 8elan!holy.
"housands li1e too 8u!h in the thou&ht !urrent o4 seriousness. Fa!es 0hi!h
0ear a s8ilin& e#$ression are s!ar!e. So8e ne1er s8ile at all. So8e ha1e
4or&otten ho0 to s8ile, and it a!tually hurts the8 to s8ile, or to see others do
so. Si!3ness and disease are nursed into 4resher and 4resher a!ti1ity by the
serious 8ood o4 8ind. :abit !ontinually stren&thens the sad !a$a!ity o4
d0ellin& on the 8alady, 0hi!h 8ay be the 8erest tri4le at 4irst. Peo$le &et so
8u!h in this !urrent that 0oe4ul diseases are 8anu4a!tured out o4 so8e
tri4lin& irritation in so8e $art o4 the body.
+any 8aterial thin&s are hel$s to di1ert a thou&ht !urrent a!tin& disa&reeably
on you. ?ou 8ay ha1e daily a set o4 disa&reeable sy8$to8s. "hey 8ay see8
to !o8e as ad=un!ts to the daily routine o4 li4e. "he brea34ast table, the
4urniture, the !on1ersation and e1en the $ersons i88ediately about you see8
to re!all the8. "ra1el so8eti8es banishes the8 entirely. "he si&ht o4
di44erent surroundin&s di1erts that $arti!ular thou&ht !urrent. +aterial
re8edies 8ay te8$orarily e44e!t the sa8e result. So 8ay any sudden !han&e
o4 li4e or o!!u$ation. But all these are se!ondary aids to the Su$re8e Po0er.
"he thou&ht !urrent o4 4ear is e1ery0here. %ll hu8anity 4ears so8ethin&<<
disease, death, loss o4 4ortune, loss o4 4riends, loss o4 so8ethin&. 1eryone
has his or her $et 4ear. 9t e#tends to the 8ost tri1ial details o4 li4e. "he streets
are 4ull o4 $eo$le 0ho, i4 4earin& nothin& else, 4ear they 0onDt !at!h a train or
the ne#t street !ar. "he 8ore sensiti1e you are to the i8$ress o4 thou&ht, the
8ore liable are you to be a44e!ted by this thou&ht !urrent o4 4ear until your
s$irit, by !onstant de8and o4 the Su$re8e Po0er, builds u$ 4or itsel4 an
ar8or o4 thou&ht $ositi1e to this !urrent, and one 0hi!h 0ill deny it a!!ess.
?ou !an !o88en!e this buildin& in sayin&, 0hene1er you are a44e!ted in the
0ay abo1e 8entioned, or in any disa&reeable 4ashion, >9 re4use to a!!e$t this
thou&ht and the 8ental !ondition it has brou&ht on 8e 0hi!h a44e!ts 8y
body.> ?ou !o88en!e then to turn aside the thou&ht !urrent o4 e1il.
1eryone has so8e $et 4ear<<so8e disease they 8ay ne1er ha1e had, but
al0ays dreaded<< so8ethin& they are in s$e!ial 4ear o4 losin&. So8e tri4le,
e1en but a 0ord or senten!e uttered by another, brin&s this $et 4ear to the
8ind. 9nstantly throu&h lon& habit the 8inds re1erts to this 4ear. 9nstantly it
o$ens to it, and the 0hole thou&ht, 1olu8e and !urrent rushes to and a!ts on
the8. 9t a!ts and 1ibrates on that $arti!ular !hord o4 your nature, 0hi!h 4or
years has sounded your $et 0ea3ness.
"hen in so8e 0ay the body is a44e!ted disa&reeably. "here are 8yriads o4
di44erent sy8$to8s. "he body 8ay be!o8e 0ea3 and tre8ulous. "here 8ay
be loss o4 a$$etite, tre8ulousness, a dry ton&ue, a bad taste in the 8outh,
0ea3ness in the =oints, dro0siness, di44i!ulty o4 !on!entratin& the 8ind on
your business and 8any other disa&reeable sensations.
Su!h sy8$to8s are o4ten !lassed as > 8alaria.> 9n a sense the na8e is a
!orre!t one. Only in 1ery 8any o4 these !ases it is a bad at8os$here or
!urrent o4 thou&ht 0hi!h is a!tin& on our 8inds instead o4 the 4an!ied bad
8aterial at8os$here. CnBuestionably an at8os$here 4ull o4 1e&etable or
ani8al de!o8$osition 0ill a44e!t 8any $eo$le. But so8e li1e 4or years in the
8idst o4 sta&nant $ools and s0a8$s 0ho ne1er ha1e 8alaria. Others 4ar
re8o1ed 4ro8 su!h lo!ations on hi&h and dry &round do ha1e it. "hey hare
ta3en on a thou&ht !urrent o4 4ear.
Pla!e yoursel4 in a house 0here there has re!ently been a $ani! or s!are,
thou&h you 8ay 3no0 nothin& o4 it. ?ou 0ere 0ell and stron& the day be4ore.
?ou arise in the 8ornin&, and soon this 0hole train o4 disa&reeable sensations
a44e!ts you, be!ause the house or $la!e is saturated 0ith a thou&ht !urrent o4
4ear. Put a 4ear on !ity, to0n or !ountry o4 so8e deadly e$ide8i! or so8e
&reat !ala8ity, and hundreds o4 the 8ore sensiti1e 0ho 8ay ha1e no 4ear o4
that e$ide8i! or !ala8ity are still a44e!ted by it disa&reeably. "hat thou&ht
!urrent a44e!ts the8 in their $arti!ular a 0ea3 s$ot. % 4anati! $redi!ts so8e
&reat !atastro$he. "he sensational ne0s$a$ers ta3e u$ the to$i!, 1entilate it,
a44e!t to ridi!ule, but still 0rite about it. "his sets 8ore 8inds to thin3in& and
8ore $eo$le to tal3in&. "he 8ore tal3 the 8ore o4 this in=urious 4or!e is
&enerated. %s a result thousands o4 $eo$le are a44e!ted by it un$leasantly,
so8e in one 0ay, so8e in another, be!ause the 0hole 4or!e o4 that 1olu8e o4
4ear is let loose u$on the8. So8e are 3illed outri&ht. ntirely una0are o4 the
!ause, they o$en their 8inds 8ore and 8ore to it, d0ell on it in se!ret, $ut
out no resistin& thou&ht until at last the s$irit, unable lon&er to !arry su!h a
load, sna$s the lin3 0hi!h !onne!ts it 0ith the body.
"he 8ore i8$ressionable you are to the thou&ht about you the 8ore are you
liable to be thus a44e!ted. But you !an train your 8ind to shut out this
thou&ht. ?ou !an &radually train it to bar ti&htly this door to 0ea3ness, and
3ee$ o$en only the one to stren&th. ?ou !an do this by !ulti1atin& the 8ood
o4 dra0in& to yoursel4 and 3ee$in& in the 8ood and !urrent o4 thou&ht
!o8in& o4 God or the Su$re8e Po0er 4or &ood.
98$ressionability or !a$a!ity to re!ei1e thou&ht is sour!e either o4 stren&th or
0ea3ness. Fine<&rained, sensiti1e, hi&hly de1elo$ed 8inds today o4ten !arry
the 0ea3est bodies, be!ause throu&h i&noran!e they are al0ays in1itin& so8e
o4 these !urrents o4 e1il 0ithout any 3no0led&e o4 their e#isten!e or the
8eans o4 thro0in& the8 o44. "hey are i&norantly either !ourtin& or e#$osin&
the8sel1es to su!h !urrent. 98$ro$er indi1idual asso!iation is one !hie4
sour!e o4 su!h e#$osure.
"he 4iner 4e8inine or&ani@ation is 8ore sensiti1e to e1ery shade and ray o4
thou&ht about it, &ood or bad. +en absorbed in their business &enerate 4or a
ti8e a !ertain $ositi1eness 0hi!h thro0s o44 the 4ear !urrent. But this
$ositi1eness !annot al0ays last.
-o8en 4ro8 this !ause o4ten su44er a thousand4old 8ore in the $ri1a!y o4
their ho8es than 8en are a0are o4. "he a1era&e 8an de4ines it as > 0o8anDs
0ay,> and 0onders 0hy she is so 4ull o4 > ner1ousness,> > 1a$ors,> >notions,>
and ill<health.
%s you $la!e your relian!e on the 9n4inite +ind to brin& you out o4 all these
a&en!ies 4or ill, that 8ind in so8e 0ay 0ill brin& 8any 8aterial aids to hel$
you out. "hat 8ind 0ill su&&est 8edi!ines and 4oods and surroundin&s and
!han&es, not only to hel$ you te8$orarily, but $er8anently, so that 0hen you
are !ured you are !ured 4or all ti8e. % !heer4ul, buoyant, ho$e4ul 8ind Eand
no 8ind is !heer4ul, ho$e4ul and buoyant 0ithout bein& nearer the 9n4inite
than one that is de$ressed, sour and &loo8yF, be that the 8ind o4 your do!tor,
or your 4riend, 0ill hel$ you to &et out o4 the in=urious thou&ht !urrent.
;e&ard su!h 8ind as a hel$ 4ro8 the 9n4inite. But donDt $ut your 0hole trust
in that indi1idual. Put the &reat trust in the Su$re8e Po0er 0hi!h has sent to
you the indi1idual as a te8$orary aid or !rut!h until your s$iritual li8bs are
stron& enou&h to bear you.
"he 8ore you &et into the thou&ht !urrent !o8in& 4ro8 the 9n4inite +ind,
8a3in& yoursel4 8ore and 8ore a $art o4 that 8ind Ee#a!tly as you 8ay
be!o8e a $art o4 any 1ein o4 lo0, 8orbid, unhealthy 8ind in o$enin&
yoursel4 to that !urrentF, the Bui!3er are you 4reshened, and rene0ed
$hysi!ally and 8entally. ?ou be!o8e !ontinually a ne0er bein&. )han&es 4or
the better !o8e Bui!3er and Bui!3er. ?our $o0er in!reases to brin& results.
?ou lose &radually all 4ear as it is $ro1en 8ore and 8ore to you that 0hen
you are in the thou&ht !urrent o4 9n4inite &ood there is nothin& to 4ear. ?ou
reali@e 8ore and 8ore !learly that there is a &reat $o0er and 4or!e 0hi!h
!ares 4or you. ?ou are 0onderstru!3 at the 4a!t that 0hen your 8ind is set in
the ri&ht dire!tion all 8aterial thin&s !o8e to you 0ith 1ery little $hysi!al or
e#ternal e44ort. ?ou 0onder then at 8anDs toilin& and stri1in&, 4a&&in& hi8sel4
literally to death, 0hen throu&h su!h e#!ess o4 e44ort he a!tually dri1es 4ro8
hi8 the rounded<out &ood o4 health, ha$$iness and 8aterial $ros$erity all
?ou 0ill see in this de8and 4or the hi&hest &ood that you are &ro0in& to
$o0er &reater than you e1er drea8ed o4. 9t 0ill da0n on you that the real li4e
destined 4or the a0a3ened 4e0 no0, and the 8any in the 4uture is a da@@lin&
drea8<<a $er8anent reali@ation that it is a ha$$iness to e#ist<<a serenity and
!ontent8ent 0ithout abate8ent<<a transition 4ro8 $leasure to $leasure, and
4ro8 the &reat to the &reater $leasure. ?ou 4ind as you &et 8ore and 8ore into
the !urrent o4 the 9n4inite +ind that e#haustin& toil is not reBuired o4 you, but
that 0hen you !o88it yoursel4 in trust to this !urrent and let it bear you
0here it 0ill, all thin&s need4ul 0ill !o8e to you.
-hen you are &ettin& into the ri&ht thou&ht !urrent, you 8ay 4or a ti8e
e#$erien!e 8ore o4 uneasiness, $hysi!al and 8ental than e1er. "his is
be!ause the ne0 ele8ent a!tin& on you 8a3es you 8ore sensiti1e to the
$resen!e o4 e1il. "he ne0 is dri1in& the old out. "he ne0 thou&ht !urrent
sear!hes and dete!ts e1ery little error in your 8ind be4ore unnoti!ed, and
re$els it. "his !auses a stru&&le, and 8ind and body are 4or a ti8e
un$leasantly a44e!ted by it. 9t is li3e house<!leanin&, a $ro!ess usually
in1ol1in& a &ood deal o4 dust and disturban!e. "he ne0 s$irit you !all to you
is !leanin& your s$iritual house.
"here is no li8it to the $o0er o4 the thou&ht !urrent you !an attra!t to you
nor li8it to the thin&s that !an he done throu&h the indi1idual by it. 9n the
4uture so8e $eo$le 0ill dra0 so 8u!h o4 the hi&her Buality o4 thou&ht to
the8, that by it they 0ill a!!o8$lish 0hat so8e 0ould !all 8ira!les. 9n this
!a$a!ity o4 the hu8an 8ind 4or dra0in& a thou&ht !urrent e1er in!reasin& in
4ineness o4 Buality and $o0er lies the se!ret o4 0hat has been !alled >8a&i!.>
Chapter $our - ONE A% TO CULTI&ATE COURA#E
)OC;%G and $resen!e o4 8ind 8ean the sa8e thin&. Presen!e o4 8ind
i8$lies !o88and o4 8ind. )o0ardi!e and la!3 o4 8ental !ontrol 8ean about
the sa8e thin&. )o0ardi!e is rooted in hurry, the habit o4 hurry or la!3 o4
re$ose. %ll de&rees o4 su!!ess are based on !oura&e<<8ental or $hysi!al. %ll
de&rees o4 4ailure are based on ti8idity.
?ou !an !ulti1ate !oura&e and in!rease it at e1ery 8inute and hour o4 the day.
?ou !an ha1e the satis4a!tion o4 3no0in& that in e1erythin& you do you ha1e
a!!o8$lished t0o thin&s<<na8ely, the doin& o4 the thin& itsel4 and by the
8anner o4 its doin&, addin& eternally to yoursel4 another ato8 o4 the Buality
o4 !oura&e. ?ou !an do this by the !ulti1ation o4 deliberation<<deliberation o4
s$ee!h, o4 0al3, o4 0ritin&, o4 eatln&<<deliberation in e1erythin&.
"here is al0ays a bit o4 4ear 0here there is a bit o4 hurry. -hen you hurry to
the train you are in 4ear that you 8ay be le4t, and 0ith that !o8es 4ear o4
other $ossibilities !onseBuent on your bein& le4t. -hen you hurry to the
$arty, to the 8eetin& o4 a $erson by a$$oint8ent, you are in 4ear o4 so8e ill
or da8a&e resultin& 4ro8 not bein& in ti8e.
"his habit o4 thou&ht !an, throu&h an un!ons!ious trainin&, &ro0 to su!h an
e#tent as to $er1ade a $ersonDs 8ind, at all ti8es and $la!es, and brin& on a
4ear o4 loss o4 so8e 3ind, 0hen there is absolutely no loss to be sustained.
For instan!e a $erson 8ay hurry to !at!h a street !ar and a!t and 4eel as i4 a
&reat loss 0ould o!!ur did he not &et on that $arti!ular !ar, 0hen there 8ay
be another !lose behind, or at 8ost t0o or three 8inutesD 0aitin& 0ill brin& it.
?et the 4ear o4 0aitin& those three 8inutes &ro0s to a 8ountain in si@e, and is
in that $ersonDs 8ind a 8ost disa&reeable $ossibility. "hrou&h 8ere habit a
si8ilar !ondition o4 hurry 8ay !hara!teri@e that $ersonDs 0al3in&, eatin&,
0ritin&<<in short, e1erythin& he does, and 0ill render it 8ore and 8ore
di44i!ult 4or su!h $erson to a!t 0ith !oolness and deliberation.
"he Buality o4 8ind or e8otion underlyin& all this hurried 8ental !ondition
and !onseBuent hurried a!t, is 4ear. Fear is but another na8e 4or la!3 o4
$o0er to !ontrol our 8inds, or, in other 0ords, to !ontrol the 3ind o4 thou&ht
0e thin3 or $ut out.
9t is this 3ind o4 un!ons!ious 8ental trainin& E0hi!h is 1ery !o88onF, that
be&ets a $er8anent !ondition o4 8ind 8ore and 8ore liable to lar&e and
s8all $ani!s at the least interru$tion or tri1ial disa$$oint8ent. 9t 8a3es
disa$$oint8ents 0hen none are ne!essary. 9t is the e1er< o$enin& 0ed&e
lettin& in 8ore and 8ore the thou&ht !urrent o4 4ear. For i4 you so !ulti1ate
4ear o4 one thin& you are !ulti1atin& and in!reasin& liability to 4ear in all
thin&s. 94 you allo0 yoursel4 to sit in 4ear 4or hal4 an hour that the !arria&e
8ay not !all 4or you in ti8e to &et to the boat or train, you are 8u!h 8ore
liable to be sei@ed 0ith a series o4 little $ani!s at e1ery tri1ial o!!urren!e or
obsta!le o!!urrin& on that $arti!ular =ourney.
9n this 0ay does this habit o4 8ind enter into and is !ulti1ated in the doin& o4
so<!alled little thin&s. ?ou are 0ritin& or se0in&, or en&a&ed in the
$er4or8an!e o4 so8e 0or3 0hi!h is intensely interestin& to you, and in
0hi!h you do not li3e to be interru$ted. 94 se0in&, you rea!h 4or your s!issors
0hi!h ha1e dro$$ed on the 4loor. ?ou do this in a 8o8entarily i8$atient
8ood and 0ith a s$as8odi! =er3y a!tion. ?our 8ind, as the $hrase runs, is
>on your 0or3.> ?ou 0ill not ta3e it o44 your 0or3 0hile rea!hin& 4or the
s!issors. ?ou are tryin& in 8ind to &o on 0ith your 0or3 and rea!h 4or the
s!issors at the sa8e 8o8ent. ?ou 8a3e the 8o1e8ent o4 8us!les and the
a!tion o4 the body 8o8entarily disa&reeable and ir3so8e, be!ause you re4use
4or the se!ond to $ut into that a!t the 4or!e 0hi!h it de8ands. -hen
un!ons!iously you re4use to do this, any a!ts 0ill be!o8e ir3so8e and
disa&reeable, be!ause there is not 4or!e enou&h let on to do the a!t 0ith ease.
9t is the endea1or to do it 0ith a 0ea3 body. ?ou ha1e the $o0er o4 thro0in&
your 4or!e instantly into any 8us!le, so 8a3in& the a!t easy and $leasant.
"his !a$a!ity 4or turnin& on 4or!e on any $art you 0ill in!reases throu&h
!ulti1atin& it. %nd you !an do a &reat deal 8ore and do it better throu&h this
!ulti1ation o4 deliberation, 4or deliberation !an be as Bui!3 as thou&ht, the
8ore the 8ind is trained in that dire!tion.
94 you $i!3 u$ a $in or tie a shoe<strin& in a hurry, you do so not only be!ause
su!h a!t is ir3so8e to you, but be!ause you 4ear it 8ay de$ri1e you
8o8entarily o4 so8e bit o4 $leasure. "here you ha1e a&ain o$ened your 8ind
to the thou&ht !urrent o4 4ear<<4ear o4 losin& so8ethin&.
"he !ulti1ation o4 !oura&e !o88en!es in the !ulti1ation o4 deliberation in
so<!alled little a!ts li3e these. Deliberation and !oura&e are as !losely allied
as 4ear and hurry. 94 0e do not learn to &o1ern our 4or!e $ro$erly in the doin&
o4 the s8allest a!t 0e shall 4ind su!h &o1ern8ent 4ar less easy in the doin& o4
all a!ts.
94 0e analy@e 0hat 0e 4ear, 0e shall 4ind 0e are in 8ind tryin& to deal 0ith
too 8u!h at on!e o4 the thin& 4eared. "here is only a relati1ely s8all a8ount
to be dealt 0ith no0. 9n any transa!tion <<in the doin& o4 anythin& there is but
one ste$ to be ta3en at a ti8e. -e need to $la!e 0hat 4or!e is ne!essary, and
no 8ore on that one ste$. -hen that is ta3en 0e !an ta3e the ne#t.
"he 8ore 0e train our 8inds so to !on!entrate on the one ste$, the 8ore do
0e in!rease !a$a!ity 4or sendin& our 4or!e all in one &i1en dire!tion at on!e.
Su!h 4or!e e#tends, and should be so used in the so<!alled 8inutest details o4
e1eryday li4e. 9n this 0ay deliberation and deliberate a!tion be!o8e habitual,
and 0e are in a sense un!ons!ious o4 8a3in& oursel1es deliberate, e1en as
a4ter lon& trainin& in the o$$osite and 0ron& dire!tion 0e are un!ons!ious o4
$uttin& on the hurried 4ra8e o4 8ind.
"i8idity is o4ten the result o4 loo3in& at too 8any di44i!ulties or terrors at
on!e. 9n 8aterial reality 0e ha1e to deal 0ith but one at a ti8e. 94 0e are
&oin& to 0hat 0e 4ear 0ill be a disa&reeable inter1ie0 0ith a harsh, iras!ible,
o1er<bearin& $erson, 0e are a$t to &o, o!!u$yin& our 8inds 0ith the 0hole
inter1ie0, settin& oursel1es do0n in the 1ery 8iddle o4 it, and seein& it in
8ind as ne!essarily tryin& or disa&reeable. Perha$s 0e 0ere thin3in& o4 it
this 8ornin& 0hile 0e 0ere dressin&. But it 0as then our $ro$er business to
dress. "o dress 0as a ne!essary ste$ 4or the inter1ie0 and to dress 0ell also.
Possibly it o!!u$ied our thou&hts 0hile eatin&. But it 0as then our $ro$er
business to eat and &et all the $leasure $ossible 4ro8 our 4ood. "hat 0as
another ste$. "he 8ore re$ose4ul our eatin&, the 8ore 1i&orous 0ill be!o8e
our taste, and the 8ore stren&th 0ill our 4ood &i1e our bodies. Possibly the
4ear o4 this inter1ie0 0as on us as 0e 0al3ed to the $la!e a$$ointed 4or it.
But it 0as then our $ro$er business to 0al3 and &et 4ro8 our 0al3in& all the
$leasure he !ould. "hat 0as another ste$. Pleasure is the sure result o4 $la!in&
thou&ht or 4or!e on the thin& 0e are doin& no0, and $ain o4 so8e sort in both
$resent and 4uture is the !ertain result o4 sendin& thou&ht or 4or!e a0ay 4ro8
the a!t 0hi!h needs to be done at this 8o8ent.
-hen 0e dress, eat, 0al3 or do anythin& 0ith 8ind $la!ed on so8ethin&
else, 0e are 8a3in& the $resent a!t ir3so8e7 0e are trainin& to 8a3e e1ery
a!t ir3so8e and disa&reeable7 0e are 8a3in& the thin& 4eared a !ertainty, 4or
0hat 0e $ut out in thou&ht as un$leasant is an a!tual thin&, a reality. %nd the
lon&er 0e !ontinue to $ut it out the 8ore 4or!e 0e add to it, and the 8ore
li3ely is it then to be reali@ed in the $hysi!al 0orld.
"o brin& us 0hat all 0ant and are see3in& 4or, na8ely<ha$$iness, 0e need to
ha1e $er4e!t !ontrol o4 our 8ind and thou&ht at all ti8es and $la!es. One
8ost i8$ortant and ne!essary 8eans 4or &ainin& this, lies in this dis!i$line
re&ardin& so<!alled little or tri1ial thin&s, =ust as the dis!i$line and 8o1e8ent
o4 an ar8y !o88en!es 0ith the trainin& o4 the $ri1ate soldiersD le&s and
ar8s. 94 you hurry and slur o1er these so<!alled $etty details, you are the
easier thro0n o44 your &uard or !on4used at une#$e!ted o!!urren!es, and in
li4e it is the une#$e!ted that is al0ays ha$$enin&.
-e need to 3ee$ al0ays our 8ind $resent 0ith us. -e 0ant it al0ays on the
s$ot ready to use in any dire!tion. Our thou&ht is not on the s$ot 0hen 0e tie
a shoe<strin& and thin3 a 8ile 4ro8 that shoe<strin&<<0hen 0e 8end a $en!il
and d0ell in one o4 to8orro0Ds !ares. 9t is then a0ay, and i4 it has 4or a
li4eti8e been in the habit o4 so strayin& 4ro8 the a!t in hand to the a!t a4ar, it
be!o8es 8ore and 8ore di44i!ult to brin& it ba!3 to use, and 8ore di44i!ult to
use it $ro8$tly 0hen it is brou&ht ba!3. Our thou&ht 8o1es 4ro8 one thin& to
another 0ith 8ore than ele!tri! s$eed, and 0e !an un!ons!iously train this
Bui!3ness to be e1er dartin& 4ro8 one thin& to another until it be!o8es
al8ost i8$ossible to 3ee$ it on one thin& 4or ten !onse!uti1e se!onds. On the
!ontrary, throu&h !ulti1ation o4 re$ose and deliberation in all thin&s 0e !an
train oursel1es to 8ass and 4asten our thou&ht on anythin& as lon& as 0e
$lease, to thro0 oursel1es into any 8ood o4 8ind 0e $lease, and to thro0
oursel1es at 0ill into slee$ or a se8i<!ons!ious, drea8y state as rest4ul as
slee$. "hese are 1ery s8all $arts o4 the $ossibilities 4or the hu8an 8ind.
"here is no li8it to its &ro0th or the in!rease o4 its $o0er, and no thin&
!o8in& 0ithin the li8its o4 our i8a&ination but !an be a!!o8$lished by it.
"he ste$s to these attain8ents are 1ery s8all, 1ery si8$le and relati1ely
easy<<so si8$le and easy that so8e re=e!t the8 4or that reason.
CnBuestionably, these $o0ers and 8any results !o8in& o4 their e#er!ise 0ere
3no0n a&es a&o to a relati1e 4e0. But any $o0er or any !ondition o4 8ind
!onseBuent u$on it !an be 8ade 8ore !lear to an n&lish<s$ea3in& $eo$le,
throu&h the use o4 an n&lish 0ord or 4or8 o4 e#$ression than by ter8s ta3en
4ro8 other lan&ua&es.
"he North %8eri!an 9ndian and the Oriental had in !ases the $o0er o4 so
dis8issin& all thou&ht and 8a3in& their 8inds in a sense a blan3 as to
be!o8e not only insensible to 4ear, but this 8ental !ondition rendered their
bodies al8ost insensible to $hysi!al su44erin&. 9t 0as the $o0er o4 indu!in&
this 8ental !ondition 0hi!h enabled the 9ndian 0hen ta3en !a$ti1e to
0ithstand e1ery de1i!e o4 torture in4li!ted by his !a$tors, and to sin& his
death son& under the in4li!tion o4 4ire and a slo0 $ro!ess o4 bodily 8utilation
too horrible 4or des!ri$tion, and 0hi!h 1ery 4e0 o4 our ra!e !ould endure
0ithout $assin& into the 4ren@y o4 a&ony.
"he 9ndian is 4ar 8ore re$ose4ul and deliberate than the 8a=ority o4 our ra!e,
in both 8ental and $hysi!al 8o1e8ent. Cn!ons!iously !ulti1atin& this
re$ose. and li1in& a li4e less arti4i!ial than ours, he in!reased his s$iritual
$o0er, one sure result o4 0hi!h is that !o88and o4 8ind o1er body 0hi!h
!an lessee $hysi!al $ain, and as an ulti8ate $ossibility banish it alto&ether.
Deliberation o4 8o1e8ent, or in $lainer n&lish 8o1e8ent o4 8us!le so slo0
that our 8ind has ti8e to 4ollo0 it, &i1es one ti8e to thin3 in &reat and s8all
e8er&en!ies. But the la!3 o4 su!h trainin& !auses un!ons!ious $hysi!al
a!tion. So !on4ir8ed be!o8es this habit, that the body 8o1es 0ithout us
a0are o4 it. %030ardness, la!3 o4 address, la!3 o4 ta!t are all due to this la!3
o4 !o88and o4 8ind !aused by la!3 o4 deliberation, or in other 0ords, a
trained in!a$a!ity 4or ta3in& ti8e to thin3 or $lan the $ro$er thin& to do.
"he terror<stri!3en $erson i4 the shi$ see8s in sudden dan&er runs u$ and
do0n the de!3 to no $ur$ose, and this $hysi!al a!tion is an e#a!t
!orres$onden!e o4 the li4e<lon& !ondition o4 his 8ind 0hose thou&ht has
been e1er so dartin& 4ro8 one thin& to another, =ust as the 0hi8 sei@ed hi8.
"he 8ore deliberate $erson 0hose 8ind is trained to ta3e ti8e to thin3 and
hold or !on!entrate its thou&ht, holds hi8sel4 steady, and so &i1es hi8sel4
ti8e to see 0hat 8ay be the o$$ortunities 4or es!a$e. %nd these t0o $ersons
0ould $i!3 u$ a $in in a 1ery di44erent 8anner and 0ith 1ery di44erent 8ental
a!tion and 8ethod.
"o train then 4or !oura&e is to train 4or deliberate 8o1e8ent in all thin&s, 4or
that is si8$ly trainin& to 8ass and hold your 4or!e in reser1e and let out no
8ore than is needed 4or the 8o8ent.
No Buality o4 8ind is 8ore need4ul to su!!ess in all underta3in&s than
!oura&e, and by !oura&e 9 8ean not only !oura&e to a!t but !oura&e to thin3.
9n e1eryday business, thousands dare not thin3 o4 ta3in& a ste$ 0hi!h 0ould
in1ol1e an outlay o4 8oney abo1e the a1era&e o4 their e#$enditure. "hey are
a$$alled at 8ention o4 so lar&e a su8. "hey 0ill not, out o4 $ure 4ri&ht,
entertain the idea lon& enou&h to 4a8iliari@e the8sel1es 0ith it. No0 i4 they
re1ersed this 8ental a!tion, and instead o4 i88ediately &i1in& 0ay out o4
li4e<lon& habit to this 4ri&ht, 0ould ta3e ti8e and allo0 the thou&ht to rest in
their 8inds instead o4 dri1in& it out, there 0ould in ti8e !o8e to the8 ideas
!on!ernin& 0ays and 8eans 4or 8eetin& the additional e#$ense, and thereby
8a3in& a lar&er su8 o4 8oney in the sa8e ti8e it too3 to 8a3e the s8all
For instan!e, you say to the 0o8en 0ho &oes out to 0ash by the day and has
ne1er done anythin& else. >+rs. %., 0hy donDt you start a laundry. ?ou !an
8a3e a &reat deal 8ore 8oney in so doin&.>
>9 start a laundry5 -here in the 0orld is the 8oney !o8in& 4ro8 to start a
laundry.> is her re$ly. :ere the 0o8an instead o4 entertainin& your idea
&i1es 0ay i88ediately to 4ri&ht !on!ernin& 0hat see8s to her the i88ense
su8 reBuired, and 4ollo0in& the sa8e unreasonin&, headlon&, $ani!3y style
o4 thou&ht, sets u$ in a 8o8ent an o$$osition to your $ro$osition. She dare
thin3 only o4 0or3in& 4or dayDs 0a&es as she is !alled u$on by those 0ho hire
her. %nd thousands 4or this reason dare not thin3, or 4ind it disa&reeable 4or
the8 to thin3, o4 &ettin& into so8e broader, 8ore res$onsible and 8ore
$ro4itable s$here o4 business, be!ause they bun!h at on!e all its $ossible
di44i!ulties into a 8ass, and out o4 8ere habit 0ill loo3 only at that a04ul and
i8a&inary bun!h.
But +rs. )., the 8ore deliberate 0asher0o8an, hears your $ro$osition and
entertains it. 9n ti8e she says to hersel4, >-hy should 9 not start a laundry.
Other $eo$le ha1e and ha1e su!!eeded.> She li1es in the idea, tal3s to one
and another about it, and 4inds out ho0 they started. "he lon&er she 3ee$s in
this !urrent o4 thou&ht the 8ore $lainly does she see the 0ays and 8eans by
0hi!h other $eo$le ha1e >set u$ 4or the8sel1es.> Finally, the idea so &ro0s
u$on her, that she ta3es so8e ste$ to0ard that end, and then another and
another, and so by de&rees dri4ts into the business.
% $erson is !ool and !olle!ted in 4a!e o4 any &reat dan&er, be!ause he has the
$o0er o4 holdin& his 8ind to the thin& to be done on the instant. )o0ardi!e
has no su!h $o0er, and !an see in 8ind not only the sour!e o4 dan&er, but a
s!ore o4 $ossible results 0hi!h 8ay or 8ay not ha$$en to hi8. 9n battle one
8an 8ay attend to his duty 0ith a 1i1id and by no 8eans a&reeable !ondition
o4 8ind as he sees 8en stru!3 and 8an&led all about hi8. But the 4or!e or
thou&ht he !an brin& to bear on the $er4or8an!e o4 his duty is &reater in
a8ount than that !o8in& o4 the reali@ation o4 the slau&hter around hi8, and
!o88ands and holds his body to his $ost. "he 8an 0ho runs, or 0ould i4 he
had the !han!e, !annot 4i# his 8ind on anythin& but the 4ear4ul $ossibilities
o4 the 8o8ent.
9n the so<!alled tri1ial a!t o4 $i!3in& u$ a $in, or threadin& a needle, or
o$enin& a door, 9 do not ar&ue that all oneDs 4or!e or thou&ht should be $la!ed
on the a!t, but only enou&h to $er4or8 the a!t 0ell 0hile the rest is 3e$t in
reser1e. 9t is in substan!e the sa8e as in $i!3in& u$ a 0ei&ht, you 0ould not
try to e#$end the 4or!e in li4tin& one $ound that you 0ould in li4tin& 4i4ty
$ounds. ?ou do e#$end a &reat deal 8ore 4or!e in the a!t o4 $i!3in& u$ a $in
0hen your 8ind is $reo!!u$ied 0ith so8ethin& else, 4or you are then tryin&
to do t0o thin&s or li4t t0o 0ei&hts at on!e.
?ou 0ill re8e8ber that anythin& 0hi!h is done in 8ind, e#$ends Buite as
8u!h 4or!e as i4 done 0ith the body, so that the $ersons 0ho lin&er abed in
the 8ornin& and thin3 0ith dread o4 the brea34asts to be !oo3ed, or the roo8s
to be s0e$t, so 4ar as e#$enditure o4 4or!e is !on!erned, 0ill be doin& those
a!ts then and there 0hile lyin& on their ba!3s.
9n e#$endin& =ust 4or!e enou&h to $er4or8 any a!t Ea !a$a!ity 0hi!h 0ill
&radually &ro0 u$on you as you 4a8iliari@e yoursel4 0ith this idea and set
your desire or de8and u$on it,F you !ulti1ate and in!rease !ontinually that
desirable state o4 8ind, 0hi!h in e1eryday lan&ua&e is 3no0n as >ha1in&
your 0its about you.> "hat 8eans, in other 0ords, al0ays ha1in&, no 8atter
0hat you are doin&, your 8ental eyes o$en in e1ery dire!tion, and 0hile
out0ardly you see8 all intent and o!!u$ied in the one a!t, your 8ind or s$irit
li3e a 1i&ilant sentinel is !ontinually on the loo3<out, so as to &i1e you noti!e
in the 4ra!tional $art o4 an instant o4 all that is &oin& on about you, and also to
dire!t you ho0 to 8eet the e1ent 0hate1er it 8ay be. "his is not only the
!hara!teristi! o4 !oura&e, but o4 ta!t and address. 9t 0as this ele!tri! 1i&ilan!e
and 8ind 0at!h4ulness that &a1e an %8eri!an o44i!er durin& the ;e1olution,
0ho, in the !on4usion o4 battle, suddenly 4ound hi8sel4 in 4ront o4 a British
re&i8ent, the deliberation to as3, >-hat troo$s are these.> >"he ;oyal
S!ots,> 0as the re$ly. > ;oyal S!ots re8ain as you are,> 0as his ans0er, and
he rode o44 to his o0n lines. "hat 8an had a 8ind trained to &i1e hi8 ti8e to
On one o!!asion, +rs. Farren, the !elebrated n&lish a!tress, dis!o1ered
0here her $art reBuired her to he8 a hand3er!hie4 that the $ro$erty 8an had
4or&otten to lay out the hand3er!hie4 needle, thread, et!. -ithout a 8o8entDs
hesitation she sat do0n and i8itated so naturally the 8otion and 8anner o4 a
lady in se0in& that 8ost o4 her audien!e ne1er sus$e!ted the o8ission. "hat
a!t in1ol1ed sel4 $ossession, !oolness, deliberation, $resen!e o4 8ind,
!oura&e. Do not all these ter8s i8$ly a si8ilar state o4 8ind. % 0o8an
habitually hurried and 4lurried !ould not ha1e done this, and 9 belie1e that
0hen +rs. Farren sa0 $ro$er to $i!3 u$ a $in, she did so in a 8u!h 8ore
deliberate 8anner than 0ould the habitually hurried, 4lurried 8an or 0o8an.
)ulti1ate deliberate a!t and 8o1e8ent in all thin&s, and you lay 8ore and
8ore the solid 4oundation 4or !oura&e, either 8oral or $hysi!al. But
deliberate a!t does not al0ays i8$ly slo0ness. Gust as thou&ht 8o1es 0ith
ele!tri! ra$idity, so 8ay it 8o1e the body 0hen o!!asion reBuires, but the
thou&ht 8ust be !learly $lanned, seen and outlined in 8ind be4ore it is
allo0ed to a!t on the body. 9t is so seen or $lanned, and so a!ts to use the
8us!les in the ra$id thrust and $arry o4 the s3illed 4en!er, and si8ilarly 0ith
the $ro4essional danseuse, in 4a!t in all su$erior a!!o8$lish8ents, be they o4
$ainter, 8usi!ian or other artist. "hese, ho0e1er, in 8any !ases, are but
$artial !ontrols o4 8ind. Outside o4 his art, the artist 8ay ha1e little 8ental
!ontrol or deliberation, and as a result be >ner1ous> 1a!illatin&, easily
disturbed, 0hi8si!al and ti8id. "he 8ind is our &arrison to be ar8ed at all
$oints and dis!i$lined to 8eet any e8er&en!y.
-e deal 0ith the 8a3in& Eor sel4<8a3in&F o4 0hole 8en and 0o8en, 0hose
8inds are not !ulti1ated all in one dire!tion and ne&le!ted e1ery0here else. 9t
is 4ar better in the end to be &ro0in& sy88etri!ally and to be 4inished so 4ar
as 0e ha1e &ro0n >all around,> than to ha1e our $o0er all !on!entrated on
one talent or !a$a!ity, and be!o8in& 0hat the 0orld !alls a >Genius.> "he
inside history o4 Genius is o4ten a sad one, and sho0s that it brou&ht little
ha$$iness to its $ossessor.
S!ores and hundreds o4 the little a!ts o4 e1eryday li4e, su!h as $i!3in&
dro$$ed arti!les 4ro8 the 4loor, o$enin& and shuttin& dra0ers, layin& or
rea!hin& 4or arti!les on the toilet table, and attendin& to 8inor details o4
dress, are done un!ons!iously in this hurried !ondition o4 8ind, es$e!ially
0hen so8e 8ore i8$ortant ob=e!t en&a&es our attention. -e snat!h, 0e
!lut!h, 0e dri1e re!3lessly about in the doin& o4 these thin&s, and 0e 0ea3en
our bodies and be!o8e tired out, and 4inally >$ani!3y,> and easily 4ri&htened
throu&h this 8ental habit, 4or 4ear and !o0ardi!e sli$ in 4ar 8ore easily 0hen
the body is 0ea3.
"his habit !annot be !han&ed in a day or a year 0hen it has $er1aded a
li4eti8e. Neither !an the ills, 8ental and $hysi!al, resultin& 4ro8 su!h habit,
be !ured i88ediately. "here !an be only &radual &ro0th a0ay 4ro8 the8.
94 in readin& this you 4eel !on1in!ed that there is >so8ethin& in it,> and 4eel
also a !on1i!tion that so8e $ortion o4 it suits your o0n !ase, your !ure has
then !o88en!ed. ;eal !on1i!tion, the !on1i!tion that !o8es 4ro8 0ithin,
ne1er lea1es one or sto$s 0or3in& to &et us out o4 the e1il 0ay and $ut us in
the &ood one. 9t 8ay see8 buried and 4or&otten 4or seasons, and our
erroneous habits 8ay see8 &ro0in& stron&er than e1er. "hat is not so. But as
!on1i!tions ta3e root 0e are seein& our errors 8ore and 8ore !learly. -e
4or&et that at one ti8e 0e 0ere blind and did not see the8 at all.
94 this boo3 brin&s to you a !on1i!tion o4 a lon& established error it is not 9
indi1idually 0ho brin& or !on1in!e. 9t is only that 9 $ut out 8ore or less o4 a
truth, 0hi!h ta3es hold o4 you and the !hord o4 truth in you senses it. 94 9
a$$ly the tor!h to the &as<=et and li&ht it, it does not 4ollo0 that 9 8a3e either
the 4ire or the &as. 9 a8 only a 8eans or a&ent 4or li&htin& that &as. No 8an
8a3es or in1ents a truth. "ruth is as &eneral and 0idely s$read and belon&s to
e1ery indi1idual as 8u!h as the air 0e breathe, and there is $leasure enou&h
in bein& its tor!h<bearer 0ithout $resu8in& to !lai8 the $o0er o4 its )reator.
%bo1e all de8and 8ore and 8ore !oura&e o4 the Su$re8e Po0er.
Chapter $i'e - LOO( $ORARD)
": tenden!y 0ith 8any $eo$le a4ter they are a little >ad1an!ed in years> is
to loo3 ba!30ard and 0ith re&ret. "he >loo3in&> should be the other 0ay<<
4or0ard. 94 you 0ant to &o ba!30ard in e1ery sense, 8ental and $hysi!al,
3ee$ on !ulti1atin& the 8ood o4 li1in& re&ret4ully in your $ast li4e.
9t is one !hie4 !hara!teristi! o4 the 8aterial 8ind to hold tena!iously to the
$ast. 9t li3es to re!all the $ast and 8ourn o1er it. "he 8aterial 8ind has a
ne1er<endin& series o4 sole8n a8use8ent, in re!allin& $ast =oys, and 4eelin&
sad be!ause they are ne1er to !o8e a&ain.
But the real sel4, the s$irit, !ares relati1ely little 4or its $ast. it !ourts !han&e.
99 e#$e!ts to be a di44erent indi1idual in thou&ht a year hen!e 4ro8 that it is
today. 9t is 0illin& a thousand years hen!e to 4or&et 0ho or 0hat it is today,
4or it 3no0s that this intense desire to re8e8ber itsel4 4or 0hat it has been
retards its ad1an!e to0ard &reater $o0er and &reater $leasure. -hat !are you
4or 0hat you 0ere a thousand or 4i1e thousand years a&o. ?et then you 0ere
so8ethin&, and so8ethin& 4ar less than 0hat you are today. ?ou are !urious
you 8ay ans0er to 3no0 0hat you 0ere. ?es, but is !uriosity 0orth
&rati4yin&, i4 4or su!h &rati4i!ation you 8ust $ay the $ri!e o4 dra&&in& a4ter
you a hundred !or$ses o4 your dead sel1es. "hose sel1es, those e#isten!es,
ha1e done their 0or3 4or you. 9n doin& that 0or3 they brou&ht you $ossibly
8ore $ain than $leasure. Do you 0ant e1er to bear 0ith you the 8e8ory and
burden o4 that $ain. s$e!ially 0hen su!h burden brin&s 8ore $ain and
de$ri1es you o4 $leasure. 9t is li3e the bird that should insist on !arryin& 0ith
it al0ays the shell 4ro8 0hi!h it 0as hat!hed. 94 you ha1e a sad re8e8bran!e
4lin& it o44. 94 you !anDt 4lin& it o44, de8and o4 the Su$re8e Po0er aid to hel$
you do so, and su!h aid 0ill !o8e. 94 you 0ant to &ro0 old, 4eeble, &ray and
0ithered, &o at on!e and li1e in your $ast, and re&ret your youth. Go and to
re1isit $la!es and houses 0here you li1ed t0enty, thirty, 4orty years a&o7 !all
ba!3 the dead7 8ourn o1er the87 li1e in re8e8bran!e o1er the =oys you had
there, and say they are &one and 4led and 0ill ne1er !o8e a&ain.
9n so doin& you are 4astenin& dead sel1es all o1er you. 94 0e !a8e into
another $hysi!al li4e 0ith the 8e8ory o4 the last one, 0e should !o8e into
the 0orld $hysi!ally as 8iniature, de!re$it, &ri@@led old 8en and 0o8en.
?outh $hysi!ally is 4resh and bloo8in&, be!ause it $a!3s no $ast sad 8aterial
re8e8bran!es 0ith it. % &irl is beauti4ul be!ause her s$irit has 4lun& o44 the
$ast and sad re8e8bran!e o4 its $re1ious li4e, and has there4ore a !han!e 4or
a $eriod to assert itsel4. % 0o8an !o88en!es to >a&e> then she !o88en!es
to load u$ 0ith re&rets o1er a $ast but t0enty years &one.
?our s$irit de8ands 4or the body it uses &ra!e, a&ility o4 8o1e8ent and
$ersonal beauty, 4or it is 8ade in the >i8a&e o4 God,> and the in4inite 8ind
and li4e, beauty, &ra!e and a&ility are the !hara!teristi!s o4 that 8ind. 9n that
$hase o4 e#isten!e 0e !alled !hildhood and youth, the s$irit has the !han!e to
assert its desire 4or beauty and a&ility, be!ause it has not as yet loaded u$
0ith 4alse belie4s and re&rets.
"he li1eliness, s$ri&htliness and untirin& $lay4ulness o4 the boy or &irl o4 ten
or t0el1e, is due to the &ladness o4 s$irit relie1ed o4 the burden that is !arried
in a $ast e#isten!e. "hat burden 0as one o4 thou&hts un$ro4itable to !arry.
?ou 0ould $hysi!ally ha1e the a&ility you had at 4i4teen !ould you 4lin& o44
the burden o4 sad re8e8bran!e and belie4 in error that you ha1e been loadin&
u$ 0ith these t0enty or thirty years $ast.
?ou !an !o88en!e the unloadin& $ro!ess no0, by resol1in&, 0ith the aid o4
the Su$re8e Po0er, to 4lin& o44 the re8e8bran!e o4 e1erythin& in the $ast
that has annoyed you, e1erythin& you re&ret, e1erythin& you ha1e 8ourned
God ne1er 8ourns or re&rets. ?ou as a s$irit are 8ade in :is i8a&e. God it
eternal li4e, =oy and serenity. "he 8ore o4 these !hara!teristi!s you re4le!t the
nearer are you to the 9n4inite S$irit o4 Good.
:a1e you buried your dearest on earth. ?ou do the8 no &ood by your sad
thou&hts !on!ernin& the8. ?ou $la!e bar t0i#t their s$irit and yours in
thin3in& o4 the8 as >lost.> ?ou 8ay in so doin& not only in!rease and
en!oura&e in the8 a sad 8ental !ondition, but brin& their &loo8y 8ental
!ondition on yoursel4, as 8any do in &rie1in&. "he &reatest &ood 0e !an do
the8 is to thin3 o4 the8 as ali1e li3e oursel1es, and to 4lin& their &ra1es,
to8bstones, !o44ins, shrouds and &hastliness out o4 our 8inds. 94 0e !annot
do so o4 oursel1es let us de8and hel$ o4 the Su$re8e Po0er to do it. -e
o4ten 8a3e those 0ho ha1e lost their bodies 4eel dead 0hen 0e thin3 o4 the8
as su!h. 94 0e do this they 0ill thro0 ba!3 their thou&hts o4 deadness on us.
Hee$ out o4 &ra1eyards. 9t 8ay see8 to so8e that 9 a8 !old and un4eelin& to
say thus, but the truth, as it $resents itsel4 to 8e, says that the &ra1eyard
0here your lo1ed ones do not lie, is s$iritually a 8ost unhealthy $la!e to
1isit. "hey are 4ull o4 the thou&ht o4 re&ret, death and de!ay. -hen you 1isit
the8 you in!or$orate su!h thou&ht into yoursel4. 9t is hostile and 3illin& to
youth, 1i&or, elasti!ity, !heer4ulness and li4e.
Our &ra1eyards are 4ull o4 lies, -e $la!e a stone o1er the !ast<o44 body o4 a
4riend. -e $la!e on that stone the 0ord >died.> "hat is not true. ?our 4riend is
not dead. 9t is only the body he used that lies there. But that &ra1e is $lanted
in your 8e8ory, and your 4riend in your 8ind lies in it. Do 0hat 0e 0ill, try
to belie1e 0hat 0e 8ay o4 the eternal $rolon&ation o4 li4e and the
i8$ossibility o4 anythin& li3e death in the uni1erse, 0e !annot hel$ 8a3in&
4or oursel1es 0hen 0e thin3 o4 that &ra1e or re1isit it, an i8a&e o4 that 4riend
as dead and de!ayin& in his or her !o44in. "his i8a&e 0e 4asten in our 8inds,
and in so doin& 0e 4asten on oursel1es the thou&ht o4 &loo8, death and
de!ay. "he thou&hts o4 de!ay and death are thin&s and 4or!es. -hen 0e 3ee$
the8 so 8u!h in 8ind 0e add ele8ents o4 de!ay to the body.
-e need as 8u!h as $ossible to 4asten our thou&ht on li4e and in!reasin&
li4e<<li4e &reater in its a!ti1ity than any 0e ha1e e1er reali@ed. "hat is not
&ained by loo3in& ba!30ard. Loo3 4or0ard.
1ery re&ret, e1ery 8ourn4ul thou&ht, ta3es so 8u!h out o4 your li4e. 9t is
4or!e used to $ile on 8ore 8isery. 9t is 4or!e used to stren&then the habit o4
re&rettin&. 9t is 4or!e used to 8a3e the 8ind !olor e1erythin& 0ith a tin&e o4
sadness, and the lon&er you use 4or!e in this 0ay the dar3er 0ill &ro0 the
%lso, 0hen 0e are e1er &oin& ba!3 in 8e8ory to the $ast and li1in& in it in
$re4eren!e to the $resent 0e are brin&in& ba!3 on oursel1es the old 8oods o4
8ind and 8ental !onditions belon&in& to that $ast. "his 4eelin& !onstantly
indul&ed in 0ill brin& on so8e 4or8 o4 $hysi!al ail8ent. "he ail8ent belon&s
to a !ondition o4 8ind 0hi!h 0e should be done 0ith 4ore1er. 94 0e are
loo3in& 4or0ard 0e shall sha3e it o44 and be better in health than e1er. 94 the
$redo8inant 8ood o4 our 8inds is that o4 loo3in& ba!30ard, the ulti8ate
result 0ill be serious to the body.
9n the 0orldDs business your a!ti1e, enter$risin& $ushin& 8an o4 a44airs
s$ends little ti8e in sad re8inis!en!e. 94 he did his business 0ould su44er. :is
thou&ht is 4or0ard. "hat thou&ht is the real 4or!e 0hi!h $ushes his business
4or0ard. 94 he s$ent it in > sad 8e8ories> o4 the $ast his business 0ould &o
ba!30ard. :e 0or3s his su!!ess Eso 4ar as he does really su!!eedF by this
s$iritual la0, thou&h he 8ay not 3no0 it.
?ou 8ay be sayin&A >9 ha1e 4ailed in li4e and shall al0ays be a 4ailure.> "hat
is be!ause you are e1er lea3in& ba!3, li1in& in your 4ailure and thereby
brin&in& to you 8ore 4ailure. ;e1erse this attitude o4 8ind7 0or3 it the other
0ay and li1e in 4uture su!!ess.
-hy do you sayA > 9 a8 al0ays si!3.> Be!ause you are loo3in& ba!3, li1in&
in your $ast ail8ents and thereby brin&in& 8ore on you.
9 ha1e heard the e#$ression usedA > -hen the earth 0as youn&.> %s i4 this
$lanet 0as no0 in its dota&e and &oin& to de!ay5 9n the sense o4 4reshness,
in!rease o4 li4e, re4ine8ent and $urity in e1ery 4or8 o4 li4e, be that o4 8an,
ani8al, 1e&etable, and 4arther on, this earth ne1er 0as so youn& as it is today.
?outh is li4e, &ro0in& and in!reasin& in beauty and $o0er. 9t is not the !ruder
!o88en!e8ent o4 li4e.
"he so<!alled >barren ro!3> !ontains ele8ents 0hi!h 0ill hel$ to 4or8 the
4uture tree and 4lo0er. 9s that $art o4 the ro!3 0hi!h enters into tree and
4lo0er in!reasin& or de!reasin& in li4e. 9t !han&es only into a hi&her and
8ore beauti4ul e#$ression o4 li4e. So do 0e 4ro8 a&e to a&e. "he ro!3
!ru8bles that it 8ay li1e in this hi&her 4or8. "he old 8ind 8ust !ru8ble and
$ass a0ay to &i1e $la!e to the ne0, and 8a3e o4 us the ne0er s$iritual bein&.
%s the old 8ind !ru8bles so 0ill the old body, 4or the s$iritual !han&e 8ust
be a!!o8$anied by the $hysi!al !han&e. But i4 you li1e in the understandin&
and s$irit o4 this la0 you need not lose a $hysi!al body, but ha1e one e1er
!han&in& 4or the better. %s you li1e in s$iritual belie4, as the old li4e &oes out
the ne0 !o8es in.
Nothin& in Nature<<nothin& in the Cni1erse is at a standstill. Nothin& &oes
ba!30ard. % &i&anti! in!o8$rehensible For!e and -isdo8 8o1es all thin&s
4or0ard to0ard &reater and hi&her $o0ers and $ossibilities. ?ou are in!luded
in and are a $art o4 this For!e. "here is o4 you in e8bryo the $o0er o4
$re1entin& the $hysi!al body your s$irit uses 4ro8 de!ayin&, and the $o0er
also o4 usin& it in 0ays 0hi!h e1en the 4i!tion o4 today 0ould dis!ard as too
0ild 4or the $a&es o4 the no1el.
For your s$irit youth and e1er &ro0in& youth is an eternal. herita&e. 94 your
body has >a&ed> that is no si&n that your s$irit has >a&ed.> "he s$irit !annot
&ro0 old in the 8aterial sense, any8ore than the sunli&ht !an &ro0 old. 94
your body has >a&ed> it is be!ause that body has be!o8e the 8aterial
li3eness and e#$ression o4 a 4alse sel4 or >shell> 0hi!h has 4or8ed on your
s$irit. "hat 4alse sel4 is 8ade u$ o4 thou&hts $re1alent around 4ro8 an early
$hysi!al a&e and those thou&hts are untrue thou&hts. % lar&e $ro$ortion o4
that thou&ht is re&ret. ;e&ret is an in1erted 4or!e<<a turnin& o4 the 8ind to
loo3 ba!30ard 0hen its natural and healthy state is to loo3 4or0ard, and li1e
in the =oys that are !ertain to !o8e 0hen 0e do loo3 4or0ard.
9n the ne0 li4e to !o8e to our ra!e, 0hen 0e ha1e learned to be e1er loo3in&
4or0ard to the &reater =oys to !o8e and !ease to loo3 ba!30ard and dra& the
dead $ast 0ith us, 8en and 0o8en are to ha1e bodies 4ar 8ore beauti4ul and
&ra!e4ul than those o4 today.
Be!ause their bodies 0ill i8a&e or re4le!t their thou&hts, and their thou&hts
0ill e1er be 4i#ed on 0hat is beauti4ul and sy88etri!al. "hey 0ill 3no0 that
0hat is to !o8e and 0hat is in store 4or the8 out o4 the ri!hness o4 the
9n4inite 8ind 8ust e#!eed anythin& they ha1e reali@ed in the $ast.
"oday 0ith the &reat 8a=ority o4 $eo$le their attitude o4 8ind is dire!tly the
re1erse. O0in& to the little trust that they ha1e in that Po0er the theolo&ian
!alls >God,> they are e1er in their 8inds sayin&A >"here are no =oys to !o8e
4or us li3e our $ast =oys. Our youth has 4led. Our 4uture on earth is ta8e and
dull. 9t is as dust and ashes.>
"he truth that li4e does not end 0ith the death o4 the body 8a3es slo0
$ro&ress in 4i#in& itsel4 4ir8ly in our 8inds. "he 3ind o4 li4e a 8an 8ay be
li1in& here at se1enty does not end in the &ra1e. 9t !ontinues strai&ht on.
"he >old 8an,> as 0e !all hi8 here, 0a3es u$ in the other side o4 li4e a4ter
losin& his body an old 8an still. 94 he is one o4 those old 8en 0ho ha1e
>outli1ed their day and &eneration,> 0ho li1e in their $hysi!al $ast and loo3
ba!3 on it 0ith re&ret<<0ho ha1e be!o8e >too old to learn,> and thin3 they
ha1e &ot throu&h 0ith it all, he 0ill be =ust su!h an old 8an in the 0orld o4
s$irit. "here is no sudden trans4or8ation into youth on the death o4 a 0orn<
out de!re$it body. %s the tree 4alls so does it lie 4or a $eriod, e1en in the
But in this state he !annot stay 4ore1er. :e 8ust &ro0 not in a&e but youth.
"o do this it is ne!essary not only that he should lea1e the old body but the
old 8aterial 8ind that 8ade that body. :is s$irit thro0s o44 that 8ind 0hen
he &ains a ne0 body Eor is rein!arnatedF, and he thro0s it o44 be!ause he
loses the re!olle!tion o4 all $ast sad 8e8ories and re&rets.
"he 8an should in 8ind be al0ays the boy, the 0o8an, the &irl. ?ou !an as
8an or 0o8an be al0ays boy or &irl in s$irit 0ithout bein& silly or losin&
real di&nity. ?ou !an ha1e all the $lay4ulness o4 youth 0ith the 0isdo8 o4
8aturity. "o ha1e a !lear $o0er4ul 8ind you need not be an o0l.
"here 8ay be 4or a $eriod a !ertain use 4or us in &oin& ba!3 to our 8ore
re!ent $ast li1es, and 4or a ti8e li1in& in the8. So8eti8es 0e are $ushed
ba!3 te8$orarily into so8e old !ondition o4 8ind, so8e old e#$erien!e in
order to 8a3e us 8ore ali1e than e1er to the ra&s and tatters o4 errors in belie4
still !lin&in& to us.
"his 8ay !o8e o4 re1isitin& $la!es and $eo$le 4ro8 0ho8 0e ha1e lon&
been se$arated. For a ti8e durin& su!h 1isit old asso!iations, the 8oods
!onne!ted 0ith the8 and $ossibly old habits 0e thou&ht lon& sin!e !ast o44,
resu8e their s0ay. -e 8ay be!o8e 4or a ti8e absorbed and s0allo0ed u$ in
the old li4e. -e resu8e te8$orarily an old 8ind or 8ental !ondition that 0as
4or8erly our $er8anent one in that $la!e or asso!iation.
But a4ter a little the ne0 8ind, the ne0 sel4 into 0hi!h 0e ha1e &ro0n durin&
the lon& absen!e, anta&oni@es the old. 9t 4eels a1ersion and dis&ust 4or the
narro0 li4e, the 4alse belie4s and the dull, 8onotonous $ur$oseless li1es about
it. 9t Ethe s$iritF re4uses to ha1e anythin& to do 0ith the old.
"hen !o8es a !on4li!t bet0een our t0o 8inds, the old and the ne0, 0hi!h
8ay result in te8$orary $hysi!al si!3ness. Our old li4e or sel4 rises as it 0ere
out o4 its &ra1e and tries to 4asten itsel4 on the ne0 and e1en rule the ne0.
"he ne0 sel4 re=e!ts the !or$se 0ith horror. But throu&h thus seein& the
!or$se, it sees also 4ra&8ents o4 the old sel4 0hi!h, un$er!ei1ed ha1e all
alon& been adherin& to the ne0. -e do not &et rid o4 error in belie4 all at
on!e, and o4ten un!ons!iously retain shreds o4 su!h belie4 0hen 0e i8a&ine
oursel1es entirely rid o4 the8. "hese shreds are the re8ains o4 old thou&hts
and 4or8er 8ental !onditions. ?our ne0 8ind so a0a3ened arises and $ushes
o44 0hat it 4inds le4t on it o4 the old. "his $ushin& o44 is a!!o8$anied by
$hysi!al disturban!e, be!ause your s$irit $uts all its 4or!e in re=e!tin& these
4ra&8ents o4 the 4or8er sel4, as you 8i&ht $ut all your $hysi!al stren&th in
$ushin& o44 a sna3e.
Our old errors in belie4 8ust be so $ushed o44 be4ore the ne0 thou&hts, 0hi!h
!o8e in as the old &o out, !an ha1e 4ull s0ay. 94 your s$irit 0as !ontentedly
and blindly !arryin& any s!or$ion o4 4alse belie4, you 0ould tu8ble into the
$it e1entually as so 8any are no0 doin&. -hen you li1e se1eral years in any
!ertain house or to0n or lo!ality, you 8a3e a s$iritual sel4 belon&in& to that
lo!ality. 1ery house, tree, road or other ob=e!t you ha1e lon& been in the
habit o4 seein& there, has a $art o4 that sel4 in thou&ht atta!hed to it. 1ery
$erson 0ho 3no0s you there has in his or her 8ind the sel4 you 8a3e there,
and $uts that sel4 out then they 8eet you or tal3 o4 you.
94 you had years be4ore in that $la!e, the re$utation o4 bein& 0ea3, or
1a!illatin&, or i8$ra!ti!al, or inte8$erate, and you returned to the $eo$le
0ho 3ne0 you as su!h, althou&h you 8ay ha1e !han&ed 4or the better, you
are 1ery liable in their thou&ht and re!olle!tion o4 you to ha1e this old sel4
$ushed ba!3 on you, and as a result, you 8ay 4or a $eriod 4eel 8u!h li3e your
4or8er sel4.
?ou return to su!h $la!e a4ter a lon& absen!e. ?ou ha1e durin& that absen!e
!han&ed radi!ally in belie4. ?ou brin& 0ith you a di44erent 8ind. ?ou are in
reality a di44erent $erson. But the old >you,> the old sel4 o4 4or8er years 0ill
rise 4ro8 e1ery 4a8iliar ob=e!t to 8eet you. 9t 0ill !o8e out o4 houses
4or8erly inhabited by your 4riends, thou&h no0 tenanted by stran&ers7 you
0ill 4ind it in the 1illa&e !hur!h, the old s!hoolhouse, the 1ery rails and 4en!e
$osts 4a8iliar to you lon& years be4ore. +ore than all it 0ill !o8e out o4 the
re!olle!tion o4 $eo$le 0ho only 3ne0 you 4or 0hat you 0ere, say t0enty
years be4ore7 e1ery su!h $erson stren&thens 0ith you this i8a&e o4 your
4or8er sel4. ?ou tal3 0ith the8 on the $lane o4 that $re1ious li4e or sel4. For
the ti8e bein& you i&nore yoursel4 as it no0 thin3s and belie1es7 you $ut
aside your ne0er sel4, not 0ishin& to obtrude on your 4riends o$inions, 0hi!h
to the8 8ay be un$leasant, or see8 0ild and 1isionary7 you 8eet $erha$s
t0enty<4i1e or thirty $eo$le 0ho 3no0 you only as your 4or8er sel4, and 0ith
all these you a!t out the old sel4, and re$ress the ne0, "his 4or a ti8e 8a3es
the old dead sel4 1ery stron&, but you !annot 3ee$ this u$7 you !annot 0ar8
the old !or$se o4 yoursel4 into li4e. 94 you try to<<i4 you try to be and li1e your
4or8er sel4, you 0ill be!o8e de$ressed 8entally, and 1ery li3ely si!3
$hysi!ally7 you 8ay 4ind yoursel4 &oin& into 8oods o4 8ind $e!uliar to your
4or8er li4e 0hi!h you thou&ht had &one 4ore1er7 you 8ay 4ind yoursel4 beset
0ith $hysi!al ail8ent also $e!uliar to that $eriod 4ro8 0hi!h you had not
su44ered 4or years. Su!h ail8ents are not real. "hey are but the thou&hts and
0ron& belie4s 0hi!h your old >you> is tryin& to 4asten on you.
9 1isited re!ently a $la!e 4ro8 0hi!h 9 had been absent t0enty<4i1e years. 9
had s$ent there a $ortion o4 8y $hysi!al youth, and had li1ed there 0ith a
8ind or belie4 1ery di44erent 4ro8 that 0hi!h 9 entertain no0.
9 returned to 4ind the $la!e dead in 8ore senses than one. "he 8a=ority o4 8y
old a!Buaintan!es had $assed a0ay. "heir re8ains lay in the &ra1eyards. But
9 reali@ed this deadness still 8ore a8on& 8y !onte8$oraries 0ho 0ere said
to be li1in&. "hey had lost the s$ur and a!ti1ity o4 their youth4ul a8bition.
"hey had resi&ned the8sel1es to >&ro0in& old.> "hey li1ed 8ostly in the
$ast, tal3ed o4 the $ast >&ood old ti8es,> and !o8$ared the $resent and 4uture
un4a1orably 0ith the $ast. "hey 0ere in 8ind about 0here 9 le4t the8 t0enty<
4i1e years be4ore, and about 0here 9 0as in 8ind 0hen 9 did lea1e the8.
Dra0n te8$orarily into their !urrent o4 thou&ht DD4or old a!Buaintan!e sa3e,> 9
tal3ed 0ith the8 o4 the $ast, and 4or so8e days li1ed in it. %t e1ery turn 9 8et
so8ethin& ani8ate or inani8ate to brin& ba!3 8y $ast li4e to 8e.
"hen 9 0ent to the &ra1eyards, and in thou&ht rene0ed a!Buaintan!e 0ith
those 0hose re8ains lay there. So 9 li1ed 4or days un!ons!ious, that in these
8oods o4 sad re8inis!en!e 9 0as dra0in& to 8e ele8ents o4 de!ay sadness.
First be!o8in& 1ery 8u!h de$ressed, 9 0as ne#t ta3en stran&ely si!3, and
be!a8e so 0ea3 9 !ould hardly stand. 9 0as !ontinually in a ner1ous tre8or
and 4ull o4 1a&ue 4ears.
-hy 0as this. Be!ause in &oin& ba!3 into 8y $ast li4e 9 had dra0n on 8e
8y old 8ental !onditions<<8y old 8ind<<8y o0n sel4 o4 that $eriod. But
sin!e that ti8e 9 had &ro0n a ne0 8ind<<a ne0 sel4, 0hi!h thou&ht and
belie1ed 1ery di44erently 4ro8 the old.
"he ne0 sel4 into 0hi!h 9 had &ro0n sin!e lea1in& that lo!ality 0ould not
a!!e$t the old. 9t shoo3 it o44. 9t 0as the sha3in& o44 $ro!ess that !aused 8e
the $hysi!al disturban!e. "here 0as a !on4li!t bet0een these t0o 4or!es, one
tryin& to &et in, the other to 3ee$ it out. +y body 0as the battle<&round
bet0een the t0o. No battle<&round is a serene $la!e to li1e on 0hen the battle
is &oin& on.
9t 0as ne!essary in this !ase that 9 should loo3 ba!30ard and li1e ba!30ard
4or a season to sho0 8e 8ore !learly the e1il o4 doin& so. For no lesson !an
be really learned 0ithout an e#$erien!e. 9t 0as not 8erely the e1il o4 li1in&
ba!30ard in that $arti!ular lo!ality that 9 !a8e to see !learly. 9 sa0 also 4or
the 4irst ti8e, 0here 9 had un!ons!iously been li1in& in the $ast, and li1in&
ba!30ard in nu8berless 0ays and thereby un!ons!iously, usin& u$ 4or!e,
0hi!h 0ould ha1e $ushed 8e 4or0ard in e1ery sense.
9 understood, also, a4ter $assin& throu&h this $ro!ess, 0hy 0ee3s be4ore
1isitin& that $la!e 9 had 4elt de$ressed, and e#$erien!ed also a return o4
!ertain 8oods o4 8ind 9 had not 4elt 4or years. 9t 0as be!ause 8y s$irit 0as
already in that $la!e and 0or3in& throu&h this !han&e. "he !ul8inatin& $oint
0as rea!hed 0hen 8y 8aterial sel4 tou!hed that lo!ality.
%ll !han&es are 0rou&ht out in s$irit o4ten be4ore our 8aterial senses are in
the least a0are o4 the8. Let no one i8a&ine that be!ause 9 0rite o4 these
S$iritual La0s that 9 a8 able to li1e 4ully in a!!ordan!e 0ith the8. 9 a8 not
abo1e error or 8ista3e. 9 tu8ble into $its o!!asionally, &et o44 the 8ain
tra!3<<and &et on a&ain.
Po0er !o8es o4 loo3in& 4or0ard 0ith ho$e<<o4 e#$e!tin& and de8andin& the
better thin&s to !o8e. "hat is the la0 o4 the 9n4inite +ind, and 0hen 0e
4ollo0 it 0e li1e in that 8ind.
Nature buries its dead as Bui!3ly as $ossible and &ets the8 out o4 si&ht. 9t is
better, ho0e1er, to say that Nature !han&es 0hat it has no 4urther use 4or into
other ter8s o4 li4e. "he li1e tree $rodu!es the ne0 lea4 0ith ea!h return o4
s$rin&. 9t 0ill ha1e nothin& to do 0ith its dead ones. 9t treasures u$ no
0ithered rose lea1es to brin& ba!3 sad re8e8bran!e. -hen the tree itsel4
!eases to $rodu!e lea4 and blosso8, it is !han&ed into another 4or8 and
enters into other 4or8s o4 1e&etation.
9 do not 8ean to i8$ly that 0e should try to banish all $ast re8e8bran!e.
Banish only the sad $art. Li1e as 8u!h as you $lease in 0hate1er o4 your $ast
that has &i1en you healthy en=oy8ent. "here are re8e8bran!es o4 0oodland
s!enes, o4 4ields o4 0a1in& rain. o4 blue s3ies and 0hite<!a$$ed !urlin&
billo0s, and 8any another o4 NatureDs e#$ressions as !onne!ted 0ith your
indi1idual li4e, that !an be re!alled 0ith $leasure and $ro4it. "hese are not o4
the de!ayin& $ast. "hese are 4ull o4 li4e, 4reshness and beauty, and are o4
But i4 0ith these any shade o4 sadness steals in, re=e!t it instantly. ;e4use to
a!!e$t it. 9t is not a $art o4 the !heer4ul li4e<&i1in& re8e8bran!e. 9t is the
!loud 0hi!h i4 you &i1e it the least !han!e 0ill o1ershado0 the 0hole and
turn it all to &loo8.
"he s!ien!e o4 ha$$iness lies in !ontrollin& our thou&ht and &ettin& thou&ht
4ro8 sour!es o4 healthy li4e.
-hen your 8ind is di1erted 4ro8 $ossibly the lon& habit o4 thin3in& and
li1in& in the &loo8y side o4 thin&s and ad8ittin& &loo8y thou&ht, you 0ill
4ind to your sur$rise that the 1ery $la!e the si&ht o4 0hi!h &a1e you $ain 0ill
&i1e you $leasure, be!ause you ha1e banished a !ertain unhealthy 8ental
!ondition, into 0hi!h you be4ore allo0ed yoursel4 to dri4t. ?ou !an then
re1isit the lo!alities !onne!ted 0ith your $ast, re8e8ber and li1e only in the
bri&ht and li1ely $ortion o4 that $ast, and re=e!t all thou&ht about >sad
!han&es,> and >those 0ho ha1e $assed a0ay, ne1er to return, et!.> 9 ha1e
$ro1en this to 8ysel4.
9s there any use or sense in ad8ittin& thin&s to ha1e a!!ess to you 0hi!h only
$ain and in=ure you. Does God !o88end any sel4<destroyin&, sui!idal a!t.
Grie4 does nothin& but destroy the body.
?OC are 4ortunate i4 you lo1e trees, and es$e!ially the 0ild ones &ro0in&
0here the Great )reati1e For!e $la!ed the8, and inde$endent o4 8anDs !are.
For all thin&s 0e !all >0ild> or >natural> are nearer the 9n4inite +ind than
those 0hi!h ha1e been ensla1ed, arti4i!iali@ed and ha8$ered by 8an. Bein&
nearer the 9n4inite they ha1e in the8 the 8ore $er4e!t 9n4inite For!e and
"hou&ht "hat is 0hy 0hen you are in the 8idst o4 0hat is 0ild and natural<<
in the 4orest or 8ountains, 0here e1ery tra!e o4 8anDs 0or3s is le4t behind
you 4eel an indes!ribable e#hilaration and 4reedo8 that you do not reali@e
?ou breathe an ele8ent e1er bein& thro0n o44 by the trees, the ro!3s, the
birds and ani8als and by e1ery e#$ression o4 the 9n4inite +ind about you. 9t
is health4ully e#hilaratin&. 9t is so8ethin& 8ore than air. 9t is the 9n4inite
For!e and +ind as e#$ressed by all these natural thin&s, 0hi!h is a!tin& on
you. ?ou !annot &et this 4or!e in the to0n, nor e1en in the !are4ully
!ulti1ated &arden. For there the $lants and trees ha1e too 8u!h o4 8anDs
lesser 8ind in the8<<the 8ind 0hi!h belie1es that it !an i8$ro1e the
uni1erse. +an is in!lined to thin3 that the 9n4inite 8ade this 0orld in the
rou&h, and then le4t it alto&ether 4or hi8 to i8$ro1e,
%re 0e really doin& this in destroyin& the nati1e 4orests, as 0ell as the birds
and ani8als, 0hi!h on!e d0elt in the8. %re our ri1ers, 8any o4 the8 laden
0ith the 4ilth o4 se0a&e and 4a!tory, and our e1er e#$andin& !ities and to0ns,
!o1erin& 8iles 0ith $iles o4 bri!3 and 8ortar, their inhabitants !ra88ed into
the s8allest li1in& Buarters, honey!o8bed 0ith se0ers belo0, and
resoundin& 0ith rattle and dan&er abo1eI<<are these really >i8$ro1e8ents> on
the Di1ine and natural order o4 thin&s.
?ou are 4ortunate 0hen you &ro0 to a li1e, tender, earnest lo1e 4or the 0ild
trees, ani8als and birds, and re!o&ni@e then all as !o8in& 4ro8 and built o4
the sa8e 8ind and s$irit as your o0n, and able also to &i1e you so8ethin&
1ery 1aluable in return 4or the lo1e you &i1e the8. "he 0ild tree is not
irres$onsi1e or re&ardless o4 a lo1e li3e that. Su!h lo1e is not a 8yth or 8ere
senti8ent. 9t is a literal ele8ent and 4or!e &oin& 4ro8 you to the tree. 9t is 4elt
by the s$irit o4 the tree. ?ou re$resent a $art and belon&in& o4 the 9n4inite
+ind. "he tree re$resents another $art and belon&in& o4 the 9n4inite +ind. 9t
has its share o4 li4e, thou&ht and intelli&en!e. ?ou ha1e a 4ar &reater share,
0hi!h is to be &reater still<<and then still &reater.
Lo1e is an ele8ent 0hi!h thou&h $hysi!ally unseen is as real as air or 0ater.
9t is an a!tin&, li1in&, 8o1in& 4or!e, and in that 4ar &reater 0orld o4 li4e all
around us, o4 0hi!h $hysi!al sense is una0are, it 8o1es in 0a1es and
!urrents li3e those o4 the o!ean.
"here is a sense in the tree 0hi!h 4eels your lo1e and res$onds to it. 9t does
not res$ond or sho0 its $leasure in our 0ay or in any 0ay 0e !an no0
understand. 9ts 0ay o4 so doin& is the 0ay or the 9n4inite +ind o4 0hi!h it is
a $art. "he 0ays o4 God are unsear!hable and $ast 4indin& out. "hey are not
4or us to 4atho8. "hey are 4or us only to 4ind out and li1e out, in so 4ar as
they 8a3e us ha$$ier. "here is 4or all in ti8e a serenity and >$ea!e o4 8ind
0hi!h $asseth all understandin&7> but this $ea!e !annot be $ut throu&h a
!he8i!al analysis or the o$eration o4 the disse!tin& roo8.
%s the Great S$irit has 8ade all thin&s, is not that %ll Per1adin& +ind and
0isdo8 in all thin&s. 94 then 0e lo1e the trees, the ro!3s and all thin&s as the
9n4inite 8ade the8, shall they not in res$onse to our lo1e &i1e us ea!h o4
their $e!uliar thou&ht and 0isdo8. Shall 0e not dra0 nearer to God throu&h
a lo1e 4or these e#$ressions o4 God in the ro!3s and trees, birds and ani8als.
Do 0e e#$e!t to 4ind God, reali@e hi8 8ore e1ery day, a$$re!iate the 8i&hty
and 988easurable +ind 8ore e1ery day, and &et 8ore and 8ore o4 :is
Po0er in us e1ery day only by d0ellin& on the 0ord o4 three letters, G<o<d.
?ou lau&h, $erha$s, at the idea o4 a tree ha1in& a 8ind<<a tree that thin3s. But
the tree has an or&ani@ation li3e your o0n in 8any res$e!ts. 9t has 4or blood
its sa$. 9t has a !ir!ulation. 9t has 4or s3in its bar3. 9t has 4or lun&s its lea1es.
9t 8ust ha1e its 4ood. 9t dra0s nourish8ent 4ro8 soil, air and sun. 9t ada$ts
itsel4 to !ir!u8stan!es. "he oa3 &ro0in& in e#$osed situations roots itsel4
8ore 4ir8ly in the soil to 0ithstand the te8$est. "he $ines &ro0in& thi!3ly
to&ether ta3e little root, 4or they de$end on nu8bers to brea3 the 0indDs
4or!e. "he sensiti1e $lant re!oils at the a$$roa!h o4 8anDs hand7 8any 0ild
$lants, li3e 9ndians, 0ill not &ro0 or thri1e in arti4i!ial !onditions.
?et 0ith all these $hysi!al rese8blan!es to your o0n body, you deny the tree
or $lant su!h share o4 8ind as the 9n4inite &i1es it. No, not that. "he tree is a
$art o4 the 9n4inite +ind, e1en as you are. 9t is one o4 the %ll Per1adin&
+indDs 8yriads o4 thou&hts. -e see only su!h $art or 4or8 o4 that thou&ht as
is e#$ressed in trun3, root, bran!h and lea4, e1en as 0ith oursel1es 0e see
only our $hysi!al bodies. -e do not see our s$iritual $art. Nor do 0e see in
the tree its s$iritual $art.
"he tree is then literally one o4 GodDs thou&hts. "hat thou&ht is 0orth our
study. 9t !ontains so8e 0isdo8 0e ha1e not yet &ot hold o4. -e 0ant that
0isdo8. -e 0ant to 8a3e it a $art o4 oursel1es. -e 0ant it, be!ause real
0isdo8 or truth brin&s us $o0er. -e 0ant $o0er to &i1e us better bodies,
sounder bodies, healthier bodies. -e 0ant entire 4reedo8 4ro8 si!3ness. -e
0ant li&hter hearts and ha$$ier 8inds. -e 0ant a ne0 li4e and a ne0 $leasure
in li1in& 4or ea!h day. -e 0ant our bodies to &ro0 li&hter, not hea1ier 0ith
ad1an!in& years. -e 0ant a reli&ion 0hi!h 0ill &i1e us !ertainty instead o4
ho$es and theories. -e 0ant a Deity it is si8$ly i8$ossible to doubt. -e
0ant to 4eel the 9n4inite +ind in e1ery ato8 o4 our bein&s. -e 0ant 0ith
ea!h day to 4eel a ne0 $leasure in li1in& and, !o88en!in& 0here 0e le4t o44
yesterday, to 4ind so8ethin& ne0 in 0hat 0e 8i&ht ha1e thou&ht to be >old>
and 0orn out yesterday. -hen 0e !o8e into the do8ain o4 the 9n4inite +ind
and are e1er dra0in& 8ore o4 that 8ind to us and 8a3in& it a $art o4 us,
nothin& !an see8 >4lat, stale and un$ro4itable.>
-e 0ant $o0ers no0 denied the 8ortal. -e 0ant to be li4ted abo1e the
!u8brousness o4 the 8ortal body<<abo1e the $ains o4 the 8ortal body<<abo1e
the death o4 the 8ortal body.
)an the trees &i1e us all this. "hey !an hel$ 1ery 8u!h so to do 0hen 0e &et
into their s$irit7 0hen 0e re!o&ni@e and reali@e 8ore and 8ore the reality o4
that $art o4 the 9n4inite 0hi!h they e#$ress, and 0hen 0e !an !ease to loo3 on
the8 as inani8ate !reatures.
94 you !an loo3 on trees as 4it only 4or lu8ber and 4ire0ood you &et 1ery little
li4e 4ro8 the8. "hey 4eel then to0ard you as you 0ould 4eel to0ards a $erson
0ho re&arded you as a thin& 0ithout 8ind or sense and 4it only to he sa0ed
into lu8ber or 4ire0ood.
-hen 0e !o8e really to lo1e God or the 9n4inite S$irit o4 Good, 0e shall
lo1e e1ery $art o4 God. % tree is a $art o4 God. -hen 0e !o8e to send out
our lo1e to it, it 0ill send its lo1e ba!3, and that lo1e<<that literal 8ind and
ele8ent !o8in& 4ro8 the tree to us 0ill enter our bein&s, add itsel4 to the8
and &i1e us its 3no0led&e and $o0er. 9t 0ill tell us that the 8ind and 4or!e it
re$resents o4 the 9n4inite has 4ar better uses 4or 8an than to be turned into
4uel or lu8ber. "heir lo1e 0ill tell us that the 4orests $ier!in& the air as they
do 0ith their billions o4 bran!hes, t0i&s and lea1es, are literal !ondu!tors 4or
a literal ele8ent 0hi!h they brin& to the earth. "his ele8ent is li4e &i1in& to
8an, in $ro$ortion to his !a$a!ity 4or re!ei1in& it.
"he nearer 0e are to a !on!e$tion o4 the 9n4inite +ind<<the !learer is it seen
by us that this 8ind $er1ades all thin&s<<the !loser 0e 4eel our relationshi$ to
the tree, bird or ani8al as a 4ello0 !reature, the 8ore !an 0e absorb o4 the
1itali@in& ele8ent &i1en out by all these e#$ressions o4 8ind. "he $erson
0ho loo3s on trees as 4it only 4or 4uel and lu8ber, !an &et but little o4 this
ele8ent, 0hi!h to the 4iner 8ind is an eli#ir o4 li4e.
"he 8ind 0hi!h sees in tree, bird, ani8al, 4ish or inse!t only a thin& la!3in&
intelli&en!e and 4it only to destroy or ensla1e 4or a8use8ent, re$els 4ro8 all
o4 these a s$irit or ele8ent, 0hi!h, i4 re!o&ni@ed, 0ould be re!ei1ed or
absorbed, and, i4 absorbed, 0ould brin& a ne0 li4e and $o0er to 8ind and
-e &et the ele8ent o4 lo1e only in $ro$ortion as 0e ha1e it in us. -e !an
only dra0 this ele8ent 4ro8 the Su$re8e Po0er. -e dra0 it in $ro$ortion as
0e ad8ire e1ery e#$ression o4 the 9n4inite, be that e#$ression tree, or shrub,
or inse!t, or bird, or other 4or8 o4 the Natural, -e !annot destroy or 8utilate
0hat 0e realty lo1e. "he 8ore o4 these thin&s 0e really lo1e, the 8ore o4
their ele8ent o4 lo1e 4lo0s to us. "hat ele8ent is 4or us li4e as real 9s the tree
itsel4. "he 8ore o4 that li4e 0e are re!ei1in& and absorbin&, the 8ore shall 0e
reali@e a $o0er in li4e, 0hi!h !an only be e#$ressed as 8ira!ulous.
Destroy the 4orests, and you lessen te8$orarily the Buantity o4 this ele8ent
&i1en out by the8. ;e$la!e the 0ild tree by e#oti!s or !ulti1ated 1arieties,
and su!h ele8ent is adulterated, and the 1i&or it !an &i1e is lessened. )o1er
the 0hole earth 0ith !ities, to0ns, 1illa&es and !ulti1ated 4ields, and 0e
inter4ere 0ith a su$$ly o4 li4e<&i1in& ele8ent 0hi!h the 4orests in their
natural state only !an 4urnish. Hee$ oursel1es dead to the re!o&nition o4 the
tree as a $art o4 the 9n4inite S$irit, and 0e are dead and unable to absorb o4
the 9n4inite S$irit 0or3in& in and throu&h the tree.
"he trees are al0ays &i1in& out an ele8ent o4 li4e as ne!essary to 8an as the
air he breathes. +anDs 0or3s, as soon as 4inished, are &i1in& out dust and
de!ay. 9n our &reat !ities 0e ta3e in dust 0ith e1ery breath. Nothin& in this
Cni1erse is still or in absolute rest. Our 8iles o4 stone, bri!3 and 8ortar are
e1er in 8o1e8ent, slo0ly and i8$er!e$tibly &rindin& to an i8$al$able dust.
)loth, leather, iron, and e1ery 8aterial 0orn and used by 8an is e1er 0earin&
into dust. Loo3 at the dust 0hi!h in a sin&le day a!!u8ulates in your roo8,
on shel4 and table, or 4ine &ar8ent, e1en 0hen its 0indo0s are not o$ened. %
&i&anti! e1er<8o1in& 4or!e is at 0or3 there ta3in& e1erythin& to $ie!es in it.
Let a sunbea8 enter throu&h a shutterDs !ra!3 and see the innu8erable 8otes
4loatin& in it. "hin3 o4 the 8yriads o4 these, too 8inute to ran3 e1en as ato8s
that you !annot see.
%ll this is se!ond<hand ele8ent 0hi!h is breathed and absorbed into both
body and s$irit. But trees and all natural thin&s send out ele8ent 4ull o4 li4e.
Our bodies also are e1er thro0in& o44 throu&h the s3in 8atter they !an no
lon&er use. 9n the &reat !ity thousands on thousands o4 bodies are thro0in&
out disused ele8ent too 4ine to ran3 e1en as dust. 9t is thro0n o44 by si!3
bodies, and 8any are si!3 on their 4eet. "his 0e breathe. -e breathe ea!h
other o1er and o1er a&ain.
"his unseen !loud o4 8atter $er1adin& !ro0ded !ities is not li4e sustainin&. 9t
has in it a !ertain li4e as all thin&s ha1e li4e, but it is not 4it 4or 8anDs &ro0in&
-hen 0e &et eternal li4e, health and unalloyed ha$$iness, the attitude o4 our
8inds 0ill be entirely !han&ed to0ard tree, bird, ani8al, and e1erythin& in
Nature. -e shall see that 0hen 0e really lo1e all these e#$ressions o4 the
9n4inite +ind, tree, $lant, bird and ani8al, and lea1e the8 entirely alone, they
0ill send out to us in lo1e their $art and Buality o4 the 9n4inite. 9t 0ill 4lo0 to
us a ne0 li4e, and the sour!e o4 a li4e o4 4ar &reater $o0er and ha$$iness than
the $resent one.
>But ho0 shall 0e li1e,> one as3s,> unless 0e !ut do0n the tree 4or 4uel and
lu8ber, slay bird and beast 4or 4ood.> Do you thin3 there is no other li4e or
0ay o4 li4e than the one 0e no0 li1e. Do you thin3 in the e#alted and re4ined
8ental !ondition 0e !all >:ea1en> that there 0ill be 3illin& o4 ani8als,
8utilation o4 trees and destru!tion o4 any 8aterial e#$ression o4 the Su$re8e
-isdo8. Do you thin3 0e !an &ro0 into that hi&her and ha$$ier state o4
8ind 0ithout 3no0led&e o4 the la0s by 0hi!h only it !an be attained. %s
0ell e#$e!t to sail a shi$ around the 0orld 0ithout 3no0led&e o4 sea8anshi$
or na1i&ation. -e are not to dri4t into :ea1en in the 0ay a !as3 rolls do0n
-e !annot !ease i88ediately 4ro8 the ensla1e8ent or slau&hter o4 tree, bird
or ani8al, nor 4ro8 the eatin& o4 ani8al 4ood. So lon& as the body !ra1es and
relishes su!h 4ood, it should ha1e it. -hen the body is !han&ed by our s$irit
and belie4 to 4iner ele8ents, the sto8a!h and $alate 0ill re=e!t 8eat o4 e1ery
des!ri$tion. 9t 0ill not abide the taste or s8ell o4 slau&htered !reatures. -hen
the s$irit settles these 8atters it does so de4initely and 4ore1er. +anDs error in
the $ast has o4ten been that o4 endea1orin& to s$irituali@e or !han&e hi8sel4
o4 his o0n indi1idual 0ill into hi&her and 4iner !onditions. "o this end he has
en4or!ed on hi8sel4 and others 4asts and $enan!es, and abstinen!e 4ro8
$leasures 0hi!h his nature !ra1ed. :e has ne1er by su!h 8ethods sa1ed
hi8sel4 4ro8 si!3ness, de!ay and $hysi!al death. :e has ne1er by this
8ethod re&enerated or rene0ed his body. :e has lost his body e1entually
e1en as the &lutton and drun3ard lost theirs.
"he as!eti! has not trusted in the Su$re8e to raise hi8 hi&her in the s!ale o4
bein&, but in hi8sel4 and his o0n endea1or "his is one o4 the &reatest sins,
be!ause it !uts su!h a $erson o44 te8$orarily 4ro8 the Su$re8e and the li4e,
the Su$re8e 0ill send 0hen trusted. "here is no 0ay out o4 any sin, any
e#!ess, any in=urious habit, but throu&h an entire de$enden!e on the Su$re8e
Po0er to ta3e a0ay the &na0in&, the !ra1in&, the desire $e!uliar to that habit.
Other0ise the 8an 8ay see8 re4or8ed out0ardly. :e is ne1er re4or8ed
in0ardly. ;e$ression is not re4or8.
"he bi&ot o4 e1ery a&e and !reed has been the $erson thin3in& he !ould o4
hi8sel4 8a3e hi8sel4 an an&el. Su!h belie4 8a3es the 8an stand still in his
tra!3s. "he Su$re8e is al0ays sayin&, >)o8e to 8e. De8and o4 8e. Find 8e
in all !reated thin&s and then 9 shall be e1er sendin& you ne0 thou&hts, ne0
thin&s, ne0 ideas, ne0 ele8ent 0hi!h shall !han&e your tastes, your
a$$etites<<0hi!h shall &radually ta3e a0ay &rossness, eli8inate &radually
4ier!e, insatiate, la0less desire and hurri!ane o4 $assion, and brin& to you
$leasures you !annot no0 reali@e.>
-e shall see 8ore and 8ore !learly in ti8e that 0hen 0e &et the hi&her, 4iner
and 8ore endurin& li4e Eto 0hi!h all 8ust &ro0F, 0e shall ha1e the &reatest
$ossible indu!e8ent to &i1e the trees, $lants, birds, ani8als and all other
e#$ressions o4 the 9n4inite their li1es and their 4ullest liberty. -e shall be
!o8$elled to lo1e the8. -hat 0e really lo1e 0e !annot abuse, 3ill or
-e !a&e a bird 4or our o0n $leasure. -e do not !a&e the bird 4or its $leasure.
"hat is not the hi&hest lo1e 4or the bird.
"he hi&hest lo1e 4or all thin&s is 4or us a literal sour!e o4 li4e. "he 8ore
thin&s in the 0orld o4 Nature to 0hi!h 0e !an &i1e the hi&her lo1e, the 8ore
o4 their natural lo1e and li4e shall 0e &et in return. So, as 0e &ro0, re4ine and
in!rease this $o0er o4 re!o&ni@in& and lo1in& the bird, the ani8al, the inse!t
or, in other 0ords, the 9n4inite in all thin&s, 0e shall re!ei1e a lo1e, a rene0ed
li4e, stren&th, 1i&or, !heer and ins$iration 4ro8 not only these, but the 4allin&
sno0<4la3e, the dri1in& rain, the !loud, the sea, the 8ountain. %nd this 0ill
not be a 8ere senti8ent, but a &reat 8eans 4or re!u$eratin& and stren&thenin&
the body, 4or this stren&thens the s$irit 0ith a stren&th 0hi!h !o8es to stay,
and 0hat stren&thens the s$irit 8ust stren&then the body.
-e !annot 8a3e o4 oursel1es this !a$a!ity 4or so lo1in& and dra0in& stren&th
4ro8 all thin&s. 9t is our belon&in&, but 8ust be de8anded o4 the Su$re8e
9t is natural to as3, >But 0hy did not the Su$re8e Po0er i8$lant at 4irst this
hi&her lo1e in us. -hy has that $o0er so lon& $er8itted 8an to &o on
slau&hterin& and 8arrin& nature. -hy are te8$ests and earthBua3es and
0ars and so 8u!h in the 4or!es o4 Nature and the 4or!es o4 8an allo0ed to &o
on and brin& so 8u!h !atastro$he and 8isery.>
-e do not underta3e to ans0er 4or the 9n4inite -isdo8. 9t is enou&h 4or us to
3no0 that there is a road leadin& a0ay 4ro8 all 0e !all e1il. 9t is enou&h 4or
us to 3no0 that the ti8e is to !o8e 0hen as ne0 bein&s 0ith !han&ed 8inds
0e shall 4or&et absolutely that su!h e1ils e1er e#isted. -e shall see in the
4or!es o4 Nature, be they 4ire or te8$est, or au&ht else, only 0hat is &ood and
0hat !an brin& us ha$$iness. -e are not al0ays to be o4 the 8aterial 0hi!h
!an be in=ured by 4ire or te8$est. "he 4iery 4urna!e did not a44e!t the three
=e0ish !hildren 0ho 0al3ed throu&h it, nor 0as the te8$est o4 any
in!on1enien!e to the )hrist o4 Gudea 0hen he 0al3ed on the 0aters. -hat
history has sho0n to be $ossible 4or so8e is $ossible 4or all.
)o88union 0ith Nature is so8ethin& 4ar abo1e a senti8ent. 9t is a literal
=oinin& 0ith the 9n4inite Bein&. "he ele8ent re!ei1ed in su!h =oinin& and
a!tin& on 8ind and body, is as real as anythin& 0e see or 4eel.
"he ability so to =oin oursel1es 0ith God throu&h :is e#$ressions in the
!loud, the tree, the 8ountain and sea, the bird and ani8al, is not $ossessed by
all in eBual de&ree. So8e are 8iserable 0hen alone in the 4orest, $lain or
8ountain. "hese are literally out o4 their ele8ent or !urrent o4 thou&ht. "hey
!an li1e 0ith !o84ort only in the bustle o4 the to0n or the !hatter o4 the
household. "hey !an 4ind li4e only in arti4i!ial surroundin&s. "heir s$irits are
!o1ered 0ith a $arasiti!al &ro0th o4 arti4i!iality. "his !uts the8 o44 4ro8 any
sense o4 GodDs e#$ressions in the solitude o4 Nature. So !ut o44 they 4eel
loneso8e in the 0oods. Nature see8s 0ild, sa1a&e and &loo8y to the8.
-hoe1er !an retire 4or $eriods to NatureDs solitudes and en=oy that solitude,
4eelin& no solitude at all, but a =oyous sense o4 e#hilaration, 0ill return
a8on& 8en 0ith 8ore $o0er and ne0 $o0er. For he or she has literally
>0al3ed 0ith God > or the 9n4inite S$irit o4 Good. "he seer, the $ro$het, the
8ira!le 0or3ers o4 the Bibli!al history so &ained their $o0er. "he )hrist o4
Gudea retired to the 8ountains to be rein4or!ed by the 9n4inite. "he Oriental
and the 9ndian, throu&h 0ho8 su$erior $o0ers ha1e been e#$ressed, lo1ed
NatureDs solitudes. "hey !ould li1e in the8 0ith $leasure. "hey !ould 8use
by ro!3 or ri1ulet or the o!ean 4or hours, al8ost un!ons!ious o4 i88ediate
surroundin&s, be!ause their s$irits had strayed 4ar 4ro8 their bodies, and 0ere
drea8ily absorbin& ne0 ideas o4 the 9n4inite. ?ou 0ill rarely 4ind a $erson
0ho as ruler, soldier, in1entor, dis!o1erer, $oet or 0riter le4t his i8$ress on
the ra!e, but lo1ed !o88union 0here God is 8ost readily 4ound. "here
ins$iration is born. "he $oet !annot sin& o4 the !ity laid out at ri&ht an&les,
0ith se0er beneath and ele1ated road abo1e, as he !an o4 the ru&&ed
8ountain 0ra$$ed >li3e Gura in her 8isty shroud.>
-e !annot train oursel1es to this !a$a!ity 4or en=oy8ent o4 the natural thin&s
o4 earth or 4or dra0in& stren&th 4ro8 the8. "o assu8e a 1irtue 0hen 0e ha1e
it not, is to be 4or!ed, >&ushy > and senti8entally silly. But 0hen 0e de8and
$ersistently o4 the 9n4inite the ne0 8ind, 0hi!h !an 4ind and 4eel God in the
4orest or on the sea, in the stor8 and te8$est, and 4eel not only sa4ety, but
absorb $o0er and stren&th, 0hen NatureDs 4or!es see8 in their 8ost an&ry
8ood, that 8ind 0ith that !a$a!ity 0ill &radually ta3e $la!e o4 the old one,
and 0ith the >ne0 8ind> all thin&s 0ill be!o8e ne0.>
?OC; thou&hts sha$e your 4a!e, and &i1e it its $e!uliar e#$ression. ?our
thou&hts deter8ine the attitude, !arria&e, and sha$e o4 your 0hole body.
"he la0 4or beauty and the la0 4or $er4e!t health is the sa8e. Both de$end
entirely on the state o4 a your 8ind7 or, in other 0ords, on the 3ind o4
thou&hts you 8ost $ut out and re!ei1e.
C&liness o4 e#$ression !o8es o4 un!ons!ious trans&ressions o4 a la0, be the
u&liness in the youn& or the old. %ny 4or8 o4 de!ay in a hu8an body, any
4or8 o4 0ea3ness, anythin& in the $ersonal a$$earan!e o4 a 8an or 0o8an
0hi!h 8a3es the8 re$ulsi1e to you, is be!ause their $re1ailin& 8ood o4 8ind
has 8ade the8 so.
Nature $lants in us 0hat so8e !all >instin!t,> 0hat 0e !all the hi&her reason,
be!ause it !o8es o4 the e#er!ise o4 a 4iner set o4 senses than our outer or
$hysi!al senses, to disli3e e1erythin& that is re$ulsi1e or de4or8ed, or that
sho0s si&ns o4 de!ay. "hat is the inborn tenden!y in hu8an nature to shun
the i8$er4e!t, and see3 and li3e the relati1ely $er4e!t. ?our hi&her reason is
ri&ht in disli3in& 0rin3les or de!re$itude, or any 4or8 or si&n o4 the bodyDs
de!ay, 4or the sa8e reason you are ri&ht in disli3in& a soiled or torn &ar8ent.
?our body is the a!tual !lothin&, as 0ell as the instru8ent used by your 8ind
or s$irit. 9t is the sa8e instin!t, or hi&her reason 8a3in& you li3e a 0ell<
4or8ed and beauti4ul body, that 8a3es you li3e a ne0 and taste4ul suit o4
?ou and &enerations be4ore you, a&e a4ter a&e, ha1e been told it 0as an
ine1itable ne!essity, that it 0as the la0 and in the order o4 nature 4or all ti8es
and all a&es, that a4ter a !ertain $eriod in li4e your body 8ust 0ither and
be!o8e unattra!ti1e, and that e1en your 8inds 8ust 4ail 0ith in!reasin&
years. ?ou ha1e been told that your 8ind had no $o0er to re$air and
re!u$erate your body<<to 8a3e it o1er a&ain, and 8a3e it ne0er and 4resher
9t is no 8ore in the ine1itable order o4 Nature, that hu8an bodies should
de!ay as $eo$lesD bodies ha1e de!ayed in the $ast, than that 8an should
tra1el only by sta&e<!oa!h as he did si#ty years a&o7 or that 8essa&es !ould
be sent only by letter as they 0ere 4i4ty years a&o, be4ore the use o4 the
ele!tri! tele&ra$h7 or that your $ortraits !ould be ta3en only by the $ainterDs
brush as they 0ere hal4 a !entury a&o, be4ore the dis!o1ery that the sun !ould
i8$rint an i8a&e o4 yoursel4, an a!tual $art o4 yoursel4, on a sensiti1e sur4a!e
$re$ared 4or it.
9t is the i8$ertinen!e o4 a dense i&noran!e 4or any o4 us to say 0hat is in or
0hat is to be in the order o4 nature. 9t is a stu$id blunder to loo3 ba!3 at the
little 0e 3no0 o4 the $ast, and say that it is the unerrin& inde# 4in&er tellin&
us 0hat is to be in the 4uture.
94 this $lanet has been 0hat &eolo&y tea!hes it has been,<<a $lanet 4uller o4
!oarser, !ruder, and 8ore 1iolent 4or!es than no07 aboundin& in 4or8s o4
!oarser 1e&etable, ani8al, and e1en hu8an li4e and or&ani@ation than no07 o4
0hi!h its $resent !ondition is a re4ine8ent and i8$ro1e8ent as re&ards
1e&etable, ani8al, and 8an,<<is not this the su&&estion, the hint, the $roo4, o4
a still &reater re4ine8ent and i8$ro1e8ent 4or the 4uture7 a re4ine8ent and
i8$ro1e8ent &oin& on no0. Does not re4ine8ent i8$ly &reater $o0er, as the
&reater $o0er o4 the !rude iron !o8es out in steel7 and are not these &reater
and as yet al8ost unre!o&ni@ed $o0ers to !o8e out o4 the hi&hest and 8ost
!o8$le# 4or8 o4 3no0n or&ani@ation, 8an7 and are all o4 8anDs $o0ers yet
9nternally, se!retly, a8on& the thin3in& thousands o4 this and other lands, is
this and 8any other Buestions no0 bein& as3edA >-hy 8ust 0e so 0ither and
de!ay, and lose the best that li4e is 0orth li1in& 4or, =ust as 0e ha1e &ained
that e#$erien!e and 0isdo8 that best 4its us to li1e.> "he 1oi!e o4 the $eo$le
is al0ays at 4irst a 0his$ered 1oi!e. "he $rayer or de8and or desire o4 the
8asses is al0ays at 4irst a se!ret $rayer, de8and, 0ish, or desire, 0hi!h one
8an at 4irst dare s!ar!ely 0his$er to his nei&hbor 4or 4ear o4 ridi!ule. But it is
a la0 o4 Nature, that e1ery de8and, silent or s$o3en, brin&s its su$$ly o4 the
thin& 0ished 4or in $ro$ortion to the intensity o4 the 0ish, and the &ro0in&
nu8bers so 0ishin&7 0ho, by the a!tion o4 their 8inds u$on so8e one
sub=e!t, set in 8otion that silent 4or!e o4 thou&ht, not as yet heeded in the
0orldDs s!hools o4 $hiloso$hy, 0hi!h brin&s the needed su$$ly.
+illions so 0ished in silen!e 4or 8eans to tra1el 8ore ra$idly, to send
intelli&en!e 8ore ra$idly7 and this brou&ht stea8 and the ele!tri! tele&ra$h.
Soon other Buestions and de8ands are to be ans0ered, Buestions e1er &oin&
out in silen!e 4ro8 8ultitudes7 and, in ans0erin& the8, in at 4irst atte8$tin&
to !arry out and $ro1e the ans0ers and the 8eans sho0n to a!!o8$lish or
reali@e 8any thin&s dee8ed i8$ossible or 1isionary, there 0ill be 8ista3e
and stu$idity, and blunder and silliness, and brea3do0ns and 4ailures, and
!onseBuent ridi!ule7 =ust as there 0ere ten s8ashes on rail0ays, and ten
bursted boilers in the earlier era o4 the use o4 stea8, to one o4 today. But a
truth al0ays goes straight ahead des$ite 8ista3e and blunder, and $ro1es
itsel4 at last.
"here are t0o 3inds o4 a&e,<<the a&e o4 your body, and the a&e o4 your 8ind.
?our body in a sense is but a &ro0th, a !onstru!tion, o4 today, and 4or the use
o4 today. ?our 8ind is another &ro0th or !onstru!tion 8illions o4 years old. 9t
has used 8any bodies in its &ro0th. 9t has &ro0n 4ro8 1ery s8all be&innin&s
to its $resent !ondition, $o0er, and !a$a!ity in the use o4 these 8any bodies.
?ou ha1e, in usin& these bodies, been 4ar ruder and !oarser than you are no0.
?ou ha1e li1ed as no0 you !ould not li1e at all, and in 4or8s o4 li4e or
e#$ression 1ery di44erent 4ro8 the 4or8 you are no0 usin&7 and ea!h ne0
body or youn& body you ha1e 0orn has been a ne0 suit o4 !lothes 4or your
8ind7 and 0hat you !all >death> has been and is but the 0earin& out o4 this
suit throu&h i&noran!e o4 the 8eans, not so 8u!h o4 3ee$in& it in re$air, as o4
buildin& it !ontinually into a ne0er and ne0er 4reshness and 1itality.
?ou are not youn& relati1ely. ?our $resent youth 8eans that your body is
youn&. "he older your s$irit, the better !an you $reser1e the youth, 1i&or, and
elasti!ity o4 your body. Be!ause the older your 8ind, the 8ore $o0er has it
&athered 4ro8 its 8any e#isten!es. ?ou !an use that $o0er 4or the
$reser1ation o4 beauty, o4 health, o4 1i&or, o4 all that !an 8a3e you attra!ti1e
to others. ?ou !an also un!ons!iously use the sa8e $o0er to 8a3e you u&ly,
unhealthy, 0ea3, diseased, and unattra!ti1e. "he 8ore you use this $o0er in
either o4 these dire!tions, the 8ore 0ill it 8a3e you u&ly or beauti4ul, healthy
or unhealthy, attra!ti1e or unattra!ti1e7 that is, as re&ards unattra!ti1eness 4or
this one e#isten!e. Clti8ately you 8ust, i4 not in this in so8e other e#isten!e,
be sy88etri!al7 be!ause the e1olution o4 the 8ind, o4 0hi!h the e1olution o4
our bodies 4ro8 !oarser to hi&her 4or8s is but a !rude !ounter$art, is e1er
to0ard the hi&her, 4iner, better, and ha$$ier.
"hat $o0er is your thou&ht. 1ery thou&ht o4 yours is a thin& as real, thou&h
you !annot see it 0ith the $hysi!al, or outer eye, as a tree, a 4lo0er, a 4ruit.
?our thou&hts are !ontinually 8ouldin& your 8us!les into sha$es and
8anner o4 8o1e8ent in a!!ordan!e 0ith their !hara!ter.
94 your thou&ht is al0ays deter8ined and de!ided, your ste$ in 0al3in& 0ill
be de!ided. 94 your thou&ht is $er8anently de!ided, your 0hole !arria&e,
bearin&, and address 0ill sho0 that i4 you say a thin& you 8ean it.
94 your thou&hts are $er8anently unde!ided, you 0ill ha1e a $er8anently
unde!ided &esture, address, !arria&e, or 8anner o4 usin& your body7 and this,
0hen lon& !ontinued, 0ill 8a3e the body &ro0 de!idedly 8issha$en in so8e
0ay, e#a!tly as 0hen you are 0ritin& in a 8ood o4 hurry, your hurried
thou&ht 8a3es 8issha$en letters, and so8eti8es 8issha$en ideas7 0hile your
re$ose4ul 8ood or thou&ht 8a3es 0ell<4or8ed letters and &ra!e4ul !ur1es as
0ell as 0ell<4or8ed and &ra!e4ul ideas.
?ou are e1ery day thin3in& yoursel4 into so8e $hase o4 !hara!ter and 4a!ial
e#$ression, &ood or bad. 94 your thou&hts are $er8anently !heer4ul, your 4a!e
0ill loo3 !heer4ul. 94 8ost o4 the ti8e you are in a !o8$lainin&, $ee1ish,
Buarrelso8e 8ood, this 3ind o4 thou&ht 0ill $ut u&ly lines on your 4a!e7 they
0ill $oison your blood, 8a3e you dys$e$ti!, and ruin your !o8$le#ion7
be!ause then you are in your o0n unseen laboratory o4 8ind, &eneratin& an
unseen end $oisonous ele8ent, your thou&ht7 and as you $ut it out or thin3 it,
by the ine1itable La0 o4 nature it attra!ts to it the sa8e 3ind o4 thou&ht<
ele8ent 4ro8 others. ?ou thin3 or o$en your 8ind to the 8ood o4
des$onden!y or irritability, and you dra0 8ore or less o4 the sa8e thou&ht<
ele8ent 4ro8 e1ery des$ondent or irritable 8an or 0o8an in your to0n or
!ity. ?ou are then !har&in& your 8a&net, your 8ind, 0ith its ele!tri! thou&ht<
!urrent o4 destru!ti1e tenden!y, and the la0 and $ro$erty o4 thou&ht !onne!ts
all the other thou&ht<!urrents o4 des$onden!y or irritability 0ith your 8ental
battery, your 8ind. 94 0e thin3 8urder or the4t, 0e brin& oursel1es by this
la0 into s$iritual relationshi$ and rapport 0ith e1ery thie4 or 8urderer in the
?our 8ind !an 8a3e your body si!3 or 0ell, stron& or 0ea3, a!!ordin& to the
thou&ht it $uts out, and the a!tion u$on it o4 the thou&ht o4 others. )ry >Fire5>
in a !ro0ded theater, and s!ores o4 $ersons are 8ade tre8ulous, 0ea3,
$araly@ed by 4ear. Perha$s it 0as a 4alse alar8. 9t 0as only the thou&ht o4
4ire, a horror a!tin& on your body, that too3 a0ay its stren&th.
"he thou&ht or 8ood o4 4ear has in !ases so a!ted on the body as to turn the
hair 0hite in a 4e0 hours.
%n&ered, $ee1ish, 0orried, or irritable thou&ht e44e!ts in=uriously the
di&estion. % sudden 8ental sho!3 8ay lose oneDs 0hole a$$etite 4or a 8eal,
or !ause the sto8a!h to re=e!t su!h 8eal 0hen eaten. "he in=ury so done the
body suddenly, in a relati1ely 4e0 !ases, by 4ear or other e1il state o4 8ind,
0or3s in=ury 8ore &radually on 8illions o4 bodies all o1er the $lanet.
Dys$e$sia does not !o8e so 8u!h o4 the 4ood 0e eat, as o4 the thou&hts 0e
thin3 0hile eatin& it. -e 8ay eat the healthiest bread in the 0orld7 and i4 0e
eat it in a sour te8$er, 0e 0ill $ut sourness in our blood, and sourness in our
sto8a!hs, and sourness on our 4a!es. Or i4 0e eat in an an#ious 4ra8e o4
8ind, and are 0orryin& all the ti8e about ho0 8u!h 0e should eat or should
not eat, and 0hether it 8ay not hurt us a4ter all, 0e are !onsu8in& an#ious,
0orried, 4ret4ul thou&ht<ele8ent 0ith our 4ood and it 0ill $oison us. 94 0e are
!heer4ul and !hatty and li1ely and =olly 0hile eatin&, 0e are $uttin& li1eliness
and !heer into oursel1es, and 8a3in& su!h Bualities 8ore and 8ore a $art o4
oursel1es. %nd i4 our 4a8ily &rou$ eat in silen!e, or !o8e to the table 0ith a
sort o4 4or!ed and resi&ned air, as i4 sayin&, ea!h one to hi8 or hersel4, >-ell,
all this 8ust be &one o1er a&ain7> and the head o4 the 4a8ily buries hi8sel4 in
his business !ares, or his ne0s$a$er, and reads all the 8urders and sui!ides
and bur&laries and s!andals 4or the last t0enty<4our hours7 and the Bueen o4
the household buries hersel4 in sullen resi&nation or household !ares, then
there are bein& literally !onsu8ed at that table, alon& 0ith the 4ood, the
thou&ht<ele8ent o4 0orry and 8urder and sui!ide and the 8orbid ele8ent,
0hi!h lo1es to d0ell on the horrible and &hastly7 and, as a result, dys$e$sia,
in so8e o4 its 8any 4or8s, 0ill be 8anu4a!tured all the 0ay do0n the line,
4ro8 one end o4 the table to the other.
94 the habitual e#$ression o4 a 4a!e be a s!o0l, it is be!ause the thou&hts
behind that 4a!e are 8ostly s!o0ls. 94 the !orners o4 a 8outh are turned
do0n, it is be!ause 8ost o4 the ti8e the thou&hts 0hi!h &o1ern and sha$e
that 8outh are &loo8y and des$ondent. 94 a 4a!e does not in1ite $eo$le, and
8a3e the8 desire to &et a!Buainted 0ith its 0earer, it is be!ause that 4a!e is a
si&n ad1ertisin& thou&hts behind it 0hi!h the 0earer 8ay not dare to s$ea3 to
others, $ossibly 8ay not dare to 0his$er to hi8sel4.
"he !ontinual 8ood o4 hurry, that is, o4 bein& in 8ind or s$irit in a !ertain
$la!e lon& be4ore the body is there, 0ill !ause the shoulders to stoo$ 4or0ard7
be!ause in su!h 8ood you do literally send your thou&ht, your s$irit, your
real thou&h in1isible sel4, to the $la!e to0ard 0hi!h your $o0er, your
thou&ht, is dra&&in& your body head 4irst and throu&h su!h li4e<lon& habit o4
8ind does the body &ro0 as the thou&ht sha$es it. % >sel4<!ontained> 8an is
ne1er in a hurry7 and a sel4<!ontained 8an 3ee$s or !ontains his thou&ht, his
s$irit, his $o0er, 8ostly on the a!t or use he is 8a3in& at the $resent 8o8ent
0ith the instru8ent his s$irit uses, his body7 and the habitually sel4<$ossessed
0o8an 0ill be &ra!e4ul in e1ery 8o1e8ent, 4or the reason that her s$irit has
!o8$lete $ossession and !o88and o4 its tool, the body7 and is not a 8ile or
ten 8iles a0ay 4ro8 that body in thou&ht, and 4rettin& or hurryin& or
d0ellin& on so8ethin& at that distan!e 4ro8 her body.
-hen 0e 4or8 a $lan 4or any business, any in1ention, any underta3in&, 0e
are 8a3in& so8ethin& o4 that unseen ele8ent, our thou&ht, as real, thou&h
unseen, as any 8a!hine o4 iron or 0ood. "hat $lan or thou&ht be&ins, as soon
as 8ade, to dra0 to itsel4, in 8ore unseen ele8ents, $o0er to !arry itsel4 out,
$o0er to 8ateriali@e itsel4 in $hysi!al or 1isible substan!e. -hen 0e dread a
8is4ortune, or li1e in 4ear o4 any ill, or e#$e!t ill lu!3, 0e 8a3e also a
!onstru!tion o4 unseen ele8ent, thou&ht,<<0hi!h, by the sa8e la0 o4
attra!tion, dra0s to it destru!ti1e, and to you da8a&in&, 4or!es or ele8ents.
"hus the la0 4or su!!ess is also the la0 4or 8is4ortune, a!!ordin& as it is
used7 e1en as the 4or!e o4 a 8anDs ar8 !an sa1e another 4ro8 dro0nin&, or
stri3e a da&&er to his heart. O4 0hate1er $ossible thin& 0e thin3, 0e are
buildin&, in unseen substan!e, a !onstru!tion 0hi!h 0ill dra0 to us 4or!es or
ele8ents to aid us or hurt us, a!!ordin& to the !hara!ter o4 thou&ht 0e thin3
or $ut out.
94 you e#$e!t to &ro0 old, and 3ee$ e1er in your 8ind an i8a&e or
!onstru!tion o4 yoursel4 as old and de!re$it, you 0ill assuredly be so. ?ou are
then 8a3in& yoursel4 so.
94 you 8a3e a $lan in thou&ht, in unseen ele8ent, 4or yoursel4, as hel$less,
and de!re$it, su!h $lan 0ill dra0 to you o4 unseen thou&ht<ele8ent that
0hi!h 0ill 8a3e you 0ea3, hel$less, and de!re$it. 94, on the !ontrary, you
8a3e 4or yoursel4 a $lan 4or bein& al0ays healthy, a!ti1e, and 1i&orous, and
sti!3 to that $lan, and re4use to &ro0 de!re$it, and re4use to belie1e the
le&ions o4 $eo$le 0ho 0ill tell you that you 8ust &ro0 old, you 0ill not &ro0
old. 9t is be!ause you thin3 it 8ust be so, as $eo$le tell you, that 8a3es it so.
94 you in your 8ind are e1er buildin& an ideal o4 yoursel4 as stron&, healthy,
and 1i&orous, you are buildin& to yoursel4 o4 in1isible ele8ent that 0hi!h is
e1er dra0in& to you 8ore o4 health, stren&th, and 1i&or ?ou !an 8a3e o4
your 8ind a 8a&net to attra!t health or 0ea3ness. 94 you lo1e to thin3 o4 the
stron& thin&s in Nature, o4 &ranite 8ountains and hea1in& billo0s and
resistless te8$ests, you attra!t to you their ele8ents o4 stren&th.
94 you build yoursel4 in health and stren&th today, and des$ond and &i1e u$
su!h thin3in& or buildin& to8orro0, you do not destroy 0hat in s$irit and o4
s$irit you ha1e built u$. "hat a8ount o4 ele8ent so added to your s$irit !an
ne1er be lost but you do, 4or the ti8e, in so des$ondin&, that is, thin3in&
0ea3ness, sto$ the buildin& o4 your health<stru!ture7 and althou&h your s$irit
is so 8u!h the stron&er 4or that addition o4 ele8ent, it 8ay not be stron&
enou&h to &i1e Bui!3ly to the body 0hat you 8ay ha1e ta3en 4ro8 it throu&h
su!h des$ondent thou&ht.
Persisten!y in thin3in& health, in i8a&inin& or ideali@in& yoursel4 as healthy,
1i&orous, and sy88etri!al, is the !ornerstone o4 health and beauty. O4 that
0hi!h you thin3 8ost, that you 0ill be, and that you 0ill ha1e 8ost o4. ?ou
say >No.> But your bed<ridden $atient is not thin3in&, >9 a8 stron&7> he or
she is thin3in&, >9 a8 so 0ea3.> ?our dys$e$ti! 8an or 0o8an is not
thin3in&, >9 0ill ha1e a stron& sto8a!h.> "hey are e1er sayin&, >9 !anDt di&est
anythin&7> and they !anDt, 4or that 1ery reason.
-e are a$t to nurse our 8aladies rather than nurse oursel1es. -e 0ant our
8aladies $etted and sy8$athi@ed 0ith, 8ore than oursel1es. -hen 0e ha1e a
bad !old, our 1ery !ou&h so8eti8es says to others, un!ons!iously, >9 a8 this
8ornin& an ob=e!t 4or your sy8$athy. 9 a8 so a44li!ted5> 9t is the !old, then,
that is !allin& out 4or sy8$athy. -ere the body treated ri&htly, your o0n 8ind
and all the 8inds about you 0ould say to that 0ea3 ele8ent in you, >Get out
o4 that body5> and the silent 4or!e o4 a 4e0 8inds so dire!ted 0ould dri1e that
0ea3ness out. 9t 0ould lea1e as Satan did 0hen the 8an o4 Na@areth
i8$eriously ordered hi8. )olds and all other 4or8s o4 disease are only 4or8s
o4 Satan, and thri1e also by nursin&. ,i&or and health are !at!hin& also as
0ell as the 8easles.
-hat 0ould 8any &ro0n<u$ $eo$le &i1e 4or a li8b or t0o li8bs that had in
the8 the s$rin& and elasti!ity o4 those o0ned by a boy t0el1e years old7 4or
t0o li8bs that !ould !li8b trees, 0al3 on rail 4en!es, and run be!ause they
lo1ed to run, and !ouldnDt hel$ runnin&. 94 su!h li8bs so 4ull o4 li4e !ould be
8anu4a!tured and sold, 0ould there not be a de8and 4or the8 by those stout
ladies and &entle8en 0ho &et in and out o4 their !arria&es as i4 their bodies
0ei&hed a ton. -hy is it that hu8anity resi&ns itsel4 0ith s!ar!ely a $rotest
to the &ro0in& hea1iness, slu&&ishness, and sti44ness that !o8es e1en 0ith
8iddle a&e. 9 belie1e, ho0e1er, 0e !o8$ro8ise 0ith this inertia, and !all it
di&nity. O4 !ourse a 8an and a 4ather and a !iti@en and a 1oter and a $illar o4
the State<<o4 inertia<<shouldnDt run and !ut u$ and 3i!3 u$ li3e a boy, be!ause
he !anDt. Neither should a lady 0ho has &ro0n to the di&nity o4 a 0addle run
as she did 0hen a &irl o4 t0el1e, be!ause she !anDt, either. %!tually 0e $ut on
our in4ir8ities as 0e 0ould 8as3s, and hobble around in the8, sayin&, >"his
is the thin& to do, be!ause 0e !anDt do anythin& else.> So8eti8es 0e are e1en
in a hurry to $ut the8 on7 li3e the youn& &entle8an 0ho sti!3s an eye<&lass
to his eye, and thereby the sooner ruins the si&ht o4 a sound or&an, in order to
loo3 tony or boo3ish.
"here are 8ore and 8ore $ossibilities 9n Nature, in the ele8ents, and in 8an
and out o4 8an7 and they !o8e as 4ast as 8an sees and 3no0s ho0 to use
these 4or!es in Nature and in hi8sel4. Possibilities and 8ira!les 8ean the
sa8e thin&.
"he tele$hone s$run& suddenly on >our 4ol3s> o4 t0o hundred years a&o
0ould ha1e been a 8ira!le, and 8i&ht ha1e !onsi&ned the $erson usin& it to
the $rison or the sta3eA all unusual 8ani4estations o4 NatureDs $o0ers bein&
then attributed to the De1il, be!ause the $eo$le o4 that $eriod had so 8u!h o4
the De1il, or !ruder ele8ent, in the8 as to insist that the uni1erse should not
!ontinually sho0 and $ro1e hi&her and hi&her e#$ressions o4 the hi&her 8ind
4or 8anDs !o84ort and $leasure.
% +N%G;9 o4 beasts and birds 8eans a !olle!tion o4 !a$tured 0al3in&
and 4lyin& !reatures, ta3en 4ro8 their natural 8odes o4 li4e, de$ri1ed
$er8anently o4 su!h 8odes, and su44erin& 8ore or less in !onseBuen!e. "he
bird, used to the 4reedo8 o4 4orest and air is i8$risoned in the 8ost li8ited
Buarters. 9ts $lu8a&e there is ne1er as 4resh and &lossy as in its natural state.
9t does not li1e as lon&. "he !a$ti1e li4e o4 the 8any s$e!ies brou&ht 4ro8 the
tro$i!s is 1ery short, es$e!ially o4 the s8aller and 8ore deli!ate s$e!ies.
Bears, lions, ti&ers, deer, 0ol1es and all other ani8als li3e liberty and
4reedo8 o4 ran&e as 0ell as 8an. 9n the 8ena&erie they are de$ri1ed o4 it.
"he air they breathe is o4ten 4etid and i8$ure. "o the burro0in& ani8al, earth
is as 8u!h a ne!essity and !o84ort as a !o84ortable bed is to us. "he
!a$tured burro0er is o4ten 3e$t on a hard board 4loor, 0hi!h, in its restless
8isery to &et into its nati1e earth, it s!rat!hes and 0ears a0ay in !a1ities
in!hes in de$th.
+on3eys by the thousand die $re8aturely o4 !onsu8$tion, be!ause 4or!ed to
li1e in a !li8ate too !old and da8$ 4or the8, and no a8ount o4 arti4i!ial heat
!an su$$ly the ele8ent to 0hi!h they ha1e been a!!usto8ed in the air o4 their
nati1e tro$i! &ro1es and =un&les.
Seals are 3e$t in tan3s o4 4resh 0ater, 0hen salt 0ater is their natural
ele8ent. "heir !a$ti1e li1es are al0ays short.
"here is no 4or8 o4 or&ani@ed li4e but is a $art and belon&in& o4 the lo!ality
and latitude 0here in its 0ild state it is born. "he $olar bear is a natural
belon&in& o4 the %r!ti! re&ions. "he 8on3ey is a belon&in& and out&ro0th o4
tro$i!al !onditions. -hen either o4 these is ta3en 4ro8 !li8es nati1e to the8,
and out o4 0hi!h they do not 1oluntarily 0ander, $ain is in4li!ted on the8.
Go to the !hea$ >8useu8,> no0 so $lenti4ul, and re&ard the bedra&&led
$lu8a&e and a$$arent si!3ly !ondition o4 8any o4 the birds, nati1es o4
distant !li8es, i8$risoned there. ?ou see the8 but 4or an hour. ;eturn in a
4e0 8onths and you 0ill not 4ind the8. -hat has be!o8e o4 the8. "hey
ha1e died, and their $la!es are su$$lied by others li3e0ise slo0ly dyin&. "he
$ro!ession o4 !a$ti1es so to su44er and die $re8aturely ne1er !eases 8o1in&
into these $la!es. Shi$s are !onstantly brin&in& the8 hither. %n ar8y o4 8en
distributed all o1er the 0orld, and ran&in& throu&h the 4orests o4 e1ery !li8e,
is !onstantly en&a&ed in tra$$in& the8. For 0hat reasons are all these
!on!entrations o4 !a$tured 8isery, no0 to be 4ound in e1ery lar&e to0n and
!ity o4 our !ountry. ' Si8$ly to &rati4y hu8an !uriosity. Si8$ly that 0e 8ay
stand a 4e0 8inutes and &a@e at the8 behind their bars. -hat do 0e then
learn o4 their real natures and habits in these $risons. -hat 0ould be learned
o4 your real tastes, in!linations and habits 0ere you 3e$t !onstantly in a !a&e.
9s the &rati4i!ation o4 this !uriosity 0orth the 8isery it !osts.
94 a bird 0ooed by your 3indness !o8es and builds its nest in a tree near your
0indo0, and there rears its brood, is not the si&ht it a44ords 4ro8 day to day
0orth a hundred ti8es 8ore than that o4 the sa8e bird, de$ri1ed o4 its 8ate
and shut u$ in a !a&e. -ill you not, is in its 4reedo8 you study its real habits
and see its real and natural li4e, 4eel 8ore and 8ore dra0n to it by the tie o4 a
!o88on sy8$athy, as you see e1iden!ed in that li4e so 8u!h that belon&s to
your o0n. Li3e you, it builds a ho8e7 li3e you, it has a44e!tion and !are 4or
its 8ate7 li3e you, it $ro1ides 4or its 4a8ily7 li3e you, it is alar8ed at the
a$$roa!h o4 dan&er7 li3e you, it nestles in the thou&ht o4 se!urity.
?et so !rude and !ruel still is the instin!t in our ra!e, that the ruin o4 the 0ild
birdDs ho8e, or its slau&hter or !a$ture, is the rulin& desire 0ith nineteen boys
out o4 t0enty as they roa8 the 0oods7 and >!ultured $arents> 0ill see their
!hildren lea1e the house eBui$$ed 0ith the 8eans 4or this destru!tion 0ithout
e1en the thou&ht o4 $rotest.
Chapter Nine - THE #OD IN %OURSEL$
%s a s$irit, you are a $art o4 God or the 9n4inite For!e or S$irit o4 &ood. %s
su!h $art, you are an e1er<&ro0in& $o0er 0hi!h !an ne1er lessen, and 8ust
al0ays in!rease, e1en as it has in the $ast throu&h 8any a&es al0ays
in!reased, and built you u$, as to intelli&en!e, to your $resent 8ental stature.
"he $o0er o4 your 8ind has been &ro0in& to its $resent Buality and !learness
throu&h 8any 8ore $hysi!al li1es than the one you are no0 li1in&. "hrou&h
ea!h $ast li4e you ha1e un!ons!iously added to its $o0er. 1ery stru&&le o4
the 8ind<<be it stru&&le a&ainst $ain, stru&&le a&ainst a$$etite, stru&&le 4or
8ore s3ill in the doin& o4 anythin&, stru&&le 4or &reater ad1an!e in any art or
!allin&, stru&&le and dissatis4a!tion at your 4ailin&s and de4e!ts<<is an a!tual
$ushin& o4 the s$irit to &reater $o0er, and a &reater relati1e !o8$letion o4
yoursel4,<<and 0ith su!h !o8$letion, ha$$iness. For the ai8 o4 li1in& is
"here is today 8ore o4 you, and 8ore o4 e1ery desirable 8ental Buality
belon&in& to you, than e1er be4ore. "he 1ery dissatis4a!tion and dis!ontent
you 8ay 4eel !on!ernin& your 4ailin&s is a $roo4 o4 this. 94 your 8ind 0as not
as !lear as it is, it !ould not see those 4ailin&s. ?ou are not no0 0here you
8ay ha1e been in a 8ood o4 sel4<!o8$la!en!y, 0hen you thou&ht yoursel4
about ri&ht in e1ery res$e!t. Only you 8ay, no0, in loo3in& at yoursel4, ha1e
s0un& too 4ar in the o$$osite dire!tion7 and, be!ause your eyes ha1e been
suddenly o$ened to !ertain 4aults, you 8ay thin3 these 4aults to be !onstantly
in!reasin&. "hey are not. "he God in yoursel4<<the e1er<&ro0in& $o0er in
yoursel4<<has 8ade you see an in!o8$leteness in your !hara!ter7 yet that
in!o8$leteness 0as ne1er so near a relati1e !o8$letion as no0. O4 this the
&reatest $roo4 is, that you !an no0 see 0hat in yoursel4 you ne1er sa0 or 4elt
?ou 8ay ha1e under your house a !a1ity 4ull o4 1er8in and bad air. ?ou 0ere
8u!h 0orse o44 be4ore the !a1ity 0as 4ound, re$ulsi1e as it 8ay be to you7
and no0 that it is 4ound, you 8ay be sure it 0ill be !leansed. "here 8ay be
!a1ities in our 8ental ar!hite!ture aboundin& in e1il ele8ent, and there is no
need to be dis!oura&ed as the God in our sel4 sho0s the8 to us. "here is no
need o4 sayin&, > 9D8 su!h an i8$er4e!t !reature 9D8 sure 9 !an ne1er !ure all
8y 4aults.> ?es, you !an. ?ou are !urin& the8 no0. 1ery $rotest o4 your
8ind a&ainst your 4ault is a $ush o4 the s$irit 4or0ard. Only you 8ust not
e#$e!t to !ure the8 all in an hour, a day, a 0ee3, or a year. "here 0ill ne1er
be a ti8e in your 4uture e#isten!e, but that you !an see 0here you !an
i8$ro1e yoursel4. 94 you see $ossibility o4 i8$ro1e8ent, you 8ust o4 !ourse
see the de4e!t to be i8$ro1ed. Or, in other 0ords, you see 4or yoursel4 a still
&reater !o8$letion, a still &reater elaboration, a 4iner and 4iner shadin& o4
your !hara!ter, a 8ore and 8ore !o8$li!ated distribution o4 the For!e al0ays
!o8in& to you. So you 0ill !ease this 4rettin& o1er your bein& su!h an
i8$er4e!t !reature 0hen you 4ind, as you 0ill, that you are one o4 the >
te8$les o4 God > e1er bein& built by yoursel4 into e1er<in!reasin& s$lendor
No talent o4 yours e1er sto$s &ro0in& any 8ore than the tree sto$s &ro0in&
in 0inter. 94 you are learnin& to $aint or dra0 or a!t or s$ea3 in $ubli! or do
anythin&, and !ease your $ra!ti!e entirely 4or a 8onth or a year or t0o years,
and then ta3e it u$ a&ain, you 0ill 4ind a4ter a little that an in!rease o4 that
talent has !o8e7 that you ha1e ne0 ideas !on!ernin& it, and ne0 $o0er 4or
?ou as3, >-hat is the ai8 o4 li4e.> 9n a sense, you !annot ai8 your o0n li4e.
"here is a destiny that ai8s it,<<a la0 0hi!h &o1erns and !arries it. "o 0hat.
"o an e1er<in!reasin& and illi8itable !a$a!ity 4or ha$$iness as your $o0er
in!reases, and in!rease it 8ust. ?ou !annot sto$ &ro0in&, des$ite all
a$$earan!es to the !ontrary. "he $ain you ha1e su44ered has been throu&h that
sa8e &ro0th o4 the s$irit $ressin& you harder and harder a&ainst 0hat !aused
you 8isery, so that at last you should ta3e that $ain as a $roo4 that you 0ere
on so8e 0ron& $ath, out o4 0hi!h you 8ust &et as soon as $ossible7 and
0hen you !ry out hard, and are in li1in& earnest to 3no0 the ri&ht 0ay,
so8ethin& 0ill al0ays !o8e to tell you the ri&ht 0ay7 4or it is a la0 o4 nature
that e1ery earnest !all is ans0ered, and an earnest de8and or $rayer 4or
anythin& al0ays brin&s the needed su$$ly.
-hat is the ai8 o4 li4e. "o &et the 8ost ha$$iness out o4 it7 to so learn to li1e
that e1ery !o8in& day 0ill be loo3ed 4or in the assuran!e that it 0ill be as
4ull, and e1en 4uller, o4 $leasure than the day 0e no0 li1e in7 to banish e1en
the re!olle!tion that ti8e !an han& hea1ily on our hands7 to be than34ul that
0e li1e7 to rise su$erior to si!3ness or $ain7 to !o88and the body, throu&h
the $o0er o4 the s$irit, so that it !an 4eel no $ain7 to !ontrol and !o88and the
thou&ht so that 9t shall e1er in!rease in $o0er to 0or3 and a!t se$arate, a$art,
and a4ar 4ro8 our body, so that it shall brin& us all that 0e need o4 house or
land or 4ood or !lothes, and that 0ithout robbin& or doin& in=usti!e to anyone7
to &ain in $o0er so that the s$irit shall e1er re!u$erate, rein1i&orate, and
re=u1enate the body so lon& as 0e desire to use it, so that no $art or or&an
shall 0ea3en, 0ither, or de!ay7 to be learnin& e1er ne0 sour!es o4
a8use8ent 4or oursel1es and others7 to 8a3e oursel1es so 4ull o4 ha$$iness
and use 4or others, that our $resen!e 8ay e1er be 0el!o8e to the87 to be no
oneDs ene8y and e1ery oneDs 4riend,<<that is the destiny o4 li4e in those
do8ains o4 e#isten!e 0here $eo$le as real as 0e, and 8u!h 8ore ali1e than
0e, ha1e learned, and are e1er learnin&, ho0 to &et the 8ost o4 hea1en out o4
li4e. "hat is the ine1itable destiny o4 e1ery indi1idual s$irit.
?ou !annot es!a$e ulti8ate ha$$iness and $er8anent ha$$iness as you &ro0
on and on in this and other e#isten!es7 and all the $ains you su44er, or ha1e
su44ered, are as $rods and $o3es to 3ee$ you out o4 0ron& $aths,<<to 8a3e
you 4ollo0 the la0. %nd the 8ore sensiti1e you &ro0, the 8ore !learly 0ill
you see the la0 0hi!h leads a0ay 4ro8 all $ain, and e1er to0ard 8ore
ha$$iness, and to a state o4 8ind 0here it is su!h an e!stasy to li1e, that all
sense o4 ti8e is lost,<<as the sense o4 ti8e is lost 0ith us 0hen 0e are dee$ly
interested or a8used, or &a@e u$on a thrillin& $lay or s$e!ta!le,<<so that in the
0ords o4 the bibli!al re!ord, >a day shall be as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as a day.>
"he Nir1ana o4 the :indus su&&ests all the $ossibilities o4 li4e !o8in& to our
$lanet,<<>Nir1ana > i8$lyin& that !al8ness, serenity, and !on4iden!e o4 8ind
0hi!h !o8es o4 the absolute !ertainty that e1ery e44ort 0e 8a3e, e1ery
enter$rise 0e underta3e, $ust be su!!ess4ul7 and that the ha$$iness 0e
reali@e this 8onth is but the ste$$in&<stone to the &reater ha$$iness o4 ne#t. 94
you 4ell that the tri$ o4 4orei&n tra1el you no0 lon& 4or and 0ish 4or 0as as
!ertain to !o8e as no0 you are !ertain that the sun rose this 8ornin&7 i4 you
3ne0 that you 0ould a!hie1e your o0n $e!uliar and indi1idual $ro4i!ien!y
and triu8$h in $aintin& or oratory, or as an a!tor or s!ul$tor, or in any art, as
surely as no0 you 3no0 you !an 0al3 do0nstairs, you 0ould not o4 !ourse
4eel any uneasiness. 9n all our relati1ely $er4e!ted li1es 0e shall 3no0 this,
be!ause 0e shall 3no0 4or an absolute !ertainty that 0hen 0e !on!entrate our
8ental 4or!e or thou&ht on any $lan or $ursuit or underta3in&, 0e are settin&
at 0or3 the attra!ti1e 4or!e o4 thou&ht< substan!e to dra0 to us the 8eans or
a&en!ies or 4or!es or indi1iduals to !arry out that $lan, as !ertainly as the
4or!e o4 8us!le a$$lied to a line dra0s the shi$ to its $ier.
?ou 0orry 1ery little no0 as to your tele&ra8 rea!hin& its destination,
be!ause, 0hile you 3no0 ne#t to nothin& as to 0hat ele!tri!ity is, you do
3no0 that 0hen it is a$$lied in a !ertain 0ay it 0ill !arry your 8essa&e7 and
you 0ill ha1e the sa8e !on4iden!e that 0hen your thou&ht is re&ulated and
dire!ted by a !ertain 8ethod, it 0ill do 4or you 0hat you 0ish. Be4ore 8en
3ne0 ho0 to use ele!tri!ity there 0as as 8u!h o4 it as today, and 0ith the
sa8e $o0er as today7 but so 4ar as our !on1enien!e 0as !on!erned, it 0as
Buite useless as a 8essa&e<bearer. la!3 o4 3no0led&e to dire!t it. "he
tre8endous $o0er o4 hu8an thou&ht is 0ith us all today 1ery 8u!h in a
si8ilar !ondition. 9t is 0asted, be!ause 0e do not 3no0 ho0 to !on!entrate
and dire!t it. 9t is 0orse than 0asted, be!ause, throu&h i&noran!e and li4e<
lon& habit, 0e 0or3 our 8ental batteries in the 0ron& dire!tion, and send
4ro8 us bolt a4ter bolt o4 ill<0ill to0ard others, or en1iousness or snarls or
sneers or so8e 4or8 o4 u&liness,<<all this bein& real ele8ent 0ron&ly and
i&norantly a$$lied, 0hi!h 8ay stri3e and hurt others, and 0ill !ertainly hurt
:ere is the !ornerstone o4 all su!!ess4ul e44ort in this e#isten!e or any other.
Ne1er in thou&ht a!3no0led&e an i8$ossibility. Ne1er in 8ind re=e!t 0hat to
you 8ay see8 the 0ildest idea 0ith s!orn7 be!ause, in so doin&, you 8ay not
3no0 0hat you are !losin& the door a&ainst. "o say anythin& is i8$ossible
be!ause it see8s i8$ossible to you, is =ust so 8u!h trainin& in the dan&erous
habit o4 !allin& out >98$ossible5> to e1ery ne0 idea. ?our 8ind is then a
$rison 4ull o4 doors, barred to all outside, and you the only in8ate. >%ll
thin&s> are $ossible 0ith God. God 0or3s in and throu&h you. "o say >
98$ossible5> as to 0hat you 8ay do or be!o8e is a sin. 9t is denyin& GodDs
$o0er to 0or3 throu&h you. 9t is denyin& the $o0er o4 the 9n4inite S$irit to do
throu&h you 4ar 8ore than 0hat you are no0 !a$able o4 !on!ei1in& in 8ind.
"o say >98$ossible5> is to set u$ your relati1ely 0ea3 li8it o4 !o8$rehension
as the standard o4 the uni1erse. 9t is as auda!ious as to atte8$t the
8easure8ent o4 endless s$a!e 0ith a yard<sti!3.
-hen you say >98$ossible5> and >9 !anDt> you 8a3e a $resent i8$ossibility
4or yoursel4. "his thou&ht o4 yours is the &reatest hindran!e to the $ossible. 9t
!annot sto$ it. ?ou 0ill be $ushed on, han& ba!3 as 8u!h as you 8ay. "here
!an be no su!!ess4ul resistan!e to the eternal and !onstant better8ent o4 all
thin&s Ein!ludin& yoursel4F.
?ou should say, >9t is $ossible 4or 8e to be!o8e anythin& 0hi!h 9 ad8ire.>
?ou should say, > 9t is $ossible 4or 8e to be!o8e a 0riter, an orator, an a!tor,
an artist.> ?ou ha1e then thro0n o$en the door to your o0n te8$le o4 art
0ithin you. So lon& as you said >98$ossible5> you 3e$t it !losed. ?our >9
!anDt> 0as the iron bolt lo!3in& that door a&ainst you. ?our >9 !an> is the
$o0er sho1in& ba!3 that bolt.
)hristDs s$irit or thou&ht had $o0er to !o88and the ele8ents, and Buiet the
stor8. ?our s$irit as a $art o4 the &reat 0hole has in the &er8, and 0aitin& 4or
4ruition, the sa8e $o0er. )hrist, throu&h $o0er o4 !on!entratin& the unseen
ele8ent o4 his thou&ht, !ould turn that unseen ele8ent into the seen, and
8ateriali@e 4ood,<<loa1es and 4ishes. "hat is a $o0er inherent in e1ery s$irit,
and e1ery s$irit is &ro0in& to su!h $o0er. ?ou see today a healthy baby<boy.
9t !annot li4t a $ound7 but you 3no0 there lies in that 4eeble !hild the $o0ers
and $ossibilities 0hi!h, t0enty years hen!e, 8ay enable it to li4t 0ith ease
t0o hundred $ounds. So the &reater $o0er, the !o8in& s$iritual $o0er, !an
be 4oretold 4or us, 0ho are no0 relati1ely babes s$iritually. "he reason 4or
li4eDs bein& so unha$$y here in this re&ion o4 bein& is, that as 0e do not 3no0
the la0, 0e &o a&ainst it, and &et thereby its $ains instead o4 its $leasures.
"he la0 !annot be entirely learned by us out o4 $ast re!ord or the $ast
e#$erien!e o4 anyone, no 8atter to 0hat $o0er they 8i&ht ha1e attained.
Su!h re!ords or li1es 8ay be 1ery use4ul to us as su&&esters. But 0hile there
are &eneral $rin!i$les that a$$ly to all, there are also indi1idual la0s that
a$$ly to e1ery se$arate and indi1iduali@ed $erson. ?ou !annot 4ollo0 dire!tly
in 8y tra!3 in 8a3in& yoursel4 ha$$ier and better, nor !an 9 in yours7 be!ause
e1ery one o4 us is 8ade u$ o4 a di44erent !o8bination o4 ele8ent, as ele8ent
has entered into and 4or8ed our s$irits Eour real sel1esF throu&h the &ro0th
and e1olution a&es. ?ou 8ust study and 4ind out 4or yoursel4 0hat your
nature reBuires to brin& it $er8anent ha$$iness. ?ou are a boo3 4or yoursel4.
?ou 8ust o$en this boo3 $a&e a4ter $a&e, and !ha$ter a4ter !ha$ter, as they
!o8e to you 0ith the e#$erien!e o4 ea!h day, ea!h 8onth, ea!h year, and read
the8. No one else !an read the8 4or you as you !an 4or yoursel4. No one else
!an thin3 e#a!tly as you thin3, or 4eel =ust as you 4eel, or be a44e!ted =ust as
you are a44e!ted by otter 4or!es or $ersons about you7 and 4or this reason no
other $erson !an =ud&e 0hat you really need to 8a3e your li4e 8ore
!o8$lete, 8ore $er4e!t, 8ore ha$$y so 0ell as yoursel4.
?ou 8ust 4ind out 4or yoursel4 0hat asso!iation is best 4or you, 0hat 4ood is
best 4or you, and 0hat 8ethod in any business, any art, any $ro4ession brin&s
you the best results. ?ou !an be hel$ed 1ery 8u!h by !on4errin& 0ith others
0ho are si8ilarly interested. ?ou !an be 1ery 8u!h hel$ed by those 0ho 8ay
ha1e 8ore 3no0led&e than you o4 &eneral la0s. ?ou !an be &reatly hel$ed to
&et 4or!e or !oura&e or ne0 ideas to !arry out your underta3in&s, by 8eetin&
at re&ular inter1als 0ith earnest, sin!ere, and honest $eo$le 0ho ha1e also
so8e de4inite $ur$ose to a!!o8$lish, and tal3in& yoursel4 out to the8, and
they to you. But 0hen you a!!e$t any 8an or any 0o8an as an in4allible
&uide or authority, and do e#a!tly as they say, you are o44 the 8ain tra!37
be!ause then you are 8a3in& the e#$eri8ents o4 another $erson, 4or8ed o4 a
!ertain !o8bination o4 ele8ents or !he8i!als, and the result o4 that $ersonDs
e#$eri8ents, the rule 4or your o0n indi1idual !o8bination o4 ele8ent, 0hen
your !o8bination 8ay be 1ery di44erent, and di44erently a!ted on by the
ele8ents outside o4 it.
?ou ha1e iron and !o$$er and 8a&nesia and $hos$horus, and 8ore o4 other
8inerals and !he8i!als, and !o8bination and re<!o8bination o4 8ineral and
!he8i!al, in your $hysi!al body than earthly s!ien!e has yet thou&ht o4. ?ou
ha1e in your s$irit or thou&ht the unseen or s$iritual !orres$onden!es o4 these
8inerals still 4iner and 8ore subtle7 and all these are di44erently !o8bined,
and in di44erent $ro$ortions, 4ro8 any other $hysi!al or s$iritual body. :o0,
then, !an anyone 4ind out the $e!uliar a!tion o4 this your indi1idual
!o8bination, sa1e yoursel4.
"here are !ertain &eneral la0s7 but e1ery indi1idual 8ust a$$ly the &eneral
la0 to hi8 or hersel4. 9t is a &eneral la0 that the 0ind 0ill $ro$el a shi$. But
e1ery 1essel does not use the air in e#a!tly the sa8e 4ashion. 9t is a &eneral
la0 that thou&ht is 4or!e, and !an e44e!t, and is !onstantly e44e!tin&, results to
others 4ar 4ro8 our bodies7 and the Buality o4 our thou&ht and its $o0er to
a44e!t results de$ends 1ery 8u!h on our asso!iations. But 4or that reason, i4
yours is the su$erior thou&ht or $o0er, and 9 see that throu&h its use you are
8o1in& ahead in the 0orld, 9 should not !hoose your !hara!ter o4 asso!iates
or your 8anner o4 li4e. 9 !an try your 8ethods as e#$eri8ents7 but 9 8ust
re8e8ber they are only e#$eri8ents. 9 8ust a1oid that so !o88on error,<<the
error o4 sla1ish !o$y and idolatry o4 another.
"he )hrist o4 Na@areth on!e bade !ertain o4 his 4ollo0ers not to 0orshi$ hi8.
>)all 8e not &ood,> said he. >"here is none &ood sa1e God alone.> )hrist
said, >9 a8 the 0ay and the li4e,> 8eanin&, as the te#t inter$rets itsel4 to 8e,
that as to !ertain &eneral la0s o4 0hi!h he 0as a0are, and by 0hi!h he also
as a s$irit 0as &o1erned, he 3ne0 and !ould &i1e !ertain in4or8ation. But he
ne1er did assert that his indi1idual li4e, 0ith all the hu8an in4ir8ity or de4e!t
that he had >ta3en u$on hi8,> 0as to be stri!tly !o$ied. :e did $ray to the
9n4inite S$irit o4 Good 4or 8ore stren&th, and deli1eran!e 4ro8 the S9N OF
F%; 0hen his s$irit Buailed at the $ros$e!t o4 his !ru!i4i#ion7 and in so
doin&, he !on!eded that he, as a s$irit E$o0er4ul as he 0asF, needed hel$ as
8u!h as any other s$irit7 and 3no0in& this, he re4used to $ose hi8sel4 be4ore
his 4ollo0ers as God, or the 9n4inite, but told the8 that 0hen they desired to
bo0 be4ore that al8i&hty and ne1er<to<be<!o8$rehended $o0er, out o4 0hi!h
!o8es e1ery &ood at the $rayer or de8and o4 hu8an 8ind, to 0orshi$ God
alone,<<God, the eternal and un4atho8able 8o1in& $o0er o4 boundless
uni1erse7 the $o0er that no 8an has e1er seen or e1er 0ill see, sa1e as he
sees its 1aryin& e#$ressions in sun, star, !loud, 0ind, bird, beast, 4lo0er,
ani8al, or in 8an as the 4uture an&el or ar!han&el, and as!endin& still to
&rades o4 8ind and &rades o4 $o0er hi&her and hi&her still7 but e1er and e1er
loo3in& to the sour!e 0hen!e !o8es their $o0er, and ne1er, ne1er 0orshi$in&
any one 4or8 o4 su!h e#$ression, and by so doin& 8a3in& the > !reature
&reater than the )reator.>
"hat $o0er is today 0or3in& on and in and throu&h e1ery 8an, 0o8an, and
!hild on this $lanet. Or, to use the bibli!al e#$ression, it is, >God 0or3in& in
us and throu&h us.> -e are all $arts o4 the 9n4inite Po0er,<<a $o0er e1er
!arryin& us u$ to hi&her, 4iner, ha$$ier &rades o4 bein&.
1ery 8an or 0o8an, no 8atter 0hat 8ay be their 8anner o4 li4e or &rade o4
intelle!t, is a stron&er and better 8an or 0o8an than e1er they 0ere be4ore,
des$ite all see8in& !ontradi!tion. "he desire in hu8an nature, and all 4or8s
o4 nature or o4 s$irit e#$ressed throu&h 8atter, to be 8ore and 8ore re4ined
is, u$ to a !ertain &ro0th o4 8ind, an un!ons!ious desire. "he &od desire is at
0or3 on the lo0est drun3ard rollin& in the &utter. "hat 8anDs s$irit 0ants to
&et out o4 the &utter. 9i is at 0or3 on the &reatest liar, $ro8$tin& hi8, i4 e1er
so 4eebly, that the truth is better. 9t is at 0or3 on $eo$le you 8ay !all
des$i!able and 1ile. -hen )hrist 0as as3ed ho0 o4ten a 8an should be
4or&i1en any o44ense, he re$lied in a 8anner indi!atin& that there should be
no li8it to the su8 o4 one 8an or 0o8anDs 4or&i1eness 4or the de4e!ts or
i88aturity in another. "here should be no li8it to the 3ind and hel$4ul
thou&ht 0e thin3 or $ut out to0ard another $erson 0ho 4alls o4ten, 0ho is
stru&&lin& 0ith so8e unnatural a$$etite. 9t is a &reat e1il, o4ten done
un!ons!iously, to say or thin3 o4 an inte8$erate 8an, DD Oh, heDs &one to the
do&s. 9tDs no use doin& anythin& 8ore 4or hi85> be!ause, 0hen 0e do this, 0e
$ut ho$eless, dis!oura&in& thou&ht out in the air. 9t 8eets that $erson. :e or
she 0ill 4eel it7 and it is to the8 an ele8ent retardin& their $ro&ress out o4 the
slou&h they are in, =ust as so8e $ersonDs si8ilar thou&ht has retarded us in
our e44ort to &et out o4 so8e slou&h 0e 0ere in or are in no0,<<slou&h o4
inde!ision7 slou&h o4 des$onden!y7 slou&h o4 ill<te8$er7 slou&h o4 en1ious,
hatin& thou&ht.
?et the s$irit o4 8an be!o8es the stron&er 4or all it stru&&les a&ainst. 9t
be!o8es the stron&er 4or stru&&lin& a&ainst your !ensorious, un!haritable
thou&ht, until at last it !arries a 8an or 0o8an to a $oint 0here they 8ay in
thou&ht say to others, >9 0ould rather ha1e your a$$robation than your
!ensure. But 9 a8 not de$endent on your a$$robation or !ensure, 4or 8y 8ost
ri&id =ud&e and surest $unish8ent 4or all the e1il 9 do !o8es o4 8y o0n
8ind,<<the &od or &oddess in 8ysel4 4ro8 0hose =ud&8ent, 4ro8 0hose
dis$leasure, there is no es!a$in&.> ?et as the s$irit &ro0s !learer and !learer
in si&ht, so does that =ud&e in oursel1es be!o8e 8ore and 8ore 8er!i4ul 4or
its o0n errors7 4or it 3no0s that, in a sense, as 0e re4ine 4ro8 !ruder to 4iner
e#$ression, there 8ust be =ust so 8u!h e1il to be !ontended a&ainst, 4ou&ht
a&ainst, and 4inally and ine1itably o1er!o8e. 1ery 8an and 0o8an is
$redestined to a !ertain a8ount o4 de4e!t, until the s$irit o1er!o8es su!h
de4e!t7 and o1er!o8e it 8ust, 4or it is the nature o4 s$irit to stru&&le a&ainst
de4e!t. 9t is the one thin& i8$ossible 4or 8an to ta3e this Buality out o4 his
o0n s$irit<<the Buality o4 e1er risin& to0ard 8ore $o0er and ha$$iness.
94 you 8a3e this an e#!use to sin, or !o88it e#!ess, or lie or steal or 8urder,
and say, >9 !anDt hel$ it7 9D8 $redestined to it,> you 0ill be $unished all the
sa8e, not $ossibly by 8anDs la0, but by natural or di1ine la0 0hi!h has its
o0n $unish8ents 4or e1ery $ossible sin,<<4or 8urder or lust or lyin& or
stealin& or e1il thin3in& or &luttony7 and these $unish8ents are bein&
!onstantly in4li!ted, and today thousands on thousands are su44erin& 4or the
sins they !o88it in i&noran!e o4 the la0 o4 li4e7 and the $ain o4 su!h
$unish8ent has &ro0n so &reat, and bears so hea1ily on so 8any, that there is
no0 a &reater desire than e1er to 3no0 8ore o4 these la0s7 and 4or that 1ery
reason is this desire bein& 8et, and these Buestions are bein& ans0ered7 4or it
is an ine1itable la0 o4 nature that 0hat the hu8an 8ind de8ands, that it, in
ti8e, &ets7 and the &reater the nu8ber o4 8inds so de8andin&, the sooner is
the de8and 8et, and the Buestions ans0ered. Stea8 but a 4e0 years a&o
relati1ely 8et the de8and o4 hu8an 8ind 4or &reater s$eed in tra1el.
le!tri!ity 8et a de8and 4or &reater s$eed in sendin& intelli&en!e 4ro8 8an
to 8an. "hese are but as stra0s $ointin& to the dis!o1ery and use o4 &reater
$o0ers, not only in ele8ents outside o4 8an, but in the unseen ele8ents
0hi!h 8a3e 8an and 0o8an7 in the ele8ents unseen 0hi!h 8a3e you and
:en!e4orth our ra!e 0ill !o88en!e to be li4ted out o4 e1il or !ruder 4or8s o4
e#$ression, not by 4ear o4 the $unish8ents !o8in& throu&h 1iolation o4 the
la0, but they 0ill be led to the 0iser !ourse throu&h lo1e o4 the deli&ht 0hi!h
!o8es o4 4ollo0in& the la0 as 0e dis!o1er it 4or oursel1es. ?ou eat
8oderately, be!ause e#$erien!e has tau&ht that the &reater $leasure !o8es o4
8oderation. ?ou are &entle, 3ind, and !onsiderate to your 4riend, not that you
ha1e !onstantly be4ore your 8ind the 4ear o4 losin& that 4riend i4 you are not
3ind and !onsiderate, but be!ause it $leases you, and you lo1e the doin& o4
3ind a!ts. :u8an la0, and e1en di1ine la0 as inter$reted by hu8an
understandin&, ha1e e1er been sayin& in the $ast, >?ou 8ust not do this or
that, or youDll 4eel the rod.> God has been $i!tured as a stern, 8er!iless,
a1en&in& deity. "he burden o4 the $rea!herDs son& has been Penalty and
Punish8ent5 Punish8ent and Penalty5 :u8anity is to 4or&et all about $enalty
and $unish8ent, be!ause it is to be 0on o1er, and te8$ted to &reater
&oodness, to $urity and re4ine8ent by the e1er<in!reasin& $leasures brou&ht
us as 0e re4ine. "he 0arnin& o4 $enalty 0as ne!essary 0hen hu8anity 0as
!ruder. 9t !ould only be rea!hed by the rod. "he ra!e 0as blind, and as a
ne!essity o4 its !ondition it had to be 3e$t so8e0here near the ri&ht $ath by a
su!!ession o4 $ain4ul $rods and $o3es 0ith the shar$ &oad o4 $enalty. But
0hen 0e be&in to see !learer, as no0 the 8ore Bui!3ened and sensiti1e o4 our
ra!e do be&in to see, 0e need no rod, any8ore than you need a 8an 0ith a
!lub to $re1ail on you to &o to a 4east.
?OC; body is a!ted on in its &ro0th and !han&es by the sa8e la0s and
ele8ents 0hi!h &o1ern the &ro0th and enter into all other or&ani@ed bodies,
su!h as trees, $lants, birds, and ani8als.
9n the early s$rin& o4 e1ery year, there !o8es and a!ts on this $lanet a 4or!e
4ro8 the sun 0hi!h a44e!ts all or&ani@ed 4or8s o4 li4e,<<trees, birds, ani8als,
and, abo1e all, 8an. +anDs bein& the hi&hest, 8ost !o8$li!ated, and 8ost
$o0er4ul 8ental or&anis8 on the $lanet, absorbs the 8ost o4 this $o0er, and
0ill absorb 4ar 8ore in the 4uture, and to 4ar &reater ad1anta&e than at
$resent, as he learns to $la!e hi8sel4 in the best states to re!ei1e it.
+aterial s!ien!e !alls this 4or!e >heatDD7 but the Buality 3no0n as heat is only
its out0ard or $hysi!al 8ani4estation. "he Buality 3no0n as heat 0hi!h
!o8es 4ro8 the sun is not !on1erted into heat until it rea!hes our $lanet and
a!ts on the earth ele8ents. "here is little or no heat a 4e0 8iles abo1e the
earthDs sur4a!e. -ere this 4or!e in the 4or8 o4 heat on lea1in& the sun, or
durin& its $assa&e, the air on the 8ountain to$s 0ould be as 0ar8 as that o4
the 1alleys. %s 0e 3no0, on the hi&hest $ea3s sno0 and i!e are $er$etual, 4or
the sun<4or!e at su!h ele1ation is not su44i!iently 8in&led 0ith earth ele8ents
to !on1ert it into that de&ree o4 heat 4elt in the 1alleys and $lains.
"his 4or!e !auses the the in!reased 8o1e8ent and !ir!ulation o4 sa$ in the
trees, 0hi!h !o88en!es as soon as the sun o4 the ne0 year a!ts on the8. "he
sa$ is a ne0 li4e to the tree, 4ro8 0hi!h later !o8es its buds, blosso8s, and
4ruita&e. "he in4lo0in& o4 this unseen sun<4or!e &i1es the tree $o0er to dra0
ne0 su$$lies o4 nourishin& ele8ents throu&h its roots 4ro8 the earth. 9t &i1es
it $o0er also to !ast o44 any dead lea1es re8ainin& o4 the last yearDs !ro$
0hi!h ha1e hun& on durin& the 0inter, as you 8ay see in 4orests o4 oa3 or
"his 4or!e a!ts also in the later 0inter and earlier s$rin& 8onths on ani8als
and birds, es$e!ially i4 in their 0ild or natural state, !ausin& the8 to shed
their last yearDs !oats o4 4ur or 4eathers. But this !astin& o44 o4 old 1isible
8atter is but a relati1ely s8all $art o4 the !han&e &oin& on 0ithin the8.
"here is also a !astin& out or sheddin& o4 old in1isible 8atter throu&hout the
bird or ani8alDs entire body. 9t &oes o44 throu&h the $ores or other $assa&es in
1arious 4or8s, so8e 1isible, others in1isible, and is su!!eeded by ne0
ele8ents 0ithin, as the ne0 4ur, hair or 4eather is &ro0n 0ithout.
?our body is &o1erned by the sa8e la0. Durin& the later 0inter and earlier
s$rin& 8onths, you are >8oultin&.> ?ou are !astin& o44 old, dead 8atter, and
ta3in& in ne0, $ro1idin& you &i1e this 4or!e o$$ortunity to a!t on you to the
best ad1anta&e, by !easin& to be a!ti1e either 0ith 8ind or body 0hen they
!all 4or rest, as do birds and ani8als durin& their 8oultin& $eriod, or $ro!ess
o4 !astin& o44 the old ele8ents and re!ei1in& the ne0.
"his ele8ent or 4or!e re!ei1ed at this ti8e by you and the8 is in1isible to the
$hysi!al eye, as all 4or!e is in1isible. "he ne0 4ur, the ne0 $lu8a&e o4 the
bird, the ne0 s3in and tissues 0ithout and 0ithin your body, i4 re!ei1ed, the
ne0 buds, lea1es, and t0i&s, are all 8ateriali@ed e#$ressions o4 this 4or!e.
"hey are ne0 !rystalli@ations !o8in& o4 a ne0 solution o4 in1isible
!he8i!als, in 0hi!h bird, ani8al, tree, and your body are bathed. %ll o4 last
yearDs solution or ele8ents so absorbed ha1e been used u$. "he tree or other
1isible or&ani@ation o4 bird, ani8al, or your body, stands in the sa8e relation
to this re<!lothin& solution as does the sli$ o4 8etal in the solution o4 8ineral
0hi!h attra!ts out o4 su!h solution the !rystalli@ations 0hi!h 4or8 on it.
"here is no &reat di1idin& line bet0i#t 0hat 0e !all 8atter and s$irit. +atter
is but a 4or8 o4 s$irit or thou&ht seen o4 the $hysi!al eye. +atter is 4or!e
te8$orarily 8ateriali@ed, as in the lu8$ o4 !oal 0hi!h, 0hen set on 4ire,
sends o44 the 4or!e bound u$ in it to 8o1e the en&ine. "he lu8$ $asses then
8ostly into ele8ent in1isible. So all about us 0e 4ind 4or!e e1er $assin& 4ro8
$hysi!al 1isibility into in1isibility, and %ice %ersa. +illions on 8illions o4
tons o4 in1isible 8atter 8ay be on a !lear day sus$ended o1er our heads one
hour, the ne#t to 4all in the 1isible 4or8 o4 rain or sno0, 0hi!h a 4e0 hours
a4ter 8ay be dra0n u$0ard a&ain, but in1isible.
"he 9ndian !alled February and +ar!h the >0ea3 8onths,> re!o&ni@in&, as he
did, bein& a !loser obser1er o4 nature than 0e, the tenden!y to slu&&ishness
and ina!ti1ity in ani8al and 8an, 0hi!h al0ays $re1ails 0hen this $o0er is
re!u$eratin&, and rene0in& any or&ani@ed body.
"he 8ost $er4e!t !rystalli@ations out o4 8ineral ele8ent !o8e o4 the solution
3e$t 8ost 4ree 4ro8 a&itation. ?our body is &o1erned by the sa8e la0 in this
s$rin& rene0in& and re<!rystalli@ation o4 its ele8ents. "o re!ei1e the 4ullest
bene4it o4 the heatin& and rene0in& ele8ent o4 s$rin&, you should rest
0hene1er you 4eel li3e restin&, 0hether it be the 8iddle o4 the day or the
8iddle o4 the ni&ht. 94 you 3ee$ the body or 8ind at 0or3 a&ainst their
in!lination<<i4 you 4or!e your 8us!les to e#ertion throu&h 8ere stren&th o4
0ill<<i4 you 0or3 0ith either 8ind or body to the 1er&e o4 utter e#haustion,
not 3no0in& ho0 de$leted you are o4 stren&th until your 0or3 is o1er, as
thousands on thousands do and are !o8$elled to do, throu&h our unnatural
syste8 o4 li4e and the arbitrary de8ands o4 >business,> you $re1ent this
healin& and re!u$erati1e $o0er 4ro8 a!tin& to its 4ullest e#tent on the body.
?ou $re1ent the ne0 ele8ent, 0hi!h is rene0in& the tree and !ausin& the
buds to s0ell, 4ro8 assi8ilatin& 0ith your body. ?ou hold on to 0orn<out
ele8ent 0hi!h should be !ast o44 as the oa3 has !ast all its dead lea1es be4ore
the 0inter is o1er7 you !arry, then, this dead ele8ent, a >dead 0ei&ht,> about
0ith you, instead o4 the ne0 and u$0ard risin& li4e. 9t is this, a8on& other
!auses, 0hi!h stoo$s the shoulders, blea!hes the hair, and 4urro0s the 4a!e
0ith 0rin3les, throu&h shrin3a&e o4 tissues.
"he de!ay o4 the $hysi!al body 0hi!h 0e !all >old a&e,> is o0in& entirely to
8anDs neither belie1in& nor 3no0in& that he !an $la!e hi8sel4 in the $ro$er
!onditions to re!ei1e a ne1er<!easin& su$$ly o4 4or!e, 0hi!h 0ould re!lothe
the s$irit !onstantly 0ith ne0 8aterial. +ere 8us!ular stren&th and !onstant
a!ti1ity o4 body are not al0ays si&ns o4 the 8ost $er4e!t health. 9n the
deliriu8 o4 4e1er a relati1ely 0ea3 8an 8ay reBuire t0o or three others to
hold hi8. -hen this deliriu8 has $assed a0ay, he is 0ea3 as an in4ant, yet
o4ten, the !risis bein& $assed, is $ronoun!ed out o4 dan&er. 9n a 8anner
so8e0hat si8ilar in the 0al3s o4 business, in the 3een, al8ost 4ier!e
!o8$etition o4 trade, thousands o4 $eo$le lead a 4e1erish, e#!ited li4e. "hey
are al0ays on a tension. "hey de8and to be in this state. "hey !annot 0or3
unless >strun& u$> to a !ertain $it!h. 94, at ti8es, throu&h natureDs o0n
de8and 4or rest, their ner1es are rela#ed and they 4eel lan&uid, they 8ista3e
this 4riendly si&nal 4or so8e 4or8 o4 disease, and treat it a!!ordin&ly.
1en in these !ases, 0hen laid 4or 0ee3s or 8onths on si!3<beds, and nursed
throu&h 0hat is !alled a >dan&erous illness,> and belie1in& it to be one, they
so8eti8es !o8e out at last better and stron&er than they had been 4or a lon&
$eriod $re1ious. -hy. Be!ause throu&h this en4or!ed !essation 4ro8
$hysi!al or 8ental a!ti1ity, nature 0as 0or3in& as 0ell as she !ould under
!ertain un4a1orable !ir!u8stan!es, rebuildin& a 0orn<out body, and as a
result the 8an arose 0ith ne0, 4resh ele8ent in his bones, 8us!les, and
ner1es, $ut there be!ause nature had then his body laid u$ in Buiet, so that it
!ould be re$aired.
94 you 0ill but entertain this idea o4 s$rin&Ds rene0in& 4or!e res$e!t4ully,
thou&h you !annot belie1e it thorou&hly at 4irst, you 0ill re!ei1e 8u!h hel$
by su!h res$e!t4ul entertain8ent7 4or i4 you do not 3i!3 a li1e truth out o4
your 8ind 0hen it 4irst $resents itsel4, it 0ill ta3e root and li1e there, and
$ro1e itsel4 by doin& you &ood.
+en, throu&h in!essant $hysi!al toil, 0ear out 4ar sooner than is &enerally
reali@ed. "he hardy sailorDs >hardiness> o4ten lasts but a 4e0 years. :e is o4ten
an old 8an at 4orty<4i1e. "he toilin& 4ar8er, 0ho 0or3s the year round 4ro8
early da0n till dar3, and thin3s 0or3 to be the &reatest 1irtue in the 0orld, is
o4ten a 8ass o4 bony 3nobs and rheu8atis8 at 4i4ty. "he a1era&e duration o4
li1es o4 hard labor is 8u!h less than those &i1en to o!!u$ations reBuirin& less
$hysi!al lu&&in&, strainin&, and 4a&&in&, hour a4ter hour, 0hen the body is
really e#hausted.
9n the 8ines o4 )ali4ornia, 0here 9 s0un& a $i!3 4or years, and 0or3ed 0ith
&an&s o4 8en, li4tin&, 0heelin&, and sho1elin&, 9 noted that the last three
hours o4 a dayDs 0or3 o4 ten and so8eti8es t0el1e hoursD len&th, 0as done by
the 8en, stron& as they 8i&ht be, 0ith 4ar less s$irit than the earlier dayDs
labor,<<in 4a!t it 0as o4ten a 8ere $retense o4 0or3, unless the 0at!h4ul eye
o4 the >boss> 0as !onstantly on his 8en. -hy. Be!ause $hysi!ally they 0ere
no lon&er 4it to 0or3. 9t 0as only 0ill that 0as ur&in& 8us!le to e#ertion.
%nd o4 the stout, >hardy> 8iners, a&ed t0enty< 4i1e or thereabout, 0ho 0ere
so 0or3in& in 1860, and 0ho $ersisted in su!h drud&ery, a lar&e 8a=ority are
dead, and o4 those 0ho are ali1e today, 4our<4i4ths are bro3en<do0n 8en.
9n the 3in&do8 o4 nature, 0e 4ind $eriods o4 rest !onstantly alternatin& 0ith
$eriods o4 a!ti1ity. "rees rest durin& the 0inter. "he !ir!ulation o4 sa$ is
slu&&ish. "here is no !reation o4 lea4, blosso8 or 4ruit. -ild birds and
ani8als a4ter the su88er breedin& season, do little sa1e eat and slee$. So8e
ani8als and re$tiles slee$ durin& the entire 0inter. 1en soil 8ust rest to
brin& the best !ro$. -here it is 4or!ed, throu&h !onstant arti4i!ial 4ertili@ation,
the $rodu!t is in4erior in 4la1or and nourishin& Buality to that raised on
>1ir&in soil.> Disease, bli&ht, and destru!ti1e inse!ts so8e un3no0n to
1e&etation in its natural state. -hen 8an re!o&ni@es the 4a!t that he !annot
use his body year a4ter year, 4ro8 the buddin& stren&th o4 youth to the a&e o4
4orty or 4i4ty under su!h a 4ull, un!easin& $ressure o4 ner1e or 0ill $o0er
0ithout &reat in=ury, and 0hen he does re!o&ni@e the 4a!t that throu&h
$la!in& hi8sel4 o4tener in rest4ul and re!e$ti1e states, as do tree, bird, and
ani8al in their natural state, he 0ill then, throu&h re!ei1in& 4ar 8ore o4 this
ele8ent, en=oy a 4ar &reater health o4 body, elasti!ity o4 8us!le, 1i&or and
brillian!y o4 8ind. :e 0ould also ha1e other senses and $o0ers a0a3ened
0ithin hi8, 0hose e#isten!e is still doubted by 8ost $eo$le.
So8e Oriental and 9ndian ra!es ha1e, to an e#tent, the uses o4 these senses
and $o0ers, $artly by reason o4 their 8ore rest4ul li1es and their li1in& li3e
tree and ani8al, 8ore in !on4or8ity to the in4luen!e on the8 o4 the seasons.
"hey ha1e not our do8ineerin&, a&&ressi1e 4or!e, 0hi!h in1ades and
!onBuers 4or a ti8e, as n&land has !onBuered 9ndia, and our o0n $eo$le
ha1e subdued and al8ost e#ter8inated the 9ndian. But 8ar3A this 4or!e does
not !onBuer in the end. "he thou&ht<$o0er 0hi!h 0or3s 8ost 0hile the body
is relati1ely ina!ti1e, is really the stron&est and ulti8ately $re1ails. 9t is
subtle, noiseless, unseen. -or3in& 0ith the hi&hest 8oti1e, it re4ines and
$olishes the rude, 0arli3e, !onBuerin& ra!es, by &ra4tin& on the8 the
!i1ili@ation o4 the !onBuered. 9n su!h 8anner 0as the art and !i1ili@ation o4
!onBuered &y$t trans4erred to the %ssyrian. )enturies a4ter0ard the
!onBuered %ssyrian trans4erred this $o0er to !onBuerin& Gree!e. Gree!e 4ell
be4ore ;o8e, yet Gre!ian !i1ili@ation held s0ay in ;o8e. ;o8e 4ell
$hysi!ally be4ore the Goths and ,andals, the then sa1a&e ra!es o4 Northern
uro$e7 but in the 3in&do8 o4 8ind it is the in4luen!e o4 an!ient 9taly 0hi!h
has been the &reat 4a!tor in re4inin& the Goth, :un, and ,andal o4 a&es a&o
into the 8ode8 Ger8an, Fren!h8an, S$aniard and 9talian. 1ery !on1ulsion,
a&itation, and !onBuest has 8ade this $o0er ta3e root on a 0ider 4ield.
"oday the best n&lish 8ind is seriously studyin& the la0s 0hi!h at last it has
re!o&ni@ed in 9ndia, and that 4or!e is in a sense to subdue n&land, 4or she is
already sittin& at the 4eet o4 9ndia, re!ei1in& her 4irst lessons in the al$habet
o4 la0s and 4or!e, hitherto Buite unre!o&ni@ed by her learned 8en.
>-hat $o0er is this.> you as3<<>:o0 &ained. :o0 de1elo$ed.> 9t is the
$o0er !o8in& o4 8inds united on one $ur$ose, in $er4e!t !on!ord, and 0ho
do not use it all in $hysi!al a!ti1ity. For i4 you $ut all your thou&ht or 4or!e in
the 0or3in& o4 the 8e8bers o4 your body, in 0or3in& 0ith your hands at any
!allin& day in and day out, year in and year out, 0ith no re&ard to the
i8$ulses and instin!ts o4 ti8es or seasons, you 3ee$ all that 4or!e 0or3in&
8erely the 9nstru8ent<<the body<<and 0earin& it out. ?ou $re1ent it 4ro8
o$eratin& at a distan!e 4ro8 the body. ?ou $re1ent also the in4lo0in& and
assi8ilation o4 this re!u$erati1e $o0er o4 s$rin&. ?ou breed the habit o4
3ee$in& the body al0ays in 8otion. ?ou $re1ent yoursel4 4ro8 &ettin& that
order o4 slee$ 0hi!h 0ould brin& your body the 8ost stren&th 4or the 0a3in&
hours. For i4 the body or 8ind is 4a&&ed out day a4ter day, the sa8e order o4
thou&ht $re1ails and is 4a&&in& it out by ni&ht. ?ou breed the belie4 and error
that you are a!!o8$lishin& nothin& unless at 0or3 0ith body or brain. ?ou
!annot &et into that state o4 re$ose 0hen your thou&ht<$o0er !ould 0or3 at a
distan!e and a$art 4ro8 your body, and brin& you in ti8e a hundred<4old
8ore o4 bene4i!ial result than !an e1er be reali@ed throu&h 8ere $hysi!al
"he Buality in the $lantDs lea4, root, or berry, 0hi!h, 0hen ta3en as 8edi!ine,
a!ts on the internal or&ans, is the 4or!e in that $lant, liberated throu&h the
di&esti1e $ro!ess. "he stren&th you &et 4ro8 bread or 8eat is 4or!e liberated
4ro8 the 4ood in the sa8e 8anner. Di&estion is a slo0 burnin& u$ o4 the
8aterial ta3en in the body, as !oal is burned in the boiler, and the 4or!e 4reed
by su!h burnin& you use to 0or3 the body as the en&ineer uses heat to run the
en&ine. "he ne0er the bud, the 8ore tender is its out0ard 8aterial 4or8ation,
yet that bud, 0hen used 8edi!inally, !ontains the 8ost a!ti1e 4or!e, $rin!i$le,
and Buality o4 the $lant. "he !hoi!est and stron&est tea is 8ade o4 the to$8ost
and tenderest buds o4 the $lant. 9n )ali4ornia, the bud o4 the $oison oa3
a44e!ts so8e $eo$le thou&h they only stand near it, so &reat is an in=urious
4or!e it sends out in the air. "he tender buds o4 s$rin& !ontain that 4or!e
0hi!h, later on, 0ill 8a3e the 8ore solid lea4 or bran!h. 9n your o0n
or&ani@ation in the s$rin& are the sa8e tender, buddin& ele8ents. So, i4 your
body is 0ea3 in the s$rin&, it is a si&n that the ne0 buds, so to s$ea3, 0ithin
you are 4or8in&. "hey are 4ull o4 4or!e. But that 4or!e has not had ti8e to a!t
on your 8aterial or&ani@ation and 4or8 the ne0 bone, 8us!le, and sine0
0hi!h 0ill !o8e at a later $eriod. $ro1idin& su!h buddin& or ne0
!rystalli@ation be not a&itated, disturbed, and $ossibly destroyed by undue
e#ertion o4 8ind or body, 0here the sa8e relati1e da8a&e is done your body
as 0ould be done the buddin& tree by a hurri!ane.
Possibly you say, >But ho0 !an 9 !arry on 8y business and earn 8y bread i4 9
so lay 8y body u$ 4or natureDs re$airs.> -e ans0er, >D"he la0s o4 8anDs
business are not the la0s o4 nature. 94 nature says D;estD and 8an says D-or3,D
and 0ill 0or3 or 8ust 0or3, 8an al0ays &ets the 0orst o4 it.> -hat so!iety
!alls 1i!ious $ra!ti!es or habits are nor the only a&en!ies 0hi!h brin&
disease, $ain, and death. "housands $erish annually in lin&erin& a&ony on
res$e!table beds, and in the >best so!iety.> )onsu8$tion, !an!er, insanity,
dro$sy, rheu8atis8, s!ro4ula, 4e1ers, ra&e are e1er ra&in& a8on& the 8ost
!orre!t $eo$le, 4ro8 the !on1entional stand$oint. -hy is this.
94 you are in !onditions o4 li4e 0here at $resent it is i8$ossible to &i1e
yoursel4 needed rest and you 4eel thorou&hly the need o4 su!h rest, you 8ay
rely u$on it that your $ersistent desire, your $rayer, your i8$erious de8and
that you shall ha1e o$$ortunity to re!ei1e and $ro4it by natureDs restorin&
4or!es, 0ill brin& you in so8e 0ay the o$$ortunity to so $ro4it by the8.
-hen any need is thorou&hly 4elt, the thou&ht and desire !o8in& o4 su!h
4eelin& is itsel4 a $rayer<<a 4or!e 0hi!h 0ill brin& you hel$s and ta3e you out
o4 in=urious surroundin&s and 8odes o4 li4e. -e re$eat this assertion o4ten. 9t
needs 4reBuent re$etition. 9t is the 8ain<s$rin& o4 all &ro0th and ad1an!e into
a ha$$ier and 8ore health4ul li4e. "he )hrist o4 Gudea e8bodied this &reat
la0 in the 0ords, >%s3, and ye shall re!ei1eA see3, and ye shall 4ind, 3no!3,
and it shall be o$ened unto you.> :e 0isely 8ade no atte8$t to e#$lain this
8ystery 0hereby earnest hu8an thou&ht, desire, or as$iration al0ays in ti8e
brin&s the thin& or result desired. For this and other 8ysteries are
ine#$li!able, and so 4ast as any alle&ed !ause is &i1en 4or any !ertain result in
natureDs 0or3in&s, do 0e 4ind a dee$er 8ystery in the 1ery !ause.
-e say, >0ind is air in 8otion.> -hat sets it in 8otion, and 3ee$s it in
8otion. On!e 0e >e#$lained> the tides on the theory o4 the 8oonDs attra!tion.
But a$art 4ro8 the tides, 0hat $o0er 3ee$s in 8otion the &i&anti! syste8 o4
!urrents e1er tra1ersin& the o!eans, re1ealed 8ore 4ully durin& the last 4orty
years. -hat $o0er 3ee$s our lun&s breathin& day and ni&ht, or the blood
runnin& to e1ery $art o4 the body. %re not all o4 these o4 the $o0er o4 God,
or the in4inite s$irit or 4or!e o4 &ood, 0or3in& 0ithin you as it 0or3s in
e1erythin& that li1es and &ro0s. Only to us is at last &i1en the 3no0led&e to
0or3 this $o0er intelli&ently. "he body o4 the tree, ani8al, and bird de!ays at
last, throu&h la!3 o4 su!h intelli&en!e. So, in the $ast, has 8anDs 8aterial $art
de!ayed. But this is not al0ays to be. DD"he last &reat ene8y to be destroyed,>
says Paul, >is death>7 i8$lyin& that as 8anDs 3no0led&e and 4aith in the
0onder4ul 4or!es about hi8 and in hi8 in!reased, he 0ould dis!o1er better
and better ho0 to $la!e hi8sel4 in the line o4 the 0or3in& o4 these 4or!es, and
in so doin& 8a3e the 8ortal $art i88ortal, throu&h in!essant rene0al o4 4iner
and 4iner ele8ents.
- belie1e that i88ortality in the 4lesh is a $ossibility, or, in other 0ords,
that a $hysi!al body !an be retained so lon& as the s$irit desires its use, and
that this body instead o4 de!reasin& in stren&th and 1i&or as the years &o on
0ill in!rease, and its youth 0ill be $er$etual.
-e belie1e that the re$uted 4ables in the an!ient 8ytholo&ies re4errin& to the
>i88ortals> or bein&s $ossessed o4 $o0ers other and &reater than >8ortals >
ha1e a 4oundation in 4a!t.
"his $ossibility 8ust !o8e in a!!ordan!e 0ith the la0 that e1ery de8and or
$rayer o4 hu8anity 8ust brin& su$$ly. "here is no0 a 8ore earnest de8and
than e1er 4or lon&er and 8ore $er4e!t $hysi!al li4e, be!ause no0 8ore 8inds
see the &reater $ossibilities o4 li4e. "hey a$$re!iate 8ore than e1er the 1alue
o4 li1in& in the $hysi!al. Su!h de8and o4ten ta3es this 4or8 o4 e#$ression, > 9
ha1e =ust learned ho0 to li1e and it is nearly ti8e 4or 8e to die.>
"he body 0ill &ro0 to these results throu&h a &radual series o4 s$iritual
$ro!esses, o$eratin& on and e1er<!han&in&, s$irituali@in& and re4inin& the
8aterial. "hese $ro!esses do not retain the body a $erson 8ay ha1e no0.
"hey retain >a body,> and an e1er !han&in& and re4inin& body.
%ll disease Ela!3 o4 $hysi!al easeF or si!3ness !o8es o4 a s$iritual $ro!ess,
the ai8 o4 0hi!h is re!onstru!tion o4 the $hysi!al body, 4irst in the re!ei1in&
o4 ne0 ele8ents, and se!ond in the !astin& out o4 old ones.
Ba!3 o4 this $hysi!al re!onstru!tion, ho0e1er, there is &oin& on the 4ar 8ore
i8$ortant re!onstru!tion o4 the s$irit out o4 0hi!h is built the body. "hese
$ro!esses are !ontinually &oin& on 0ith the body, o$eratin& throu&h the s3in,
the sto8a!h, and other or&ans, as 0ell as in the $eriods o4 $hysi!al
$rostration or indis$osition abo1e re4erred to.
%ll si!3ness is an e44ort o4 the s$irit rene0ed by 4resh in4lu# o4 4or!e to !ast
o44 old and relati1ely dead 8atter. But as this intent has not been re!o&ni@ed
by the ra!e, the s$iritual $ro!ess or e44ort 0ith its a!!o8$anyin& $ain and
dis!o84ort has been held and 4eared as a si&nal or a$$roa!h o4 death. So 0ith
no 3no0led&e o4 s$iritual la0, and =ud&in& e1erythin& by the 8aterial, the
te8$orary and ne!essary 0ea3ness o4 body a!!o8$anyin& the $ro!ess has
been !onsidered an un8iti&ated ill. Su!h belie4 has in the $ast only aided the
s$irit to $ile on itsel4 8ore and 8ore o4 belie4 in the untruth that a4ter a
!ertain ter8 o4 years no $o0er or 4or!e in the uni1erse !ould $re1ent the
$hysi!al body 4ro8 >a&in&,> shri1elin&, 0ea3enin&, and 4inally $erishin&.
"he body is !ontinually !han&in& its ele8ents in a!!ordan!e 0ith the
!ondition o4 the 8ind. 9n !ertain 8ental !onditions, it is addin& to itsel4
ele8ents o4 de!ay, 0ea3ness and $hysi!al death7 in another 8ental !ondition,
it is addin& to itsel4 ele8ents o4 stren&th, li4e and $er$etual li4e. "hat 0hi!h
the s$irit ta3es on in either !ase are thou&hts or belie4s. "hou&hts and belie4s
8ateriali@e the8sel1es in 4lesh and blood. Belie4 in ine1itable de!ay and
death brin&s 4ro8 the s$irit to the body the ele8ents o4 de!ay and death.
Belie4 in the $ossibility o4 an e1er<!o8in& in4lo0in& to the s$irit o4 li4e
brin&s li4e.
94 ne0 li4e is bein& thus added to you, there 8ust also be an a!!o8$anyin&
thro0in& o44 o4 the old or relati1ely dead 8atter o4 the body, =ust as 0hen an
in4lu# o4 ne0 li4e !o8es to the tree in the s$rin& it !asts o44 the dead lea1es
0hi!h 8ay ha1e !lun& to it all 0inter.
"hrou&h si8ilar in4lo0in& o4 ne0 li4e or 4or!e does the ani8al and bird
yearly shed the old 4ur or 4eathers and ta3e on the ne0, and !orres$ondent
!han&es ta3e $la!e throu&hout the 0hole or&ani@ation o4 bird, ani8al and
"his s$iritual la0 0or3s in all 4or8s and or&ani@ations o4 the !ruder 4or8 o4
s$irit 0e !all >8atter.> 9n the hu8an bein& this in4lu# o4 4or!e is &reater than
in the lo0er 4or8s o4 li4e. 9t does not 4lo0 eBually to all hu8an bein&s. So8e
re!ei1e 8ore than others. But in the !ourse o4 ad1an!e8ent 8en and 0o8en
are to !o8e 0ho 0ill re!ei1e so 8u!h o4 this in4lu# as to be obli&ed to see
these 4urther $ossibilities o4 e#isten!e, and also to reali@e the8.
-hen ne0 ideas or thou&hts are re!ei1ed by our hi&her 8ind or sel4, they are
0arred a&ainst by our lo0er or 8aterial 8ind. "he body is the battle &round
bet0een these t0o 4or!es, and there4ore su44ers. %s 8inds !o8e to trust e1en
to a s8all e#tent in the Su$re8e Po0er and entertain the idea that $hysi!al
disease and $hysi!al death are not absolute ne!essities, the hi&her Po0er
8ust $re1ail. So8e old error 0ill be !ast out7 so8e ne0 idea 0ill !o8e to
stay7 the body 0ill be better and stron&er a4ter ea!h su!!eedin& stru&&le, and
these stru&&les 0ill also &radually be!o8e less and less se1ere, until they
!ease alto&ether.
Peo$le ha1e in the $ast lost their $hysi!al bodies, be!ause, bein& in i&noran!e
o4 the 4a!t that si!3ness is a $ro!ess 4or the s$irit to thro0 o44 the old 8aterial
thou&ht and ta3e on ne0, they ha1e used their 4or!es in the 0ron& 0ay to
retain su!h thou&ht. "hey retain it by their belie4. ?our belie4 0ill 8a3e your
si!3ness a bene4it or an e1il to you. 94 you !an but entertain the belie4 that it is
a s$iritual $ro!ess 4or &ettin& rid o4 old 0orn<out ele8ents, you assist &reatly
the 8ind in the $er4or8an!e o4 this $ro!ess. 94, ho0e1er, you belie1e that
si!3ness is entirely a $hysi!al !ondition, and that no bene4it and only e1il
!o8es o4 it, you are usin& 4or!e only to load do0n the s$irit 0ith 8ore and
8ore error o4 0hi!h your 4lesh and blood 0ill be in Buality an e#$ression,
until at last your s$irit re=e!ts the body it has been tryin& to !arry, and dro$s
its burden. 9t re=e!ts at last the 0hole body throu&h the sa8e la0s by 0hi!h it
re=e!ts a $art o4 it 0hen that $art is s$iritually dead.
94 you re!ei1e 0ith s!orn the thou&ht that your $hysi!al body throu&h 4resher
and 4resher rene0al o4 9ts substan!e !an be 8ade $er$etual, you !lose to
yoursel4 an entran!e 4or li4e, and o$en another to de!ay and death.
-e do not ar&ue that you >ou&ht> to belie1e this. ?ou 8ay be so 8entally
!onstituted that you !annot no0 belie1e it. "here are 8any thin&s to be in the
4uture 0hi!h none o4 us ha1e no0 the $o0er to belie1e. But 0e !an i4 the
thin& dee8ed i8$ossible be desirable, $ray or de8and a 4aith 0hi!h shall
&i1e us a reason 4or belie1in&, and su!h 4aith 0ill !o8e in res$onse to
Faith 8eans $o0er to belie1e in the true, or the !a$a!ity 4or the 8ind to
re!ei1e true thou&hts. "he 4aith o4 )olu8bus in the e#isten!e o4 a ne0
!ontinent 0as a $o0er in hi8 to entertain su!h idea &reater than others o4 his
ti8e. Peo$le 0ho to use the !o88on e#$ression > ha1e 4aith in the8sel1es,>
ha1e also an a!tual $o0er 4or !arryin& our their underta3in&s &reater than
those 0ho ha1e no 4aith in the8sel1es. -hen you de8and 4aith in
$ossibilities 4or yoursel4 that no0 see8 ne0 and stran&e7 you de8and, also,
the $o0er and ability to dra0 to you the !a$a!ity to see or 4eel reasons 4or
truths ne0 to you. 94 you de8and $ersistently the truth and only the truth you
0ill &et it, and the 0hole truth 8eans $o0er to a!!o8$lish see8in&
>"hy 4aith hath 8ade thee 0hole> said the )hrist o4 Gudea to a 8an 0ho 0as
healed. "o us this $assa&e inter$rets itsel4 as 8eanin& that the $erson healed
had an innate $o0er o4 belie1in& that he !ould be healed. "his $o0er 0hi!h
0as o4 his o0n s$irit Eand not o4 )hristDsF so a!ted on his body as instantly to
!ure his in4ir8ities. )hrist 0as a 8eans o4 a0a3enin& this $o0er in that
8anDs s$irit. But )hrist hi8sel4 did not &i1e the $erson that $o0er. &t war
latent in the person healed. )hrist 0o3e it into li4e, and $robably only
te8$orary li4e and a!ti1ity, 4or 0e do not hear that any o4 the re!orded !ases
o4 sudden healin& in those ti8es 0ere $er8anent. "hey 4ell si!3 a&ain and
4inally lost their bodies. -hy. Be!ause the 4aith or $o0er they dre0 to
the8sel1es 4or a brie4 ti8e did not !o8e to stay. "hey had not learned to
in!rease it !ontinually throu&h silent de8and o4 the Su$re8e Po0er. "heir
s$irits 0ent ba!3 into the do8ain o4 8aterial belie4. -hen that belie4 a&ain
8ateriali@ed a load on the s$irit hard to !arry, and they 0ere si!3, not one
0as at hand li3e the )hrist to a0a3en it into a te8$orary 4aith or $o0er.
No $erson !an be!o8e $er8anently 0hole E0hi!h i8$lies a8on& other
$o0ers, i88ortality in the 4leshF and ha1e entire and $er8anent 4reedo8
4ro8 disease, 0ho is e1er trustin&, or leanin& on any other sa1e the Su$re8e
to &ain the $o0er o4 4aith. 9n this res$e!t e1ery 8ind 8ust stand entirely
alone. ?ou !annot dra0 the hi&hest $o0er i4 you de$end al0ays 4or hel$ 4ro8
another or others. 94 you do you are only borro0in& or absorbin& their 4aith.
Su!h borro0ed 4aith 8ay 0or3 0onders 4or a ti8e, but it does not !o8e to
stay. -hen that o4 0hi!h you borro0 is !ut o44, you 0ill 4all into the slou&h
o4 des$ond and disease a&ain. ?ou had really ne1er dra0n 4ro8 the ri&ht
sour!e<<the Su$re8e.
Our 8ost $ro4itable de8and or $rayer 8ade !ons!iously or un!ons!iously is
> Let 8y 4aith be e1er in!reased.>
-hen you re1erse your 8ental attitude re&ardin& si!3ness and do but
entertain the belie4 that it is an e44ort o4 the s$irit to thro0 o44 errors in
thou&ht 0hi!h as absorbed and re!ei1ed 4ro8 earliest in4an!y are
8ateriali@ed in your 4lesh, you &radually !ease to load u$ 0ith error. ?ou
!o88en!e also the $ro!ess o4 unloadin& and !astin& out all 4or8er errors in
thou&ht. "he si!3ness you had 8any years a&o in 4ear o4 death has in a sense
$a!3ed a0ay that $arti!ular re8e8bran!e o4 su!h 8ood o4 4ear in your bein&,
and 0ith it the belie4 that a!!o8$anied su!h re8e8bran!e. "hat belie4 has
been 0or3in& a&ainst you all these years as all 0ron& belie4 8ust 0or3
a&ainst you.
9t is literally a $art o4 your real bein&, as all $ast indi1idual re8e8bran!es
and e#$erien!es are a literal $art o4 our bein&s. 9t is retained in your s$iritual
8e8ory, althou&h its 8aterial re8e8bran!e 8ay ha1e 4aded out. "hat
re8e8bran!e is in thou&ht a reality. But it is the re8e8bran!e o4 a 4alse
belie4, tea!hin& that death and de!ay !an ne1er be o1er!o8e. "his belie4, the
re1ersed a!tion and state o4 your 8ind 0ill !ast out. But su!h !astin& out
8ust ha1e a !orres$ondent e#$ression in the 4lesh. "he $hysi!al e#$ressions
o4 all your 4or8er !ou&hs and !olds, 4e1ers and other illness 8ust rea$$ear, at
4irst $ossibly se1ere, but &radually in a 8odi4ied 4or8. ?ou are then
unloadin& your old 4alse belie4s. But i4 your belie4 is not re1ersed and you &o
on as be4ore, re&ardin& $hysi!al de!ay and death as ine1itable, then 0ith
e1ery illness in su!h 8ental !ondition you $a!3 a0ay another error, another
untruth, and another addition to the load o4 untruths, 0hose !ertain e44e!t,
added to the rest, is to 0ea3en, !rush, and 4inally !ause the body to $erish.
"here is no $eriod in the >$hysi!al li4e> too late 4or re!ei1in& or entertainin&
the truth. "here is no $eriod too late 4or su!h truth to !o88en!e its $ro!ess o4
$hysi!al rene0al, and thou&h that $arti!ular $hysi!al li4e 8ay not be
$er$etuated, yet the s$irit in re!ei1in& su!h truth re!ei1es a 4or!e 0hi!h 0ill
be o4 $ri!eless 1alue to it on the unseen side, and by its aid it 8ay be able the
sooner to build 4or itsel4 a 8ore $er4e!t s$iritual body, and the ulti8ate o4 the
relati1ely $er4e!ted s$iritual body is the $o0er to be and li1e in the $hysi!al
and s$iritual real8s o4 e#isten!e at 0ill.
94 you hold to the idea that 8an3ind are al0ays to &o on as in the $ast, losin&
their bodies, and are also to re8ain 0ithout the $o0er to 3ee$ those bodies in
$er4e!t health, then you set your belie4 a&ainst the eternal 4a!t that all thin&s
in this $lanet are e1er 8o1in& 4or0ard to &reater re4ine8ent, &reater $o0ers,
and &reater $ossibilities.
+edi!ine and 8aterial re8edies 8ay &reatly assist the thro0in&<o44 $ro!ess.
% s3illed and sy8$atheti! $hysi!ian o4 any s!hool 8ay be o4 8u!h
assistan!e. 1erythin& de$ends on the 8ind and belie4 in 0hi!h you ta3e the
8edi!ine and the $hysi!ianDs ad1i!e. 94 you re&ard both as aids to your s$irit
in thro0in& o44 a load and buildin& 4or you a ne0 body, you &i1e in su!h
belie4 &reat hel$ to the s$irit, so to thro0 o44 and build. But i4 you re&ard both
8edi!ine and $hysi!ian as aids only to the body, and a body also 0hi!h you
hold 8ust at best 0ea3en and $erish so8e ti8e durin& the ne#t thirty, 4orty or
4i4ty years, you 0ill load u$ 0ith belie4 in error 4aster than you !ast it o44, and
the load be!o8es at last too hea1y 4or the s$irit to !arry.
-hat !auses the 8an or 0o8an to be >bo0ed do0n by a&e.> -hat !auses
the stoo$in& shoulders, the 0ea3ened 3nees, the totterin& &ait. Be!ause they
belie1e only in the earthly and $erishable. "he s$irit is not earthly nor
$erishable. But you !an load it do0n literally 0ith an earthy Buality o4
thou&ht 0hi!h 0ill >bo0 it do0n to0ard the earth 0ith su!h burden.>
9t is not the $hysi!al body o4 the old $erson that is bent and bo0ed do0n. 9t is
that $art 0hi!h is the 4or!e 8o1in& the body, that is, his or her s$irit loaded
0ith 8aterial thou&ht 0hi!h it !annot a$$ro$riate or assi8ilate, 0hi!h
be!o8es so bent, bo0ed and 0ea3. "he body is al0ays an e#ternal
!orres$onden!e o4 your 8ind or s$irit.
% body thus e1er rene0in&, beauti4yin&, 4reshenin& and stren&thenin& 8eans
a 8ind behind it e1er rene0in& 0ith ne0 ideas, $lans, ho$e, $ur$ose and
as$iration. Li4e eternal is not the hal4 dead li4e o4 e#tre8e old a&e.
"he $erson 0ho !an see only the $hysi!al side and te8$orary e#$ression o4
li4e, 0ho eats and drin3s in the belie4 that only the body is a44e!ted by less
eatin& and drin3in&, 0ho belie1es that the body is sustained only by 4or!e,
&enerated 0ithin itsel4, and that it is not 4ed o4 an unseen ele8ent !o8in&
4ro8 the s$iritual real8 o4 ele8ent, and 0ho belie1es that nothin& e#ists but
0hat he !an see, hear and 4eel 0ith the $hysi!al sense Ethat is the 8aterial
0hi!h is al0ays the te8$orary and $erishableF, dra0s to hi8sel4 8ostly those
4or!es and ele8ents 0hi!h !ause the te8$orary and $erishable, and these
a!tin& in his body 8a3e it te8$orary and $erishable.
Death o4 the body be&ins 0ith thousands 8any years be4ore they are in their
!o44ins. "he $ale 4a!e, and $ar!h8ent<!olored s3in, 8eans a hal4 dead s3in. 9t
8eans a $ortion o4 the body on 0hi!h the s$irit 0or3s the !astin&<out $ro!ess
o4 dead ele8ent, and ta3in& on o4 the ne0 1ery i8$er4e!tly. 9n the 4reshness
o4 in4an!y and early youth, the s$irit !ast out and too3 on 8ore 1i&orously.
%s years 0ent on untruth 0as absorbed by that s$irit. 9ts &ro0th in
3no0led&e 0as 8ore and 8ore retarded. ;es$ondin& $hysi!al !han&es
be!a8e slo0er and slo0er. "he body !o88en!es to sho0 >si&ns o4 a&e,> that
is to die. Be!ause su!h s$irit 0as less and less 4ed o4 that ele8ent 0hi!h
brin&s !onstant rene0al o4 ne0 thou&ht 0hi!h is ne0 li4e.
So 4ar does the belie4 and 4aith in 0ea3ness and de!ay $re1ail 0ith the ra!e
that 0isdo8 is o4ten alle&ori!ally $ortrayed as an old 8an, &ray, baldheaded,
bo0ed and sustained by a sta44. "hat 8eans a 0isdo8 0hi!h !annot $re1ent
its o0n body 4ro8 4allin& to $ie!es. 9n that 4or8 o4 bein& 0e !all the !hild Ea
s$irit or 8ind ha1in& !o8e in $ossession o4 a ne0 bodyF, there is 4or a $eriod
a &reater s$iritual 0isdo8 than 0hen the !hild is $hysi!ally 8ore 8atured. 9t
is the un!ons!ious 0isdo8 o4 intuition. 9t is 4or a ti8e 8ore o$en to the truth.
For su!h reason, u$ to the a&e o4 ei&hteen or t0enty, the s$iritual !astin& o44
and ta3in& on $ro!esses 0ith the body are 8ore $er4e!tly $er4or8ed. "hese
relati1ely ra$id !han&es in the $hysi!al 8aintain the bloo8 and 4reshness o4
youth. Sooner or later, ho0e1er, the hi&her s$iritual $ro!ess !eases &radually
to o$erate. Belie4s in the 4alse, as tau&ht or absorbed 4ro8 others, 8ateriali@e
the8sel1es in the body des$ite all the resistan!e o4 the hi&her 8ind as
e#$ressed in $ain and si!3ness. "he load o4 belie4 in the earthy and $erishable
a!!u8ulates. "he body assu8es an a$$earan!e in !orres$onden!e 0ith su!h
thou&ht. %t last the hi&her 8ind re4uses lon&er to !arry su!h a burden, 4lin&s
it o44, and lea1es a dead body.
"he death o4 the body is then the 4inal $ro!ess 4or !astin& o44 !ruder ele8ent
4ro8 the s$irit 0hi!h it !an no lon&er use or a$$ro$riate. But it is 1ery
desirable 4or the s$irit to be able to 3ee$ a $hysi!al body 0hi!h shall re4ine as
the s$irit re4ines, be!ause in su!h eBuality o4 re4ine8ent bet0een the s$irit
and its instru8ent, our in!rease in ha$$iness is &reatly ad1an!ed, and the
relati1ely $er4e!ted roundin& out o4 our $o0ers !annot be reali@ed until this
union bet0een s$irit and body is e44e!ted.
-hen the )hrist o4 Gudea said to the elders o4 9srael o4 the little !hild,
>#!e$t ye be!o8e as this !hild ye !annot enter the Hin&do8 o4 :ea1en,> he
8eant as the te#t inter$rets itsel4 to us, that they should be!o8e as o$en to
that in4lo0in& o4 4or!e as that s$irit Ethe !hildF 0as at that $eriod o4 its
e#isten!e. -ere su!h in4lu# 8aintained, the youth o4 the body 0ould be
"he !hild is 8ore >led o4 the s$irit> than the &ro0n<u$ $erson. 9t is 8ore
natural. 9t dis!ards $oli!y. 9t sho0s o$enly 0ho8 it li3es and 0ho8 it does
not. 9t has o4ten 8ore intuition. 9t 0ill disli3e a bad 8an or a bad 0o8an
0hen its $arents see no e1il in that $erson. 9t 3no0s or rather 4eels 4ar 8ore
re&ardin& li4e than its $arents &i1e it !redit 4or. But it !annot 1oi!e its
thou&hts in 0ords. ?et the thou&hts are still there. 9t has not learned to train
itsel4 to the double<4a!ed !usto8 o4 the 0orld 0hi!h s8iles in your 4a!e and
sneers behind your ba!3. 9t is relati1ely natural. 9ts s$irit 4or a ti8e &i1es
itsel4 4ree e#$ression. -hen the s$irit loses this 4reedo8 o4 e#$ression 0hen
0e $retend 0hat 0e are not, 0hen 0e say >?es> out0ardly and thin3 >No>
in0ardly, 0hen 0e !ourt only to &ain a 4a1or, 0hen 0e 4eel an&er or
disa$$oint8ent or irritation 0ithin and $retend !ontent and ha$$iness
0ithout, 0e be!o8e 8ore and 8ore unnatural in all tastes and desires. -e
blunt and 4or a ti8e destroy all the hi&her s$iritual senses and $o0ers. -e
be!o8e unable to distin&uish truth 4ro8 4alsehood. -e are unable to 4eel
s$iritually 0hat 4aith 8eans, 8u!h less to dra0 this &reat and indis$ensable
$o0er to us, and 0ithout this dra0in& $o0er the $hysi!al body 8ust be !ast
o44 by the s$irit.
"he body in dyin& does not >&i1e u$ the &host.> 9t is the &host Ethe s$iritF that
re=e!ts the 8aterial body. 9ts s$irit, throu&h !astin& o44 unbelie4, be!o8es
8ore and 8ore a!!essible to thou&hts and thin&s that are true, and, there4ore,
&ro0s to 8ore and 8ore $o0er, it 0ill, a!tin& in all $arts and 4un!tions o4 the
body, o$erate the !astin&<o44 $ro!ess 8ore and 8ore Bui!3ly, as it does in the
8aterial youth. 9t 0ill re4use or re=e!t throu&h the $hysi!al senses o4 tou!h or
taste anythin& 0hi!h 0ould in=ure or adulterate it. 9t !an attain to su!h $o0er
that an a!ti1e $oison i4 a!!identally $la!ed in the 8outh 0ould be instantly
dete!ted and re=e!ted, or it s0allo0ed 0ould be instantly !ast 4ro8 the
9t is not the $hysi!al sto8a!h 0hi!h re=e!ts 4ood un4it 4or it or !asts out the
nauseous dose. 9t is the s$irit 0hi!h 8o1es the or&an to su!h a!tion throu&h a
3no0led&e o4 its o0n, that the !ast<out substan!e is un4it 4or it. 9t is so un4it
be!ause there is no s$irit nor Buality in the re=e!ted ele8ent 0hi!h !an
assi8ilate 0ith and hel$ the s$irit. %s your s$irit &ro0s in $o0er this
sensiti1eness to all thin&s 0hi!h !an do it e1il, be they o4 the seen or unseen
0orld o4 thin&s, 0ill in!rease. 9t &ro0s 3eener and 3eener to the a$$roa!h or
$resen!e o4 e1erythin& e1il, and !asts it o44. 9t 0ill 0arn you instantly o4 the
e1il or desi&nin& $erson. 9t 0ill tell you 0hat is sa4e and 4it 4or your
asso!iation. 9t 0ill at last !ast out or re4use to re!ei1e all e1il thou&hts 0hi!h
no0 you 8ay daily re!ei1e un!ons!iously, and 0hi!h 0or3 8ore har8 than
anythin& 8aterial !an do, 4or by the8 the s$irit is $oisoned.
%s 4aith in!reases 8any 8aterial aids 0ill be !alled in by the s$irit 0hi!h 0ill
&reatly hel$ the rene0in& $ro!esses. "hese aids 0ill !o8e in the sele!tion o4
4oods, in !hoosin& $ro$er asso!iations and other !han&es o4 habit and
!usto8. But it is the s$irit 0hi!h 8ust $ro8$t and dire!t these 8aterial aids.
-hen su!h $ro8$tin& !o8es you 0ill be obli&ed to 4ollo0 it. "he 4ood to be
a1oided, you 0ill not be able to eat. ?our taste 0ill re=e!t it. "he asso!iation
in=urious to you, you 0ill not be able to 3ee$ !o8$any 0ith. "he habit to be
!han&ed 0ill dro$ o44 easily and naturally.
But i4 you 8a3e any ri&id rules 4or yoursel4 in these 8atters in the ho$e they
0ill tend to s$irituali@e you, you are allo0in& the 8aterial sel4 to ta3e the
8atter in hand. "he 8aterial or lo0er 8ind is then tryin& to &i1e the la0 and
rule and re4ine the s$iritual or hi&her sel4. Let the s$irit in!reased in 4aith, do
the 0or3, and 0hen the ti8e !o8es 4or you to re=e!t any ani8al 4ood or any
o4 the &rosser ele8ent in any 4or8, the desire and relish 4or these 0ill ha1e
9n statin& our belie4 that i88ortality in the 4lesh is a $ossibility, 0e do not
in4er that it is one 0hi!h any no0, $hysi!ally ali1e, 8ay reali@e. Neither do
0e in4er it is one they !annot reali@e. Nor do 0e ar&ue that $eo$le should
i88ediately set to 0or3 in any 8aterial sense in order to >li1e 4ore1er.> -e
hold only that it is one result 0hi!h 8ust !o8e sooner or later o4 that s$irit
e1olution or &ro0th 4ro8 the !ruder to the 4iner, 0hi!h has al0ays been
o$eratin& on this $lanet and on e1ery 4or8 o4 8atter. +atter is s$irit
te8$orarily 8ateriali@ed so as to be e1ident to !orres$ondent $hysi!al sense.
%s 0e &ro0 in the 4aith o4 these s$iritual $ro!esses 4or !astin& out the old and
ta3in& in the ne0, and !onseBuently reali@e the a!!o8$anyin& &reater
re4ine8ent or s$irituali@ation o4 the body, 0e shall aid 8ore and 8ore those
0ho are nearest us in the unseen side o4 li4e. For as 0e be!o8e 8ore
s$irituali@ed in the 4lesh they are hel$ed to 8ateriali@e 8ore o4 the s$irit. 9n
other 0ords, 0e shall be!o8e $hysi!ally tan&ible ea!h to the other, be!ause
in the 8aterial thou&ht 0e !ast o44 there e#ists an ele8ent 0hi!h they !an
a$$ro$riate to 8a3e the8sel1es 8ore 8aterial. "heir s$iritual bodies are also
under the sa8e la0s as re&ards the thro0in& o44 and ta3in&<on $ro!ess. -hat
they thro0 o44 as !oarser to the8 is the 4iner and 4it 4or us, "his ele8ent 0e
s$iritually absorb. 9t is 4or the ti8e and !ondition a !ertain s$iritual 4ood and
li4e 4or us. "hrou&h 0hat they thro0 o44 0e are aided to s$irituali@e the body.
"hrou&h 0hat 0e thro0 o44 they are aided to 8ateriali@e the s$irit.
-:? 8ay 0e not 8aintain a le1el o4 serenity o4 8ind. -hy are 0e so
sub=e!t to $eriods o4 de$ression.
9t is be!ause, no 8atter ho0 0ell<$ositioned you are in a!!ord 0ith your ideal
o4 li1in&, you are still to a &reater or less de&ree a44e!ted by the dis!ordan!e
0hi!h rei&ns about you. %re you &entle and hu8ane to0ard the ani8al
!reation. "he 0ild birds, your 4ree $ets 0ho !o8e and build their nests in the
&ro1e, are 8urdered 4or s$ort or &ain be4ore your eyes and you are Buite
hel$less to $re1ent it. ?ou li1e a8id a s!ene o4 in!essant !ruelty and
slau&hter. "he ani8als 4ostered by 8anDs !are are bred under arti4i!ial
!onditions and thereby de1elo$ed into unnatural and really unhealthy
&ro0ths 4or his a8use8ent or $ro4it. "his re4ers to all 8anner o4 >4an!y
breedin&.> Nature 0hen le4t alone does best 4or bird or ani8al, and the birds
or ani8als ha1e their indi1idual ri&hts as 0ell as 8an. % strained and 8orbid
taste 0ill &ro0 an enlar&ed and diseased li1er in a &oose to 8a3e thereo4 a
!ertain dish. ?our ra!e are so &ro0in& disease all about you. Disease 8eans
8ental as 0ell as $hysi!al unha$$iness. Dire!tly and indire!tly this
unha$$iness a44e!ts you.
"he 4iner your or&ani@ation and the 8ore o$en is it to a 4iner li4e, the 8ore
easily annoyed is it here by the 8any ills about it. ?ou !an hardly &o abroad
0ithout su44erin& 8ental or $hysi!al $ain. ?our houses, !ars and boats in
0inter are o1erheated and 4ull o4 no#ious 1a$ors 4ro8 the 4uel used, as 0ell
as e8anation 4ro8 the hu8an bodies $a!3ed in the8. ?ou 8ay be obli&ed to
slee$ in roo8s 0here this unhealthy heat is $artly relied on to 0ar8 your
0hen at rest. ?ou 8ust breathe it 0hen in the un!ons!ious state o4
re!u$eration, and a0a3e 0ith it in!or$orated into your bein&. ?ou are liable
to eat staleness and de!ay at the best o4 your $ubli! tables. ?ou are $ained by
s!enes o4 !ruelty, brutality and in=usti!e. "hat is the $redo8inant thou&ht
a!ti1e in the at8os$here o4 the !ro0d, and it a44e!ts your thou&ht.
"here is thou&ht, or i4 you $lease so to !all it, 8ental a!tion e8bodied in
e1ery 8aterial thin& about you, and the bri&htness or dar3ness o4 the thou&ht
de$ends on the !ondition o4 the 8aterial thin&. "he eatin& o4 stale 4ruit or
1e&etables 8ay indire!tly &i1e you the blues. "he li1e 4resh 4ruit &i1es you
li4e. De!ay is the disor&ani@ation o4 8atter. ?ou 0ant to 4eed on the $er4e!t
or&ani@ation, neither o1er nor under ri$e. ?ou 0ant it, i4 $ossible, 0hen the
arti!le 4ed u$on is at its 4ullest sta&e o4 li4e, so that you 8ay re!ei1e that li4e.
?ou 1iolate i&norantly, un!ons!iously, and e1en 4or the ti8e, ne!essarily,
8any la0s o4 $hysi!al and 8ental health. ;elati1e to 4ood, air, 0ar8th, as
s$o3en o4 abo1e, you 8ay al0ays ha1e been de$endent on arti4i!ial $ro$s.
?ou 0ere born so de$endent. ?ou 8ay ha1e !o8e into the 0orld 0ith a body,
the $artial de1elo$8ent o4 arti4i!ial and i8$ro$er 4ood, and an arti4i!ial li4e
brou&ht do0n to you throu&h the blood o4 8any &enerations.
"his arti4i!ial li4e 8ust in so8e 0ay brin& $ain. ?our al!oholi! sti8ulant
bri&htens 4or the 8o8ent but lea1es a 8u!h lon&er $eriod o4 $ain behind it.
But the e1il o4 al!ohol is really s8all as !o8$ared 0ith s!ores o4 !auses 4or
hu8an ills in daily a!ti1e o$eration about you in $la!es !ro0ded 0ith $eo$le,
and all the 8ore dan&erous 4ro8 bein& Buite un3no0n.
?ou as3, 0hy e1en in solitude you !annot 8aintain a !ertain e1enness and
serenity o4 8ind o4 0hi!h you reali@e su44i!ient to lon& 4or.
%ssu8in& that in the $ast you ha1e been diseased $hysi!ally, and o4 !ourse
8entally, do you e#$e!t to be instantly !ured o4 su!h a lon& illness. )ertain
habits o4 thou&ht !annot be other0ise than &radually re8o1ed. So 0ith
!ertain habits o4 body !onseBuent on su!h habits o4 thou&ht, su!h as the habit
o4 hurry, the habit o4 0orry, the habit o4 layin& undue stress on thin&s not the
8ost need4ul 4or the hour7 the habit o4 trouble borro0in& and 8any others,
0hi!h $er8eate and in4luen!e e1ery a!t o4 li4e. "heir !o8bined e44e!t is
e#haustion, and e#haustion is the real 8other o4 8ost o4 the ills 4lesh is heir
-hate1er e#hausts the body, be the 8oti1e 4or e44ort o4 &ood or ill,
bene1olen!e or sel4ishness, lessens the $o0er to resist these 8any !auses 4or
$ain and !onseBuent de$ression o4 s$irits.
So lon& as earthiness or &rosser s$irit has the as!endan!y, 0e see 8ostly on
the earth side. -e sense 8ostly the re$ulsi1e in the indi1idual. -e are slo0 to
see the &ood. -e !an li3e but 4e0. -e disli3e 8any. But 0hen s$irit &ains the
as!endan!y, this is re1ersed. -e see then !learly the &ood in all. -e are
thereby attra!ted 8ore or less to all. %nd as 0e 4ind the &ood in all, 0e &et
&ood, 4ro8 all. -e !ease then to be so stron&ly re$elled by indi1idual
$re=udi!es. -e lo1e 8ore than 0e hate. -hile earthiness $re1ails 0e hate
8ore than 0e lo1e. -e see 8ore to loathe and detest than to ad8ire. -e are
blinded to the &ood and too sensiti1e to the e1il. Seein& and 4eelin& then
8ore o4 e1il than &ood, 0e are in=ured by it. "o hate, to be stron&ly
$re=udi!ed, to be unable to hear 8ention o4 the loathed $ersonDs na8e 0ithout
a thrill o4 indi&nation or dis&ust, is to be !ontinually in4li!tin& 0ounds on
sel4. "o be able to ad8ire, to ha1e the !lear si&ht to dete!t the &ood in the
lo0est nature and to 3ee$ the e1il out o4 si&ht, is a sour!e to us o4 stren&th, o4
health, o4 !ontinual in!rease o4 $o0er. Lo1e is $o0er. ?ou are al0ays the
stron&er 0hen 9n a !ondition o4 ad8iration.
%ttra!tion is the La0 o4 :ea1en, re$ulsion that o4 arth. S$irituality is
attra!ted to 0hat it 4inds o4 itsel4 any0here. 9t sees the dia8ond in the rou&h,
thou&h e8bedded in the !oarsest 8ould. 9t sees the &er8 o4 su$erior Buality
in the !oarsest nature. 9t !an 4i# its eye on that &er8, and hide 4ro8 itsel4 the
!oarser ele8ents. 9n so doin& it thro0s its $o0er on that &er8, and 0ar8s it
into li4e. "he basest nature 8ounts to its hi&hest le1el in the $resen!e and
under the in4luen!e o4 the hi&her. "here is little need 4or the true 8issionary
to $rea!h in 0ords. :e or she e#hales an at8os$here o4 di1inity 0hi!h is 4elt
by all. Pre!e$ts need to be 4elt 8ore than heard. "he $re=udi!ed a&ainst the
sinner is only a s$iritual $or!u$ine. :e stin&s all he tou!hes.
So lon& as 0e 4eel that stron& re$ulsion, throu&h seein& only the de4e!ts in
another, so lon& are 0e ruled by su!h senti8ent. -e are in 4etters. -e are in
his or her $resen!e so 4ull o4 hatred as to be unable to assert the better $art o4
oursel1es. %ll our o0n e1il is !alled out and !o8es to the 4ront. "here is only
the !lashin& o4 o$$osin& 0ills. 9n su!h !ase, 0e, thou&h in reality the 8ore
$o0er4ul $arty, be!o8e the 0ea3er 4or the ti8e bein&. -e are obli&ed to
allo0 the $u$il 0ho8 0e should tea!h by e#a8$le to do8ineer o1er us.
)yni!is8 is born o4 re$ulsion and $ersonal $re=udi!e !arried to its e#tre8e.
"he !yni! ends by 4indin& e1erybody unbearable and at last hates hi8sel4. No
!yni! 0as e1er in &ood health. )yni!is8 is blood $oisonin&. "he !yni! is
e1er huntin& 4or the ideal 0ithout. :e should 4ind it 0ithin. "his 0hen on!e
4ound 0ould be e1er !reatin& ideals 4ro8 all 0ithout. :is o0n lo1in& s$irit
0ould &ra4t and build itsel4 or all 0ith 0ho8 he !a8e in !onta!t.
Di1inity is also !onta&ious. "hat 0ould be a $oor Di1ine Plan 0hi!h allo0ed
only e1il to be in4e!tious. Goodness is !at!hin&. 9n &ood ti8e the 0orld 0ill
learn that health is also. But hitherto 8an3ind ha1e so 8u!h 4eared and e1en
ad8ired the de1il, as to ha1e a!!redited e1il only 0ith ino!ulatin& Buality,
0hile all 8anner o4 &ood is su$$osed to be drilled into $oor hu8an nature by
$ain4ul and laborious $ro!esses.
"here !annot be the hi&hest health and 1i&or 0ithout as$iration and $urity o4
thou&ht. Pure thou&ht brin&s the $urest blood. 98$ure thou&ht, des$ondent,
ho$eless, re$inin&, 4ault<4indin&, 4ret4ul slanderous thou&ht is !ertain to 8a3e
the blood i8$ure and 4ill the syste8 0ith disease. -ithout as$iration your
best !are 4or the body 0ill be relati1ely o4 little hel$. ?ou 8ay as to &arb and
$erson be s!ru$ulously !lean7 you 8ay $ay the ut8ost attention to diet7 yet
a4ter all you are but !leanin& the outside o4 a 1essel 0hi!h 0ithin is e1er
4illin& u$ 0ith un!leanliness.
-ith an e1er in!reasin& $urity o4 thou&ht, !leanliness and !are 4or the body
0ill !o8e as a natural result. "he 1essel 0ill !lean itsel4. Pro$er !are 4or the
body in all res$e!ts 0ill be a lo1in& e44ort 4or that body. Bathin& 0ill not be
an en4or!ed tas3 but a re!reation. Diet 0ill be re&ulated by the natural
de8and o4 a$$etite. "aste or relish 0ill be the standard 4or a!!e$tan!e or
re=e!tion. #!ess 0ill be i8$ossible, so 0at!h4ul 0ill be the healthy $alate to
re&ard the 4irst 4aint si&n o4 su44i!ien!y as the si&nal to !ease any 3ind o4
indul&en!e. 9t is this as$iration 4or the hi&hest and best that in ti8e !auses an
a!tual ne0 birth o4 the body<<a total >re4or8ation> throu&hout in the Buality
and !o8$osition o4 4lesh, bone, blood, 8us!le and sine0s7 a !han&e in the
8aterial or&ani@ation !orres$ondin& 0ith that o4 the s$iritual. "he 4lesh by it
is s$irituali@ed, that is, 8ade u$ o4 4iner ele8ents. 9n all as$irin& 8inds is this
$ro!ess &oin& on. "he rule o4 s$irit o1er 4lesh brin&s $er4e!t i88unity 4ro8
disease, intensi4ies e1ery $o0er, &i1es 4ar &reater !a$a!ity 4or e44ort in any
4ield, and at the !lose o4 the arth li4e ensures a $ainless $assin& out o4 the
s$irit<<a si8$le 4allin& to slee$ o4 the earthly body and a 0a3in& u$ on the
other, the s$iritual side o4 li4e.
"he $ath o4 sel4<healin& lies in the !allin& 4or the ele8ents o4 health and
stren&th, to dri1e out disease. "hat is you $ray 4or su!h ele8ents and they
!o8e to you. Stren&th or 1i&or is an ele8ent o4 s$irit or 8ore re4ined 8atter.
"he 8ore o4ten is your 0ill e#er!ised in $rayin& 4or it, the Bui!3er 0ill it
!o8e. "his is the se!ret 4or the $er$etual 8aintenan!e and in!rease o4 1i&or
or any other desired Buality. -hen sensible<<by si&ns Bui!3ly dete!ted<<o4
la!3 o4 $o0er, !all, $ray, desire 8ore. 9ts ra$$ort 0ith the ele8ents !auses
su!h $o0er i88ediately to 4lo0 in u$on it. ?ou 8ay be!o8e 0eary. ?our
0ill $ut thus in o$eration !auses an i88ediate in4lu# o4 stren&th, as soon as it
$la!es itsel4 in !ertain !onditions 4or su!h in4lo0in&.
Say you arise in the 8ornin& 0ea3, lan&uid, 0ith no $hysi!al or 8ental
ener&y. Hee$ your 8ind as 8u!h as you !an 4ro8 d0ellin& on your ail8ent.
Hee$ it as 8u!h as you !an on the thou&ht o4 stren&th, 1i&or, health, a!ti1ity.
%s aids to ere!t this 4ra8e o4 8ind, 4i# it as 8u!h as you !an on illustrations
and sy8bols o4 NatureDs 4or!e and $o0er, on stor8 and te8$est, on the
hea1in& billo0 and 8a=esty o4 the O!ean, on the +ornin& Sun risin& in all his
&lory to re4resh and in1i&orate 8an, ani8al and 1e&etation. 94 there be in
$rose or $oetry any illustrations o4 this !hara!ter 0hi!h a44e!t you stron&ly,
re!ur to the8. ;ead the8, aloud or in silen!e. Be!ause in so doin& you are
settin& the 8ind in the ri&ht dire!tion to re!ei1e stren&th. 9n brie4 thin3 o4
stren&th and $o0er and you 0ill dra0 it to you. "hin3 o4 health and you &et
it. Let your 8ind d0ell on 0ea3ness, on ne1er &ettin& 0ell, on the dar3 side,
on e1erythin& o4 dis!oura&e8ent, &loo8 and dar3ness and you dra0 to you
the !ontrary and hurt4ul ele8ents.
%s de!ay attra!ts and &enerates de!ay in the thin&s 0e see, so does any 0ea3
de!ayin& order o4 thou&ht attra!t its li3e o4 the thin&s 0e do not see.
Cn!ons!iously 8any si!3 and ailin& $eo$le nurse their !o8$laints 8ore than
they nurse the bodies !arryin& su!h !o8$laints. "hey are al0ays thin3in& o4
the8 and tal3in& o4 the8. "hey a!tually !ra1e sy8$athy 4or the hurt 8ore
than 4or the body a44li!ted 0ith it. %nd the sy8$athy so brou&ht out 4ro8
surroundin& 4riends, a!tually nourishes the in=ury and in!reases the ail8ent,
0hen the thou&ht o4 $atient and 4riends should be $la!ed on a stron& healthy
body 4or the $atient. "he 8ore o4 su!h thou&ht !on!entrated on the $atient
4ro8 those about hi8 or her, the 8ore o4 dra0in& $o0er you ha1e to brin&
1i&or to the one a44li!ted.
Bear in 8ind it is not here ar&ued that su!h relie4 !an al0ays be i88ediate. %
8ind lon& un!ons!iously set in the o$$osite dire!tion o4 d0ellin& on sel4
0ea3ness, !annot i88ediately re1erse its 8o1e8ent and set itsel4 in the
!ontrary and stren&th<dra0in& dire!tion. 9t 8ay ha1e be!o8e so habituated
and trained to d0ell on the dar3 side as to be al8ost unable to 4i# itsel4 on
any other. But as the atte8$t is 8ade and $ersisted in, 8ore and 8ore $o0er
0ill !o8e to $ut it in the desired stren&th attra!tin& 4ra8e. "he e44ort 8ust be
8ade. 9t 8ay ta3e ti8e, but e1ery ato8 o4 e44ort so 8ade is an a!!retion o4
stren&th 0hi!h !an ne1er be lost.
Do not de8and arbitrarily or des$oti!ally that any 8e8ber o4 your body &et
0ell o4 a hurt, that any or&an or 4un!tion be!o8e stron&er. ?our body is as a
0hole an indi1idual se$arate 4ro8 your s$irit and 0ith a $e!uliar $hysi!al li4e
o4 its o0n, as a 0hole it is an or&ani@ation 8ade u$ o4 a nu8ber o4 other
or&ani@ations, ea!h !har&ed 0ith a s$e!i4i! duty, as the eye to see, the ear to
hear, the ton&ue to taste, the sto8a!h to di&est, the lun&s to breathe. %ll o4
these are in a sense indi1idual or&ani@ations. a!h is o$en to the enli1enin&,
!heerin& e44e!t u$on it o4 the ele8ent !alled > lo1e> and that ele8ent you !an
send it. Banda&e a hurt, lo1in&ly, tenderly and the ele8ent not only ins$ires
the !are4ul, tender treat8ent, but it &oes into the hurt. 9t a!ts as a sal1e and a
stren&th. 9t &radually binds and unites the ru$tured $arts. Bind it 0ith
indi44eren!e, bind or 0ash it as an ir3so8e tas3 and the senti8ent ins$ires not
only a !areless and e1en rou&h treat8ent, but 4ails so to sal1e and stren&then
it 0ith the needed ele8ent<<lo1e. Bind it 0ith a!tual hatred and you are sel4<
$oisonin& the $art a44e!ted. :ate is the ele8ent o4 $oison, Lo1e o4 healin&.
"he sa8e $rin!i$le and $ro!ess a$$lies to the 0ea3 eye, the dea4ened ear or
any ailin& or 0ea3 or&an. -ill at ti8es your a44e!tion dire!t to the ailin&
8e8ber, and in that s$irit as3 it to re!o1er its stren&th. Be not deterred by the
a$$arent si8$li!ity o4 this state8ent, but try it. 94 you are i8$atient or an&ry
at eye, or ear, 4or not bein& $er4e!t in their o44i!e, you do but thro0 that
ele8ent o4 i8$atien!e on those or&ans. ?ou 4ret and annoy the8 in their
e44orts to do their best. "here is as yet no su!h thin& as a relati1ely $er4e!ted
li4e a8on& our ra!e. Be!ause su!h a li4e 8eans a li4e and a body 0ithout
disease or $ain, and also a li4e 0ithout the $resent 4or8 o4 death to the body.
% relati1ely $er4e!ted li4e 8eans a li4e 0hereby a 8ind or s$irit has &ro0n to,
or &athered so 8u!h $o0er by si8$ly as3in& or $rayin& 4or $o0er7 or in
other 0ords, settin& that 8ind as a 8a&net in the $ro$er attitude to attra!t
$o0er, that it shall be able !onstantly to re!u$erate or 8a3e o1er the body
0ith 4resher, ne0er and 4iner 8aterial, and also to $ut this body on or ta3e it
o44, 8ateriali@e it at $leasure, as did the )hrist i88ediately a4ter his
!ru!i4i#ion. "he Ge0s had only destroyed his 8aterial body. "he s$irit o4
)hrist had $o0er to re<!lothe itsel4 0ith a ne0 body. O4 this another re!ord
illustration is the $ro$het li=ahDs translation to :ea1en. "hat 0hi!h his
!o8$anion lisha sa0 0as li=ahDs s$iritual or 4iner body, the !ounter$art o4
his 8aterial body, and this body 0as o4 su!h 4ine ele8ent that it had !o8e
into the do8ain o4 and !ould 8a3e use o4 an attra!tion not yet re!o&ni@ed by
our s!ientists<<the attra!tion or $o0er 0hi!h dra0s u$0ard the o$$osite o4
the attra!tion o4 &ra1itation 0hi!h dra0s do0n0ard or to0ard the earth. "he
%ttra!tion o4 %s$iration.
1ery thou&ht or desire o4 ours to be nobler, 8ore re4ined, 8ore 4ree 4ro8
8ali!e, ill<0ill to others, and to do others &ood 0ithout e#a!tin& !onditions is
a thin&, a 4or!e o4 unseen ele8ent 0hi!h does a!tually tend or dra0 u$0ard,
or in other 0ords, a0ay 4ro8 the earth or any 4or8 o4 that !ruder ty$e o4
s$irit seen o4 the $hysi!al eye, or a$$arent to the bodyDs tou!h 0hi!h 0e !all
8atter. "his the as$irin& order o4 thou&ht you dra0 4ro8 the hi&her real8s o4
s$irit or ele8ent e1ery ti8e you 0ish, $ray, or desire it. ?ou are dra0in& to
you then, that o4 unseen ele8ent 0hi!h in!or$orates itsel4 0ith your body
and s$irit, and it then !o88en!es literally to dra0 you to0ard the real8 and
ele8ent o4 &reater, broader, $urer li4e e#istent in @ones or bands about our
$lanet. 9t 0ill, as you $ersist in this as$irin& thou&ht, 8a3e you stand 8ore
ere!t. "he $hrase >the u$ri&ht 8an> or 0o8an i8$lies that the e44e!t o4 this
unseen ele8ent so brou&ht you o4 as$iration 8a3es you $hysi!ally as 0ell as
s$iritually u$ri&ht. 9t li4ts e1ery $hysi!al or&an into $la!e. 9t is the thou&ht
!urrent dra0in& 4ro8 abo1e the 8ood o4 i8$ure or i88ature thou&hts the
8ood o4 un0ise or $ersonal sel4ishness 0hi!h see3s only $ersonal
&rati4i!ation 0ithout thou&ht or !are o4 others. "he thou&ht or 8ood o4
&loo8, dis!oura&e8ent, sel4 de$re!iation !o8es o4 the the o1errulin&
attra!tion o4 earthly seen or $hysi!al thin&s.
-hen you are ruled by the attra!tion o4 &ra1itation, or, in other 0ords, the
attra!tion o4 8aterial thin&s, it 0ill tend to 8a3e your shoulders rounded he
and stoo$in&, your head bo0ed and your eye do0n< !ast. ?our heart 0ill also
in so8e 0ay be literally bo0ed do0n throu&h &rie4, or 0orry, or an&er, or
so8e 4or8 o4 i88ature thou&ht or attra!tion !o8in& o4 seen thin&s or !ruder
4or8s o4 s$irit. 1ery or&an o4 the body 0ill be si8ilarly dis$la!ed and tend
to0ard the earth. "here is al0ays bet0een thin&s and 4or8s 8aterial and
thin&s and 4or8s s$iritual, an e#a!t and literal !orres$onden!e. "he sha$e o4
e1ery 8an and 0o8anDs body, the e#$ression o4 the 4a!e, their e1ery &esture
and 8anneris8 to the !roo3 o4 a 4in&er, and their $hysi!al health, is an e#a!t
!orres$onden!e o4 their s$iritual !ondition or, in other 0ords, o4 the state o4
their 8inds. 9t is a du$li!ation in seen 8atter and 8o1e8ent o4 0hat they are
thin3in& in unseen 8atter.
%s you are ruled 8ore and 8ore by the attra!tion o4 as$iration, the desire to
be 8ore and 8ore o4 a God or Goddess, the deter8ination to !onBuer all the
e1il 0ithin you, 0hi!h is the only 0ay to !onBuer any and all e1il outside o4
you, your 4or8 0ill in a!!ordan!e &ro0 8ore u$ri&ht, your eye 0ill be 8ore
o$en and u$li4ted, your heart 0ill be >li4ted u$,> your !hee3s 0ill bloo8 0ith
4resher !olor, your blood 0ill 4ill 8ore and 8ore 0ith a 4iner and $o0er4ul
ele8ent, &i1in& to your li8bs stren&th, 1i&or, su$$leness and elasti!ity o4
8o1e8ent. ?ou are then 4illin& 8ore and 8ore 0ith the li#ir o4 Li4e, 0hi!h
is no 8yth but a s$iritual reality and $ossibility.
Our ra!e hitherto has been do8inated by the attra!tion o4 $hysi!al thin&s or
seen ele8ent. 9t has said there is nothin& in e#isten!e but 0hat !an be seen or
4elt o4 the outer in4erior or !oarser senses, and !onseBuently there has been
nothin& else to us. % 8an 8ay $erish o4 thirst surrounded by s$rin&s o4 !ool
0ater, and i4 he 3no0 not o4 su!h s$rin&s there are none 4or hi8. Our
!ondition has been analo&ous to that.
-ith the 8ore $er4e!ted ra!e o4 the 4uture on this $lanet there 0ill be no
$ain4ul death o4 the body as at $resent. 1ery su!h $ain4ul death is the dire!t
result o4 sin and trans&ression o4 the La0 o4 Li4e. "he endin& o4 the body o4
the 4uture 0ill be the birth or de1elo$8ent o4 a ne0 $hysi!al body 4or 0hi!h
the old one shall ser1e as a shell or en1elo$e until the ne0 one is ri$e and
ready to !o8e 4orth in a 8anner analo&ous to the de1elo$8ent o4 the 8oth or
butter4ly 4ro8 the !o!oon. Su!h &ro0ths and transitions 0ill ta3e $la!e at
lesser and lesser inter1als, until at last the s$irit 0ill &ro0 to su!h $o0er that
it !an 0ill and attra!t to itsel4 instantly out o4 surroundin& ele8ents a body to
use so lon& as it $leases on this stratu8 o4 li4e "his is the !ondition 4oreseen
by Paul 0hen he said, >O Death, 0here is thy stin&. O &ra1e, 0here is thy
1i!tory.> %nd a&ain 0here he 0rites, >"he last &reat ene8y 0hi!h shall be
o1er!o8e is Death.> -e Buote Paul, be!ause no an!ient tea!her has 8ore
$lainly 4oreshado0ed these $ossibilities than he. Cndoubtedly they 0ere
3no0n to others both o4 the re!orded and unre!orded hu8an history o4 this
$lanet 0hi!h stret!hes ba!3 to $eriods 4ar 8ore re8ote than those in4erred in
the +osai! !reation.
"hese truths, these $ossibilities 4or a1oidin& de!ay, death and $ain, and
&ro0in& into and ta3in& on a ne0er and ne0er body, and ne0er, 4resher and
8ore 1i&orous li4e, 1itally a44e!t us o4 today. -e 8ust not re&ard these
state8ents as a44e!tin& only a !o8in& ra!e o4 $eo$le o4 so8e 4ar distant
4uture "hey a44e!t us. "hey are $ossibilities 4or us. -e ha1e belon&in& to us
the $o0ers 4or brin&in& to us ne0 ri4e and ne0 bodies. 94 you are not told o4
these your $o0ers ho0 !an you e1er use the8. ?ou are then as a $au$er
ha1in&, un3no0n to yoursel4, a thousand dollar ban3 note se0ed u$ in the
linin& o4 your ra&&ed !oat. "his 3no0led&e is 4or you the >$earl o4 &reat
$ri!e.> ?ou !annot sell this $earl. ?ou !annot trade it 4or that o4 your
nei&hborDs ?ou !annot a!!u8ulate your nei&hborDs $o0ers7 you !an only
&ro0 and use yours alone.
?ou 0onder $erha$s and say, >)an these truths, these 8ar1els belon& to our
!o88on<$la!e a&e and ti8e. >But ours is not a !o88on<$la!e, or $rosai!
a&e and ti8e. 9t is only our la!3 o4 seein& !learly 0hi!h 8ay 8a3e our ti8e
see8 !o88on<$la!e. -e li1e surrounded by the sa8e ele8ents, and 0e are
in $ossession o4 the sa8e $o0ers to &reater or lesser e#tent, 0hereby the
three youn& Ge0s $assed unhar8ed throu&h the 4iery 4urna!e<<0hereby the
Pro$het Daniel, throu&h e#er!ise o4 the su$erior 4or!e o4 hu8an thou&ht,
Buelled the 4ero!ity o4 the lions in the den7 0hereby Paul shoo3 o44 the
ser$entDs 1eno87 0hereby the +an o4 Na@areth $er4or8ed his 0onder4ul
0or3s. > -as not this GodDs $o0er.> you as3. ?es, the $o0er o4 God or the
9n4inite and in!o8$rehensible s$irit o4 ternal Good 0or3in& in and throu&h
these :is !hildren, as the sa8e $o0er !an 0or3 in and throu&h us the 8ore
0e !all it to us, de8and it, i8$ortune it and de$end u$on it. 9t is si8$ly the
$o0er o4 the hi&her 8ind o1er the lo0er or !ruder 8ind. %ll seen ele8ent, or
as 0e !all it 8atter, is e#$ression o4 the lo0er or !ruder 8ind. ;o!3s, hills,
!louds, 0a1es, trees, ani8als and 8en, are all 1aryin& e#$ressions o4 the
lo0er !ruder 8ind. "he $o0er o4 8ind o1er 8atter 8eans the $o0er o4 the
hi&her 8ind o1er all these e#$ressions o4 the lo0er 8ind.
"he as$iration, the earnest $rayer or de8and to be better, to ha1e 8ore
$o0er, to be!o8e 8ore re4ined, 0ill brin& 8ore and 8ore o4 the 4iner
ele8ents and 4or!es7 that is s$irit to you. But the 8oti1e $ust be the natural
heart<4elt @ealous 0ish to i8$art 0hat you re!ei1e to others. ?ou !annot !all
the 4ullness o4 this $o0er to you i4 you intend li1in& only 4or sel4. ?ou 8ay
&et it to a de&ree and a!!o8$lish 8u!h by it. ?our de8and i4 li1in& only 4or
sel4 8ay brin& to you houses, 0ealth and 4a8e. But the de8and based on the
sel4ish 8oti1e 0ill in the end brin& only $ain, disease and disa$$oint8ent.
Chapter Thirteen - THE ACCESSION O$ NE THOU#HT
N- thou&ht is ne0 li4e. -hen an in1ention, a dis!o1ery 4irst brea3s on the
in1entorDs 8ind, it 4ills hi8 0ith =oy. "he blood in his 1eins sur&es 0ith a
4resher i8$etus. "he author or $oet is li4ted into e!stasy o4 e8otion by a ne0
!on!e$tion7 9 8ean the relati1ely 4e0 !reati1e authors and $oets<<not the
8any 0ho, borro0in& the 4ire o4 Genius, $ut it in their o0n lanterns and $ass
it o44, o4ten su!!ess4ully as their o0n.
>% $ie!e o4 &ood ne0s,> as 0e ter8 it in a $eriod o4 &loo8, de$ression,
dis!oura&e8ent7 the $ossible reali@ation o4 a ho$e, the re8o1al o4 an ill or
dan&er, is but a thou&ht a4ter all<<is but the $i!ture in the 8ind o4 the thin&
desired<<is not the thin& itsel4, yet ho0 it brin&s stren&th to the 0hole body.
%n entertainin& s$e!ta!le, a dra8a so $er4e!tly a!ted as to absorb all oneDs
attention, an inter1ie0 0ith one to 0ho8 0e are stron&ly attra!ted, a $ursuit,
or e#er!ise, or art, 0hi!h interests and 4as!inates<<all these are as 4ood and
nourish8ent, sti8ulation to the body, and in the absor$tion or e#!ite8ent o4
the 8o8ent, hun&er 4or 8aterial 4ood 8ay $ass a0ay or be 4or&otten.
So 0e do not li1e by bread alone. But our natures de8and e1er ne0 and
ne0er 4ood o4 thou&ht. "he $lay so !har8in& 0hen 4irst seen 8ay be!o8e
tireso8e throu&h re$etition. "he air so 4as!inatin& 0hen 4irst heard, be!o8es
0orn throu&h 4a8iliarity. "here 8ay e1en be lon&ed 4or, a !han&e 4ro8 the
Buality o4 the thou&ht o4 the 8ind 8ost attra!ti1e to us.
9 8ean 4or all these a !han&e, but only 4or a ti8e. "he $lay, the o$era, the
artist 8ay in ti8e be seen a&ain and 0ith in!rease o4 $leasure, either 4ro8 the
in4luen!e o4 4or8er asso!iation, or 4ro8 ne0 &ro0ths and shadin&s in the
artistDs renderin&, or 4ro8 ne0 !a$a!ity in oursel1es to see 0hat 0e !ould not
see be4ore. )all, then, all ne0 thou&ht, and i4 you $lease ne0 e8otion, 4ood<<
4ood as ne!essary to 8a3e the relati1ely $er4e!t $hysi!al and 8ental 8an or
0o8an as is the bread 0e eat. -e desire e1er 4resh 4ood7 0e si8ilarly desire
and need al0ays ne0 and 4resh thou&ht.
Old thou&ht<<!onstant re$etition o4 the sa8e thou&ht<<in1ol1es de!ay,
slu&&ishness o4 8ind, slu&&ishness o4 body.
Su$$ose that 0e rose ea!h 8orn 0ith the absolute !ertainty that ea!h day 0as
to be a day in1ol1in& to us 8ore or less o4 the e#!ite8ent o4 dis!o1ery in
so8ethin& use4ul and en=oyable, and also o4 si8ilar use to others<<so8ethin&
endurable 4or us and others<<endurable 4or eternity<<so8e une#$e!ted
bran!hin& out o4 yesterdayDs truth, 0hi!h 4or yesterday see8ed 4ully &ro0n<<
so8ethin& tellin& us ho0 li4e 8ay be 8ade still 4uller o4 durable and
har8less en=oy8ent7 so8e &reat la0 $rin!i$le in Nature re!o&ni@ed $ossibly
4or the 4irst ti8e in so8e hereto4ore !alled >little thin&,> in the 4all o4 a lea4,
in the !olorin& o4 a lea4 by the autu8nal 4rost, in its al8ost eBual 1i1idness o4
!olor !o8in& throu&h the heat o4 S$rin&.
-hat 8ust be the $leasure to an o$en and re!e$ti1e 8ind to 4ind today an
in!rease o4 i8$ro1e8ent in the Buality al8ost des$aired o4 yesterday<<an
in!rease o4 $atien!e in doin& the $er$le#in& 0or3 <<an in!rease o4 !oura&e<<
an in!rease o4 $er!e$tion to see beauty in 0hat yesterday it $assed by 0ith
indi44eren!e<<an in!rease o4 $o0er to !ontrol unruly a$$etite<<an in!rease o4
$o0er to dri1e a0ay un$leasant and there4ore in=urious thou&ht.
-ould not su!h be en!oura&in&, !heerin&, li4e &i1in&, health<&i1in&
thou&hts. "his order and a!!ession o4 e1er ne0 thou&ht 3no0s no sto$ in any
dire!tion. 9t saysA >%re you orderly today. ?ou 0ill 4ind so8e $o0er and
roo8 and !a$a!ity to be 8ore orderly to8orro0. >-as your last e44ort in
8usi!, in $aintin&, in !o8$osition, in a!tin&, in oratory, your &reatest
triu8$h.> >?ou 0ill 4ind so8e 0ay o4 8a3in& it 8ore $er4e!t to8orro0.>
"hat 0ill ta3e nothin& 4ro8 the last e44ort. 9t is only a 8ore beauti4ul and
deli!ate tint 4or so8e already beauti4ul $i!ture. "he !ons!iousness o4 su!h
ne1er<endin& &ro0th o4 i8$ro1e8ent is also 4ood 4or the &ro0in& 8ind,
other than bread. ?et it is bread. 9t is the >Bread o4 Li4e,> and to be desired as
>Our Daily Bread.>
-ould not also the thou&ht ea!h 8ornin& that a Great Po0er, an in4initely
0ise 8ind, 0as al0ays ready to &i1e 8ore 3no0led&e to hel$ you throu&h
troubles<<troubles 4ro8 0ithout and troubles 4ro8 0ithin. -ould not su!h
thou&ht, and the trust be&otten o4 it, be as 4ood, stren&th, and healthy
s$e!ially 0hen the reality o4 this Po0er and its ability to aid had been
$ro1en to you 8any ti8es, so that the ho$e had be!o8e a !on1i!tion. Grant
that ne0 thou&ht is healthy sti8ulation and also a ne!essary 4ood to a 8ore
$er4e!ted li4e and the Buestion arri1es, >:o0 shall 0e &et it.> 9n other 0ords,
>:o0 8ay 0e attune oursel1es or ho0 8ay 0e be!o8e 8ore re!e$ti1e to all
that is beauti4ul and use4ul in Nature.> For in our reli&ion the use4ul al0ays
i8$lies the beauti4ul. 9t is al8ost 4ar!i!al to ans0er, >Li1e a $ure li4e.> "hat
i8$lies so 8u!h7 so 8u!h in so 8any !ases to be done7 so 8u!h o4 inherent
tenden!y to be out&ro0n7 so 8any di44i!ulties to be 8et7 so 8any !onditions
ne!essary 4or su!h li4e so di44i!ult to 8a3e. "he desire 4or a!!u8ulation
see8s a La0 o4 our Natures. 9n its !ruder 0or3in& it a!!u8ulates 8oneyA in
its hi&her 4or8 it 0ould a!!u8ulate $o0ers and Bualities o4 8ind. >9 a8 J100
or J200 ri!her than 9 0as this 8ornin&,> says, 0ith satis4a!tion and $leasure
at ni&ht, the 8oney a!!u8ulator. "hat $leasant thou&ht is to hi8 a bit o4 the
bread o4 Li4e<<but not o4 endurin& li4e, or in the end, i4 at all healthy li4e.
>9,> 8ay say another 8an at ni&ht, >a8 ri!her than 9 0as this 8ornin& by so
8u!h 8ore $atien!e, by a bit 8ore o4 s3ill or de#terity in 8y art, by !ertain
3no0led&e o4 0hi!h 9 3ne0 nothin& t0enty 4our hours a&o.>
%re 0e yet 4ully a0a3ened to the thou&ht that 0e are re!e$ta!les 4or thou&ht
and 0ith thou&ht 3no0led&e, and 0ith 3no0led&e Po0er, and that our
!a$a!ity 4or re!ei1in& all these 8ay be li8itless, and that the su$$ly o4
3no0led&e, $o0er, ne0 thou&ht in the Cni1erse is li8itless also, and that it is
all ours to dra0 4ro8, and that the Ban3 !an no 8ore brea3 than ternity !an
"here are thousands o4 thin&s, e1ents and s!enes in your $ast li4e 0hi!h it is
8ore $ro4itable to 4or&et than to re8e8ber. By so 4or&ettin& you allo0
entran!e 4or ne0 idea, 0hi!h is ne0 li4e. By re8e8berin& you $re1ent the
!o8in& to you o4 su!h ne0 idea and li4e.
By >4or&ettin&,> 9 8ean that you should a1oid li1in& in un$leasant $ast s!enes
and re8e8bran!es. %bsolutely to 4or&et or 0i$e out !o8$letely 4ro8
8e8ory anythin& it has on!e ta3en note o4 is i8$ossible. For e1erythin& you
ha1e seen, learned, sensed or heard is stored a0ay, and is !a$able under
!ertain !ir!u8stan!es o4 bein& brou&ht to 1ie0 a&ain.
9n $la!e o4 the ter8 4or&ettin& it 0ould be better to say you should !ulti1ate
the $o0er o4 dri1in& 4ro8 your 8ind and $uttin& out o4 si&ht 0hate1er 8a3es
you 4eel unha$$y or 0hate1er you dis!o1er that is un$ro4itable to re8e8ber.
9t is i8$ossible absolutely to 0i$e out anythin& your 8e8ory has on!e
0ritten on its tablets, 4or 0hate1er the s!ene, e1ent or e#$erien!e 8ay ha1e
been, it has be!o8e a $art o4 your real sel4 or s$irit. 9n other 0ords your s$irit
is 8ade u$ o4 all its e#$erien!es and !onseBuent re8e8bran!es e#tendin& to
an in4inite $ast. O4 these so8e are 1i1id, so8e 1a&ue, and 8u!h is buried out
o4 $resent si&ht, but !a$able under !ertain !ir!u8stan!es o4 bein& !alled to
re8e8bran!e. "o destroy su!h re8e8bran!e, i4 $ossible, 0ould be to destroy
so 8u!h o4 your 8ind.
%ll e#$erien!es are 1aluable 4or the 0isdo8 they brin& or su&&est. But 0hen
you ha1e on!e &ained 0isdo8 and 3no0led&e 4ro8 any e#$erien!e, there is
little $ro4it in re$eatin& it, es$e!ially i4 it has been un$leasant, ?ou do
a!tually re$eat it 0hen you re8e8ber it or li1e it o1er a&ain in thou&ht. "his
is 0hat $eo$le are doin& 0ho brood o1er $ast 8is4ortunes and
9t is 0hat $eo$le are doin& 0hen they re!all 0ith re&ret their youth as bri&ht
and =oyous as !o8$ared 0ith the &loo8 o4 their 8iddle or old a&e. Li1e in
the $leasant re8e8bran!e o4 your youth, i4 you so desire. "hat 0ill do you
&ood. But do not set it in its bri&htness and 4reshness a&ainst a dar3
ba!3&round o4 the $resent. Do not thin3 o4 it in that 1ein.
;e8e8ber that the ti8e o4 your in4an!y and youth, 0ith all its 4reshness and
ne0ness, 0as also the ti8e o4 so8e other $eo$leDs old a&e 0hen the 0orld
see8ed stale and =oyless, 0hen to the8 all that li4e see8ed !a$able o4
yieldin& see8ed e#hausted, 0hen nothin& see8ed to re8ain but to 0ither and
die. ;e8e8ber also that today i4 the 0orld see8s less bri&ht than 4or8erly, i4
the sun see8s settin& instead o4 risin&, it see8s no0 to the boy and &irl o4 ten
or 4i4teen as it did to you at that a&e.
No $erson !ould hold his or her $hysi!al body and en=oy li4e 0ho as they
li1ed on li1ed in the $ast and re4used to set or o$en their 8inds to the 4uture.
9n so doin& they a!!u8ulate 8ore and 8ore o4 the old and relati1ely li4eless
thou&ht, and this ele8ent 8ateriali@es itsel4 on the body. "heir 4lesh, bone
and blood then be!o8e an a!tual e#$ression o4 the dead and inert s$irit.
"o li1e !arryin& su!h an e1er<in!reasin& load 8ust result only in 0ea3ness
and 8isery so lon& as the s$irit !an !arry it. But the 8ind re=e!tin& the old
0hi!h it has no use 4or and e1er $ressin& on to the ne0, adds the ne0 thou&ht
to itsel4, and this ne0ness o4 idea 0ill 8ateriali@e a ne0er body.
?ou do a!tually 8a3e the >thin&s be4ore > $leasant or un$leasant 4or you
a!!ordin& as you thin3 o4 the8 in ad1an!e.
"here is a !lass o4 $eo$le 0ho, i4 in di44i!ulties and anyone su&&ests a 0ay
out, instantly raise ob=e!tions and 4ind di44i!ulties in the $lan $ro$osed. -hen
in thou&ht 0e so 4ind di44i!ulties, 0e a!tually 8a3e the8. "o lay a0a3e
ni&hts and brood, de1ise, turn o1er or in1ent $ossible !o8in& troubles is
4or!e and industry ill e8$loyed in $re$arin& the 0ay 4or those troubles.
9n all business 0e 8ust $ress on in 8ind to the su!!ess4ul result. -e 8ust see
in 8ind or i8a&ination the thin& 0e $lan !o8$leted, the syste8 or 8ethod
or&ani@ed and in 0or3in& order, the 8o1e8ent or underta3in& ad1an!in& and
e1er &ro0in& stron&er and 8ore $ro4itable. "o s$end ti8e and 4or!e in
loo3in& ba!3 and li1in& $ast troubles or obsta!les o1er a&ain, and out o4 su!h
li1in& and 8ental a!tion to !on=ure 8ore di44i!ulties or o$$ositions, is
literally to s$end ti8e and 4or!e in destroyin& your underta3in&, or in
8anu4a!turin& obsta!les to $ut in your o0n 0ay.
For&ettin& the thin&s behind and $ressin& on to those be4ore is a 8a#i8
ha1in& a thousand intensely $ra!ti!al a$$li!ations. 1ery business su!!ess is
4ounded on it.
+en 0ho !ease to li1e in old 8ethods and $ress 4or0ard to ne0, a!hie1e the
&reatest 4inan!ial su!!ess. But 8en 0ho ha1in& started out durin& their
$hysi!al youth 0ith the ne0, allo0 the8sel1es 0ith ad1an!in& years to hold
on to 0hat 0as ne0 in their youth, but 0hi!h is relati1ely old no0, are really
on the ba!3 tra!3. +oney 8ay !ontinue to $our in u$on the8, but their
8ethods are really out o4 date, and a 4e0 8ore years 0ill see their business
su$erseded by the ne0er syste8.
94 you 0ere debilitated, 0ea3 or si!3 yesterday at any hour, do not !o88en!e
today 0ith li1in& in thou&ht in the sa8e 0ea3ness or debility at that hour.
For&et it, li1e a0ay 4ro8 it, and $ress on0ard to the thou&ht o4 bein& stron&,
0ell and 1i&orous at that hour.
-hen you in 8ind loo3 behind and li1e behind the thou&ht o4 the si!3ness,
0ea3ness or indis$osition o4 yesterday, you are a!tually 8a3in& the
!onditions 4or ha1in& the sa8e $hysi!al troubles. -hen you at the dayDs
!o88en!e8ent in thou&ht loo3 be4ore to the ne0 thin&, the thou&ht o4 health
and stren&th at the ti8e your la!3 o4 1i&or !o88en!ed, you are 8a3in& the
!onditions 4or reali@in& su!h health and stren&th.
94 it does not !o8e the 4irst day o4 su!h trial, try the ne#t, and the ne#t a4ter
that. "he state you see3 0ill !o8e in ti8e.
Perha$s you say to 8e in 8indA But ho0 !an you $ro1e these assertions.
"hey ha1e not been reali@ed in our ti8e. >De!ay and death at last o1erta3e
?ou !an !o88en!e yoursel4 to $ro1e the8. 94 you e#$eri8ent 0ith any o4 the
8ethods here su&&ested 4or 0or3in& thou&ht to $ro4itable result and you
$ro1e 4or yoursel4 e1er so little, you 8ust thereby &ain so8e 4aith in this la0.
94 the la0 is by you $ro1en a little, is it unreasonable to say it 0ill $ro1e 8ore
i4 4ollo0ed in this dire!tion.
Cnreasonin& $re=udi!es are bred out o4 this !ontinual li1in& in the $ast. "he
8an o4 si#ty or se1enty o4ten li1es in 8oods, usa&es and !usto8s $e!uliar to
his youth. :e a!!e$ts these as the 8ost 4it and $ro$er thin& 4or hi8. :e
0ould $robably re&ard 0ith dis4a1or and $re=udi!e the 8an 0ho at his daily
business should 0ear the 3nee bree!hes, sto!3in&s, 0aist!oat, ru44led shirt
and !o!3ed hat o4 the ei&hteenth !entury. ?et su!h style 0as !o88on one
hundred years a&o. :is &reat<&rand4ather $robably 0ore su!h a suit. ?et his
&reat<&rand4ather 0ould $robably ha1e re&arded 0ith the sa8e dis4a1or and
$re=udi!e the 8an dressed in the 4ashion o4 today. So a 4e0 years relati1ely
ha1e be&otten these t0o unreasonin& $re=udi!es 0ith the &reat<&rand4ather
and &reat<&randson, 4ounded only on the 4a!t that they 0ere 4ashions $e!uliar
to the youth o4 ea!h.
9t is, o4 !ourse, i8$ossible 4or a $erson to 4ly in the 4a!e o4 $o$ular !usto8 or
usa&e<<to dress di44erently or in !ertain 0ays li1e di44erently 0ithout brin&in&
on hi8 un$leasant and e1en in=urious results. For the a!tion o4 8any 8inds
sendin& to0ard you e1er the thou&ht o4 $re=udi!e, disli3e or ridi!ule 0ould
tend to in=ure 8ind and body.
But the senti8ent 0hi!h sends this 3ind o4 thou&ht to0ard another, 0ho
de$arts 4ro8 any established !usto8, 0hen that $erson thereby a44e!ts no
oneDs $ea!e or !o84ort, is a &ross error. 9t is an unreasonin& 8ental tyranny
0hi!h so re&ards 0ith hostile 8ind a 8an 0ho, e.&., should today ado$t the
!ostu8e o4 the an!ient Gree3s<<a &arb, by the 0ay, 8ore sensible and
!o84ortable than ours.
Less than t0o hundred years a&o su!h a senti8ent 8obbed the 8an in
n&land 0ho !arried the 4irst u8brella. "his senti8ent !o8es o4 that
4ossili@ed !ondition o4 8ind 0hi!h $ersists in li1in& in the thin&s that are
behind and a1erts itsel4 4ro8 su!h as are be4ore.
Li4e is a !ontinual ad1an!e 4or0ard. 94 0e are ad1an!in& 4or0ard, it is better
to loo3 4or0ard. %nd all are ad1an!in&, e1en the dullest, the &rossest, and
8ost $er1erse. % 8i&hty, eternal and in!o8$rehensible 4or!e $ushes us all
4or0ard. But 0hile all are so bein& $ushed, 8any lin&er and loo3 ba!3.
Cn!ons!iously, they o$$ose this 4or!e. So to do is to !ourt e1il, $ain, disease
and distress.
-hate1er the 8ind is set u$on, or 0hate1er it 3ee$s 8ost in 1ie0, that it is
brin&in& to it, and the !ontinual thou&ht or i8a&inin& 8ust at last ta3e 4or8
and sha$e in the 0orld o4 seen and tan&ible thin&s.
9 re$eat this assertion o4ten in these boo3s and in 1arious 4or8s o4 e#$ression
be!ause this 4a!t is the !ornerstone o4 your ha$$iness or 8isery, $er8anent
health and $ros$erity, or $o1erty. 9t needs to be 3e$t as 8u!h as $ossible in
8ind. Our thou&ht is the unseen 8a&net, e1er attra!tin& its !orres$onden!e in
thin&s seen and tan&ible. %s 0e reali@e this 8ore and 8ore !learly, 0e shall
be!o8e 8ore and 8ore !are4ul to 3ee$ our 8inds set in the ri&ht dire!tion.
-e shall be 8ore and 8ore !are4ul to thin3 ha$$iness and su!!ess instead o4
8isery and 4ailure. 9t is 1ery 0onder4ul that the ha$$iness or 8isery o4 our
li1es should be based on 0hat see8s so si8$le a la0 and 8ethod. But so<
!alled >si8$le> thin&s in Nature on in1esti&ation &enerally turn out
in!o8$rehensible and e1er dee$enin& 8ysteries. -hat 8ost !on!erns us is to
3no0 a !ause or a&en!y that 0ill $rodu!e a &i1en result. -hen 0e reali@e that
0e !an and do thin3 oursel1es into 0hat 0e are, as re&ards health, 0ealth and
$osition, 0e reali@e also that 0e ha1e 4ound in oursel1es >the $earl o4 &reat
$ri!e,> and 0e hasten to tell our nei&hbor that he 8ay see3 and 4ind in
hi8sel4 this $earl and $o0er also, 4or no one is 8ade $oorer throu&h his
4indin& that 0hi!h !an belon& to hi8 alone, and all are 8ade ri!her and
ha$$ier as ea!h 4inds his or her $earl, throu&h the $o0er it &i1es the8 to add
to the &eneral 0ealth and ha$$iness.
Li4e is 4uller o4 $ossibilities 4or $leasure than has e1er been reali@ed. "he real
li4e 8eans a $er$etual and e1er in!reasin& 8aturity. 9t 8eans the $reser1ation
o4 the $hysi!al body, so that it !an be used on this stratu8 o4 e#isten!e
0hene1er the s$irit desires to use it. 9t 8eans the $reser1ation o4 that body,
not only 4ree 4ro8 $ain and si!3ness, but 4ree 4ro8 the debility, 0ea3ness and
de!ay o4 0hat 0e !all >old a&e,> 0hi!h is in reality only the 0earin& out o4
the instru8ent used by the s$irit 4or la!3 o4 3no0led&e to e1er re!u$erate and
re&enerate it.
Li4e 8eans the de1elo$8ent in us o4 $o0ers and $leasures 0hi!h 4i!tion in
its hi&hest 4li&hts has ne1er tou!hed. 9t 8eans an e1er<in!reasin& 4reshness,
an e1er<in!reasin& $er!e$tion and reali@ation o4 all that is &rand, 0onder4ul
and beauti4ul in the uni1erse, a !onstantly in!reasin& dis!o1ery o4 8ore and
8ore that is &rand, beauti4ul and 0onder4ul, and a !onstantly in!reasin&
!a$a!ity 4or the e8otional $art o4 our natures to sense su!h ha$$iness. Li4e is
eternal in the dis!o1ery and reali@ation o4 these =oys. "heir sour!e is
ine#haustible. "heir Buality and !hara!ter 8ust be un3no0n until they rea!h
us. 9n the 0ords o4 the %$ostoli! re!ord, >ye hath not seen nor ear heard,
neither ha1e entered into the heart o4 8an the thin&s 0hi!h God hath
$re$ared 4or the8 that lo1e :i8.>
9n so<!alled ordinary thin&s 0e &et out o4 our li1es and our senses but the
8erest 4ra&8ent o4 the $leasure they !an be 8ade !a$able o4 &i1in& us. Our
4ood is !a$able o4 &i1in& 4ar 8ore $leasure to the sense o4 taste than it 8ay
no0. -e do not &et nearly as 8u!h $leasure 4ro8 the ear and eye as they are
!a$able o4 &i1in&. -ith bodies 8ore hi&hly de1elo$ed and re4ined, 4ood
0hen ta3en into the sto8a!h should a!t as a healthy sti8ulant and &i1e that
i8$ulse, 1i&or and boundin& li4e 0hi!h it &i1es to the youn& ani8al. "he
8o1e8ent o4 e1ery 8us!le, as in 0al3in&, !an be 8ade to &i1e $leasure.
"hrou&h 4ollo0in& the S$iritual La0, that $ea!e o4 8ind >0hi!h $asseth all
understandin&> is in the 4uture to !o8e to 8any. "hat it has not in the $ast
been reali@ed is no $roo4 it 0ill not be. Li4e, then, 0hether its 4or!es are in
a!ti1ity or at rest, 0ill be $er$etual lysiu8.
But 8illions o4 our ra!e do not loo3 4or0ard to su!h =oyous $ossibilities at
all. "hey ha1e ne1er heard o4 the8. "he &reat 8a=ority 0ould not belie1e did
they hear o4 the8. "hey $ress on in 8ind to 0hat.
"o a belie4 0hi!h &ro0s stron&er 0ith years that li4e is short, that old a&e and
de!ay are absolute !ertainties and 8ust !o8e to all, that at a !ertain a&e o4 the
body its $o0ers 8ust de!rease, and that as 0ea3 and 4eeble old 8en and
0o8en no0 are be4ore their eyes, so, in ti8e, they 8ust be, and that one
&reat ai8 o4 li4e should be to lay u$ a store o4 8oney to >$ro1ide 4or old
"hese are not $leasant thin&s to !onte8$late. "he 8any do not !onte8$late
the8. "hey shut their eyes to these &loo8y 1ie0s o4 their 4uture, but they
belie1e in the8 =ust the sa8e. "hey belie1e and dread. 94 they belie1e, they
8ust in 8ind $ress on to su!h belie4. 9t is this $ressin& 4or0ard that 8a3es o4
the thin& belie1ed in, a 8aterial or $hysi!al reality.
>Pro1idin& 4or old a&e> 8a3es the old a&e o4 the body, be!ause the $erson so
>$ro1idin&> sees hi8 or hersel4 4or years as hel$less and de!re$it. -hat the
8ind so $ro=e!ts 4or the 4uture it is 8a3in& 4or the 4uture. % 8aterial thin&
E8oneyF is relied on to se!ure one 4ro8 ills, 0hen all 8aterial thin&s are Buite
$o0erless to $re1ent su!h ills. "he ri!h 8an 0ith an a&ed, 0orn, diseased
body !an only buy 0ith his 8oney a better roo8 and bed to li1e in than the
$oor 8an. :is 8oney does not $re1ent disease and 0ea3ness. 9t !annot &i1e
hi8 an a$$etite 4or the !ostliest 4ood. 9n $ain and an&uish the 8$eror is in
all res$e!ts on the sa8e le1el 0ith the $au$er, 4or in e#tre8e 8isery a so4t
bed and nu8erous attendants &i1e little or no !o84ort.
No0 in all this, thou&ht ele8ent 0or3ed in i&noran!e in the 0ron& dire!tion
$ro1es that it brin&s a result, but a 0oe4ul one. 9t is only the !ulti1ation o4 the
$o0er o4 the s$irit o1er the body that !an $re1ent these ills. "hat $o0er 0e
4irst be&in to !ulti1ate and in!rease 0hen 0e !o8e to re!o&ni@e and belie1e
that 8ind or s$irit is the $o0er &o1ernin& our bodies, and that 0hate1er 8ind
$ersistently i8a&es, thin3s or i8a&ines, it 8a3es. No0, un!ons!iously, 0e
i8a&e in the 0ron& dire!tion. -e thin3 the old a&e or 0earin& out o4 the
body 8ust be, be!ause, so 4ar as 0e 3no0, it al0ays has been. -e $ress on in
i8a&ination and un0el!o8e belie4 to &loo8 and $hysi!al de!ay. -e hold
these sad $i!tures e1er in our 8inds. :a1in& no 4aith in the bri&hter 1ie0, 0e
do not loo3 to0ard that 1ie0 to li4e, and e1er in!reasin& li4e.
9n the Ne0 "esta8ent Ethe last re1elationF 0e 4ind the )hristian and
%$ostoli! tea!hin& 4ull o4 the senti8ent o4 li4e, and li4e e1erlastin&. Death is
not ar&ued or i8$lied as an absolute ne!essity, but as an >ene8y> 0hi!h is
ulti8ately to be destroyed.
9t 0as ne1er said or i8$lied that the ad1ent o4 >&reater re1elations> 0as not
to be until 8illions on 8illions o4 years in the 4uture. "he da0n o4 su!h
ad1ent 8ay be no0. 9t is no0, not be!ause o4 any one 8anDs 0ritin&s or
assertions, but be!ause 8any 8inds are no0 o$en to the re!e$tion o4 the
&reater re1elation, 0hi!h 4or !enturies has been 3no!3in& at hu8anityDs door,
but !ould not enter by reason o4 the obtuseness and dull ear o4 those 0ho8 it
sou&ht to arouse and bene4it.
"he only dead $eo$le in the Cni1erse are the s$iritually dead, those >dead in
tres$asses and sins> 0ho ha1e not as yet learned to 4or&et or rather to re4use
to li1e in and de$end on the relati1ely dead or inert ele8ent o4 earth instead
o4 that dra0n 4ro8 a hi&her sour!e.
Still the 4e0 in the 1an&uard $ressin& on0ard are !ryin& outA >-hy, here
under our noses is the &reatest o4 all 8oti1e $o0ers5 -hy, hu8an thou&ht is a
real ele8ent, a real 4or!e, dartin& out li3e ele!tri!ity 4ro8 e1ery 8anDs or
0o8anDs 8ind, in=urin& or relie1in&, 3illin& or !urin&, buildin& 4ortunes or
tearin& the8 do0n, 0or3in& 4or &ood or ill, e1ery 8o8ent, ni&ht or day,
aslee$ or a0a3e, !ar1in&, 8ouldin& and sha$in& $eo$leDs 4a!es and 8a3in&
the8 u&ly or a&reeable.
Be4ore you &i1e so 8u!h o4 your thou&ht to others, as3. in 1ie0 o4 these
$ossibilities, i4 so8e is not due to yoursel4. 94 you !an build yoursel4 u$ into a
li1in& $o0er<<i4 you !an, 0ith others, $ro1e that $hysi!al health and 1i&or
!an ta3e the $la!e o4 old a&e<<that all disease !an be banished 4ro8 the body<<
that 8aterial ri!hes and ne!essities !an !o8e o4 la0s and 8ethods not no0
&enerally $ra!ti!ed, and that li4e is not the short, unsatis4a!tory, ho$eless
thin& 0hi!h at the best it no0 is, 0ill you not to the 0orld at lar&e do a
thousand<4old 8ore &ood than i4 you e#$ended your thou&ht in 4eedin& a 4e0
hun&ry 8ouths or relie1in& a 4e0 $hysi!al ne!essities o4 others.
Our ri!hest 8en, our rulers, our 4a8ous 8en in art, s!ien!e and 0ar, our
$ro4essors, our 8inisters, our &reatest su!!esses, 0hat is their end. -ea3ness
de!ay and disease. Our 8ore thou&ht4ul $eo$le ad8it that by the ti8e they
ha1e learned so8ethin& o4 li4e, it is ti8e to die. "he obituary 4ro8 the li1in&
is at best an a$olo&y 4or the unsatis4a!tory endin& o4 a hu8an li4e.
+an3ind de8and so8ethin& better. "hat de8and, that !ry has been s0ellin&
and in!reasin& in 1olu8e 4or 8any !enturies. De8and 8ust al0ays be
ans0ered. "his de8and is no0 bein& ans0ered, 4irst to the 4e0, ne#t to the
8any. Ne0 li&ht, ne0 3no0led&e and ne0 results in hu8an li4e and all it
in1ol1es, are !o8in& to this earth.

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