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Obata, Michi Cielo

Individual Assignment #1: The Nature of HRM

1. Describe the four goals of Human Resource Management. Do you think some human
resource management goals are more important than others? Why, or why not?

The four goals of Human Resource Management are:

a. Facilitating organizational competitiveness

All organization have different set of goals and objectives that are set to meet and
accomplished and to ensure competitiveness, an organization must have the capacity
to employ its resources profitably in order to provide clients with goods and services
that go above and beyond their expectations. Also they have to manage its market
position in both products and services while attaining corporate objectives. It is a long-
term competency that necessitates efficient resource allocation and usage to achieve
organizational objectives.

b. Enhancing productivity and quality

Maintaining productivity by supplying the organization with a suitable number of
competent and effective employees is one of the HR department's core objectives. A
skilled HR manager should continuously assess the workload to identify any possible
manpower issues and determine when further assistance is needed. Similar to this,
comprehending employee turnover within the organization can help pinpoint issue
areas and enable the rewriting of policies or other changes.
A comprehensive staffing plan should be a major component in the HR
department in order to expedite the hiring process. Each position within the
organization needs to have a thorough job description as well as a clear grasp of the
kinds of personalities that will work well with the corporate culture. The most
competent candidates for open positions will be attracted to and hired when the HR
manager is fully aware of the company's personnel needs.

c. Complying with legal and social obligations

Every company ought to keep a documented set of rules and guidelines. These
policies are frequently developed by the human resources department because
employees are required to interact with coworkers appropriately and to adhere to
company and occasionally governmental restrictions. The HR team should constantly
be aware of new legislation that are relevant to their company's industry and work to
ensure compliance as necessary.
However, compliance can only be attained if workers are aware of the demands
and comprehend corporate expectations. For instance, certifications must be tracked
and updated frequently. Additionally, it's important to effectively express and execute
safety policies and operational processes to maintain worker safety and shield the
business from any lawsuits.
d. Promoting individual growth and development
The department's primary goal should be to retain a skilled personnel because they
are the company's most important asset. The most contented workers are those who
feel they can advance professionally and are well compensated. A more
knowledgeable and effective workforce will result from expanding your company's
training and professional development programs.
Additionally, employees appreciate regular feedback since it lets them know how
well they are doing their tasks. Instead of a performance review, which can have a
threatening tone, a "creating my success" assessment encourages candor in evaluating
areas for development while defining objectives for future advancement. When it
comes time to fill open management jobs, the HR department will benefit from
knowing more about how their employees' skills are evolving thanks to these career

The four HR objectives are all same importance as each other. They are all needed to
help an organization achieve the objective of fostering organizational competitiveness
because they enable businesses to strive to be the best they can be by establishing
high standards to compete with one another. The importance of productivity and
quality has been acknowledged by businesses in order for them to not only compete
but also to survive. And laws are crucial to achieving this objective because HR
departments are now hiring individuals from many ethnic backgrounds and racial
origins, allowing the company to have workers with a variety of qualities and
enhancing its strength and competitiveness. Social commitments also contribute to
organizational competitiveness because HR departments want their staff to be well-
rounded and give back to the society rather than only focus on one area of their
profession. Because businesses will want to compete with one another to see who has
greater corporate and social duties and what company contributes back to the
community, this promotes competition.

2. What is the importance of studying Human Resource Management?

Studying human resources management is important since it teaches you how to

manage a team for corporate success. Being successful in managing human resources
means that the business has made the greatest possible use of its skills.

Professionals who have studied human resource management are better able to
evaluate potential applicants in light of their personal qualities and key job-related
skills. As a result, those taking a degree in human resource management have a good
opportunity of learning the essential skills that a recruiting manager ought to have.


Elisabeth Natter, March 20, 2019,Goals of Human Resource Management,”Human Resource

HRNews,Mar 26, 202, “Importance of Learning Human Resource Management Strategies”

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