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Subject: Science
Teacher: Mr. Cummings
Due date: March 4, 2020
Group members: Aleera Barnes
Amelia Burk
Brianna Williams
Shannoya Lyons
Jada Campbell
Francesca McNeil
Akeim Wright
Antwone Davis

In this project you will find few things about

fiber and how it can affect use if we do not eat
enough. You will also see two balanced diet

I would like to thank my teacher Mr. Cummings

for giving us this project to enhance our
vocabulary on fiber. I also want to thank god for
blessing us with understanding to do this work.
Table of Content
Contents Page

Introduction 1
Acknowledgement 2
What is nutrient? 3
What is fiber?
Sources & test for fiber
Deficiency of fibre
Purpose / Role of fiber
An example of a balance diet
Nutrient is a substance that provides nourishment essential for the
maintenance of life and for growth.
Some nutrient provide energy. All help build cells and tissues,
regulate bodily processes such as breathing. No single food supplies
all the nutrients the body needs to function.
There are seven major classes of nutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats, Fiber,
Minerals, Protein, Vitamins and Water

Fiber, also known as roughage or bulk, includes the parts of

plant foods your body can't digest or absorb. Unlike other
food components, such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates
which your body breaks down and absorbs Fiber isn't digested
by your body. Instead, it passes relatively intact through your
stomach, small intestine and colon and out of your body.


To get fiber your body needs: fruits, vegetables, beans&
legumes, bread& grain, nuts.
Though the symptoms of a Fiber-poor diet aren't always clear-cut,
there are warning signs to watch for:
1. Constipation : If you're having fewer than three bowel
movements a week, and the stools are hard and dry, you're
constipated. Constipation can result from lack of Fiber, but also
from too little exercise and certain medications and
Prevention: If your constipation is diet-related, try adding more
Fiber-rich foods such as apples, raspberries, carrots, broccoli, or
whole grains to your diet.
Boosting your Fiber intake can help form soft, bulky stools,
relieving and preventing constipation. Be sure to add Fiber
slowly so your body gets used to it. And help yourself stay
regular by drinking plenty of fluids and exercising regularly.
2. Weight Gain: Satiety is that feeling of comfortable fullness you
get after a meal. If you're not experiencing that feeling, Zelman
says you may be eating more than your body needs.
Prevention: Try meeting the recommended goal of 25 to 35
grams of Fiber daily by enjoying Fiber-filled foods like fresh
fruit, whole grains, and seasonal vegetables. Choose the Fiber-
rich foods you like best; you're more likely to eat favourites
3. Blood Sugar Fluctuations: If you have diabetes and find
controlling your blood sugar difficult, talk to your doctor: you
may not be getting enough Fiber.
Prevention: Because Fiber delays the absorption of sugar,
helping you control blood sugar levels, try adding more fresh
produce, beans and peas, brown rice, and other high-fibre foods
to your diet. Remember to discuss any change in your diabetes
management plan with your doctor.
4. Diet-Related Nausea & Tiredness: Getting most of your
calories from a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet -- one rich in
meat, eggs, and cheese and low in produce -- may lead not only
to a rise in cholesterol, but also leave you nauseous, tired, and
Prevention: Try boosting your dietary fibre with the vitamin-
and mineral-rich whole grains, fruits and vegetables your body
needs, and cut back on fatty foods.


Fiber helps regulate bowel functions, reduce cholesterol and
triglyceride levels and strengthen the colon walls. In addition,
it promotes weight loss, supports blood sugar control and may
prevent insulin resistance and a healthy digestive tract and
guard against cancer, heart disease, diverticulosis, kidney
stones and PMS.

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