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Santa is in his living room

You have two tasks. First, replace the words to complete the passage to describe
the scene. Then, find the SEVEN differences between Picture A and Picture B.

writing, children, stockings, because, North, tree, kind, presents, behind

Santa lives at the _______ Pole. Here he is in his living room. He is _______ a
letter. The letter is for a very good child. Santa is saying ‘thank you’ _______ that
child was _______ to his friends and he was a good boy at school. _______ Santa,
we can see his fireplace. There are four Christmas _______ hanging up. They are for
, children. There are lots of _______ on Santa’s desk. There are some toy
snowmen on the desk, too. Santa’s Christmas ______ is behind him. Santa loves
Christmas and he loves _______.
The differences

1. In picture A, there is a star on top of the Christmas tree. In Picture B,

there is a heart.
2. There are four stockings hanging up on the mantelpiece. Look at the sock on
the right. In picture A, it is in the same direction as the others, in B, it is
turned the other way.
3. In A, the present has no writing on the tag. In B, it is labelled.
4. In A, the background on the fireplace is patterned. In B, it is plain.
5. In A, the bow on the present is white whereas in B, it is black.
6. In A, there are wo lamps above the fireplace. In B, to the left, there is a
7. In A, there are two feathers/quill pens next to Santa’s letter, but in B,
there is only one.

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