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1. What, if anything, did you learn that you had not previously known?

As Gods servant, we should expect trials, exult in trials, examine ourselves in trials,
and entrust ourselves to God no matter what kind of trials we had, knowing that they
are according to His will.

2. Christians who live in countries where Christianity is persecuted pay a price for being. Christian and are
usually stronger Christians. How do you respond if you were persecuted for your beliefs in Jesus?

As followers of Christ, we need to be caring for persecuted Christians. By doing this, we

too can experience spiritual blessings as one body of Christ. We can learn so much for our
own discipleship from the persecuted church. We should step forward in love, pray, and be a
channel of blessing to brothers and sisters who witness for Christ in extreme conditions.
Prayer is the first and most important priority we have on behalf of persecuted brothers
and sisters. Just always remember of what God says at Romans 8:35, there is nothing that
can separate us from the love of God.

3. Re-read the letter of St. Ignatius of Antioch above. What is the implication of that letter? Explain what you
have understood on that letter.

Respect from others especially respect to God’s servant is important because Proverbs 1:7
says that, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” The word “Fear,” can be
applied to our discussion of the word respect for by respecting God we are properly fearing
of God. We should respect Him because he is in charge of everything but also, because of
His GREAT love for us (John 3:16). And we have honor God’s servants as God is honor his
truly servants it helps us to feel safe and to express ourselves. Being respected by
important people in our lives growing up teaches us how to be respectful toward others.

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