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Summary of 1 Peter

Apostle Peter starts with greeting and blessing. He praise God for His
Son Jesus Christ who died for us, rose again and gave as an incorruptible
seed, which is our inheritance. It is kept by the power of God and that is
what we are expecting when our faith becomes sight. Even though we have
such great future, in present we are experiencing trials for our faith to be
refined. We would be more joyous and excited of heaven the more our faith
is being refined. It means that if we are experiencing more of the trials in
this life.
Second chapter is more about suffering. We should grow in the Word
of God for us to overcome trials as we face it. We are different from the
world for we are chosen of God to be of praise to Him. All believers are
called by God to praise Him. Our distinction is manifested by how we live.
Even though we have a wicked government, we still must obey as long as
we’re still under the will of God. Why? Because Christ leave us an example
to follow. The more we suffer for Christ’s sake, the more we become
The third chapter contains many practical lessons. Peter talks about
submission at home. Wives should be subject to their husbands and husband
should honor his wife for it is pleasing to God and God will give them favor
by answering their prayers. The church should be unified. We should forgive
and care for each other. And when it comes to persecution, we can give an
answer to them who are curious why we suffer for Christ. We are doing all
things in gratitude for what He has done for us. He died for us sinners.
Next chapter starts at what Christ has done for us sinners and tell us
that we should be dead in sin. For Christ already died in the flesh so that sin
should never reign our mortal body. We should not spend our life in sin but
we should be profitable to God by using our God-given ability in His ministry
and ultimately for His glory. Sure, we would suffer as a good Christian living
in godliness, but we should not be ashamed, for in this, Christ is magnified.
The last chapter is an advice to the leader of the church which can also
be applied to every believer. The pastor should feed the flock and care for
their spiritual welfare with genuine love. The younger should not be proud
but be humble in the sight of God. It also contains warning on how our
enemy wanted to destroy us. We shouldn’t be alone, and we should always
draw near to God. The God who called us will never let us get devoured be
the enemy if we come to Him. Then the chapter ends with benediction.

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