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Who was jane austen? She was an English novelist, born 16th of December 1775.

By the age of 12, Jane was writing for herself as well as for her family. She sadly
died of Addison’s disease in 1817. It’s a disease that enables your body to
produce certain hormones.

She published four novels during her lifetime: Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride

and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814),
and Emma (1815). Persuasion and Northanger Abbey  were published together
posthumously, 1817 .Lady Susan was the first serious novel that she wrote, at the
age of 19.

Her parents, George Austen and Cassandra Leigh, were married in 1764.
Jane had 6 brothers and one sister. Like their father, two of Austen’s older
brothers, James and Henry, spent most of their lives in the Church of England. Of
all her brothers, Austen was closest to Henry; he served as her agent, and then after
her death, as her biographer. George, the second oldest son, was born mentally
deficient and spent the majority of his life in institutions. The third son, Edward,
was adopted by their father’s wealthy cousin. Austen and Cassandra were close
friends and companions throughout their entire lives. The two youngest Austen
boys, Francis and Charles, both served in the Navy as highly decorated admirals.

Between October 1796 and August 1797 Austen completed the first version
of Pride and Prejudice, then called “First Impressions.” In 1797 her father wrote to
offer it to a London publisher for publication, but the offer was declined.
After the family moved to Bath and George died, in 1809, Jane’s brother Edward
was able to provide his mother and sisters with a large cottage, not far from
Steventon. There Jane began to prepare Sense and Sensibility and Pride and
Prejudice for publication. She was encouraged by her brother Henry, who acted as
go-between with her publisher.Four years later Pride and prejudice was published.

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