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The title of my Freddy Kruger track is Night Mirror On Elm Street.

That track is sextuple layered track and every line has a layer about:

1. Reflections/mirrors
2. Shadows
3. Freddy Krueger
4. Jason Voorhees
5. Describing/storytelling a scene from a Kruger movie
6. Describing/storytelling a scene from a Voorhees movie

So here is an entendre that I have in the verse:

“Front, back R1”


1st narrative: A combo that both Kruger and Voorhees share on Mortal Kombat.

In this narrative “front, back” alludes to the arrow buttons that are used to move the
character forwards and backwards and “R1” refers to the R1 key in the Playstation

So, this is already a double entendre, talking about Krueger and Voorhees at the same time.

2nd narrative: The reflection/mirror narrative.

The reflections in mirrors are basically made up of two light rays, one that goes in the mirror
(“front”) and the one that gets reflected and comes back (“back”).

Also, in this narrative R (aka R1) is the symbol in physics that is used to symbolize the
reflected light ray.

So, this is now a triple entendre.

3rd narrative: This narrative alludes back to Mortal Kombat since in Greek, the language that
this entendre was written on, “R1” is a homophone with “Arena”.

The word Arena of course alludes to Mortal Kombat cause that’s the literal concept of the
game, a bunch of characters beating each other up in an arena.

So now it is a quadruple entendre.

4th narrative: The Kruger scene narrative.

Throughout the whole track I am storytelling/describing the last scene of Nightmare on Elm
Street 4, the 4th Freddy Kruger movie.

In the part of the song/part of the scene when I drop that bar a woman shoots Kruger with
an electrical-blaster type weapon.

Before she does shoots him she steps forward to grab the weapon and then backwards to
get in a better position to shoot (“Front, back”).

Also, something that this gun should have, according to physics/electrical engineering in
order to work is a resistor.

The symbol for resistors in physics is R/R1

So now it is a quintuple entendre.

5th narrative: The Voorhees scene narrative.

In the scene that I am describing in the whole track 4 people are trying to escape from
Voorhees by using a car.

So, they get in the car and move forwards and then backwards (“Front, back”) in order to hit
Voorhees with the car.

Also, in this narrative “R1” alludes to a car gear handle since when you want to move the car
backwards you move it to the “R” and when you want to start the car and go forwards you
move it at “1’’.

This also ties with the title of the track “Night Mirror on Elm Street” since “Night-mirror” is
another word to say “car mirror”, cars are driven on streets and this scene is happening at
So now it is a sextuple entendre.

6th narrative: This narrative is about the Jason Voorhees videogame named “Friday The 13 th”

In that game you are either controlling Voorhees, whose job is to kill everyone before they
escape from him, or you are controlling one of the 4-5 people that are trying to escape, by
using a car.

Continuing the whole videogame/controller keys scheme, and much like the Voorhees scene
that I described in the 5th narrative, you have to get in the car with everyone else and move
forwards and backwards (“Front, back”) in order to hit Voorhees and then leave.

The car in the game is controlled with the R1, R2 keys mainly (ties with “R1”).

Also much like the scene this all again has to happen at night, otherwise you won’t be able to

So, this is now a septuple.

7th narrative:

To add the cherry on top this line is also about the direction “Front, back” of a blade when
it’s stabbing someone since the set up line before it is about a person being stabbed.

Both Krueger and Voorhees used blades as weapons so this is a double layered narrative
which makes the line overall a nonuple entendre (9 meanings).

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