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Resilient Agricultural the agricultural supply chain with regard to the

Practices overall resilience of the food system. It looks at
how to balance between producing food, manag-
Barbara Sawicka ing natural resources, dealing with uncertainty,
Department of Plant Production Technology and and providing a livelihood base for the rural pop-
Commodities Science, University of Life ulation. It goes beyond the technical sphere and
Sciences in Lublin, Lublin, Poland enters the role and involvement of public, private,
and civil entities to include social, economic,
environmental, and political aspects (Van Apel-
Synonyms doorn et al. 2011; Himes-Cornell and Hoelting
2015; Swiderska et al. 2016).
Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)

List of important shortcuts: Good Agricultural Introduction

Practice (GAP); Good Management Practice
(GMP); Climate-Resilient Agriculture (CRA); Agricultural economists were interested in defin-
Integrated Production and Pest Management ing the key dimensions of the functioning of
(IPPM) program; Farmer Field School (FFS); a food system, which directly affects the well-
Global Environmental Facility (GEF); Organiza- being of people and entire societies just in the
tion for Economic Cooperation and Development early 1960s (Brandow 1977). Over the years,
(OECD); Passive Sampling Device (PSD); Sus- there has been a consensus on many dimensions
tainable Development Goals (SDGs); Integrating of farming, including product diversity, price
Food Security, Environment and Resilience efficiency, technical progress, technological
(SDG2); Social-Ecological System (SES). progress, and social justice (Jesse 1978; Biggs et
al. 2015). Resilient Agricultural Practices (RAP)
identify seven principles that contribute to the
Definition resilience of the Social-Ecological System
(SES), addressing the theory of supply chain man-
Resilient Agricultural Practices (RAP) – is a cru- agement, and present their application in agricul-
cial component to food security and sustainable tural value chains. The key element is that the
food systems in developing countries. The resil- accuracy of these principles is important for
ience of the agricultural value chains, in the con- the assessment of each case individually and
text of developing countries, is very important for depends partly on the trade-offs between
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
W. Leal Filho et al. (eds.), Zero Hunger,
2 Resilient Agricultural Practices

resistance and other dimensions of the value chain for agriculture. These are a set of measures
chain. Two common tools are integrated, the to create value, transforming raw materials into
Resilience Alliance assessment framework and final products and institutions that combine
value chain analysis techniques to outline an these different production links. As the main inter-
adaptable participatory approach to assess the mediary between agroecological systems, house-
resilience of value chains in agriculture in devel- holds and markets are value chains as an
oping countries (Van Apeldoorn et al. 2011; important part of the structure of the food systems
Simmons and Storms 2017; Vroegindewey and of a society (Vroegindewey and Hodbod 2018).
Hodbod 2018). The goal of this approach is to The Food and Agriculture Organization of the
consolidate awareness of past and potential dis- United Nations (FAO) has worked with over
tortions that may affect the food security and other 200,000 farmers in West Africa since 2001 to
basic services provided by the value chain and create more efficient farming systems through
identify improvements that can build resistance the Integrated Production and Pest Management
to these key distortions (Biggs et al. 2015). New (IPPM) program. The approach was based on
challenges related to population growth, political the Farmer Field School (FFS), a participating
conflicts, climate change, and degradation of nat- social educational method, combining the princi-
ural resources may increase the frequency and ples of agricultural practice with community
magnitude of disturbances such as droughts, development, nonformal education, agroecology,
fires, floods, hurricanes, whirlwinds, rapid price and adaptive ecosystem management. The FFS
increases, food availability, and food distribution approach operates on all scales – from small com-
(Hodbod and Eakin 2015; Simmons and Storms munities to regions and countries – while focusing
2017; Srinivasrao et al. 2018). These shocks are attention to small farmers, entities most involved
often unpredictable, which limits the possibilities in daily activities in agriculture (Anonymous
of standard risk management, which is aimed 2017; Vroegindewey et al. 2018; Meuwissen et
at estimating the probability and the effects of al. 2018). This program helps farmers understand
distortions (Vroegindewey and Hodbod 2018). how agricultural practices can complement and
Understanding the resilience of the nutritional build or challenge and destroy the biological pro-
system to these shocks is now probably the cesses and services of ecosystems, on which their
most urgent for developing countries, where production systems are built. The program seeks
the vulnerability to such disruptions is much to answer how the objectives of improved produc-
higher than in developed countries and food and tion and profit can complement each other and are
nutrition security is very weak (FAO et al. 2017; not necessarily contradictory to the objectives of
Srinivasrao et al. 2018). Developing countries are improving the human health and the environment,
also very dependent on the agri-food sector, social justice, and quality of life. The result of this
as well as on jobs, household incomes, and eco- program is better management and decision-mak-
nomic growth (Vroegindewey and Hodbod 2018). ing by better qualified and more competent
As part of sustainable development, resilience has farmers. The IPPM program does not propose to
therefore become a very important concept that replace more conventional implementation sys-
allows the analysis of various compromises to tems, but rather intends to act as a “facilitator”
move the system toward more sustainable econo- and exchange platform to connect the entire
mies. Therefore, there is a growing need for both existing “mosaic” of stakeholders, regardless of
design and management that can give triple the national context (Vroegindewey et al. 2018).
benefits, social, economic, and environmental, The IPPM program runs active projects in several
which in turn means the sustainable development West African countries and new projects in East-
(Srinivasrao et al. 2018). The ability of food sys- ern and Southern Africa. The program evolves
tems to cope with social, economic, and environ- each year to cover a wider range of topics and
mental change is crucial, not only at the level broaden partnerships with governments, NGOs,
of agricultural production but in the entire value farmers’ organizations, research institutions, and
Resilient Agricultural Practices 3

business partners. The “learning by doing” reorientation), through which systems pass in
approach adopted by the IPPM program ensures response to the changing environment and inter-
the risk-free discussions, selections, modifica- nal dynamics (Fath et al. 2015). Most analyses
tions, as well as experiments with new ideas for of agricultural production systems limited their
the management of agriculture. The IPPM pro- conceptual vision to the phases of growth and
gram focuses on training local farmers as advi- balance and neglected the possibility of a break-
sors, “facilitators,” because it offers the best down and a phase of reorientation. As a result, the
method of anchoring the program’s approach to stages of breakdown and reorientation have been
the rural community. It also leads to a higher level included in the framework of reflection. Priorities
of success, which means that farmers are moti- of different countries and stakeholders are
vated to return home and share their knowledge reflected in the objective of achieving more effi-
and skills. In Africa, IPPM implements projects at cient, effective, and fair food systems that address
the regional and national level, helping various societal, economic, and environmental chal-
farming communities to improve productivity lenges. Although this concept is new and is con-
and increase livelihoods using environmentally stantly evolving, many practices that make up the
sustainable practices. The objectives of the pro- CRA already exist all over the world and are used
gram are achieved there due to a number of activ- by farmers to cope with different risks associated
ities that currently cover ten countries: Benin, with food production (AFA 2015; Grosjean et al.
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, 2017). Governments at risk of major climate
Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia (Anony- change have taken important steps to address
mous 2017). IPPM also contributes to global ini- vulnerability to climate change and their impact
tiatives such as the “Better global management for through economic, social, and environmental
hunger reduction” program, funded by the Euro- policies and the institutional framework that
pean Union and FAO, to address global issues that focuses on food security, resilience building, and
affect the food security and to improve the coor- disaster risk reduction. Different CRA practices
dination of all partners. are applied by small farmers in aquaculture sys-
tems (e.g., mangrove restoration and improve-
ment of fish stocks), in animal husbandry
systems (e.g., biogas and composting and alterna-
Adaptation to Climate Change
tive feeding systems), in the production of vege-
tables (adaptive calendars for crops and organic
The Climate-Resilient Agriculture (CRA) concept
farming), in integrated agricultural systems (agro-
reflects the ambition to improve the integration of
forestry, soil, and water protection), as well as in
agricultural development and respond to climate
maize and rice crops (use of stress-tolerant culti-
change. Its aim is to achieve the food security and
vars and integrated crop management) (Global
wider development goals in the conditions of
Forest Watch 2017). However, the use of CRA
a changing climate and growing demand for
practices in many countries is still low and limited
food. CRA initiatives in a sustainable way
by poor access to improved seed, insufficient
increase productivity and resistance of plants and
financial resources to cover investment costs and
animals and reduce greenhouse gases (GHG).
limited service resources (AFA 2015; EIU 2017).
However, they require planning to solve problems
Land ownership and lease systems also affect the
and synergy between three pillars: productivity,
level of investments in agriculture and forestry as
adaptation, and mitigation (FAO 2010, 2013,
well as other sustainable forms of agriculture in
2016; FAO et al. 2017; WRI 2017). The resistance
small entities. Investments in water management
framework explained in this work is based on the
and irrigation infrastructure, seed systems, and
concept of adaptation cycles (Holling and
extension services are keys to eliminating the
Gunderson 2002) as heuristics. They represent
yield gaps, especially in a context where weather
various stages (growth, balance, collapse, and
4 Resilient Agricultural Practices

is predicted to be more changing and also affects local livelihoods and food security
unpredictable with increased and more intense (Batterbury and Ndi 2018).
climate shocks. An increasing number of IPPM
projects are financed under the Global Environ-
mental Facility, projects implemented in Mali and
Landscape Protection and Biodiversity
Nigeria as well as pipelines in Senegal and
Burundi (Anonymous 2017). These projects
pose the greatest challenge for the development
The biodiversity of rural areas is created by arable
of agriculture in the region and require a combi-
crops and livestock, as well as wild plants
nation of all the experience acquired within the
and animals. It is also influenced by microflora
IPPM program.
and microfauna and soil mesofauna, which is an
important factor conditioning the fertility of soils.
Although there are 20–200 thousand of edible
Protection of Arable Land plant species in the world, only three of them
(rice, maize, and wheat) cover the majority of
Intensive cultivation in developing countries has human energy demand (FAO 2010, 2016). The
caused the soil degradation (e.g., erosion, changes extensive use of such a small number of species
in cultivation, and depletion of nutrients), affect- carries the risks associated with the massive
ing the agricultural productivity as well as ecosys- appearance of pests and pathogens of crop plants.
tem services (Carpenter et al. 2001; Briones 2005; Intensive cultivation, usually in monocultures, of
Dostatny 2013). Changes in the use of arable land high-yielding species also involves environmental
are closely related to changes in forest cover in the hazards that result from the application of high
country. The general logging has contributed to doses of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant
a radical reduction in forest cover over the years, protection agents often based on the same active
with an annual loss rate of around 3% (FAO et al. substances, which promotes the immunization of
2017). The most lowland forests in Southeast Asia pests. The cultivation of various species guaran-
continue to be transformed into high-yielding tees the availability of a wide range of products
plantations (Stibig et al. 2007; AFA 2015; FAO and is able to ensure the food security while lim-
et al. 2017). It caused a significant erosion of soils iting the threat to the natural environment. Genetic
in the highlands and loss of their biodiversity. As a diversity preserved by native agricultural knowl-
result of tightening the policy governing the clear- edge and practices can be an excellent, valuable
ing of forests, the rate of deforestation is slowly source of information for improving food security
decreasing in recent years (Swiderska et al. 2016; and adapting to climate change. Such practices
SOFA 2016). In Africa, another problem with the can significantly increase the productivity,
land and its use is growing, where large-scale land income, and resistance of plants and animals in
acquisition is widespread. In 2000, Africa became harsh environmental conditions (Swiderska et al.
a “starting point” after global concerns about food 2016; Pszczółkowski et al. 2017). Segetal vegeta-
security and fuel supplies. The land, with its avail- tion, acting as a producer in an ecosystem, deter-
able water potential, was acquired by a group of mines the species abundance of higher organisms,
private and public entities, including the sover- including birds. The availability of weed seeds
eign African governments. Large-scale arable is important, especially for wintering birds.
land was purchased to the detriment of local com- Intensification of crops accompanied by chemical
munities. There are growing tensions with local weed control contributes to a reduction in the
communities that suffer from deprivation of land number of bird species associated with the agri-
and natural resources, especially where there are cultural landscape (Staniak et al. 2017). The ben-
no transfer mechanisms or compensation. “Green efits of high biodiversity are determined by the
catching,” justified on environmental grounds,
Resilient Agricultural Practices 5

term “ecosystem services,” i.e., a set of producers technologies (e.g., small water retention projects,
and ecosystem services used by a society. alternative wetting and drying, drip irrigation) and
These are supply services (production of food, integrated crop management (e.g., Integrated
biofuels, wood, water, etc.), regulatory services Production and Pest Management (IPPM) pro-
(maintenance of soil fertility, natural plant protec- gram, specific nutrient management), is common
tion, pollination), supportive services (circulation among rice growers in western (wet zone) and
of elements in chemical and water, habitat func- centrals (humid-wet zone) regions of the Philip-
tion), and cultural services (recreational, aesthetic, pines and among corn growers in the wet and
and educational functions) (Salami et al. 2010; humid zone. Although CRA practice can bring
Stalęga et al. 2016). These services are provided significant benefits in the form of increased reve-
by various components of the ecosystem, includ- nues and yields, resistance to climate shocks and
ing weeds. Therefore, farmers, through the variations, as well as emission limitations, many
appropriate agrotechnics, can have the greatest farmers are not motivated to invest, in agrofor-
impact on the biological diversity of segetal flora estry systems due to the uncertainty of land own-
(Scheffer et al. 2015; Barbaś and Sawicka 2016). ership. Farmers cultivating vegetables, e.g., in the
Landscape diversity is important for farmers. wet-humid zone and wet zone, use adaptive crop
Due to the spread of the idea of sustainable and calendars, corrected planting and harvesting
ecological agriculture, weeds have been perceived schedules, and other critical periods, based on
not only as competitors of arable crops but also weather forecasts and stress-tolerant varieties (e.
as an element increasing the biodiversity in g., drought, salinity) due to low investment costs
agrocenoses (Marshall et al. 2003). Currently, that these practices require. Organic farming is
instead of completely eliminating weeds, it is also practiced by a minority of farmers cultivating
aimed at limiting their number to a level that vegetables, mainly due to the small number of
does not significantly reduce the yield, taking consumers of such food and the lack of available
into account the so-called harmfulness threshold plant protection products and organic fertilizers.
(Feledyn-Szewczyk and Kopiński 2015). Benefits Although such treatments can be easily done by
of preserving the biodiversity are difficult to the farmers themselves, however, considerable
record in a short period of time; therefore the technical support is needed to improve their
idea of protecting the diversity of weeds accom- shelf life and efficiency. Most agricultural prac-
panying crop plants does not always meet the tices are accepted (implemented) by small farmers
farmers’ approval, although in the long term, (Salami et al. 2010; WIR 2017; Vroegindewey
it may bring environmental benefits (Stalęga et and Hodbod 2018). In the Philippines, activities
al. 2016). related to the cultivation of pines (e.g., fish pro-
duction in afforestation areas of mangrove),
organic aquaculture (e.g., approach to sustainable
CRA Technologies and Practices development), and joint storage and reclamation
of fish (e.g., enrichment of fish stocks) by some
CRA technologies and practices provide an small farmers are also undertaken in the wet-
opportunity to meet the challenges of climate humid zone and in the wet-moist zone. These
change as well as economic growth and develop- practices are mainly related to the management
ment of the agricultural sector. One of the goals of climate risk, but also have a significant positive
of the CRA is adaptation and/or mitigation of the impact on farm incomes and the sustainable
effects of climate change. Hundreds of technolo- development of fish production. However, the
gies and approaches around the world are covered level of implementation (adoption) of such CRA
by CRA (FAO 2013, 2016; Grosjean et al. 2017; technologies in the field of aquaculture remains
Vroegindewey and Hodbod 2018). The use of low due to insufficient access to technology and
stress-tolerant varieties (flood, salinity, drought, capacity building (e.g., local mangrove species
and heat tolerance), as well as water collection and natural sources of feed ingredients). The
6 Resilient Agricultural Practices

application of CRA practices in Asia is also lim- basins through integrated management of produc-
ited by low availability of improved varieties and tion, pests and contaminants” (EP/INT/606/GEF)
seeds (Briones 2014; Himes-Cornell and Hoelting is the first major attempt to comprehensively
2015; Grosjean et al. 2017). monitor the application of pesticides in agriculture
in sub-Saharan Africa. It also continues the work
of IPPM, the aim of which is to build safe, effi-
cient, and sustainable agricultural systems
Reducing the Risk Connected with
through agricultural schools. Previously, as part
of the project carried out in 2009–2014, basic
research on pesticides and water pollution was
The losses of agricultural yields in some regions
carried out (Himes-Cornell and Hoelting 2015;
of the world especially in the developing countries
Anonymous 2017). The project is piloting a new
are higher than in the developed countries. Effort
technology for the first time in Africa, called the
to reduce losses especially during postharvest
“Passive Sampling Device” (PSD), which adsorbs
could be a sustainable approach to increasing
chemicals after immersing in a stainless steel cage
food availability, reducing pressure on natural
for about 2 weeks. A plan for ensuring the quality
resources, eliminating hunger, and improving
of sampling and analysis was also developed,
farmers’ welfare (El-Wakeil 2013; Czaja et al.
which can also be used in other laboratories.
2015). The IPPM program cooperates with gov-
PSDs have been deployed in six African countries
ernments of many countries, research institutions,
along the Senegal and Niger rivers that have
farmers’ organizations, and other partners to:
detected pesticide residues, including several
POPs. In other studies, the most modern computer
• Raise awareness of the application of toxic
model called ipmPRiME was applied, which was
pesticides in agriculture, and promote alterna-
adapted for the use in West Africa. This model is
tive solutions.
an environmental risk assessment tool and uses
• Assess the current level and risk of pesticide
farmers’ pesticide surveys to provide quantitative
risk estimates for key groups of indicators of
• Improve legislation on pesticides and registra-
aquatic and terrestrial species as well as risk indi-
tion systems.
cators for human health (Anonymous 2017).
• Support the implementation of best practices
To facilitate farmers the adoption of alternative
set out in the International Code of Conduct for
practices that limit or eliminate the application of
the Management of Pesticides.
toxic pesticides without loss of performance, a
• Adopt or develop new tools that can help mon-
balanced intensification through joint IPPM/FFS
itor pesticides in the environment and assess
operations is applied. The project is based on a
potential negative impacts on key indicators of
proven approach to integrated production and pest
biodiversity as well as on human health.
management (IPPM) (Anonymous 2018a). IPPM
• Train farmers in the field of integrated protec-
creates incentives for farmers to eliminate the
tion, which also advises on how to avoid com-
application of hazardous pesticides for alternative
mercial pressure on the application of
low-toxicity measures and, at the same time, con-
ducts practical training to improve broad agro-
• Improve the quality of information provided
nomic practices, helping them increase the
to agricultural communities (Czaja et al.
yields, improve production profitability, and
2015; Stalęga et al. 2016; Anonymous 2017,
increase economic and environmental flexibility
(Stalęga et al. 2016).
The multidisciplinary project “Reducing
dependence on persistent organic pollutants and
other agrochemicals in the Senegal and Niger
Resilient Agricultural Practices 7

Effective Microorganisms and Sawicka 2018a). Their operation depends,

The field-level stress management by means of however, on the type of crop, soil, and environ-
microorganisms is used as a springboard for new mental conditions (Kashyap et al. 2018;
applications in agriculture. The range of applica- Pszczółkowski and Sawicka 2018b). Therefore,
tions includes phyto-microbials in maintaining considering the sustainable development of agri-
the production of biofuel plants, impact of agri- culture, a review of biofertilizers, effective micro-
culture on the composition of soil microbial organisms, and plant extracts and their role in
communities and diversity, microalgae, photosyn- agriculture was made. There is a further need for
thetic microorganisms and bioenergetic perspec- better agricultural practices and the use of ecolog-
tives, mitigating the abiotic stress in plants due to ical methods for sustainable crop production. In
the multi-aspect beneficial microorganisms, this context, Trichoderma species can be model
methylotrophic bacteria in mitigating the climate fungi to maintain crop yields. Currently, they are
change, protecting the agriculture for resilience to widely used as modifiers for biocontrol,
climate change, mycorrhizal plants that help in biofertilization, and phytostimulation. They also
dealing with environmental threats, endophytic improve the efficiency of photosynthesis, increase
microorganisms, Bacillus thuringiensis, and the uptake of nutrients, and increase the efficiency
microbiological nanotechnology for agriculture of nitrogen utilization in crops (Kashyap et al.
resistant to climate change (Kashyap et al. 2018; 2017). In addition, they can be used to produce
Umachandran et al. 2018). Effective microorgan- bioenergy, help plants adapt, and mitigate the
isms (EMs) have great potential for biological negative effects of climate change
interaction due to specialized enzymes that have (Pszczółkowski and Sawicka 2018b). Technolog-
the ability to transform nuisance chemicals into ical advancement in the field of high-performance
useful forms. Effective microorganisms send sig- DNA sequencing and biotechnology has provided
nals to plants that prepare them for early repulsion a deep insight into the complex and diverse biotic
of a pathogen attack and help in the production interactions established in nature by Trichoderma
of disaccharides, which is, trehalose having the spp. Efforts are being made to translate this
ability to protect the whole plant when it is under knowledge into increased crop growth, disease
the stress of drought or is in a high salinity envi- resistance, and tolerance to abiotic stress under
ronment. Trehalose prevents from the formation field conditions. Discovery of several traits and
of crystals in water, because hydrogen bonds are genes that are involved in the beneficial effects of
formed, and its dried aqueous solutions form a Trichoderma spp. resulted in better understanding
glaze, which is an ideal compound in protecting of the field activity and would lead to a more
plants against drought and high temperatures efficient use of these strains and possibly to their
(Sawicka and Umachandran 2017). Plant extracts improvement by genetic modification (Swiderska
are also a valuable source of bioactive nutrients et al. 2016). This gives grounds for explaining the
and show great potential for growth and develop- molecular basis of plant growth promotion and
ment of plants, protecting them from biotic and defense activation by Trichoderma spp., gathering
abiotic stress. The interest in plant extracts is broad perspectives on their functioning and appli-
constantly growing due to the tendencies of sus- cation in relation to agriculture exposed to a cli-
tainable agriculture, which are primarily guided mate change (Kashyap et al. 2017; Noaema et al.
by environmental protection (Pszczółkowski and 2018). In the context of agricultural pest manage-
Sawicka 2018a). Much attention is also devoted to ment, biological pesticides are best suited for use
preparations based on natural substances and the in the production of organic food in industrialized
possibility of their use in the cultivation of plants. countries, but can play a much larger role in the
Materials are sought for, the extracts of which can production and protection of food in developing
act as biostimulators and plant protection products countries. Botanical plants have been used for a
and can be used as ingredients of “natural” fertil- long time to control pests. These compounds offer
izers (Tamizhazhagan et al. 2017; Pszczółkowski many environmental benefits. The improvement
8 Resilient Agricultural Practices

of the understanding of plant mechanisms of and scales that together must achieve and main-
allelochemical activity creates new possibilities tain food system services and compromises within
of using these substances in plant protection (El- and between scales. Other authors have adopted
Wakeil 2013). a second point of view, examining the flexibility
of households, their close relatives, or local agro-
ecological systems, usually focusing on trade-offs
Trends in Smallholder Agriculture between agriculture and other activities related to
food security and maintenance. Immunity assess-
The economy of small agriculture continues to ment indicators have been proposed at the level
play a key role in African and Asian agriculture. of the farm or agricultural rural community
The trends, challenges, and opportunities of this (Barrett et al. 2010). Rural community is an
sub-sector in the East of Africa were studied by appropriate focal scale to analyze flexibility,
Salami et al. (2010), through case studies from because of the direct social and ecological ties
Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania, and by that are on this scale, as well as because farmers
Grosjean et al. (2017) in Asia, in the Philippines. are perceived as the most vulnerable to stress,
In these economies, based on agriculture, small shocks, and threats. The third point is the value
farms account for about 75% of agricultural pro- chain, which can also be understood as a complex
duction and provide over 75% of employment. socio-ecological system, because it “contains
However, the contribution of small agriculture many complex environmental, social, political,
and agriculture in general to rapid growth in the and economic factors, including accessibility
region in recent years has been limited. Instead, and use” and covers various spatial, temporal,
the increase was driven by services, especially in and institutional scales as well as compromises
trade. There are weak institutions at the national between them (Biggs et al. 2015). The supply
level; the access to markets and loans is also chain system in agriculture has two aspects.
limited. These factors, including insufficient The first aspect, so-called “value supply” chain,
infrastructure, limit the increase in the efficiency is a resource used by agricultural enterprises and
of a small farm. The necessary measures to agribusiness companies (processors, traders,
improve the performance of small farmers include retailers, and wholesalers) for production and
ease of access to land and training measures to trade. The resources of companies include their
improve skills and encourage farmers to adopt physical, financial, and human capital, as well
new technologies and technical, technological, as the ability to conduct complex production and
and biological innovations as well as remove operational tasks (Staatz and Ricks 2010).
obstacles to trade. At the regional and global The second aspect is made up of institutions that
level, however, international barriers to trade manage the use and flow of capital resources and
should be addressed (Barrett et al. 2010; OECD coordinate all activities throughout the supply
2017). chain. It includes coordination structures that reg-
ulate interactions between enterprises within
a given supply chain segment, such as producer
Supply Chain in Agriculture organizations (farmers) (Vroegindewey et al.
2018). It also includes vertical coordination struc-
In recent years, there has been increasing interest tures that govern the company’s interactions in
in the assessment and construction of the resilient various segments, such as bilateral agreements
system of the food system. Three assessment between enterprises, and even wider structures
points were adopted. The first concerns the coordinating many links in the chain, such as
national or regional scale of the food system councils participating in supply chains or com-
(Hodbod and Eakin 2015). One of the advantages modity associations (Staatz and Ricks 2010).
of adopting such a large analytical unit is that it
facilitates a holistic view of the set of subsystems
Resilient Agricultural Practices 9

Resilience of System Components parts of the world. Understanding the negative

The three SES principles focus on the properties effects of climate change and their impact on
of the system elements that enhance resilience growth and development of plants as well as
to climate change (Hodbod and Eakin 2015). development of strategies to counteract these
First, maintaining the diversity and redundancy effects is of great importance for sustainable agri-
of system components (e.g., keeping many culture, resilient to climate change. Were presents
farmers, processors, or distributors in the dairy solid, climate-resistant agricultural strategies
supply chain and commercialization of many that have strong foundations in basic research.
processed dairy product lines) provides substi- Fundamental rules are presented, compliance
tutes for components that can fail in the face of of which will ensure safety on the one hand
disruptions and rapid climate change. Second, (both for consumers and farmers) at the stage of
connectivity management between components raw material production and, on the other hand,
of the supply system can facilitate the flow and will ensure the quality of raw material for further
reduce the spread of disruptions. Infrastructure processing stages. The combination of farmers
links, such as roads, and telephone communica- and processors in the production and marketing
tion by a network of mobile phones facilitate the of safe food is aimed at ensuring the consumer
flow of goods and information when determining safety. At present, there are foundations for
the acquisition of products. Identification systems the protection of limited natural resources
in obtaining the raw milk can help to quickly by implementing appropriate agricultural prac-
identify and limit the spread of quality problems. tices with the promise of a sustainable future.
The third principle is to identify key variables and The role of Resilient Agricultural Practices
feedbacks that interact to manage them. It is based (RAP) focuses on seven priority areas that can
on the first two principles, because it will depend broadly be divided into the following categories:
on the type of changes, in which the system com- (Anonymous 2017) combating pests and plant
ponents take place, e.g., whether milk production diseases; (Anonymous 2018a) control of cross-
increases, decreases, or is stable, as well as the border animal diseases (TAD); (Anonymous
relationship between components and entities, i. 2018b) food security and information systems
e., the relationship between milk productivity and about natural resources, disaster risk manage-
investment in the processing of milk. Two princi- ment, and policy development; (Asian Farmers’
ples often refer to the structure of supply chain Association for Sustainable Rural Development
components. The first is to keep the components (AFA) 2015) generating new jobs and employ-
flexible to take different positions and adapt oper- ment in rural and suburban areas; (Barbaś and
ations to changing requirements with minimal Sawicka 2016) agricultural production; (Barrett
time and effort. Flexibility can be linked to the et al. 2010) management of natural resources;
principle of diversity, as it arises when food chain and (Batterbury and Ndi 2018) food safety and
actors depend on human resources, products, the nutrition.
number of suppliers and buyers, and sources of Integrating environmental persistence and cli-
income (Simmons and Storms 2017; Srinivasrao mate resilience has enabled SDG2 to achieve the
et al. 2018; Vroegindewey and Hodbod 2018). following benefits:

• Achieving food security, sustainable develop-

Summary ment, and resilience through the use of genetic
diversity and indigenous knowledge.
Still changing climate is affecting the plant pro- • Preserving the genetic diversity of seeds, ara-
duction in a negative way, and its impact on agri- ble crops, farmed and domesticated animals,
culture is currently becoming the main priority in and their related wild species, grazing, fishery,
developing countries. Agriculture resistant to cli- or forest resources.
mate change is the need of the moment in many
10 Resilient Agricultural Practices

• Getting more support for the innovations and fertilization techniques to reduce soil erosion.
practices of the natives, so as not to lose the Restoring traditional intercrop crops to
genetic diversity and knowledge they possess, improve soil fertility and composition.
with the same priority for preserving and • Aerating the soil by plowing and adding
improving the resistance of local ecotypes, manure, which increases its ability to retain
species, and varieties, through the community, water. Planting trees with nitrogen binding in
seed banks, community-managed landscapes, food crops, which improves soil fertility and
active plant breeding, and market links for increases crop production.
traditional products. • Natural pest control. Traditional techniques
• Increasing the productivity of crop species and combining, e.g., organic cultivation of rice
animals, especially in marginal areas already with the production of ducks and fish provide
affected by climate change, without causing natural pest control. Reintroduction of tradi-
loss of genetic diversity for future generations. tional biopesticides using herbs and chili.
Local species and varieties are often more
resistant to drought and pests than their modern As a result of developing the high technologies
counterparts, as well as more valuable and in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, most coun-
more nutritious. tries in the world began to pay more attention to
• Ensuring sustainable production and imple- reliability in food production and food consump-
mentation of resilient farming practices to tion safety (Global Forest Watch 2017). For this
help maintain ecosystems, strengthen adapt- reason, many initiatives have been carried out in
ability to climate change and extreme events, an international context. The CRA practices pro-
and improve the quality of arable land and vide an opportunity to meet the challenges of
undeveloped agricultural soils. climate change as well as economic growth and
• Risk diversification and management. Many development of the agricultural sector. The most
farmers, in developing countries, have started important goal of CRA is to mitigate the effects of
cultivating different varieties of the same climate change. Many technologies and
species together, including resistant local vari- approaches around the world involve CRA. The
eties, to reduce the risk of crop failure. application of stress-tolerant varieties (flood, salt-
In Kenya, hybrid, improved, and traditional ing, drought, tolerance to high or low tempera-
varieties of corn and manioc were planted, tures), as well as water collection technologies
which reduced the yield decrease. Domesti- (small water retention projects, wetting
cated wild and medicinal trees were tamed to and drying, drip irrigation) and integrated crop
mitigate climate change and increase their management (e.g., against pests (IPPM), specific
income. management of nutrients). The word “resilience”
• Soil and water protection. In the Potato Park, is used very often. It is expected that one should
micro-water tanks that combine traditional retrospectively understand the dynamics of sus-
technology of obtaining water (aruna) with tainable development in various agricultural sys-
modern materials and techniques ensure the tems and decision-makers should actively identify
availability of water for irrigation and con- differentiated features, i.e., strategies for increas-
sumption. New composting techniques have ing the resilience in farming systems, depending
improved soil fertility and humidity, resulting on the risk associated with available natural
in higher yields and efficient water use. resources.
Reintroduction of traditional cultivation and
Resilient Agricultural Practices 11

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