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D&T Research

1. Methods of propelling and moving a car without a motor 1. Rubber band car
One must develop a car where the rubber band was fixed at one end and then straddled a spinning gear at the other end where by reversing the car the rubber band would wind around itself building potential energy. The strength of this design lied in its capacity to store potential energy in the rubber band in a fashion that did not compromise the integrity of the rubber band.

2. Balloon powered car

According to Newton's famous third law of motion, "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." A balloon-powered car illustrates this third law of motion.When you let go of the straw end, the air goes out of the balloon in one direction while the car moves in the opposite direction (forward). Balloon and air act on each other to propel the car, illustrating Newton's third law of motion.

3. Windmill powered car

A windmill is attached at the rear of the car and is generated by the blowing wind that turns the windmill into circular motion and hence, propel the car forward. However, this method is the least suitable and inconvenient as it requires wind power in order to move the car.

Rubber band car

Balloon powered car

Windmill powered car

2. F c r

1. Air r sist
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2. Th size and shape of the vehicle

to overcome the drag by allowing them to pierce through the atmosphere with the least amount of resistance possible.

3. Mass
The greater the mass of the car, the more force is re uired to accelerate it to a given speed. The lesser the mass it has, the lesser the force re uired to accelerate it to a given speed. All things being e ual, larger cars take more time to propel and reach top speed. In general, heavier vehicles also have slower maximum speeds. Therefore, the car cannot be too heavy in this case as it needs to travel as fast as possible.

4. Friction
The more the friction between the ground and the car wheels, the slower the car will travel. owever, if the friction is too little, the wheels will not be able to have traction with the surface and might go slower.

5. Texture of the surface that is in contact with the ground

In this case, it is referring to the wheels of the non-motorised car. If the materials of the wheels are rough, more friction will be created between the two surfaces and hence, it need more energy to overcome and slows the car down subse uently.




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3. Typ


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. Knotty Pine
When using wood as one of the materials we should choose one that is light and durable , such as the Knotty Pine wood, which is dimensionally stable and durable

2. Plastic
Plastics are made from oil and it can be molded into an almost infinite variety of shapes. It is extremely durable and light in weight. It is the most common material that can be made into many things which can be found everywhere around us.

3. String
A durable type of string should be used so that it will not break

4. Alu inu
Aluminum is a soft, durable, lightweight, ductile and malleablemetal. It has about one-third the density and stiffness of steel. It can be easily machined, cast, drawn and extruded.

5. Hickory
Also known as Pecan . Even though it is a little heavier than Mahogany, it I more durable and shock resistant .

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. http://i . lib b .c / photo/ 0/332369185/Whol l _Eco_Sol r_Po wer_Toy_Kit_Car_Plane_Puppy_Wind _200 2. http://en.wikipedia.or /wiki/Automobile_handling 3. 4. = p&sclient=psy&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=rubber+band+ca&pbx =1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=ccae41acabfd745d&biw=1661&bih=977 5. erchant2/graphics/00000001/841954.jpg 6.

Done By : Kashsmeraa 2g2 (19)






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