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HIS 200: Applied History

Prof. Neal, Tara

Southern New Hampshire University

The Trail of Tears

How much do you know about history?.What would you do in a situation where they take your

home without permission? Have you ever heard about the Trail of Tears”? If not, here is a little

background story. In 1830, the president of the United States, Andrew Jackson decided to pass

the Indian Removal Act, taking the land of the Native Americans. How has this decision from

Andrew Jackson of taking their land has affected the Natives Americans?.

The importance of this issue is because we are going to be available to learn from our past

mitakes, it was a devastating fate for them because of what Andrew Jackson did to them,

removing their land out of nowhere and until this day many Natives live in discrimination, poor

resources, many women have been murder and no news are taking about. Besides it shows us

how the government treats the people before us, today and yesterday Native Americans are still

treated the same and the government has done nothing to fix the injustices.

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