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Finlatics Investment Banking Experience Programme Project-1

1.A good combination would be B (economic graduate with MBA graduate and
has experience of working at management consulting) and A (passionate about
food and working in a health foods company).

Prior knowledge
Assuming that Arjun is an economic graduate with MBA degree and has
working experience at consulting firm, he would be the best fit for this venture
capital as it includes in targeting consumer needs and marketing the product. It
is pivotal for an entrepreneur to have some set of skills such as critical and
strategic thinking especially at the stage where the food has yet to be
delivered to the consumers.

Diversify the resources

His previous experience with the consulting company might help with
uncertainty and analysing the unstructured data base at initial stage of
company, since consulting agents would normally do. Therefore, Arjun must
know how to separate what he has already learnt from the situation that are
unrelated and where exactly his experience and knowledge as a consultant is
required. He would have to put an open mind towards learning things from

Growth Potential
The global value of healthy snacks is expected to be high by 2030. Healthy
snacks include anything from protein bars to gluten or dairy free alternatives,
to chips, crackers, cookies and more. The idea of combining healthy snacks
with taste would grab customer attention and could raise the lifestyle
standards among common public.
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Sanjeev Bhikchandani is the founder and CEO of info edge, which owns It is the biggest portal in India. He did his Bachelor’s from
Economics in Stephen’s college, Delhi and masters from IIMA. He worked for
Horlicks before starting into info edge. He won the Ernst and Young
entrepreneur award as well. As this real-life story is similar to arjun’s case
there are high chances of getting succeed.

Distribution Channels
Since the product has already launched by Arjun, he needs to target consumers
the proper distribution channels could be brand promotion in social media
through Collaborations and Paid promotion. This branding technique would
give better reach for the consumers and public. Through E-shopping the brand
can provide particular discounts or offer for the customers and promote the
benefits of product. With the rising atmosphere changes in the world as an
economic graduate Arjun would be able to use his creativity to improve the

Everything considered Arjun’s qualification and experience with the health
food company as a consultant would help the brand and company with
strategic management and critical thinking stage in business and there are high
chances of growth in health industry.

2. Arjun must give the most emphasis on Financial-benefits

As Arjun has already launched the product and conscious about the resources
that will take up, financial benefits would give significance to expand
distribution channels.
Drive profits – When a company increase the number of distribution channels,
it gains more opportunities to sell the products to both new and existing

Build brand awareness – The more available the products are for consumers
the more the brand awareness increases. By continuing to meet the consumer
demand and build positive brand sentiment among consumers.

Reduce Market Risk – Selling the products through one channel is risky, so
increasing the proper distribution channel Arjun can reduce the risk and
manage the profit.

By choosing financial benefit Arjun can use proper Distribution channel for his
product as it is his main concern, depending on the market demand as well as
economic situation the channel distribution can be changed. Customer’s
satisfaction and easy availability for products to them must be considered.

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