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PART 1 Snacks (September 2022 - April 2023) ‘What is your opinion on snacks between meals? Is it healthy to eat snacks? Well, I guess unhealthy snacks like pizza, cakes and chocolates add extra calories to our day, which makes it difficult to keep weight under control. They also destabilize blood sugar and lead to tooth decay as the sugar left in the mouth after eating sugary snacks provides a breeding ground for bacteria. But healthy ones like fruits and vegetables provide valuable nutrition What kind of snacks do you like to eat? Honestly speaking, I adore all kinds of junk and sugary snacks such as pizza, cakes, pies or muffins, but I often replace them with oatmeal cookies, muesli bars and dried fruit in order to satisfy my sweet tooth and at the same time not ruin my health. What kind of snacks do children in your country like to eat now? T guess it depends on their family's food preferences. What I think kids like are apples, bananas, yogurt covered cereal, cheese, chocolates and all kinds of biscuits. ‘What was the most popular snack when you were young? Well, let me recall! Cottage cheese with fruits and honey and granny's pies took the lead in my child! at least it was so in my and my friends' families. chocolates, breads and apples played second fiddle to them, When do you usually eat them? Well, usually eat some sweet snacks in the mid morning between breakfast and lunch and some healthy stuff like nuts, raisins, yogurts or fruits in the mid afternoon between lunch and dinner. GROUP: ORIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THI IELTS GOC Do your parents allow you to eat snacks? They do, but only healthy ones like fresh or dried fruits and vegetables or Greek yogurt. They don't let me eat junk foods, though as they say they don’t want me to ruin my health, Names (September 2022 - April 2023) Is there any tradition about naming babies? How do you choose names for your next generation? Well, of course, there is but naming traditions vary from country to country and culture to culture. For example, here in India many parents choose a baby's name according to his or her birth star. There are 27 birth stars altogether, each with associated letters to start the baby's name. Does your name have any special meaning? Well, definitely ‘yes’ like all other names, actually. My name is Sophia and it's a Greek word for wisdom or being wise as far as I know. It's quite a popular name these days, and I think it's, first of all, because all parents want their daughters to be wise as it’s the shortest way to happiness. Do you like your name? Oh yeah, I have always loved it. It has a great sound and it’s easy to spell. What's more, it's quite common in my country, and because of this I can easily find personalized items with my name on. I mean coffee mugs, pendants and bracelets. Would you like to change your name? Definitely not. I like my current name and I can't imagine myself without it. So, no. T wouldn't change it. Not for the world. Do people in your country ever change their names? T guess it happens from time to time. For example, when people dislike their current name or want to anglicize it. They can also do so when they want to have a unique name or would like to change their life by starting it with a new name. What name do people at home call you? )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Well, my parents usually call me sweetheart or any other affectionate name, while my siblings like to use a hypocoristic form of my name. Weather (September 2022 - April 2023) What's the weather usually like in your hometown? What's your favorite weather? Do you like the weather in your hometown? Oh, the weather in my hometown is characterized by warm dry summers and fairly severe snowy winters, It is very sunny and relatively hot in summertime with the temperatures soaring up to 30 - 35 degrees Celsius as maximum. Most rain occurs in early spring and late autumn making the second half of April, May, September and the first half of October the most comfortable and pleasant months of the year. The lowest temperatures in wintertime are minus 20 - 25 degrees Celsius but they never last longer than a couple of days. Do you like hot weather? Well, do actually. 1 adore sunshine and enjoy getting tons of vitamin D ‘cause it always positively affects my mood. So, yes, I would rather sweat than get cold for sure, Do you like hot weather? Or no, Hot weather bothers me. I feel grumpy, sweaty. and uncomfortable in such weather. Oh, and [ become too lazy to do anything. So, no, it's definitely not my type of weather. What do you do in hot weather? Well, if am on vacation, I coo] off near the sea or visit a waterpark. But if not, I try to stay indoors with the air conditioner on. In case I have to get outside, I look for ways to spend time in cool shady_places, drink plenty of fluids and eat a lot of ice- cream, Do you like wet weather? Do you prefer wet or dry weather? Oh yes, I really like rainy days as it’s a great time to recharge, refresh and revitalize. 1 find comfort in the rain. I love the raindrops hitting my roof and windows, [ love the Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC moisture in the air, and I appreciate the after-rain scent. Rain makes me feel alive. So of course I like it a lot. Would you like to visit a hot country? Definitely, 1 would. I really like beach holidays, sunbathing, seafood and exotic fruits. So hot countries appeal to me, especially when it's freezing cold at home. Birthdays (September 2022 - April 2023) How do children celebrate birthdays in your country? Oh, usually the birthday morning starts with birthday gifts, a kid's favorite breakfast, a lot of balloons and streamers placed by parents all around the house. Then there is a birthday cake and gifts from classmates and teachers at school. And, finally, there's a party with lots of activities and fun either at home or somewhere out. How did you celebrate your last birthday? Oh, my last birthday celebration was unbelievably cool. I went on vacation to the mountains with my significant other. We spent the whole day together enjoying nature and our being together. In the evening we had a super yummy dinner. It was marvelous. I still recall that day fondly. Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present? I wouldn’t say there is a big difference, though some things really differ. When I was younger, I always threw huge parties inviting even those people whom I knew for a month or so. Now I have become more mature and love to have special get togethers with close people enjoying communication and reminiscing about our common past. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive? Oh, I really like to be given money, but it's usually a kind of present from very close people. As far as presents from acquaintances and colleagues are concerned, I like to receive perfumes, flowers, and cosmetics or jewelry gift cards. ‘Transportation (September 2022 - April 2023) )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? Is driving to work popular in your country? Ican safely say that the majority of people here get around by subway. The main reason is that you don't have to worry about the possibility of getting stuck jam, Also, trains run frequently, therefore people get anywhere in time even during peak hours. In addition, this mode of transport is relatively inexpensive, reliable and really comfortable. a traffic Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation? 1 prefer getting around in a private vehicle because ! don't like to be dependent on other people. I like the idea that I can stop whenever and wherever I want. I can take as much stuff with me as needed. I can speak loudly and sing. So, although many of my friends say that the amount of money I spent to purchase my could generally finance public transit fees for yes 2 not planning to switch to mass transit. Will you use public transport more in the future? Well, 11 love to ‘cause I think this is the only way to fight global warming and environmental pollution, but taking into account the current situation in the world, 1 don't think I will, In my opinion, mass transit and social distancing are incompatible, especially during rush hour, And even if I do my best to keep a safe distance, wear a mask and avoid touching surfaces, the risk of catching COVID-19 on trains and buses is quite high because this disease is highly contagious. I just don't want to jeopardize my health. I think I won't use public transport unless absolutely necessary. I will drive, walk or cycle more Are there any traffic problems in your area? Oh, in my city, I guess, itis traffic congestion that is the major problem, During rush hours the city center and the main roads are blocked by vehicles which move so slowly that it seems they don't move at all. How would you improve transport in your town or area? How would you reduce traffic problems in your area? How do you think public transport could be improved? Firstly, itis absolutely imperative that buses be made to stop at designated bus stops and have scheduled routes. The problem is that having spotted a person flagging down, bus drivers stop wherever they want as they seem to feel like kings of the road, Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Such sudden and abrupt stopping of buses often causes minor rear end collisions and tailbacks as there's barely enough room to let other vehicles pass and everybody is ina hurry. It would also be great if roads were mended because dodging potholes is what drivers have to constantly do instead of moving smoothly and uninterruptedly. And this again makes cars move slowly and leads to car accidents. Cooking (September 2022 - April 2023) Do you like cooking? Oh yes, I adore it. Cooking at home is always a fun time with my family because we like to cook together . It also lets me control my family’s health. What’s more, it lets me save money as I have a choice about where and how many products to buy. One more thing I can add is that homemade food tastes much better, especially when I see happy faces of my beloved ones enjoying the meal. Who usually does the cooking in your home? Well, 1am the one who always cooks in my home. I do it because I dore cooking and because I am really good at it. I can easily make a great meal out of random grudge ingredients and it makes life easy for all my family members. One more reason why 1 cook for everyone is the fact that I have enough time for that. Though, from time to time my husband and kids help me in the kitchen but not more than once a week, to my regret. Singing (September 2022 - April 2023) Do you often sing? Well, quite often, I do it every morning when I have a shower and every evening, when I want (o get away from my problems and relax. I also sing when I am happy and when I want to make people around me smile. Oh, and whenever I hear the song I like. So yeah, I sing almost all the time When do you like to sing? )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Oh, L enjoy singing when I hear the song I like or when I want to attract someone's attention, Also, I often do it when I want to express myself and what I feel or when my mood strikes, pushing my heart and soul to sing and have fun. What kinds of music do you like to sing? Well, I really enjoy singing ballads ‘cause they are typically slow and have an emotional touch owing to the lyrical content. Also, I like country songs for their meaningful lyrics and soothing tunes and, of course, for those good stories which they tell. Is it difficult to sing well? T guess it isn't if you are extremely_gifted or if you practice daily taking singing classes or using a good vocal training program. Regular practice helps people discover the full potential of their voice and take advantage of it. So I don't think it's too hard when singing skills are well-developed. Do you want to be a singer? Oh no, I don't. First of all, I am too shy to perform live on stage in front of a large crowd. Also, Iam quite bad at acting which is important for a professional singer. What's more, I think it’s a very hard job. So I wouldn't even like to try. Technology (September 2022 - April 2023) Do you like to use new technology? Well, I would even say I adore it as it has increased the speed of life and shaped nearly every aspect of the way we live and work today. New technologies make me smarter and give me better opportunities. For example, they allow me to get access to information from virtually everywhere eliminating problems posed by. geography and time. What is more, they multiply my. efforts in ways that are remarkable, making me more efficient and making my life easier. New technologies are the triumph of the human intellect, so, of course, I enjoy using them, Does technology deeply affect people's life? Definitely yes. It has changed the way people work, play and even raise kids. It has improved people's lives. They have more free time which gives them better opportunities. It has also bridged the gap for communicating with people over long Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC distances, changed the ways of education and learning methods and led to increased productivity in the office. So I can claim without any doubt that technology deeply affects people's life. Writing (September 2022 - April 2023) Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer? Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you're writing? Do you write a lot? Well, it’s hard to say. On the one hand, I do a lot of writing by hand. For example, I write down to-do lists in my personal organiser, scribble notes if I recall some important piece of information or come up with a good idea, I write reminders for my colleagues and family members. But when it comes to writing long texts such as articles, of course, I never use pen and paper. I prefer typing. Did you like writing things when you were a child? Well, it was a real struggle for me as I didn't feel comfortable with it. I was too immature to manage the writing process and I was constantly worried about making mistakes. It led to tears and tantrums and made me hate writing with all my heart. Social media (September 2022 - April 2023) What's the most popular social media in your country? Tthink by far the most popular social media is still Facebook because it lets people make social connections, stay in touch with what friends are doing, share photos or videos with others and just fill up their free time.. Business people opt for professional networks such as LinkedIn and Xing ‘cause they help resolve lots of business issues such as meeting customers, recruiting new employees, keeping up with the latest news in business and developing relationships with suppliers and colleagues. Geography (September 2022 - April 2023) Are you good at reading maps? Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Well, I guess I am as with their help I always easily find the place I need or find out what is around me, Also, it's never a problem for me to track the route I need or find out information about places of interest when I read a map. So yeah, I'm good enough at reading maps, I think, Puzzles (September 2022 - April 2023) Is it good for old people to do puzzles? Undoubtedly, mainly because puzzles provide an excellent way for seniors to strengthen their brain function as solving them requires critical and logical thinking skills. It kinda serves as a workout for their brains and memory function and helps to ward off dementia and delay Alzheimer's disease. What's more, it improves their decision-making capabilities, decreases stress and anxiety levels and improves their mood. So, it's definitely good for the elderly. Hair (September 2022 - April 2023) Do you like going to a hairdresser's (or barber's)? To be honest, I don't 'cause I never know what exactly I want, which intensifies my feeling stressed and confused whenever I have to do it. Do you want to change your hair colour? Well, why not... But only if a new hair colour enhances my look and helps me stand out from the crowd, which adores me. Not in any other case. How often do you have a haircut? Well, I never ever do it as I like my hair long and only. get the ends trimmed regularly to keep my strands healthy and radiant How often do you have a haircut? Oh, I usually have a haircut at least once a month as it makes me look well-groomed and elegant. I have business meetings almost every day, and it's important for me to make a good first impression. How long have you had this haircut? Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Well, I've had it since I graduated from university, I guess. Though, sometimes it seems to me that I've always had it. Have you had a haircut that you didn't like? Only once in my life, thank god. I guess it happened because there was a kind of miscommunication between me and my hairdresser (barber). Lust failed to articulate my desired look, which resulted in the haircut I didn't expect to see. Morning time (September 2022 - April 2023) What is your morning routine? Well, the first thing I do when I wake up is make my bed and meditate for 5 minutes. Then I work out for 15 minutes, have a shower and drink a glass of warm water with lemon. After that I quickly have my breakfast, pack a meal, snack and coffee and run to work. That's my typical morning. Do you like the morning or the evening? Well, actually love both the momning and the evening but for different reasons. ove the morning for setting. the tone for my day as well as for newness and possibilities it offers. At the same time, I always wait for the evening to unwind and reflect on my day or accomplish overdue assignments when I'm still full of energy after a hard day at work. Is breakfast important? Definitely, it is. Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing, for example, fills our body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast, restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function, and simply makes us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. PART 2 Popular place for sports (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a popular place for sports You should say: what this place is, Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC where this place is what kinds of people go there what you did there how you felt about it Part 3 - 'Doing sports’ In my city, by far the most popular place for sports is a 50-meter indoor pool. It's located pretty far from the city centre, which might seem a serious obstacle for people willing to visit it regularly. Nevertheless, it's very popular with city dwellers, and nobody has ever complained about its location as there are a number of things that make this swimming pool easily the best pool in the city. First of all, it has ample parking space for all the visitors. This means you don’t have to come much earlier to find where to park your car, Also, the facility is new and clean. There are spacious locker rooms, so you don't feel cramped and don't have to navigate through wet bodies to collect your belongings. What's surprising is that there are showers with towels,. shampoos and conditioners, but the membership isn't pricey. The pool is really large, so, thank God even during peak times you don't share a lane with more than 3 people. Several lanes on one side of the pool are used by professional swimmers, several on the other side are occupied by elderly people, nroanant women and beginners.Alll the other lanes are used by men and women who swim for fitness. You know, all those people who swim fast and overtake each other. I'm really afraid of such swimmers as I have to share a lane with them. Oh, I nearly forgot. There's a gigantic water play space for children where they are looked after by the staff of the pool, while their parents are swimming. I'm sure this is one of the reasons which make people choose this very pool. Also, I can't help mentioning that the water is always warm enough for comfortable swimming, and afier swimming you can enjoy spa treatments. One more important thing that appeals to many people (and I'm not an exception) is that it's open from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., which means that all people have an opportunity to visit it regardless of how early they start their working day or how late they finish it. Money as a gift (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a time when you received money on your birthday You should say: Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC who gave it and why when you received it what you did with it how you felt about it part 3 - ‘Money’ Well, when it comes to gifts, everyone considers me to be that difficult person who is impossible to buy something for. So my friends and relatives no longer try to guess what I might like, but ask me directly what I need. Last year I made my friends even more upset when | asked them to give me money as a birthday gift because I wanted to buy a new laptop, but I didn't have enough money for that. Of course, my friends thought there was nothing fun about giving cash. Moreover, they understood that they wouldn't be able to give me enough money to consider this computer their birthday present. They joked they would buy one tenth of a computer for me. ‘They weren't as excited about it, so they decided that if they couldn't afford a computer, they would, at least, find some creative way to give cash so that I would remember it for a long time. They gave me a huge bouquet of flowers that were made from banknotes. They folded banknotes so that they resembled buds. To be honest, I thought they would give me a white boring envelope with cash. Can you imagine how surprised I was when I saw this bouquet. My_jaw dropped in amazement. I'm not joking. They managed to kill two birds with one stone. First of all, they gave me what I really needed. At the same time, I was pleasantly surprised as 1 didn’t expect cash to be such a creative gift. So money appeared to be one of the most memorable gifts in my li Story you've heard (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a story you've heard You should say: what this story was about who told you this story when you heard it how you felt about it part 3 - ‘Stories’ Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Last year in the winter my father was going to go outside wearing just slippers, trousers and a jumper. I told him to put on his winter coat, boots and a hat as | was afraid he would freeze to death, He said he would be back in 5 minutes. And he told me a story about a man who spent a whopping 20 hours lying paralyzed in snow outside his home and didn’t even have any frostbite. I was amazed to hear that. | asked. how it was possible. And it appeared that the man was saved by his dog. So, there was some man who decided to go outside for a moment, just like my father. He wasn't going to stay out in the cold for a long time, that's why he was wearing slippers, trousers and a shirt. But he slipped and broke his neck. He couldn't stand up. ing in the snow screaming for help, but nobody could help him, Luckily, his dog came to him and started the bar for help. She kept him warm for about 20 hours by lying on top of him. Also, she kept him awake by licking hands and face. If he had fallen asleep, he would have been doomed. The dog kept barking for help all night long. Thank God, she alerted the man’s neighbor, who called the emergency services, and the man was taken to hospital. He was The story moved me, but when my father finished it, I asked him to put on warm clothes because we didn't have a dog that would rescue him. Important thing you learned (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe an important thing you leamed (not at school or college) You should say: what it is when you learned it how you learned it why it was important Part 3 - 'Learning new things” I can safely say that driving a car is one of the most important things I've ever learned. If T'm not mistaken, this was more than 10 years ago. Back then very few cars had an automatic gear-box, so acquiring this skill was much more difficult than now, therefore it required a lot of practice. At first, I decided to take the line of least resistance and asked my father to teach me as he had had a wealth of experience. But being good at driving didn't mean being Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC good at teaching. He lost temper and shouted at me every other second, which made both of us upset. I quickly understood that this wasn't as good an idea as I'd expected. ‘Then I found an instructor who was much more patient than my father. He explained what to do and what mistakes to avoid. He controlled every movement I made. It took me a while as I remember hours and hours of practice. In the end, I became a really confident driver. To be honest, it was only when I learned to drive a car that I understood what freedom was. Even when I didn’t have my own car, I could take my parents’ vehicle and go somewhere without waiting for one of them to give me a lift. On many occasions, it made getting around the city far more comfortable than it used to be. Now that I have my own car, I think driving is an indispei eas | don't have to catch the bus, wait for a taxi or ask somebody to give me a lift, completely depending on them, I can stop or change the route any time I want. I'm free to go wherever I need, especially to some places which are difficult to get to by public transport, for example, out of town, What's more, I can take as much stuff with me as I need without keeping an eye on it on a bus . [don't have numb fingers after carrying heavy bags all day round. Also, I can transport a lu stuff without hiring special companies. I can say without any exaggeration that since I learned to drive my life has improved in countless ways. le skill for me. It saves a lot of Photo you're proud of (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a photo you took that you're proud of You should say: where you took it when you took the photo how you took it why you're proud of it part 3 - Photos’ Thave to confess I'm an avid selfie-snapper, so I find it almost impossible to make it through a day without taking several selfies. This is why my camera roll is awash in them, and it's really difficult to choose just one picture. T think P'll describe one close-up which drew the most likes and comments on Facebook and Instagram recently. It sounds silly to care about something as small as a )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC selfie, but it's our reality. To tell the truth, I didn't expect that photo to break the Internet but it did. Several weeks ago I came home after my friend's birthday party. I had very beautiful makeup. Dark smoky eyes and glossy lips... I decided such heavenly beauty had to be captured forever, so I took my selfie stick and started experimenting. [tried to take pictures either at eye level or from a higher angle to exaggerate the size of my eyes and to avoid a double chin in a picture. As usual, I took hundreds of them as my selfies never come out perfect after the first snapshot. Then || picked the best one, used some filters to manipulate the image, you know, to erase blemishes. After that I cropped the image so that nobody could see the background and immediately uploaded it to Facebook and Instagram, awaiting for likes and comments. Frankly speaking, I really liked the way I looked because I was genuinely happy in the picture and looked simply amazing on that day. So, probably, even if my friends hadn't liked this selfie so much, it would, anyway, be one of my favourite ones. Movie you want to watch again (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a movie you watched recently and want to watch again You should s what the movie is about where you watched it why you liked it why you want to watch it again part 3 - ‘Watching movies’ Vocabulary Ideas Trecently saw The adjustment bureau and I was very pleased with the movie Although this movie is not new, I hadn't even heard about it before and watched it by pure chance. I was at home, the weather was bad and I didn't want to go out, so T started flipping through the channels. I saw Matt Damon on the screen and decided to watch the film just because of him. I didn't regret it and I think this film was definitely worth a few hours of my time. It's a romantic science fiction thriller that depicts an affair between a politician named David and a contemporary dancer, Elise. David accidentally meets Elise, while rehearsing his speech. After they kiss each other, he gets so inspired that he delivers a Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC great speech that makes him a favourite in the election race. The only thing that makes him upset is that he doesn't even know the name of the girl. One month later they meet each other on a bus, but he doesn't manage to ask for her telephone number. Then he takes the same bus for three years to meet her, but some mysterious forces keep them apart, Later we find out that this is because all the events in people's lives are controlled by the Adjustment Bureau that ensures people live according to the Plan’ because every time humanity. granted free will, it results in wars or other negat events. So the bureau tries to do whatever possik stop them from meeting each other. One day David meets two men working for this bureau, and they explain that they make corrections when things go slightly wrong. David is warned that if he doesn't stop making attempts to meet Elise, his memory will be erased. He decides to fight against it and tries to outsmart or elude the men in the suits and hats. To cut a long story short, in the end, the bureau issues a revised plan according to which Elise and David are meant to be together, and they are let go. I really liked the movie, first of all, because I'm a huge fan of Matt Damon, Another great aspect of the film is that it raises the question and draws our attention to the dilemma of life, the conflict between free will and predestination, I love such inspirational movies that teach us to pursue our dreams and goals no matter what. I also liked the suspense of watching a good plot unfold. I'm serious. I was on the edge of my seat waiting. to see what would happen next, Overall, this movie is both entertaining and thought-provoking and it's definitely worth watching more than once. Information Search (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a time when you received money on your birthday You should say: who gave it and why when you received it what you did with it how you felt about it part 3 - ‘Money’ Well, I search for information at least several times a day. And I always find what I need fairly quickly ‘cause most of my search queries cover broad topics. I usually )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC need to answer a question or learn how to do something, But I remember one occasion when collecting information became a nightmare. When I studied at university, I was doing research for my coursework in Marketing. Not only did I have to collect relevant information on a given topic, but I also had to provide lots of statistics and case studies illustrating some marketing strategy. It was quite a while ago, so I don't remember the precise wording. First, I decided to use my favorite search strategy, which is "Just Google it’ because Google has by far the largest catalog of pages. I entered the search key in the Google search box and got pages and page search results. I was really disappointed because most sites listed at the top of my search results didn’t have relevant content, At some point I found myself so I. through page after page of results hoping to find at least something relevant. I used different search engines because no search engine is perfect, and they all have different blind spots. However, after several days of searching and not finding the right kind of information, I gave up hope and told my friend how desperate I was. Much to my surprise, he said I was searching in the wrong places and recommended ‘me to use, first a specialist search engine called Google Scholar w. allows you to search for academic articles that might be hard to find in a general search, Also, he told me about Statista. It's like Google for researchers. And I found what I was looking for. I was happy, but already really tired of the research, TV program (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a'TV program you like You should say: what TV program it is when you watch it why you like it part 3 - "TV programs’ My all-time favourite TV program is a talent show called the X factor. It’s a music competition, to be precise, in which judges search for a singer who has the X factor, which means a unique talent. First, auditions are held across the country. Then each contestant is required to sing in front of the judges and the live audience. In each of )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC the shows, the contestants with the lowest number of viewer votes are eliminated. If I'm not mistaken, the winner gets some money for a recording contract. ‘The TV show airs every Saturday evening, and I like it so much that I try not to miss a single episode. If I go out with my friends, I watch a repeat on Sunday morning or watch the highlights on the Internet later before the next episode is broadcast. ‘There are many reasons why I like it. First of all, [like to see ordinary people like me and you achieve sucre and become famous. Also, I like to see how the contestants interact with each other and their menu how they prepare for performances, choose songs. overcome difficulties and fears. These stories prove that itis hard work and persistence that can make your dream come true. Such shows are very inspiring. Shopping online (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe an experience of online shopping You should say: what you bought what problems you had while shopping online how it was used explain how you felt about it part 3 - ‘Service! Tve bought almost all Apple products ‘cause I'm a huge fan of Apple. As a rule, I bought my IOS devices right after they were launched. However, it was not until last month that I finally decided to buy my first Apple Watch to complement my iPhone. To be honest, I hesitated before buying it as I had never liked watches and had never wanted to buy one for myself. I bought it online ‘cause there was no point in going to an offline shop to look at it and to touch it. Thank God, a smart watch isn't something like a piece of clothing that you have to try on to make sure it fits you. I just had to spend some time doing kinda research online. At first, I wanted to buy the latest Apple Watch Series 7, but I found out it would be incompatible with my iPhone. So I decided to buy the Apple Watch Series 6 instead, I wasn't very upset about it ‘cause I watched product reviews on )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC YouTube and found out the two models were pretty much the same, but the newer one was a lot more expensive. After I made up my mind, all [needed was to click a few buttons to make a purchase. Shortly after I placed my order, I received an email to confirm that it was being processed. A few hours later I received an email text message containing my order details, courier tracking information, But this didn’t happen. I contacted the Apple Customer Service to report a problem, and they resolved my problem very fast. I know that many people love to hate Apple products but now I can’t imagine my life without this device. It’s just as cool as it sounds. Sharing something with others (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a time when you shared something with others You should say: what you shared and why when you shared it who you shared it with how you felt about sharing it with them part 3 - ‘Sharing things’ When I was a child, I had to share a room with my younger sister, an unbearable living together. I asked our parents almost every week if we could afford to move to a larger apartment, Every time I brought up this issue, they tried to persuade me that sharing a room with a sibling was fun, but it was like swearing black was white, In fact, and this is what I understood much later, they simply couldn't afford to buy a larger flat, But as a child, I couldn't and didn't want to understand what, they said, was First of all, I felt I was under total control. For instance, when my sister was in the room, I couldn't discuss my secrets with my friends on the phone. Even when she was in a different room, hardly had started a conversation with a friend when she appeared out of nowhere. Secondly, my sister and I were pretty my ready to kill each other as our lifestyles were completely incompatible. For instance, I always like order, while my sister was a mess and she cleaned the room only when absolutely necessary. She regularly. tried my patience, and when I started cleaning the room myself, she argued with me saying she couldn't find her stuff after that. Also, I liked reading in silence, while she liked singing and listening to loud music, Imagine what it was like when I Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC tried to concentrate in order to do my homework, while she was making noise. 1 couldn't organize my things as I wanted and had to hide the most valuable items pieces of clothing in my parents’ room as she had a habit of taking my belongings without asking for permi nd I sighed with relief only when we moved to a larger apartment after 5 or 6 years of a nightmare. Beautiful object (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe an object that you think is beautiful You should say: what it is what it looked like where you saw it why you think it’s beautiful part 3 - ‘Beauty, beautiful things’ By far the most beautiful object I've ever seen is a painting I saw in an art gallery while I was travelling a few years ago. This piece of art moved me a great deal, When I saw the painting, I gasped in amazement as its size was mind boggling. And it looked lifelike. To tell the truth, if I hadn't known that it was just a painting, I would have thought I was looking out of a huge window. This picture depicted a picturesque rural landscape. In the foreground, there were a few nice small cottages with beautiful gardens, people doing their everyday chores, cows and ducks. The dominating colours in the foreground were bright. At first glance, the scene seemed peaceful, and it showed that humanity tamod nature as it yields the necessities we need to live the far distance I could make out the outline of my mountains, There were dark clouds which gathered over the mountain tops. And they seemed to be slow moving towards me. I think the artist skillfully managed to capture this contrast. I don't know what message the artist wanted to deliver but for me it was like a silent reminder that human all and impotent in front of raging rivers, violent storms, and other natural phenomena. I was more impressed by this painting. It is a real pity that no L can't recall the name of the artist and that masterpiece. Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Appointment you forgot (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a time you forgot an appointment You should say: what the appointment was when and where it was why you forgot about it how you felt part 3 - ‘Remembering and forgetting things’ This mishap happened to me a long while ago, but I still remember it like it was, yesterday. My best friend and I decided to meet for lunch because she was really busy at work and because of that we hadn't seen each other for several weeks. So, one day when I was supposed to be at the cafe, I was doing some work in the office like nothing was wrong. It was only when I saw my friend's name on the screen of the phone that I remembered about our meeting. T was more than shocked. The only thing T wanted was to sink into the ground. 1 completely forgot about it, Itjust slipped my mind. [realised how terrible ituation was. My friend dropped everything in order to meet me, although she was really busy, and I just didn’t show up. | felt ashamed for what had happened and I didn't even have any excuses. I was feeling guilty as she was waiting for me instead of doing something useful. I was afraid she could think that I don't appreciate our friendship or that I don't respect her time. Also, I was shocked because nothing like that had ever happened to me before. I didn't know how to deal with this mishap. Of course, apologized one hundred times, but it didn’t help me to feel better as I understood she had wasted so much time because of me. Childhood friend (September 2022 - April 2023) GROUP: ORIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THI IELTS GOC Describe a friend from your childhood You should say: who this person is how you met each other what you did together explain why you liked him or her part 3 - ‘Friendship, social media’ My childhood friend's name is Jane. And we are still friends. If I'm not mistaken, next year we'll have been friends for 15 years. She is not only my best friend but also my colleague and neighbour. We look so much alike that some people even think we are sisters. When I was 10, [attended dancing classes. I always showed up early and always saw a girl who was already there no matter how early I came. We usually waited for our class to start in the locker room, pretending to be glued to our phones not noticing one another. Once | decided to start a conversation, I must say this was my best decision ever. After that we often made smalll talk, Some weeks later we exchanged telephone numbers and started calling and texting each other from time to time. It turned out we had a lot in common, and I really enjoyed talking to her. We communicated more frequently, went to the park and to the cinema together. It was inevitable that we became best friends since that time we've been inseparable. To be honest, it doesn't really matter what we do as long as we are together. I've noticed recently that the older we get, the more we like to just sit around and talk instead of hanging around the city all day. In the summer, we like travelling together. Itis without doubt she is the person really worth having by your side. I know she will support me no matter what. She knows all my secrets, and I know hers, When times are hard, she is the first person T want to talk to in order to get problems off my chest. When everything's ok, we just enjoy each other's company. So when people ask me whether we are sisters, I always say they are mistaken as we are closer than sisters. English lesson (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe an impressive English lesson You should say: when it was Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC where it was what you did what your teacher did why it was spe Part 3 - ‘Learning languages’ When I was a child, I attended an extremely captivating English lesson at a language centre. I'm convinced that one of the reasons why that lesson still remains in my memory is that our teacher did her best to perfectly arrange everything. Although there was nothing unusual at all, I vividly remember this class unforgettable and pleasant Atmosphere. as our teacher created an The lesson consisted of several interconnected stages each of which was filled with an awesome activity, so there was no chance to get bored. I remember I did a lot of different things with my groupmates. Firstly, the teacher carefully checked our homework assignm which was an indispensable part of every lesson. quite a lot of, time as we asked various questions. the teacher answered all the questions, which helped me get a good understanding of the grammar points dealt with, After that we played fun educational c As I love interacting with people, I really enjoyed those oral activities. They were designed to be done together with classmates so I greatly developed my communication skills. In addition, | enjoyed doing. crossword puzzles, that's why when I was told to do that at the lesson, I was really glad, At the end of the lesson, we got a challenging task which was to compose spooky stories in English. I am fond of creative writing, so it was a real pleasure for me when I got that task. Then every student read their story aloud. The teacher praised us from time to time, therefore our language confidence significantly increased, and I bet everybody was convinced that their story was a Masterpiece. To my mind, that lesson was special because I had a wonderful opportunity to develop my communica and writing skills and got a good understanding of tricky_grammatical structures, Moreover, it's worth mentioning that it was only after this lesson that I started feeling an overwhelming desire to learn English Every minute of the lesson was incredibly interesting to me. In other words, the teacher aroused my interest in the English language. Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Song or piece of music (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a song or piece of music you like You should say: what country it is from what it is about whom you knew it from why you like it part 3 - ‘Music’ ight now ‘Savage Love' by Jason Derulo is my absolute favourite. | even made it my ringtone. But what's funny is that I remember just a few lyric lines despite the fact that I've listened to the song 100 times so far. I usually happily hum the first part of the song. Then I sing along to the song for a few seconds ‘cause, as I've said before, I remember a few lyric lines. The lyrics are X (Attention! Please listen to this song and read the lyrics online to memorize a few catchy lines for the answer. We cannot use song lyrics in our model answer as song lyrics are copyrighted. If we wanted to use the lyrics, we would need to acquire permission to use them in our writing, which is long, difficult and not worth the trouble) Then I hum to the song again. A few weeks ago, I spent the whole day at home. tumed on the radio. It was then when I first heard the song. Later I noticed that the song was in heavy rotation. It was played 4 or 5 times during the day. I liked it, The more I listened to it, the more I liked it, It was literally impossible not to dance when it was playing. Because of this, I made a fatal mistake. I decided to use Shazam to identify the song. Then I added it to my YouTube playlist of songs. And I played it over and over again until I was tired of it, Teven found the lyrics to be able to sing along to the song. The next day T caught myself humming its tune. It got stuck in my head, Later I caught myself repeating those several lines over and over again in my mind, When I thought that I got it out of my head, it returned and stuck on repeat for the rest of the day, I should say that 'Savage Love! is one of the most persistent earworms. I think it should be on top of the list of catchiest songs of all time. I don't know what it is that makes it so addictive. Maybe it's because it has very strong melodic hooks such as a )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC unique, instantly memorable rhythm which is repeated multiple times within the same part of the song. I don’t know what exactly it is, but it's impossible to get that song out of your head if you hear it even once. Even though I know that I will end up having it stuck in my head for hor can't help listening to it every day as I get great i from this song, and it gets me dancing as soon as starts playing. Decision to wait (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe an occasion when you made a decision to wait for something You should say: what you waited for why you decided to wait when it was, how you felt about your decision part 3 - ‘Patience Nowadays everyone seems to be getting filthy rich by investing in cryptocurrencies, so recently I decided to get my hands on some. I did some research and made a list of cryptocurrencies to invest in, Ethereum, the second most popular cryptocurrency, was on the top of my list ‘cause the majority in the crypto community said that Ethereum has the highest potential for value gain in the near Future, I chose a cryptocurrency exchange, created an account, and I was ready to deposit cash and place my first eryptocurrency order ‘cause the price dropped below the 1000 level. I was about to invest a substantial amount of money into Ethereum when my friend into cryptocurrencies told me the price would dre 700 or 800 dollars. To be honest, I doubted it could go any lower ‘cause I learned that 1000 dollars was Ethereum's new 2-year low. But I decided to follow my friend's advice and wait until the price drops to 700 dollars so that [can buy more and make more money in the future. Shortly after the price started going up, but I was still waiting for the price to drop back to 1000. To cut a long story short, I bought nothing. You know, I'm still feeling Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC frustrated ‘cause I think I missed an insanely good investment opportunity. I just wish Thadn't followed my friend's advice. Person from a different culture (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a person from a different culture You should say: who this person is where you met this person why you like this person what you learnt from this person part 3 - ‘Cultures’ Quite recently I met a very interesting person from the Arab Emirates when I was going on holiday to Dubai. I was on a plane. And there was a young man sitting next to me. At first, Iwas busy using my laptop and didn’t even look at him, Two or three hours later, when the battery went flat, I started looking at him secretly as I didn't want to seem impolite. I was really bored as I had absolutely nothing to do. But I was afraid to start a conversation, You know, he was a person from a different culture, and I didn’t know if it was acceptable for him to talk to a stranger. He literally read my thoughts and initiated a conversation. flew by unnoticed. He managed to keep a conversation going no matter what I asked about, Unfortunately, no sooner had we started discussing really interesting life issues than the plane landed, and We had to say goodbye to each other. I wi had a longer conversation as he was very interesting to talk to. we'd Tthink it was after this meeting that I started, at least, trying to look at things from a whole new perspective and accept the differences within races, cultures and religious backgrounds. Also, I understood that it isn't that difficult to understand other cultures. People just have to communicate more, listen to each other and be more open-minded. )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Outdoor activity (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place You should say: what you did, when and where you did it who you did it with whether it was difficult or easy why this activity was new or exciting for you part 3 - ‘Outdoor activities” One of the most exciting outdoor actvities I've ever done is quad biking. Last year I went to Egypt and was determined to do something crazy and dangerous. I was torn between bungee jumping, paragliding and quad biking. I decided to go quad biking as it seemed to be the least dangerous activity of the three. Despite this, I was still very nervous as I'd heard many people ended up with broken arms and legs. So I went on a desert safari ‘cause quad biking in the sand dunes was part of it. T went with my best friend as we usually travel together, and it was clear we were both pretty nervous. As soon as we got there, though, my fears, at least, were assuaged. There were like 50 year old women and 16 year old kids in the waiting area, ahead of us. we thought ‘if they can do it, we can also do it. So It wasn't particularly difficult as we had some training before we were allowed to drive ourselves in the dunes to make sure that we would be able to maneuver the vehicles easily, without the risk of tumbling over. It was fun, adventurous, and, if you don't break the rules, quite safe. We were driving through the des tackling low and high dunes, and yelling into the even dared to plunge down a steep slope. It was the thrill of a lifetime. Person who inspired you (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting You should say: who this person is what this person inspired you to do how this person helped you Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC why this encouragement helped you to achieve a goal part 3 - ‘Motivation, encouraging people’ ‘The person who has always encouraged me to accomplish more and pursue my interests in order to have a better and happier life is my father. I'm sure that if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be the person who I am today. And his encouragement was particularly important when I was a teenager as it was a critical period in the development of personality. When I was 14, like many teenagers, I did sports and I was dreaming of a career in sports. Once I performed at a national championship which took place just once a year. [had been working hard the whole year to prepare for it. I had a really good chance to become the champion, but I failed to. I was really upset and disappointed. I totally lost my confidence after that failure. What's more, I was so discouraged that I even going to quit sports. My father noticed that I had skipped several trainings. And there was nothing like that before. So I had to tell him what was going on, He sat me down, looked me in the eye and said that if Thomas Edison had given up after his first unsuccessful attempt, we would still have candles instead of electrical bulbs, He told me not to give up no matter what and perceive failures as valuable life lessons rather than disasters ‘cause the more ambitious your goal is, the harder it is to achie"s it, So it's absolutely normal to face difficulties an failures. Well, this talk did wonders. I decided to make one more attempt to win the championship. And I succeeded because my father's encouragement helped me overcome my fear of failure and regain confidence. And I started working hard towards my goal without being afraid. What's important is that now every time I fail to do something on the first try, T recall my father's words and start working even harder. Place in your country (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe an interesting place in your country that you'd like to recommend to tourists You should say: Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC what place it is, where it is why itis interesting what people can do there part 3 - ‘Travelling’ I'm going to tell you about the ancient monastery situated on top of the mountain. This place is truly magical, mythical and mystical. There are so many legends about it. For example, they say that all your wishes will come true after visiting this place. All you have to do is leave a gift or coin near the statue of X And there's a fertility statue that a woman should touch if she wants to get pregnant. No one has ever checked it, but... Oh... you won't believe but there are rumors that this place is haunted. But I don't think that someone has ever dared to spend a night there. Also, can’t help mentioning that there is a stunning view from the top. I think it’s a great Instagram-worthy photography spot. It’s a magical place where every comer is steeped in history. It's like a journey back time. In my opinion, it’s definitely worth a visit. Despite this, very few tourists visit it because, first or all, it’s situated very far from popular tourist destinations. Therefore it's very difficult to get there. mean it takes almost all day to get to the place, but there's nothing to do there for more than a couple of hours. Many people consider such tours a waste of time. What's more, as, Tve already said the monastery is situated on top of the mountain, And the worst thing is that there are no roads, just a narrow path. And if it were just narrow, that would be more or less ok. But itis steep and slippery, with loose gravel, sand and mud So it’s a bit dangerous too. Many people think it’s not worth risking their lives. And it's necessary to be in very good shape to be able to climb up there. This means that children, elderly people, most women won't be able to get there, It's only feasible for young people, who are often lazy and don't want to visit places of history value.So it appears that those who would be interested in visiting this place will have difficulty doing it. Those who could get there aren't really interested. As a result, this place is not popular tourists, But I believe it deserves much more attention. )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Disagreement (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a disagreement you had with someone You should say: what it was about who you had the disagreement with what opinions you had how you felt about it part 3 - ‘Disagreements’ Recently my friend invited me to grab some coffee and catch up. One of the things he told me was that he was planning to withdraw all the money from his savings account and invest it in eryptocurrency. Just imagine, ALL his life savings. He s best time to invest ‘cause the price of bitcoin and several other leading cryptocurrencies had suffered huge falls in December, so the price of bitcoin plunged to about 40000 dollars, but some analysts are predicting the price of biteoin could hit 100000 dollars by the end of the next year, And there are a lot of new coins that he thinks will make a good investment as well. One more reason why he said eryptocurrency could make a good investment is that everyone says cryptocurrency is the future ‘currency of the internet’ and ultimate store of wealth, What's more, transactions are fast, digital, secure and worldwide, which allows the maintenance of records without risk of data being pirated. id it was the To say I was shocked was to say nothing. I thought it was the worst decision he made in his entire life, I told him (and, by the way, this is what all cryptocurrency experts recommend doing) that if I were him, I wouldn't invest more than I can afford to lose, and that I wouldn't invest all my life savings. Also, I told him that he should be in for a long time before he could gain enough knowledge to be able to manage risks and make a plan or strategy. People who hardly know anything about it risk losing all their money. Finally, I told him a couple of stories of bitcoin millionaires and losses. For told him a sad story of some guy who accidentally threw away 7500 bitcoins when he got rid of anci laptop hard drive. He bought them when they were worth 1 dollar. And they are worth over 200 million dollars today. He now wants to dig up his, local ru tip, hoping to find the old drive. But you should know my friend. He is as stubborn as a mule, He said that nothing could make him change his mind. instance Person who loves to grow plants (September 2022 - April 2023) Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (vegetables, fruits, flowers) You should say: who this person is what t person grows where this person grows them why this person loves to grow plants part 3 - ‘Farming’ My parents are city dwellers, so they don't have their own garden, But my mom loves plants so much that she created a vegetable garden on the balcony. My parents’ apartment has a south-facing balcony, so there's sunshine almost all day, which means she can grow anything. And my mom seems to be trying to take FULL advantage of this ‘cause she grows all vegetables that don’t require a lot of space such as tomatoes and peppers, dwarf varieties of cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, cucumbers, peas, to name but a few, Also, she grows greens such as lettuce, spinach, arugula, mustard green, chard, endive leaf, and even Chinese cabbage. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention herbs. She grows parsley, chives, cilantro, mint, rosemary, basil. By the way, basil is said to be hard to grow, but the basil that my mom grows is picture-perfect. She always manages to grow big bushy basil plants. Thanks to my mom, my parents have fresh vegetables for salads, soups, stews, omelets, noodles, and various meat and egg dishes almost all year round. My mom's vegetable garden is her pride. There are colorful pots, decorative barrels, urns, and modern designer planters, She spends a lot of time taking care of her plants. I'm sure caring for a living thing gives her a purpose ‘cause in a sense, having plants is like pets. Plus, it's a great way to relax and bring a touch of nature inside. Fashionable person (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably You should say: who this person is what job this person does what kind of clothes he or she wears why this person likes fashion part 3 - ‘Fashion’ )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC In my opinion, by far the most stylish person I've ever met in person is my childhood friend Helen, She's a beginner fashion although she doesn't have a degree in fashion. She's just naturally good at picking and pairing the right clothes that match perfectly together. She understands which colours and shapes look good on people, and which don't, She knows exactly what is ideal for her body type. Due to this, everything she wears just looks like it was made precisely for her body. Helen believes one shouldn't stick to one type of style ‘cause adhering to rules can stifle a person's creativity and individuality, As far as I can judge, most of the time she wears casual clothes such as jeans, comfortable T-shirts, sneakers, flat boots, But as I've said before she has an eye for style. So she always looks casual but stylish. For example, if dresses all in black, she puts on a pai white shoes. She likes to pair skinny pants with loose- fitting tops. If we g0 to a party, she dresses up her casual outfits with some trendy accessories such as a bangle bracelet and a long necklace. If it's a denim shirt, she rolls up her sleeves to give it a carefree vibe. It's amazing how chooses clothes that can be easily mixed and matched together. Good looks are important for her to create a good first impression on her potential clients. But I think that even if she weren't a fashion stylist, she would still have stylish outfits ‘cause it's a way for her to express herself without saying a word, a way to show pee who she really is. Plastic waste (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste You should say: where it was and what you saw why there was a lot of plastic what you did how you felt part 3 - ‘Plastic! Last year, I had a nice holiday. I went to the seaside for a month, And every morning I went for a run on the beach, One morning, I was running along the beach, when I saw Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC something strange in the distance. What I saw when I got closer left me speechless. I found absolutely insane amounts of plastic. There were billions of small plastic pellets, broken down pieces of plastic, cotton bud sticks, plastic bottles, plastic bottle caps, straws, plastic containers of different I just didn’t expect to see this ‘cause the night before I was taking pictures there. And the beach was clean, So it was presumably the aftermath of a violent storm.1 turned around and ran away ‘cause there was six plastic litter that there was no point in trying to buy by myself, When I got back to the hotel, I contacted the city council and reported the problem, Then local volunteers organized a beach clean-up, and I decided to do my bit. T turned around and ran away ‘cause there was so much plas point in trying to collect it by myself, When I got back to the hotel, I contacted the city council and reported the problem. Then local volunteers organized a beach clean- up, and I decided to do my bit. c litter that there was no. We took trash bags and gloves to collect things like plastic bottles. I mean relatively large items, So volunteers brought a beach cleaning robot to remove microplasties which were impossible to collect by hand. You know, it was absolutely heartbreaking to see olir marine environment looking like this House or apartment you often visit (September 2022 - April 2023) Describe a house or apartment you often visit You should say: whose home it is how often you visit it what it looks like how you feel about it part 3 - ‘Accommodation, buildings’ Tve gota friend who works in the IT industry. He's a software developer. Recently he signed a 1-year contract with the company like Google. And he was offered a relocation package, so he decided to work abroad for at least a year. He asked me to look after his apartment. So from time to time, like once a week or once a fortnight, 1 g0 to his place to make sure everything's ok. Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC There is remote control heating,. lighting, and sound systems, floor heating and cooling, automatic blinds, Plus, there are 2 or 3 surveillance cameras inside. So I wouldn't have to visit it so often if there weren't houseplants that my friends, much. They are like his pets. So they have to be taken good care of. It's a very spacious 3 bedroom flat in a newly-built block of flats. What I like the most about it is. big. to-ceiling windows that let a lot of natural light in are some elements of a loft style such as massive Oak planks, concrete walls, marble panels and some other things made of natural stone glass and steel. The surrounding sound system all through the apartment There are both an eat-in kitchen and a formal dining room, walk-in closets and a bedroom complete with whirlpool tubs and separate showers, a small laundry room, media room and home office I ike to visit it, but I don't think I would like to live in such a flat. First of all, i's too big to clean without using a cleaning service or having a full-time cleaner. And that’s quite expensive, I think. Also, you pay more in utilities to heat and cool those extra rooms, and you spend more on furnishings to fill them up. And, to be honest, I don't see any point in paying ALL the time for a lot of space I will only use SOME of the time. What's more, it doesn't feel like home, And I don't want to live in a flat that is Pinterest-perfect and looks like a museum. In my opinion, a flat shouldn't be as perfect or sterile as a builder's model home. I don't know, maybe I'm saying so just because I envy my friend ‘cause I cannot afford to buy an apartment like this. Something you did that was difficult but successful (September 2022 - April 2023 Describe something you did that was difficult but successful You should say: what you did how you did it how difficult it was why you are proud of it part 3 - ‘Success’ Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Well, it’s probably difficult to believe, but last year I knocked off X kilos in about 6 months, and this is what I'm still enormously proud of. I have to confess. I used to be avery lazy girl who loved fast food and hated sports. And at that time I was so slim that I didn’t even think that one day being overweight would become my number 1 problem. So when I realised that I'd put on X kilos, I decided to lose weight and get fit, no matter what. And so it began, I started exercising daily. I went jogging in the mornings and T walked in the evenings, Also, I ditched junk food and stopped buying snacks which I couldn't live without. I started sticking to a diet. You know, no sweets, no rice, no cheeseburgers and French fries. Nothing. Only salads, vegetables, fr and plenty of fluids. 1 ate only healthy food and d lot of water daily. 1 cooked foods in healthier ways such as boiling, baking and stewing. I read somewhere +' is better to have a few light meals instead of one meal. So 1 followed this advice too. I continued this practice for six straight months, As a result, I lost more than X kilograms. Now I'm not only as slim as I used to be, but I'm also fit enough. And I'm genuinely proud of my achievement. I should say it was hard to change my habits, my diet and my lifestyle, and at some point I was about to give up because all those activities were really time consuming. But I didn't, thank God, though I was facing a lot of difficulties. Another thing that makes me feel inordinately proud of myself is that [ achieved great results without anybody's help. I just read blogs and forums, used a lot of online resources, but it was I that decided what to do with myself. This is, something I never thought I could do. You can't even imagine how much effort I put in achieving this result. I would even say I was fighting the battle of my life. And I won PART3 Doing sports (September 2022 - April 2023) Do young people like to do sports? Why do young people do less sports than their parents? GROUP: ORIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THI IELTS GOC Well, I guess, first of all, because young people, unlike their parents, are not aware of the health benefits and psychological bonuses sport can bring them. Also, the young are very busy these days. And because of this, exercise can sometimes be the last thing on their To Do activities. I guess these are the main reasons. Money (September 2022 - April 2023) Why do people rarely use cash now? To my mind, there are several reasons why this happens. First of all, these days people buy more and more products on the Internet which is a cash-free zone. Secondly, carrying banknotes and coins can be a source of insecurity due to the risk of loss or theft while credit and debit cards are much more secure as they can be canceled soon afier they are lost or stolen. One more reason why people opt for using cards instead of cash is because they don't want to miss out on card rewards such as cash back, reward points or extended warranties. Well, and also because it's much more convenient to carry cards and pay with them as in case with using cards there is no need to carry a wallet with you or spend time digging around in the purse or pockets for exact change. Do you agree that nowadays people value money the most? Definitely. Nowadays money is a very powerful tool which helps people enjoy other important values they have. Money enables people to have more control over their life, gives them the opportunity to make the most of their skills and talents and lets them live life to the fullest. Also, money helps people stay. healthy as when people have money, they can invest it in preventive care such as regular checkups and a balanced diet. Money lets people give their children the best opportunities. I mean the best education and a really good start in life. And of course, it helps people get freedom and independence. So, yeah, there is no doubt that many people value money the most these days. What do young people spend money on? Oh, I guess it depends on the level of income young people have as the more money they have, the more things they can afford to buy and pay for. If young people have a limited budget, they mostly spend their money on necessities like housing, food, clothes and most needed education and cultural activities like going to the cinema Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC once in a while. But if young people have a high-paying job or run their own business, they mostly spend their money on travelling, trainings and other memorable experiences, Also, they try to care about their health and beauty and are ready to pay for fitness, massage, beautiful skin and hair, And, of course, quite a big number of the young splurge on gadgets, good alcohol and entertainment as well as on branded clothes, footwear and accessor Why do young people tend to waste money? Oh, I think for a variety of reasons, actually. T would say the main reason for this trend is the importance of social and financial acknowledgement which is just impossible without wasting money because there is always competition among young people which makes them spend more and more to be better than others. One more explanation I can hit upon is young people's love to luxury and showing-off. They express themselves through name brands and this is what makes them keep up with the fashion trend and makes their young life very expensive depriving them of a chance to save. Do people in your country like to save money? Well, I guess they do as it's common for people in my country to want to have a secure future. Having some money set aside gives people peace of mind together with freedom to make choices in their life separate from earning a pay cheque. Also, it lets them gain flexibility to take better spending choices. And, of course, having. an emergency fund for covering unexpected expenses makes their life less stressed, which, to my mind, is surely liked by everyone. What is the best way of saving money? Well, I think that it's planning your spending and limiting, overspending but, first, figuring out how much money you spend and what you spend it on, I am more than sure that it's very important to know where your money. is going if you want to save it, What's more, it can help you decide on your priorities and organize your recordable expenses into a workable budget. I also guess that choosing something to save for or picking. the right tools for saving, I mean some applications, can help you get the job done, Stories (September 2022 - April 2023) )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Why do children like hearing the same bedtime story? There's a very good reason why children like to hear the same story over and over again, Usually kids experience heightened levels of the stress hormone cortisol in response to new and potentially frightening situations, whereas everything fa makes them feel comfortable. They don't fee! frightened. And their cortisol levels, decrease. Also, younger children need more time to encode information than older children, and they forget faster. That's why they need repetition. To sum up, children request the same story every single night, sometimes multiple times a night ‘cause they enjoy the familiar in order to feel relaxed and develop their cognitive skills. jar Why do children like stories? T guess, kids love stories because through stories they are able to learn more about life, the world, and themselves as stories take kids to the world they have never seen or witnessed in real life opening their eyes to new things and giving them plenty of opportunities to learn wonderful ideas as well as experience different countries and traditions, Another reason why children enjoy stories is that storytelling encourages their imagination to run wild as the story unfolds, which allows them to forget the stresses and strains of the day and relax. One more reason why kids adore stories is that stories encourage them to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas, which forms a vital part of the growing process and helps kids with their confidence levels, coping with feelings and learning. What kind of stories do children like to listen to? Oh, I guess all kids like to listen to stories about heros s, giants, dragons and other animals and, of course, about other planets and other children, especially if children in these stories are powerful. Kids enjoy stories that can bring out courage and laughter, excitement and joy. Oh, and they really like tales with a happy ending, the ones where good triumphs over bad. s and villa What can a child learn from a story? Well, stories can teach kids a lot of things. For example, to understand, accept and express their own feelings. think about and understand other people's motivations as well as predict their thoughts and behaviour. Listening to stories kids can also learn about everyday tasks such as how to brush their teeth, take care of animals, clean and cook, and even learn how to deal with real life situations that they need help to deal with. There are stories which can help children understand where they fit into the Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC world and the ones which can teach them the importance of sharing and compassion on others. Learning new things (September 2022 - April 2023) What can children learn from their parents? Well, absolutely everything, I guess, as the choices parents make and the behaviour they choose are directly influencing their kids and shaping their future, Children learn from their parents how to take care of themselves. I mean what to eat, how often to work out and whether to get enough rest or not, Also, they learn from parents how to manage their finances, or rather, whether to save money for the future, live within their means, avoid debt or not. Another lesson kids can learn from their parents is how to treat others, or more precisely, whether to give to those less fortunate, volunteer for a cause and support those in times of need, how to handle conflict, either with dignity and restraint or by losing their temper and engaging in shouting matches, how to be tolerant and deal with differences of opinion and how to express themselves in different communities. Do you think employees must want to constantly learn new things? Definitely ‘yes’ as lifelong learning is an indispensable tool for every career and organization, It forms part of people's personal and professional development in an effort to avoid stagnation and reach their full potential. It also helps people expand their skill set and develop future opportunities. The more people learn, the better they'll get at seeing more sides of the same situation, One more advantage of continuous learning new things, to my mind, is a feeling of accomplishment, which boosts people's confidence in their own capabilities and makes it easier for them to step out of their comfort zone and move up the career ladder or adapt to unexpected changes such as losing their job or having. to depend on new skills to find a new job. So I believe employees must want to constantly learn new things, especially if they ‘want to remain relevant to their industry. Do you think learning new things is important? Oh, it definitely is. You see, just like food nourishes our bodies, information and Jearning new things nourish our minds. Doctors keep on saying that learning something. new is one of the best ways to improve cognitive functions such as Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC concentration, attention to detail, memory recall and problem solving, and that it's one of the best cures for reducing the chance of developing dementia, But it's not only about keeping our mind engaged, it's also about a feeling of accomplishment we have when we leam something new, which boosts our confidence in our own capabilities and helps us develop future opportunities. Knowledge is power and leaming something new always sparks new ideas and increases our adaptability which expands our capacity to handle change, no matter how serious it might be. And in many cases, anew hobby can also be a great stress reliever which can bring meaning and fun to our life Photos (September 2022 - April 2023) What do you think of those who like to change faces and post them on social media? Well, I think that these people are just bored, and they just try to entertain themselves in such a way, egging their social media friends on to comment on their pictures or even debate their looks on them. Or, they just discover their other side, making fun of themselves in an amusing way and checking if others like this other side of theirs or not. Whatever it could mean, this way people compete for attention, T guess, and try to get as many likes from their audience as possible. Do people in your country like to take photos? Why do people like to record important things with photos? You know, no matter how unforgettable something seems, memories will fade away one day, Photos won't. They will always remind people of the way they looked at a particular moment. For example, when an elderly lady looks at herself in the mirror, she sees wrinkles, But then she looks at the picture which shows the way she looked when she was 18, and she, probably, feels much happier. Another reason why people like keeping photos is that they are able to relive some of the memories they see in the pictures and, thereby, positive emotions. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling with a camera? Oh, I don’t think there are any real disadvantages to it, apart from the fact that a good camera usually costs a lot, which makes people constantly check if it's still with them. I mean they have to make sure they didn't leave it somewhere where they stopped for abreak. And I can name quite a few benefits of taking a camera on vacation. For Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC example, it allows people to see the world and document it through images, which later on helps them remember exactly what was going on when the picture was snapped, capturing the moments that would otherwise have been lost forever.. It also lets people see things that they would never notice otherwise. And, of course, it lets people share with their family and friends what they saw and experienced while traveling. Watching movies (September 2022 - April 2023) Do people in your country like to go to a cinema to watch a film? Definitely. There are always a lot of people at the cinema. So we can assume cinemas great demand as they let people focus on the movie and not get d which people value. What's more, it's a good way to spend time out. an racted, How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie? Well, I go to the cinema every time there is a new release. My friends call me a movie freak but I just enjoy it. watching films on the big screen and getting pulled into the sound and color in a way that can't be felt at home. Should actors be paid more? Well, I guess they should as acting is not an easy job at all. Actors sometimes make huge sacrifices for their roles like gaining or losing a lot of weight, cutting off their hair and things like that, which should be reflected in their paycheck. What's more, they are always in the public eye and quite often stalked by paparazzi, which deprives them of privacy, and should also pay back, to my mind. Oh, and one more reason is that the success of a play or a movie depends on their performance, so the higher the total box office, the higher the pay. That's fair. What makes an actor a famous movie star’? Oh, I guess it’s not just one feature but a combination of different factors taken together. The most important of them, to my mind, are starring or leading roles in motion pictures and top-notch acting. I'd also name such things as contagious energy and charisma and an ability to slip into any role like a chameleon, maybe work with the best directors, and of course, the best scripts or at least, a great eye for interesting material. And to add the final flourish, I'd also name hard work as it's absolutely )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC impossible to ascend to the climax of glory in any sphere without making efforts and working hard. Inform: n and Internet (September 2022 - April 2023) Will libraries be replaced by the Internet? Well, I don't think so, at least not in the coming years as nowadays the Internet gives just a small percentage of what is published. And the most reliable scholarly. information is available only in books and journals. What's more, the Internet is not organized and doesn't have quality control, which makes it difficult to find the information people can trust and refer to. So, to my mind, both the young and the old will get back to libraries for many years to come. What are the ways of getting information nowadays? Well, I think the most popular way of getting new information today is the Internet. I'm sure that almost anything that you could ever need to know is available on the World Wide Web. One of the best tools for finding what you need is search engines such as Google and Yandex as well as social media such as Facebook and Twitter. ‘There are also plenty of digital magazines, specialized online libraries and all kinds of text and video news websites which can provide you with any information you need. One more way of getting information is different types of educational or motivational events, training and seminars, either amateur or professional. They are usually held by one or a few speakers who share their experience in different areas of life with those who need some knowledge or just look for an inspiring example. Oh, [ almost forgot to mention such tools as live streaming, apps and communication with people. How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not? Well, I guess, first of all, they should make sure that they get it only from sites or sources associated with trusted institutions that have a proven track record or reliability and integrity, or from sites with expertise, meaning the ones that specialise in the kind of information they need to check. Also, they can verify information by checking the author's credentials, or looking up the info in offline sources as they tend to be more reliable than online sources. Do people trust information online? Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Well, I don't think they do as, regrettably, there is no quality assurance when it comes to information found on the Internet. Anyone can post anything online and, in most cases, this information isn't checked for accuracy... which discredits its reliability making people think that it is rather biased than impartial as well as rather incorrect than correct. Though, I am more than sure that everyone has their own list of websites they trust, otherwise, the Internet wouldn't be as popular and widely used as it is. TV programs (September 2022 - April 2023) What shows do old people and young people watch? What other programs do you like to watch? What TV programs are popular in your country Well, I find watching TV not very meaningful as it leaves me with less time for life, causes unrealistic expectations and is just unable to bring me any of the change I want in my life or in the world, But if I happen to turn my TV on, | opt for news programs as only news lets me stay informed and up-to-date with what is going on in the area and in the world, Also, I like to watch all types of programs which help me get entertained and not feel lonely, I mean different talk and talent shows, cookery_programs and other programs about hobbies such as gardening, fishing and travelling. One more type of programs that I watch from time to time feature holiday destinations and travel reviews as they let me get a broader understanding of the world live ‘What is the influence of foreign shows on the shows produced in your country? Well, to my mind, foreign shows have tremendous sway with TV shows made in my country as they provide our TV producers with the three most important TV show components - great ideas, the format and interesting content, This influence can hardly be overestimated as altogether these three building blocks improve the quality of shows produced in my country and make them explode with audience activity and massive numbers of engagement, which is vital for our TV channels and their profit. Service (September 2022 - April 2023) What is good service? As a customer, what kinds of services do you expect from a company? Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC First of all, I expect that the products and services | buy from the company, perform well and do what they are meant to do or, in other words, buying some product or service from the company. I want this company to exactly what they advertised, Also, I expect quality customer service, when a customer service agent makes more effort to engage and learn more about my wants, feelings, desires and beliefs, and up-to-date knowledge, when I can get answers to all my questions quickly and correctly as well as get the information I need to make my buying decision, Well, and the last thing I expect from the company is quick- resolution-time for complaints, whether they are on digital channels media and webpage comments - or off-site on third-party and review sites. So this is what I good customer service. ‘k to their word and sell me like social Whaat is bad service? Well, bad service, to my mind, is the one that doesn't meet the customer's needs or wants, or, in other words, the one that makes customers disappointed, frustrated, confused, angry, upset, irritated or even outraged. I mean things like unfulfilled promises, lies and other deceptions, lack of knowledge of the product or policy. long hold lines, rude treatment and failure to fix problems. All these things are a fast way for a business to send customers to the competition as well as lose its reason for existence. Do you think it's important for a company to provide after-sales service? Well, definitely yes ‘cause by providing buyers with after sales service compani first of all, get truly. satisfied customers and, as a result, referrals, repeated orders and endorsement, which is really important for every business. What's more, they get positive feedback about their products and services, not only build customer loyalty and retain existing customers, but also attract new ones. I can also add that after sales service helps businesses capture a market share, build trust and credibility and gain a good reputation. So, yeah, it's really important, Why is online shopping so popular these days? I believe there are many reasons, really. First of all, i's convenient. You don't have to make time, drive all the way to a store and, god forbid, if the items you were in the pursuit of appeared to be unavailable, On the Intemet, you can buy whatever you want in a matter of seconds without interrupting other activities. You can do it literally on Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC the go. All you need is to have a payment card and any Intemnet-enabled device. Further, online shops can offer prices which are hard to beat as costs of their operations are substantially lower than those of traditional ones. Also, it is without doubt there's a much larger selection than any traditional store can possibly keep stock. Many people like online shopping as it gives them access to products they can’t buy locally. I guess in general online shopping has become so popular with people because it's absolutely hassle-free. What should customers do if there are problems with products they bought online? Should it happen, they shouldn't just let that go. First of all, a customer should contact the seller and explain what the situation is. After that, depending on their re: they should either return merchandise and get a refund feeling satisfied or write a complaint and tell everyone they can about this negative experience. For instance, they write a post on Facebook and ask their friends to share it. This way the information would spread like wildfire and other people wouldn't fall prey to that vendor, ion. Sharing things (September 2022 - April 2023) How can parents and teachers teach children to share? Well, I guess by setting a good example to them, first of all. Parents and caregivers are the most important role models for kids, so much of learning that occurs during childhood is acquired through observation and imitation of what these significant adults do, But teaching kids something by being a role model for them is not the only way, of course. There are definitely some things parents and teachers can do to help kids enjoy sharing. For example, one of the things is to involve the young in cooperative games in which they have to work together with others by taking turns, Such games don't involve a single winner, which is not harmful for kids' emotional health, And last but not least, it's important for adults to offer positive reinforcement as kids learn to share, drawing their attention to some distinct details of what they did, for instance, pointing out that they put a smile on John's face by sharing their toy with him, Do you like sharing things with others? Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Oh, actually yes, I do. It’s been hard-wired into me and whenever somebody asks me to share something I just say 'Oh, yes. I'll do it with pleasure’, I don't know why I do it. Maybe because my parents do so or because it makes me feel involved and active in the world, Whatever the reason, it rewards me as well ‘cause it makes me feel good and enhances my relationships with other people. Can you suggest why some people don't like sharing? Well, maybe because they are just selfish and greedy or because they weren't taught to do it. If parents didn't tell kids about the importance of sharing in their childhood, they will never do it when they grow up just because they don't have a habit to share and, as a result, don't find it comfortable. Some people might have had negative experience of sharing something with others and they just don't want to worry about the stuff they have shared anymore. Finally, I guess there are people who don't like sharing because it's hard for them to trust others. So many men, so many minds Do people in your country prefer to share public transport or do they prefer to use private transport? Well, I would say it depends on people and what they can afford, Of course, the majority of people would prefer private transport because it is a more flexible and easier form of travel which gives people freedom to go wherever they want whenever they want or need in one go without having to make changes, which saves a lot of time, But not everyone has a car due to its high cost. So, the reality is that many people prefer to share public transport which provides personal mobility and freedom for people from every walk of life. Public transport is also preferred by environmentalists ‘cause it reduces carbon footprint and in general is much better for the environment. Do you think it's important to have rules in shared accommodation? Oh, definitely. I guess it’s really important to have certain rules if you want to create a happy shared house and keep everyone satisfied. I mean if the common spaces like common bathrooms, kitchen and living areas aren't used fairly, if there are no rules and everyone does what they like, the atmosphere in shared accommodation may become tense, For example, you don't clean up after yourself, if you have a storage area, but your flatmate doesn't, if you love to throw spontaneous parties and have loads of friends around all the time, sooner or later your flatmate or housemate will feel annoyed and frustrated. Having rules will help you ensure that nobody has Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC unrealistic expectations and that everyone is clear about their rights and obligations. And this will help prevent roommate conflict or at least this will help you resolve the conflict faster. Do you think it's good to share personal information with others on the Internet? Well, it depends on the information you share. If it's just basic information about you, your hobbies, likes and dislikes or your occupation then 'yes' because it can allow you to connect and communicate with people who have similar interests and network with people from your work sphere more easily. But if you post more detailed information, it might have negative consequences ‘cause once you put something on the Internet, you have no control over where that information goes. The least harm it ean do is spam and unwanted contacts, which is not that scary. What makes people really scared is misused personal facts and destructive information spread by hackers. So it's better not to share too much, Do you think there are any advantages to sharing your home with other people? How do you feel about sharing accommodation with others on campus? Definitely there are, For example, it lowers the cost of living and makes bills more manageable. It's really important for people, especially students because it lets them save money for something more important like rest and entertainment, One more advantage to sharing your home with others is the fact that there is always someone to hang out with and talk to, so you will never feel lonely, and will always have a great source of help and advice on all kinds of matters. What is more, having flat mates can give an added sense of security, which is also a substantial advantage. Beauty, beautiful things (September 2022 - April 2023) What do you think the word ‘beauty’ means? Well, to my mind, there is no one-fits-all answer to this question as each person interprets beauty in their own fashion, For me, beauty is something that is pleasant to look at, some kind of combination of different qualities such as shape, colour or form that pleases my aesthetic senses Remembering and forgetting things (September 2022 - April Prev | Next 2023) )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC ‘What can people do to help themselves remember information for their everyday needs? Well, I guess the first thing people should do for this is have the right nutrition, ent exercise and high quality sleep as they are the basis for strong memory. One more thing I'd recommend them to do is leverage their visual memory or relate new information to things they already know. It could also be a good idea to structure and organize the information people need to memorize or, let's say, create a mental memory tree or to-do list in an app or on paper and, of course, focus their attention on what they need to remember in their everyday life actively recalling these things again and again. I think that taken together, these actions will help everyone preserve their memory strength and remember everything they need for daily use. cons ‘What do you think of people using calendars to remind themselves of things? Oh, T think that they are very responsible and disciplined, first of all. Also, I think that they know their goals and like to be sure that they are staying on track with them. One more thing I can say about them is that they don't like to waste their time, and use calendars in order to produce quality work without taking, unnecessary, unfocused and inefficient steps. Remembering and forgetting things (September 2022 - April Prev | Next 2023) What can people do to help themselves remember information for their everyday needs? Well, I guess the first thing people should do for this is have the right nutrition, consistent exercise and high quality sleep as they are the basis for strong memory. One more thing I'd recommend them to do is leverage their visual memory or relate new information to things they already know. It could also be a good idea to structure and organize the information people need to memorize or, let's say, create a mental memory tree or to-do list in an app or on paper and, of course, focus their attention on what they need to remember in their everyday life actively recalling these things again and again. I think that taken together, these actions will help everyone preserve their memory strength and remember everything they need for daily use. What do you think of people using calendars to remind themselves of things? Oh, I think that they are very responsible and disciplined, first of all. Also, I think that they know their goals and like to be sure that they are staving on track with them, One more thing I can say about them is that they don't like to waste their time, and use Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC calendars in order to produce quality work without taking, unnecessary, unfocused and inefficient steps. Friendship, social media (September 2022 - April 2023) Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people? Why do people lose contact with their childhood friends? 1 guess there are lots of reasons for having difficulties in maintaining friendship. When people grow up, they face a lot of changes such as a change in personality or lifestyle, moving from single to coupled life or moving to another city or country. As a result, they can have a lack of common interests or differences in values and opinions and this is the high road to ending the relationship. Moreover, it's hard to keep friends when you notice that a friend only contacts you when they need something or discusses things you shared with them without your permission. Also, it’s difficult to stay friends if a person betrays your trust or shows jealousy of your success. Which is more important, to maintain old friendships or make new friends? T guess maintaining an old friendship is much more important than making a new one as your old friend knows you and understands you better than a new one does. So your old friend knows how to make you feel good or sad because they've had years of watching. your reactions to certain situations. Your old friend was there at that family party, they remember the heartbreak you felt when you broke up with your first love and how it changed you. There aren't many more enjoyable evenings as the ones you spend with people you've known forever, where every question starts with ‘remember when’. You might be a high-flying banker or CEO now, but remember when you fell over on the bus and face-planted in front of everyone... Or the time you had such a good night out on holiday that you narrowly missed your flight home... Those memories make you happy because they remind you of a time when you were happy. You can't have this with a new friend as it takes time and effort to develop a friendship. Whaat positive and negative effects do mobile phones have on friendship? Do you think technology unites or separates people? On the one hand, and it’s obvious, smartphones make it easier to keep in touch with nds, and therefore they help you keep connected with your friends no matter how Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC far apart you are. You can text your friends, make video calls any time you want. You can disclose any personal information and respond to others However, smartphones, originally designed as a communication tool, actually hinder rather than foster interpersonal connectedness. Unfortunately, there are many situations in which you ignore friends in favor of a mobile phone. For example, you feel the quick buzz.of our phone and feel compelled to see what's happening, even if, that means turning your attention away from other people. When you are on your phone, you are not looking at other people and not reading their facial expressions, tears in their eyes, frowns, smiles. You don't hear the nuances in their tone of voice, or notice their body posture. their social networks. Do you think old friends are more important to the old generation or to the young generation? Well, I'd say old friends are more important to the old generation as the elderly don’t usually have many work and family commitments and, as a result, have enough time to keep in touch with those people they don't meet every day. What's more, the old don't usually visit a lot of new places where they can meet new people and make new friendships, or even if they do visit such places, they still prefer to communicate with the people they trust. Though, there is no doubt that old friends are also important for the young as being old friends with someone is like putting on an old comfy pair of boots. So, no new friends can be a replacement for friends we've shared a hundred experiences with. Learning languages (September 2022 - April 2023) Why do people learn foreign languages? Do you think learning a foreing language is important? Oh, I think they mainly do it in order to open up a world of job opportunities and completely transform their travel experience having a chance to communicate with people from all over the world without any barriers. Also, I know people who learn other languages to increase their brain power as language learning has a number of positive effects such as memory improvement and a reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline, Young people usually start learning languages for meeting new people and establishing deep cross-cultural friendships, and often end up doing it for studying or living overseas. I guess these are the main reasons, )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC What qualities should a good language teacher have? Well, I guess an effective language teacher should, first of all, be knowledgeable and competent to be able to answer all students’ questions accurately and lay a good foundation for mastering the language. They should also be imaginative and innovative to break monotony as well as get students excited to learn the language and take lively participation in the class. Also, it’s vital for a good language teacher to be imeractive to develop students’ creative self-expression and communicative skills, And, of course, they should be motivating to spark language learners to use target language whenever possible. Do you think grammar is important? Definitely it is as it is the foundation for communication and a mark of intelligence and good education, Grammar is of primary importance, to my mind, as it affects the meaning and clarity of an intended message both making it easier for you to understand the purpose and meaning of your interlocutors’ messages and keeping you from being misunderstood by others. It also improves the development of fluency giving people the appearance of credibility. So, no doubt, grammar is vital for communicating with others. Music (September 2022 - April 2023) What kinds of music do you like to listen to? 1am a music lover so I enjoy listening to different kinds of music because any music be it classical, electronic or pop creates some feelings in my soul. Moreover, different kinds of music influence me in different ways, for example classical music lessens depression whereas rock music evokes strong memories. What kinds of music are most popular in your country? Tthink people in my country mostly enjoy pop and rock. Pop music appeals to people with its pretty melodies and catchy lyrics while rock is liked simply because it provides soundtracks for life experiences, motivates people and energises them. Patience (September 2022 - April 2023) )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Compared to the past, are people less patient now? Well, unfortunately, we are as the pace of life these days never seems to slow down and speed can be the deciding factor that puts us ahead of competition. We live under a weight of demands and have many tasks to carry out, so we always try harder to go faster and get really impatient when things go slowly or when we face obstacles as we feel under pressure to keep up. Society is now dominated by beliefs, attitudes and ways of thinking that elevate the value of impulse and loss of control to first line actions and reactions. So yeah, regrettably, nowadays people are much more impatient compared to the past. Do you think children have more patience than adults? Of course, no, Children can't deal even with small disappointments. It's so hard for them to cope with frustrating situations such as sitting in long traffic or waiting for something. They immediately erupt in anger if they can't get what they want. Even the most impatient adults react more calmly to life's twists and turns remaining as composed as possible even in the hardest situations. I guess it's because adults, unlike kids, can find ways to change the focus of their attention by occupying themselves with something. else. Do you think people have to have patience? Definitely yes. To my mind, patience is the most formidable resource which makes people reach out for the stars and gives them way to remarkable results, Patience helps people acquire positive attitude,. supplies them with tranquility and gives the power to overcome roadblocks. It puts people in a better position to make strategic decisions and this way helps them achieve their goals. I can also say that patience makes people less stressed letting them accept any situation and, as a result, always feel more free and calm. Is patience always a good characteristic? Well, to my mind, almost always. I can think only of two disadvantages patience has. The first one is the fact that while waiting for everything to be in place people often miss important opportunities to act, which in many cases restricts their development and growth. And the second negative feature of patience is the fact that it pushes people to ignore the innovative wisdom that comes from going with their instincts and initi-! perspectives which can greatly enhance the effectiveness of decision-making and let people happier and healthier life. Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Cultures (September 2022 - April 2023) ‘What is the best way to learn a foreign culture? Where and how can we get to know people from other cultures better? Well, I don't think there is just one way to learn a foreign culture. I'd rather say that it’s a combination of ways that helps people immerse themselves in another culture and learn as much as possible about it. The way the majority of people usually opt for is travelling or moving to the country with the culture they want to experience in order to live among people who represent that culture and learn about things such as their values, cuisine, and fashion. But I think that people who can't afford to travel still have a great chance to get acquainted with the culture they are interested in by reading travel books, travel journals and guides to get information about etiquette, gender roles, festivals, and religion. If people don't like reading, they can look up YouTube videos dedicated to a specific culture or aspects of a culture, or get a pen or email pal to ask them all those questions they need answers to. Do you agree that reading is the best way to know about culture? Well, can't say that it's the best way to immerse in a foreign culture for everyone, but it's definitely one of the best ways for the majority of people I know as reading exposes us to the culture giving us a chance to Jean about etiquette, values, festivals and religion. What is more, books written by locals give us a glimpse into the mind and life of the people from that culture helping us to learn a lot about their mentality. Oh, and one more important thing. Culture consists of patterns, both explicit and implicit, and books often conceal the culture's quirks in the details. So yeah, reading is definitely not the worst way to know about a new culture, | guess. Do you think people from different cultures will understand each other better in the future? Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC T'm sure they will ‘cause more people will have an interest to learn about different cultures and search for different types of cultural experiences such as travelling to other countries, reading books written by people from other cultural backgrounds, watching documentaries about other cultures, making friends with people from cultures different from their own and just visiting different cultural centres in their area. Doing all this will lead to the point when people will, no doubt, have much fewer misunderstandings, to my Mind. Do you think that cultural differences will disappear in the future? Well, it’s really hard to predict the future, but I think it's inevitable that some traditions, customs and languages will be lost forever. First of all, globalisation is a big threat to local cultures. We can clearly see that Western civilization is sweeping away traditions of different cultures and affecting the behavior, language, values and the way of thinking of people who belong to those societies. For instance, many people all over the world eat fast food on a regular basis, wear jeans, drink Cola, and celebrate Halloween. And this trend isn't going to slow down anytime soon. Another reason why some, unique cultures on our planet that have existed for thousands of years are going to be wiped one day is that they no longer allow people to have a secure or sustainable life. For example, the Mongolian pastoral herders, one of the world’s last remaining nomadic cultures, are slowly moving to urban areas as severer winters and poorer pastures have made their lives harder and harder. So, it’s highly likely that some societies will partly lose their cultural identity. But, I don't think we'll ever become ONE giant homogeneous world culture. Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC What can be done to make people more interested in other cultures? Well, I guess that one of the best ways for local government to spark people's interest in other cultures is to put them in situations where they need to interact with people from different cultural backgrounds. I think it can be achieved in a number of ways, for example, by opening ethnic restaurants, creating_places of worship, promoting international cooperation and organizing student exchange programs, volunteer abroad programs or at least ethnic festivals or holiday celebrations in the area. I'd also offer to provide people with more information by showing movies and TV shows that explore different cultures. It seems to me that taken together these actions will excite people's imerest in peculiarities of other cultures. Outdoor activities, risk (September 2022 - April 2023) Is it good for people to change jobs when there are new chances? T would say changing companies as often as every two to five years is definitely an accepted pace in today's marketplace whereas job-hopping is still seen as something negative ‘cause people who move jobs frequently are perceived by most employers as inconsistent and lacking in commitment, Although | must admit, it’s much more acceptable than in the past. Research has found that employees who stay in the same job for more than two years will earn 50 percent less over their lifetime than people who change companies more frequently. So despite the fact that job-hoppers are regarded as somewhat unreliable workers, they receive more money than those who are loyal to a company they work for. Plus, it helps people shift their career paths toward their interests and values ‘cause exploring the job market helps them understand more quickly what exactly they are looking for ‘What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country? Well, people in my country are keen on beach and sea activities like scuba diving and ies such as picnicking and visiting amusement parks. And, of course, mountain activities like skiing in winter or mountain biking in spring and summer. Leadership (September 2022 - April 2023) What qualities make a role model? 1 guess these are all those desirable qualities that make them beacons of light that show people the way through their own example and make them easy to look up to. I see a positive role model as someone who, first of all, has high moral values, supports worthwhile causes, behaves ethically and demonstrates honesty. Also, I think that a role model should be confident, or it's better to say have a healthy appreciation of their accomplishments, be hardworking and demonstrate their commitment to a desired goal as well as willing to invest the necessary time and effort to achieve success, and of course, optimistic and creative, able to see the bright side in difficult situations and find creative solutions to their problems ‘cause these are the qualities that can inspire others make changes and strive toward new goals. Travelling (September 2022 - April 2023) Is it important to take photos while travelling? Absolutely. I would say our life is full of wonderful but fleeting moments, and it's impossible to travel back in time to re-live them. So if it weren't for photos, we wouldn't be able to freeze these moments so that we could enjoy them later at any given time. This is why people attach so much importance to taking and keeping pictures. Also, it's much easier to describe what you did and why you liked or disliked something. For example, when you come back from holiday, it will take hours to describe what exactly you saw there, but photos will tell a story much more quickly and with many more details. Disagreements (September 2022 - April 2023) Is the argument important? No doubt itis, as arguing can save the relationship instead of destroying it as many people think. It’s really beneficial to relationships as, on the one hand, it allows people to communicate their needs to their partner and, on the other hand, helps people get to Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC know the other side better. Also, the argument helps people figure out what the real issue is because sometimes the only way to understand it is by learning more about, both sides of the argument in the process. So I would say the argument is very important as it is a healthy way of evolution in relationships, I think. What do brothers and sisters argue about? Oh, first of all, about absolutely everything that infringes their privacy, I guess, especially if siblings are teens as it's common for them to fight for their personal domain, What they really hate is when a sibling borrows something from them. without their permission, copies what they do or just follows them around, This is the main reason why they can conflict with each other, to my mind. And one more reason why brothers and sisters argue is that they aim for fairness and equality. Kids a severe fight even for taking turns in the car's front seat, not to mention equal distribution of household chores or equal share of limited family resources. can have What arguments occur between family members? Oh, the most common reasons for family arguments concern money and financial hardships, I think, from fighting over inheritance and disagreeing about who will pay for ageing parents or family events to where to find money to make ends meet. Another popular reason for family arguments is children and everything that concerns them, to be more precise, I mean such issues as ways of raising the children, kids’ education issues, a circle of children’s friends and so on, And, of course, there are arguments about vacations, quality time, different needs and wishes and even jealousy in a relationship. Farming (September 2022 - April 2023) Is there any difference between the way food is produced nowadays and the way it was done in the past? Of course, it is. Compared to the past, farmers have intensified production by using better inputs, such as synthetic fertilisers, improved varieties, and crop protection chemicals and by adopting better management practices, such as crop rotation to and irrigation to improve water use. In conjunction with them fisheries have started to exploit new technologies, and increasingly aquaculture to increase global fish production. Alll of this together has made it possible to produce more food sustain s Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC in a shorter period of time in contrast to the amount of food produced two and more decades ago. So yeah, the difference is clear, to my mind. Do you think farming is important? What do you think of a job of a farmer? No doubt, itis. First of all, because farming is the source of our food supply, and, secondly, because it’s a huge boon to the local economy. What I mean is not only the fact that farming plays a big role in a nation's revenue but also the fact that it provides employment to many people living in the area. Also, I've heard that it has a positive impact on the environment by trapping. greenhouse gases within crops and soils. How do people feel when they eat vegetables that they grew on their own? Oh, I guess they, first of all, feel proud of themselves when they see the bounty of their efforts. I also think they feel confident that they and their families can eat healthy, fresh produce. Oh, and, of course, happy that they saved money on groceries. Do people like to grow vegetables in your country? Most people do. First of all, people want to eat healthy. fresh produce and stop worrying about food safety. Eating home-grown vegetables they can be sure that they are without pesticides and are higher in vitamins and nutrients. What's more, they can enjoy a much better taste and smell of their own foods. Secondly, growing own veggies can save people money at the grocery store, which also adds to a wish to have a small garden, But of course, there are also pretty many people in my country who don't like an idea of growing foods themselves as it's quite time-consuming and demands hard work in the garden, Do you think climate change is influencing food production in any way? It surely is, and mostly in a negative way. What I mean is any climate change may pose challenges for farmers and threaten food safety as it can make it more difficult to grow crops, raise animals, and catch fish in the same ways and same places as in the past. It may also harm crops preventing them from growing, and as a result, reduce yields. It may cause soils to become drier and this way threaten not only crops but also livestock. Oh, and regrettably, it may also disrupt food availability or affect food quality. )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC How will technological and scientific improvements affect food production? Well, by boosting agricultural output and allowing to produce safe, abundant, sustainable, and nutritious supply, first of all. I'd also mention the enhancement of beneficial traits of plants, animals, and their food components. Oh, and of course, the increase of food safety, the distance across which it can be transported, and its extended freshness. One more benefit is the reduction of environmental impacts, which, to my mind, will also have a positive impact on the whole process of food production Fashion (September 2022 - April 2023) Why is fashion important to some people? In my opinion, the main reason is that fashion allows them to present themselves to the world the way they want, It kinda lets them make a certain statement expressing themselves without saying a word. Another reason why fashion is important is that it provides a way to express themselves, for example, let others know how creative and unique they are. Lastly, fashion gives people a chance to be part of an important trend, which helps them feel like they belong somewhere as well as gives them positive emotions and inspiration to be creative. In any case, it helps people feel better about themselves. Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality? Well, chances that in-store shopping will entirely disappear are slim. The thing is no matter how popular online shopping will be, there will always be some items that shoppers simply won't countenance buying online. For example, I don't doubt that more and more people will buy things that are mass produced online as they are exactly the same no matter where you purchase them. So you don't need to personally inspect these items to know if they are what you are really looking for. However, many people are likely to continue doing so. shopping in a traditional way when it comes to shopping for clothes as, in most cases, it is necessary to try them on before buying. Otherwise, people risk wasting a lot of time sending stuff back. Plastic (September 2022 - April 2023) )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Why do people like to use plastic products? There are lots of reasons, actually. First of all, plastic packaging significantly reduces CO2 emissions. For example, it protects food against pests, microbes and humidity, which makes food last longer and therefore reduces food waste. Environmentalists say that the CO2 savings from reduced food waste are in most cases incredibly high. Plus, plastic can be designed to be durable without becoming heavy, so you don't have to transport a lot of extra mass and volume. I was blown away when I found out that a glass bottle weighs about 300 grams, a plastic bottle containing as much liquid weighs about 30 grams. This means that for the same transport weight, more liquid can be transported in plastic bottles compared to glass bottles. Thus, by using plastic packaging, companies reduce fuel consumption, which saves money and lowers emissions that are harmful to the environment. Also, plastic provides good to houses and therefore makes them considerably more energy-efficient. And of course, I can't help mentioning one more important thing. It can be recycled several times before it breaks down. So I think people like using plastic products, especially plastic packaging, ‘cause plastic is lightweight, durable, waterproof, recyclable and thermally stable. sulation Accommodation, buildings (September 2022 - April 2023) What is the difference between living in the countryside and the city? Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside? Well, this isn't what I'm dreaming of. I'd rather say ! don't mind swapping city life for a rural idyll. I'm tired of the constant rat race and I'll definitely enjoy a slower pace of life, Also, I want to live in a house with multiple rooms, a garage and swimming pool which is obviously not possible until I move out of the city. What is the difference between and the city? I guess that the most striking difference is that in the countryside there isn’t much traffic even during rush hours. Again, as there are fewer vehicles emitting. exhaust fumes, rural areas are nowhere near as polluted as urban ones. So the air is definitely fresher. This is why it's highly likely that people living in the country live longer. However, there may be a number of people who won't appreciate these benefits as there aren't many opportunities for professional growth and the choice of facilities is limited. ing in the countryside Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Accommodation, buildings (September 2022 - April 2023) What is the difference between the countryside and the city? Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside? Well, this isn't what I'm dreaming of. I'd rather say ! don’t mind swapping city life for a rural idyll. I'm tired of the constant rat race and I'll definitely enjoy a slower pace of life, Also, I want to live in a house with multiple rooms, a garage and swimming pool which is obviously not possible until I move out of the city. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future? Oh no! Not until I retire! I'm only 25 and dreaming of a high-flying career, but I'm afraid that living in the countryside will leave my career in tatters. Besides, I'm a very active and sociable person, so I think I will be bored to death being deprived of an active social life and abundance of entertainment options a big city Provides. Success (September 2022 - April 2023) Are successful people often lonely? (added on 19 September 2022) T'matraid so. And, in my opinion, there are several reasons for this. First of all, to be successfull in any industry, a person has to be nothing short of exceptional, which, in most cases, means putting. everything else aside to focus on their goal. For example, instead of spending the night partying with friends, successful people or those who want to become successful will work on an important project all by themselves. Usually they are loaded with so much work that they have to miss their children's special days or family get-togethers, Eventually, this can alienate them from their family and friends. So people DO have to sacrifice a lot to finally reach the point where they really want to be, Plus, successful people are usually misunderstood by the Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC majority of people around them. If a person is leading a non-conventional, non 9-5 life, they are most probably accumulating unique experiences. So it may be hard for them to become close to people ‘cause they don't have shared experiences which are the lifeblood of any relationship. Finally, successful people often choose to spend time on their own ‘cause they need so-called ‘thinking time 'to develop solutions to business problems and build their future. In general, how do people judge or assess the success of others? Well, I guess it depends on people. Some of them assess the success of others by looking at how much money they have or what they have achieved. Others do it by looking at who they are surrounded by or what they feel about who they are. T also know people who judge the success of others by how they meet life's challenges, what personal growth they have achieved or what differences they make in their everyday life. So, it heavily relies on people and their life valu Why do (or should) people set goals? Well, they say 'If'a person doesn’t know to which port they are sailing, no wind is favourable’. This means people must have an idea of where they wish to go. Without it, they are just adrift. What's more, setting goals motivates people and drives them forward, giving them clarity on what they ultimately want, thereby helping them channel their efforts properly. So, the reason why people set goals is that they want to achieve their highest potential and ensure they get the best out of life. Do you believe being successful and making a lot of money are the same thing? Of course no. The true meaning of success goes far beyond having a lot of money. Being successful is being healthy, and money sometimes cannot buy health. Being successful is having a life full of joy and happiness with the family, and money cannot buy family. So, | am more than sure that success cannot be defined with money, but instead with values in life that make people happy, such as health, friendship, relationships and family. )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC Why is it that some people achieve success faster? Oh, I guess there are a lot of factors at play. First of all, those who achieve success faster than others have a clear vision of their goals with a time frame and belief that they are able to achieve them before the deadline they've set for themselves. Secondly, these people have a willingness to work hard and leam a lot... including learning from their mistakes and failures. Their commitment to the desired goals and a willingness to go the extra mile push them to take action, putting forth all their effort. This helps them become a better version of themselves faster, which drives them to success. I'd also say that success takes choosing growth over comfort, persistence and discipline over sheer pleasure and consistency over intensity... Fortunately, it is not a magical puzzle that only a select few have the ability to solve. It’s the natural consequence of ¢ fundamentals I mentioned above Do you agree that today success mainly depends on being able to manage time effectively’ Well, I don't think it has a key part to play in achieving success, but itis definitely one of the most important factors that work for the success of people these days. What I mean is when people manage time wisely, they allocate their twenty-four hours in the right place, which, as a consequence, helps them achieve the right results. What's more, managing time effectively, people feel more in control and are able to meet deadlines and prevent last-minute surprises as they become more prepared to handle anything that life throws their way and, no matter what happens, stay focused on hitting their day-to-day and overall goals. Do you think that mistakes can help people achieve the greatest success? Well, it all depends on how people approach setbacks. In most cases, making a mistake makes people feel depressed and frustrated. All they do is beat themselves up, thinking about the things that went wrong, which, obviously, doesn't help them ‘Also, some people conclude that they aren't good enough and, as a result, give up on a dream, stay inside their comfort zone and therefore never achieve their goals. However, in some cases, mistakes can help people achieve success. I mean those cases when people rise above obstacles and continue pursuing their goals. Usually if people learn from mistakes and continue pursuing their goals, they realise that they are tougher than they think and they can handle more than they imagine, which makes them feel proud of themselves. Also, the more mistakes people make, achieve succes: Grou! )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC the more experienced they become, so they know what they should avoid doing in the future in order not to fail. This increases their chances of achieving considerable success. ‘What skills are important for success in business? In my opinion, a person who wants to achieve success in business, first of all, has to possess strong leadership skills that will allow them to attract the right people, be it employees or partners, to help them implement their plans and motivate these people to work hard, Communication skills are just as important as leadership skills as business people have to communicate with their suppliers, potential investors, customers and employees. They have to be able to influence and persuade others. I can't help mentioning financial management skills. To be successful, one has to be able to forecast their company's cash flow and sales, monitor profit and loss in order to run a business profitably skills such as planning, strategic thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and delegation skills ‘cause it’s very important to see the big picture, analyze what's happening in the market and deal with challenges along the way. inally, a business person cannot do without management How do people achieve success at school? Well, first of all, by having self-discipline and loving to gain knowledge, I guess. be successful at school, kids should make school a priority, focus on their studies, when it matters and make the most of their time in the classroom. What is more, they should have a skill to take breaks and rest when they need it as it’s really important to manage their physical and emotional needs as carefully as their academic ones in order to succeed. Oh, and, of course, it's essential to find a studying method that suits their learning style in order to get excited about the studying process and challenge themselves as much as possible. Al these actions will definitely lead to getting stellar grades and achieving academic success. Which do you think is more important, academic success or success in more practical, everyday skills? )RIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THIIELTS GOC ‘Well, both, for sure. I’s impossible to be successful without academic success as theoretical knowledge is of primary importance when it comes to having stable employment and earning higher salaries. What is more, it lets people be less dependent on social assistance and more active as citizens and charitable volunteers But practical, everyday skills, in their tum, help people get a deeper understanding of concept through the act of doing and personal experience, which lets them meet the challenges of everyday life and recognize the impact of their actions. So, no doubt, both types of success are essential. GROUP: ORIGINAL EXAMS- DU’ DOAN BE THI IELTS GOC

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