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The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35

The natural (baseline) quality of groundwater: a UK pilot study

W.M. Edmundsa,*, P. Shanda, P. Hartb, R.S. Wardc
British Geological Survey, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 8BB, UK
Environment Agency, Kingfisher House, Goldhay Way, Orton Goldhay, Peterborough, PE2 5ZR, UK
National Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre, Olton Court, Solihull, B92 7HX, UK

Received 28 January 2002; accepted 1 November 2002


Knowledge of the natural baseline quality of groundwaters is an essential prerequisite for understanding pollution
and for imposing regulatory limits. The natural baseline of groundwaters may show a range of concentrations
depending on aquifer mineralogy, facies changes, flow paths and residence time. The geochemical controls on natural
concentrations are discussed and an approach to defining baseline concentrations using geochemical and statistical
tools is proposed. The approach is illustrated using a flowline from the Chalk aquifer in Berkshire, UK where aerobic
and anaerobic sections of the aquifer are separately considered. The baseline concentrations for some elements are
close to atmospheric values whereas others evolve through time-dependent water–rock interaction. Certain solutes
(K, NHq 4 ), often considered contaminants, reach naturally high concentrations due to geochemical controls; transition
metal concentrations are generally low, although their concentrations may be modified by redox controls. It is
recommended that the baseline approach be incorporated into future management strategies, notably monitoring.
䊚 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Groundwater; Baseline quality; Hydrogeochemistry; Monitoring; Water Policy

1. Introduction ment. This may be reflected in the increasing

demand for bottled mineral waters.
There is, therefore, a need for better understand-
Natural reactions between water and rock give
rise to a wide diversity in the mineral character of ing of the intrinsic quality of natural waters,
groundwater, imparting intrinsic properties such as especially groundwaters, and how their character-
hardness and softness, salinity and even bitterness istics are acquired. For the purposes of ground-
and sweetness, recognisable by humans since the water management, there is a requirement for
earliest times. There is growing public awareness improved understanding of the controlling pro-
of the natural properties of groundwater, as well cesses and, where possible, the natural, geologi-
as the perception that changing water taste and cally controlled baseline chemistry. This is
properties are linked to pollution and water treat- especially important if the impacts of contaminants
on groundwaters are to be assessed. In order to
*Corresponding author. understand the pollution trends and impacts on an
E-mail address: (W.M. Edmunds). aquifer, it is essential to have knowledge of the

0048-9697/03/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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26 W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35

natural baseline quality so that imposed environ- 2. Controls on the natural quality of
mental change can be measured with an acceptable groundwater
degree of confidence. EU standards for drinking
water quality impose rigorous controls on water Groundwater quality evolves rapidly as it passes
quality management issues but the limits may be through the subsurface pathways within the soil
breached due to entirely natural processes and the unsaturated zone and thence to the satu-
(Edmunds et al., 1987; Banks et al., 1995; Frengs- rated zone of the aquifer. Atmospheric inputs have
tad et al., 2000). Under certain geochemical con- an important influence and in many shallow
ditions several potentially harmful elements or groundwaters may represent a major proportion of
their complexes (e.g. Al, As, Be, Cr, F, Ni, Rn, the solutes, these also acting as tracers of origin.
Se, Tl) in addition to common species such as Thus, chloride, which may be regarded as effec-
NOy 3 may be mobile (Edmunds and Trafford, tively inert, with the other halogen elements, can
1992; Shand et al., 1998) and understanding how be used to follow the input composition; in coastal
and where these occur is necessary for effective regions the maritime influence of Na and Mg as
aquifer management. well as Cl, may be easily recognised. At the
Although drinking water quality standards exist, present day, atmospheric pollution may also con-
no guidelines are currently published or widely tribute to groundwater loading for species such as
available for use by regulators or developers of NOy 3 , SO4 and NHq 4 (as well as some Cl)
groundwater, or indeed the general public, for compared with the pre-industrial era.
defining the baseline quality of groundwater in Two factors, the PCO produced in the soil and
England and Wales, nor indeed in other countries. the aquifer mineralogy are predominant in deter-
Such guidelines are needed in particular to be able mining the mineralisation of the groundwater.
to assess the extent to which present UK Drinking Acid–base reactions, nitrogen transformations and
Water Standards may be breached, and how policy microbiological activity lead to production of
and legislation with respect to the European Direc- CO2, and are of over-riding importance in deter-
tives on water quality may be formulated. Deteri- mining the reactivity of waters during infiltration.
orating groundwater quality due to pollution may Thick organic soils produce high PCO , whereas in
lead to an overall depletion in the available areas with thin soils, low PCO may result in little
resource base. The use of simple indicators to water–rock reaction. However, it is the geological
characterise the pristine or polluted status of diversity that provides the main influence on water
groundwaters has been proposed (Edmunds, quality. The mineral assemblage of the host rock,
1994), but detailed information on specific ele- the relative abundance of individual minerals, sol-
ments and species is also required for detailed ubility, crystallinity and purity are primary con-
legislation. Groundwater is seen as a high purity trols. The geological map provides a starting point
commodity, which helps to maintain the quality of for indicating areas of hard and soft water, corre-
rivers through the sustaining contribution that sponding to areas underlain by carbonate and non-
groundwater makes to baseflow and any deterio- carbonate rocks. However, minor amounts of
ration in these inputs must be carefully monitored. minerals which dissolve rapidly, such as calcite
Other pressures such as climate change and the (in veins or as a cement), may dominate the water
consideration of waste water re-use also require quality even in some silicate-dominated lithologies
that we know the initial water quality conditions. such as granites (Cook et al., 1991).
The objective of this paper is to provide a Compared with the near surface, the water
working definition of the baseline concept and chemistry at depth evolves more slowly by a series
how in practice it may be determined. The con- of geochemical reactions including mineral disso-
cepts are illustrated using results from part of the lution and precipitation, redox reactions, cation
Chalk aquifer of the UK. Finally, the implications exchange, sorption and mixing. A distinct
for groundwater management and UK policy areas sequence of compositions caused by geochemical
are considered. changes with time as water moves downgradient
W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35 27

is commonly observed, as in the UK Chalk or from isotopic indicators and demonstrably free
Triassic sandstones (Edmunds et al., 1987; Smed- of any contaminants.
ley and Edmunds, 2002). Spatial variability in ii. Pre-Industrial Era Water; water of Holocene
groundwater baseline values is expected to be the age, also with no traces of human impact.
norm since aquifers are rarely homogeneous in iii. Pre-1960s recharge; free of radioactive sub-
physical, lithological or geochemical properties. stances but some traces (e.g. NOy 3 ) of human
3. Definition of baseline groundwater quality iv. Water from the Modern era (post-1960) con-
taining tritium and organic micro-pollutants.
The baseline concentration of a substance in
groundwater is defined here as ‘the concentration Thus, an ideal starting point is to locate waters
of a given element, species or chemical substance where there are no traces of human impact, essen-
present in solution, which is derived from natural tially those from the pre-industrial era, although
geological, biological, or atmospheric sources’. this is not so easy for several reasons. Boreholes
Additional definitions may be required for regula- penetrate water of different ages or qualities with
tion purposes, for example, when the present day increasing depth, since stratification invariably
status of groundwater may represent the starting develops under undisturbed natural conditions.
point of monitoring. This may be defined as This is the result of different flow rates in turn
background and such an initial condition may being due to hydraulic gradients, the natural vari-
include some anthropogenic component in the ation in aquifer physical properties, and natural
water quality. variations in the geochemical and geological prop-
In order to interpret the water quality variations erties of aquifers. In aquifers showing strong dual
in terms of the baseline, some knowledge of porosity, such as the Chalk, the water contained in
residence times of groundwater is required. Meas- fractures may be considerably different chemically
urement of the absolute age of groundwater pres- from the older water contained in the matrix.
ents many difficulties and carbon-14 is the most
widely used technique (Clark and Fritz, 1997). 4. Determination of baseline quality
The interpretation of radiocarbon, however, pres-
ents various problems, including the fact that it is Baseline studies must take account of geological
a reactive tracer, intimately involved with reactions complexity and trends in chemistry taking place
with minerals, especially carbonates. By investi- over recent geological timescales as well as the
gating the evolution of water quality along flow much shorter duration of human impacts. A deduc-
lines it may be possible to establish relative times- tive (geochemically-based) approach aided by sim-
cales using a combination of geochemical and ple statistical tools is recommended. Thus, it is
isotopic methods (Edmunds and Smedley, 2000). necessary to understand the chemical evolution of
The identification (or absence) of marker species groundwaters along flow lines in aquifers enabling
related to activities of the industrial era, tritium facies changes to be identified. Statistical tools
w3Hx, ozone-depleting gases—chlorofluorocarbons may help indicate the degree of complexity within
(CFCs)—and certain other micro-organic pollut- the system but will never substitute for a concep-
ants may provide evidence of a recent component tual approach based on a sound understanding of
in the groundwater. Enhanced total organic carbon the geochemistry of the water–rock interactions
(TOC) concentrations in most aquifers also acts taking place within the hydrogeological
as a good indicator of pollution (Edmunds, 1994). framework.
It is therefore convenient using various tracers to For practical purposes it may be necessary to
be able to distinguish categories of water of dif- provide ranges in baseline values and not simply
ferent ‘age’: a single average concentration, although some
i. Palaeowater—recharge originating during or normative value may be helpful as a guideline.
before the last glacial era, clearly recognisable This range can be described in many ways, e.g.
28 W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35

Fig. 1. Use of cumulative probability diagrams to indicate baseline characteristics in groundwaters.

by giving a mean and standard deviation, the total single aquifers (or sections of aquifers). Internal
range in values, or by describing minimum and variations then need to be interpreted in terms of
maximum baseline concentrations after removing the hydrogeology andyor hydrogeochemical
outliers. The value of commonly used statistical processes.
parameters, such as median or mode, are of use Probability plots have been extensively used in
when comparing the baseline chemistry of aquifers the mining industry and are particularly useful in
from different areas or within the same aquifer highlighting different populations of data. Runnells
from different regions. Use of the median value et al. (1998) used such diagrams to identify
instead of the mean is preferred for comparing background and anthropogenic populations of ele-
different datasets because it is more robust and ments in surface and groundwater samples adjacent
much less affected by outlying values. It is also to a mining and smelting area in Utah, USA. They
useful to define an upper baseline, for example the are favoured in baseline studies as a means to
95th percentile (Edmunds et al., 1987), or 97.7% discriminate natural baseline chemistry from that
(meanq2-sigma) (Langmuir, 1997). due to pollution, (although outliers due to natural
Traditionally, the use of statistical techniques phenomena may also occur). However, there are
has assumed that geochemical distributions are several types of geochemical reaction which will
either normal, or more generally, lognormal alter distributions by removing or limiting concen-
(Ahrens, 1954). In most natural systems, including trations in solution including redox processes,
groundwater, geochemical distributions may be adsorption onto solid mineral phases and saturation
polymodal and are usually heavily skewed. (Shand with respect to minerals which will limit the
and Frengstad, 2001). Non-parametric statistical solubility of one or more elements. This is illus-
methods are also advocated for geochemical dis- trated in Fig. 1 for the main situations encountered
tributions, which may be non-standard (Reimann in groundwater environments where the inferences
and Filimoser, 2000). The approach adopted in that may be drawn from probability plots are also
this paper is to consider groundwater data sets for given.
W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35 29

Fig. 2. Location of samples used in the Chalk baseline study in the London Basin. The line of section across the west of the basin
is indicated.

Other techniques which have been used to illus- in connection with river augmentation schemes
trate hydrogeochemical datasets include box plots (Owen and Robinson, 1978). Detailed investiga-
which display the median, mean, specified percen- tion of the hydrogeochemical processes in this
tiles and outliers. Histograms may also be used, aquifer have also been carried out (Edmunds et
but these can show different distributions depend- al., 1987). The area considered here covers the
ing on the ranges in concentration used in plots. unconfined Chalk outcrop of the Chilterns and
Piper (tri-linear) diagrams, X–Y plots and maps of Berkshire Downs as well as the confined Chalk
data showing the areal variation in concentration aquifer lying in the Berkshire syncline, the western
may also be effectively used. Box plots and prob- extension of the London Basin; locations of the
ability plots are the preferred method of represen- sites are shown in Fig. 2 and for further details of
tation since these show unbiased statistical data, the western section the reader is referred to
although analytical and sampling errors may still Edmunds et al. (1987).
exist. The Chalk is a dual porosity aquifer and whilst
fracture flow predominates, the intergranular
5. The Chalk of Berkshire as a case study (matrix) porosity contains older water which may
have a strong effect on the chemistry. The matrix
5.1. Background and baseline controls of the chalk, having a permeability several orders
of magnitude lower than the fractures, acts as a
The Chalk of Berkshire has been extensively potential reservoir for older water which has
developed for public supply for over a century and evolved on a geological timescale and which may
has been well studied from a resources viewpoint affect the groundwater quality by slow exchange
30 W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35

with water in the fractures and fissures. The Chalk the data subdivided into two sets, those represent-
is a marine limestone and continues to undergo ing the confined and the unconfined aquifer. This
diagenetic changes as freshwater moves through. has been done since there are a priori reasons
This will influence the natural chemistry both in based on geochemistry (reducing vs. oxidising
terms of salinity and through water–rock interac- conditions) why the two populations should be
tions which adjust the hydrochemistry with time. different. Where median values are below a given
Despite the purity of the chalk, the small amount detection limit, the ‘less than’ values are substitut-
of other elements substituting in the calcite may ed. Cumulative–frequency diagrams (Fig. 3a–d)
also have a disproportionate effect on determining provide information on the relative abundance of
the natural water chemistry. the major and minorytrace elements in the ground-
The chemistry of rainfall has a major impact on water and are used to provide the basis for consid-
the initial groundwater composition for several ering both the natural processes as well as human
elements, of which Cl can be regarded as a influences. The 95th percentile for each determi-
conservative reference element (Edmunds et al., nand has been taken as an estimate of the upper
1987). The present-day Cl concentration in the limit of the baseline concentration range (Table
rainfall is approximately 5 mg ly1 and following 1).
evapotranspiration under grassland, the lowest bas-
eline concentrations of approximately 10 mg ly1 5.4. The influence of pollution
might be expected, with higher concentrations
under woodland or forest. The impact of pollution is restricted to the
unconfined groundwaters. Median concentrations,
5.2. Groundwater residence time given in Table 1 for most elements, may be
regarded as representative of the average unpollut-
The waters are predominantly of Holocene age, ed groundwater composition for the region; any
less than 10 000 years old. Their residence time non-natural effects are likely to be found in the
has been determined using 14C, 3H and 4He upper 50%. An exception is nitrate and it is
(Edmunds et al., 1987). In the unconfined zone, estimated that some 80% of the groundwaters in
moderately high tritium values indicate that most the unconfined aquifer have significant contribu-
groundwaters are recent, but some low tritium tions (above 5 mg l y1 NO3 –N) from agricultural
waters may also be found at outcrop, where the sources. The impacts from agriculture (in the
bulk of the water must be at least 30 years old; unconfined Chalk) may also be seen in some other
this demonstrates that considerable heterogeneity elements such as Cl (above say, 20 mg ly1, being
of age and therefore chemistry must exist in the double the rainfall inputs) and SO2y4 , also above
Chalk, reflecting physical characteristics of the 20 mg ly1. A few samples having Cl above 100
aquifer. Oxygen, on the basis of tritium content in mg ly1, in the confined Chalk contain a ‘natural’
the groundwaters, is consumed within a few dec- contribution from residual formation water.
ades of residence in the aquifer.
5.5. Natural baseline chemistry
5.3. Sources and handling of data
Selected data (Cl, Na, Mg, Ca, K, NOy 3 , SO4 ,
Chemical data from 65 boreholes in Berkshire NH4 , F,) illustrate the geochemical evolution of
and the Chilterns area were sampled at different groundwaters as they move along the flow lines
times over the past decade from studies carried (Fig. 4) and across the redox boundary; Table 1
out by the British Geological Survey and the provides summaries for other elements. The dom-
Environment Agency; all samples were filtered inant baseline chemical characteristics are rapidly
(0.45 mm) and acidified with 1% nitric acid. The determined during percolation particularly at the
minima, maxima and median values for the select- soil–chalk interface. Congruent dissolution of the
ed parameters have been calculated (Table 1) and chalk occurs and saturation with calcite is typically
W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35 31

Table 1

Determinand Units Unconfined aquifer Confined aquifer

Min Max Median Upper baseline n Min Max Median Upper baseline n
T Temperature 8C 10.0 13.0 10.9 11.6 20 10.9 18.0 12.6 15.1 32
pH (Field measured) 6.80 8.43 7.16 7.36 20 7.00 8.24 7.40 7.79 33
Eh Redox potential mV 130 417 371 416 16 -50 445 80 381 30
DO Dissolved oxygen mg ly1 0.1 10.5 9 10.5 17 -0.1 10 0.2 9.18 32
SEC Conductivity mS cmy1 555 1100 683 887 12 636 1500 785 1410 21
Ca Calcium mg ly1 86 169 110 150 21 36 118 57 114 33
Mg Magnesium mg ly1 0.9 8.9 2.07 8.2 21 1.5 30 19 29.2 33
Na Sodium mg ly1 5.6 24 8.9 21.9 21 8.1 219 36 122 33
K Potassium mg ly1 0.6 5.3 1.5 4.3 21 1.1 10.2 6.8 9.88 33
Cl Chloride mg ly1 9 41 17 41 21 14.5 204 30 151 33
HCO3 Bicarbonate mg ly1 221 341 289 330 18 267 349 303 324 24
SO4 Sulfate mg ly1 2.5 197 13 125 21 13.5 68 33 55.8 33
NO3yN Nitrate (N) mg ly1 0.09 11.1 5.2 7.5 21 -0.02 7 -0.02 6.7 33
NH4yN Ammonium (N) mg ly1 -8 70 -8 69 13 -8 893 198 750 32
Al Aluminium mg ly1 -7 18 -7 2.8 20 -7 -7 -7 -7 33
As Arsenic mg ly1 -1 4 2 3.5 12 -1 5 3 4 22
B Boron mg ly1 -2 120 18 86.9 23 -2 1430 185 1180 36
Ba Barium mg ly1 1.5 100 60 100 21 18 146 90 124 33
C Cobalt mg ly1 -1.33 3.6 -1.33 1.87 8 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 -1.33 11
Cd Cadmium mg ly1 -2 -2 -2 -2 8 -2 2.4 -2 -0.02 12
Cr Chromium mg ly1 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 -1 -2 -1 -1 4
Cu Copper mg ly1 -1.33 23 2.45 5.98 22 -1.33 29 1 13.1 35
F Fluoride mg ly1 60 350 150 326 17 -100 4800 1300 2360 33
Fe Total iron mg ly1 -1 4380 7 834 28 -1 2560 217 719 47
Fe(II) Ferrous iron mg ly1 -10 1900 -10 849 12 -10 1380 130 635 22
I Iodine mg ly1 3 10 5 9.5 11 4 54 18.5 49.3 26
Li Lithium mg ly1 -0.5 9 5 9 19 1.4 220 13.5 25 32
Mn Manganese mg ly1 -0.2 282 -10 81.6 28 -0.2 60 8 34.7 48
Mo Molybdenum mg ly1 -7 -7 -7 -7 4 -7 -7 -7 -7 2
Ni Nickel mg ly1 -2 11 -3 7.5 22 -3 7 -3 -3 37
P Orthophosphorus mg ly1 -3 6.5 -3 6.5 11 -3 278 3.2 12.7 22
Pb Lead mg ly1 -10 2 -10 -2.8 9 -2 -10 -10 -6.4 12
Rb Rubidium mg ly1 -50 -50 -50 -50 3 -50 -50 -50 -50 9
Si Silicon mg ly1 4100 10800 6500 10700 21 4700 10700 8200 10500 33
Sr Strontium mg ly1 40 1500 250 1400 21 180 6300 3600 6190 33
U Uranium mg ly1 0.24 1.7 0.28 1.37 6 0.01 0.6 0.03 0.23 19
Y Yttrium mg ly1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 7 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 11
Zn Zinc mg ly1 -1.3 34 9.9 30 10 -1.3 414 21.3 207 15
Atrazine mg ly1 1 1 1 1
TCE Trichloroethene mg ly1 4 4 4 1
d18O Oxygeny18 ‰ y6.2 y7.9 y7.3 y6.7 14 y6.6 y7.9 y7.2 y6.7 29
d2H Deuterium ‰ y44 y49 y46 y45 14 y41 y47 y42 30
Fe Total iron mgyl -0.01 0.53 -0.01 0.12 100 -0.01 2.41 0.11 1.74 50
Mn Manganese mgyl -0.01 0.04 -0.01 0.02 101 -0.01 0.21 0.01 0.08 49

attained within a few metres of the surface. Below incongruent reaction of the chalk calcite which
this depth the rate of chalk dissolution is greatly releases Mg2q (as well as Sr2q, Fe2q and other
reduced and very little further increase in total trace elements characteristic of the marine environ-
mineralisation takes place. Initially the groundwa- ment in which it was formed) to the groundwater
ter acquires a Ca-rich composition with MgyCa giving rise to an increase in the MgyCa ratio.
ratio close to that of the rock. However, as ground- Dissolved-oxygen concentrations remain rela-
water moves down-gradient, its composition is tively high (median 9 mg ly1) throughout the
modified by several processes, especially the unconfined aquifer indicating the virtual absence
32 W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35

Fig. 3. Cumulative frequency diagrams for major, minor and trace element distributions in the confined and unconfined Chalk of
Berkshire. (a) major and minor elements in the unconfined section and (b) major and trace elements in the unconfined section.

of pyrite or other minerals, maintaining the aerobic Cation-exchange reactions are relatively unim-
environment at least to the confinedyunconfined portant in the Chalk and at maximum amount to
boundary. Total Fe2q occurs in solution at or below the equivalent of 30 mg ly1 Na in the confined
10 mg ly1 in the aerobic groundwaters. At the aquifer, the remaining increase in Na being
redox boundary, major geochemical changes occur accounted for by addition of saline water. Several
which influence baseline concentrations. Reducing cations increase in concentration along the flow
conditions allow Fe2q concentrations to increase gradient as a result of the reaction of the small
by up to three orders of magnitude and NO3 –N is amounts of marine clay minerals. This is well
rapidly reduced to N2 gas; however, NHq 4 is found illustrated by Kq and NHq 4 , elevated concentra-
as a stable form of nitrogen. Reduced sulfur (H2S) tions of which are often associated with pollution;
may be detected but sulfate concentrations are in the confined groundwaters this increase is an
observed to increase across the redox boundary; entirely natural phenomenon.
this is due to slow rate of sulfate reduction under Fluoride is initially derived from rainfall. The
the in situ conditions of the Chalk aquifer. mean value for F in rainfall at a local meteorolog-
W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35 33

ical station, Chilton, is 0.10 mg ly1, which is

similar to the unconfined aquifer median value of
0.15 mg ly1 (Edmunds et al., 1987). Fluoride
shows an increase down-gradient in the confined
aquifer (Fig. 4) indicating a progressive reaction
with the phosphatic horizons in the Chalk matrix
leading to a median value of 1.3 mg ly1, which is
still lower than might be attained at saturation with
the controlling mineral, fluorite.
Iodide concentrations in the unconfined ground-
waters are similar to or slightly higher than that in
rainfall, but increases in the deeper confined aqui-
fer mainly in line with residence time, indicating
an internal source. Boron concentrations in ground-
water from the unconfined aquifer are in the range
2–120 mg ly1, with a median value of 18 mg ly1.
The increase of B in the confined aquifer parallels
that of Cl and is likely to be derived from residual
salinity sources.
The baseline concentrations of most metals
remain low. Manganese concentrations at outcrop
are usually below the detection limit of 0.03 mg
ly1. Detectable Mn is found only beyond the redox
boundary where concentrations are typically
between 3 and 20 mg ly1. Manganese is liberated
during the dissolution of carbonate but then is
rapidly removed by oxidation under most of the
in situ conditions. Copper is redox-sensitive and
is present at concentrations up to 7 mg ly1 in most
aerobic groundwaters but Cu is at or below the
detection limit of 0.3 mg ly1 in nearly all of the
reducing groundwaters. Cadmium was not found
above the detection limit of 0.3 mg ly1. The
median value for arsenic in groundwaters in the
unconfined aquifer was found to be 2 mg ly1 as
compared with 3 mg ly1 in the confined anaerobic
aquifer section. The higher total As in the anaer-
obic groundwater is consistent with the greater
solubility of AsIII species under the lower Eh

6. Conclusions and implications for manage-

ment of groundwaters

Several issues emerge which need to be incor-

Fig. 4. Downgradient evolution of selected major and minor
elements in the Berkshire Chalk relative to the redox boundary; porated into future strategies for groundwater man-
the line of cross section is shown in Fig. 2. Cl and Mg are agement. Definitions of baseline are given here
indicated by solid symbols; Na and Ca by open symbols.. which can form the basis for distinguishing pristine
34 W.M. Edmunds et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 310 (2003) 25–35

from polluted waters as well as criteria for identi- increasingly important as evidence is found of the
fying modern waters with only traces of human deterioration of pristine groundwaters.
impact from more polluted waters. A single value The concept of baseline is needed as a founda-
for baseline in an aquifer may be difficult to define tion for groundwater monitoring. This is important
because of spatial geological factors as well as both retrospectively by analysing trends data to
groundwater residence time. see how far systems have been affected since
The need for defining baseline quality arises for groundwaters started to be developed. It is also
statutory and legal purposes as well as for surveil- urgently needed as a yardstick for detecting dete-
lance and monitoring. There are currently no legal rioration of groundwater quality and as a basis for
requirements to determine the natural baseline stabilising or restoring water quality to required
quality. However, there are situations where knowl- standards. Further development of the ideas in this
edge of the baseline quality forms a useful stan- paper are being undertaken at the European level
dard, which may be compared with contemporary in a 12-country study (BaSeLiNe) due to report
groundwater quality in order to ascertain existing in mid-2003. It is anticipated that recommenda-
impacts andyor risks of groundwater contamina- tions from this study will be incorporated in policy
tion or pollution. In certain regulatory licensing guidelines in the Water Framework Directive (and
situations, for example, where pristine quality its daughter Directive dealing specifically with
groundwater is at risk of deterioration from land groundwater).
use activities, it may be warranted to establish
target or trigger level concentrations with reference Acknowledgments
to natural baseline conditions. In such situations
where the natural baseline is referred to in a Discussion with colleagues in the BGS as well
as the Environment Agency is acknowledged in
licence, this standard may have legal standing.
developing the ideas expressed in this paper. We
For member states of the European Union, the
would also like to acknowledge the exchange of
proposed Water Framework Directive requires that
ideas on the concept of baseline undertaken during
an integrated approach to catchment management
exchange visits (PS) with the Norwegian Geolog-
is developed, based on distinct water bodies and
ical Survey, funded by the British Council and
implemented with the aim of protecting, and where Norwegian Research Council. Some of the ideas
necessary, improving the ecological status of the in this paper have formed the background for the
catchment. The importance of high quality ground- EC funded BaSeLiNe (EVK1-CT1999-00006)
water in helping to provide good status for surface study due for completion in 2003. This paper is
waters becomes important, requiring improved published with the permission of the Director,
characterisation of its quality. The need to maintain British Geological Survey, Natural Environment
the status of ecosystems also has implications both Research Council.
for groundwater quality as well as quantity.
Groundwaters may, however, have properties References
resulting from geochemical processes which give
cause for concern in terms of human health— Ahrens LH. The lognormal distribution of the elements (a
either in the excess of certain substances (e.g. high fundamental law of geochemistry and its subsidiary). Geo-
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