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LESSON1: CONTRACT...................................................................................................................................2
LESSON 2: MARKETING................................................................................................................................8
LESSON 3: WARRRANTIES..........................................................................................................................14
LESSON 4: Business Planning.....................................................................................................................20
LESSON 5: Conferences.............................................................................................................................26
LESSON 6: Computers and the Internet.....................................................................................................32
LESSON 7: Office Technology.....................................................................................................................38
LESSON 8: Office Procedures.....................................................................................................................44
LESSON 9: Electronics................................................................................................................................50
LESSON 10: Correspondence.....................................................................................................................56
LESSON 11: Job Ads & Recruitment...........................................................................................................62
LESSON 12: Apply and Interviewing...........................................................................................................68
1. abide by

The United States will abide by international law.
2. agreement

reneged on
Some employers reneged on agreements once the recession set in.
3. assurance

The union has received formal assurances
4. cancellation

Heavy seas can cause cancellation of ferry services.
5. Determine

We didn't determine exactly their affiliation
6. engage

Try to
He tried to engage me in conversation.
7. Establish

Agree to
The two countries agreed to establish full diplomatic relations.
8. Obligate

Favors such as gifts, meals, and invitations obligate us to a future repayment of
some kind.
9. Party

political party 
No political party exists for people like me.

10. Provision

provisions contained in the contract
11. Resolve

The matter is not yet fully resolved.

12. Specific

issuing a highly specific set of instructions

1. attract

Collocation: customer
Ex: Other companies have attempted to attract customers by cutting prices.

2. compare

Collocation: favourably
Ex: Pay and promotion prospects compare  favourably too.
3. competition 

Collocation: sporting
Ex: But we're talking the pinnacle of sporting competition every four years.

4. consume

Collocation: energy
Ex: Features such as air-conditioning and electric windows add weight and
consume energy.
5. convince

Collocation: wholly
Ex: At the trial, the evidence was never wholly convincing.

6. currently

Collocation: investigating.
Ex: And, before you ask, we don't know what cases he was currently
7. fad

Collocation: current
Ex: The current fad is to wear these long, hanging well below the waist.

8. inspiration

Collocation: divine
Ex: There's a lot of groundwork to be done - and then you hope
for divine inspiration.
9. market

Collocation: eff ecti vely

Ex: Using a system like this gives one a general understanding of how to target
a market effectively.

10. persuasion

Collocation: Gentle
Ex: Gentle persuasion could get someone you care about to try a healthier
11. Productive

Collocation: very
Ex: The domestic structure in England is good and we have to work hard to ensure
that partnership is very productive.

12. satisfaction

Collocation: job
Ex: One way analysis of variance showed a significant relation between job
satisfaction level with employment status and overtime work.
1. characteristic

Collocation: defining
Ex: For them, accordingly, cuteness remains his defining characteristic.

2. consequence

Collocation: indirect
Ex: The direct and indirect consequences of continuing war are stark.
3. consider

Collocation: carefully
Ex: Consider carefully whether there are any projects left.

4. cover

Collocation: completely
Ex: Even that failed to blow his cover completely.
5. expiration
Collocation: date
Ex: The expiration  date on a food container is the date by which the
food should be sold or eaten before it starts to decay.

6. frequently

Collocation: appear
Ex: In contrast, words like chaos, destructive, evil and fierce appear frequently
throughout the text.
7. imply

Collocation: clearly
Ex: These observations clearly imply for two types of soils with different elastic

8. promise

Collocation: vague
Ex: Some vague promise that money will be found from the general pot will not
9. protect

Collocation: fully
Ex: We can assist you in making sure your rights are fully protected.

10. reputation

Collocation: considerable 
Ex: He had a considerable reputation for his own remedies.

Collocation: urgently
Ex: Current policies are ineffective and we urgently require policies that work.

12. Variety

Collocation: astonishing
Ex: Haven't you noticed the astonishing variety of literary productions?
LESSON 4: Business Planning
1. address /ə'dres/

Collocation: deliver
Ex: President Bush will deliver  an address on Saturday.

2. avoid /ə'vɔid/

Collocation: altogether
Ex: Junk meat such as hotdogs are ideally best avoided altogether.
3. demonstrate /'demənstreit/

Collocation: conclusively
Ex: The study notes that its results do not demonstrate conclusively that no such
correlation exists.
4. develop /di'veləp/

Collocation: rapidly
Ex: The school developed rapidly through private donations.
5. evaluate /i'væljueit/

Collocation: positively
Ex: Our training was evaluated positively and considered to be valuable.

6. gather /'gæðə/

Collocation: together
Ex: Let’s all us dimwits gather together and stand in their way!
7. offer /'ɔfə/

Collocation: job
Ex: She turned down two job offers because the positions were too junior.

8. primarily /praɪˈmerəli/

Collocation: focus on
Ex: In doing so, developers primarily focus on the desired functionality.
9. risk /rɪsk/

Collocation: grave
Ex: We do not think, however, that this is a grave risk

10. strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/

Collocation: effective 
Ex: Small groups may be the most effective strategy to connect with the
emotional needs of busters.
11. strong /strɔɳ/

Collocation: pretty
Ex: There have been some pretty strong markers thrown down.

12. substitution /,sʌbsti'tju:ʃn/

Collocation: reasonable
Ex: If fresh peas are hard to find, frozen peas make a reasonable substitute.
LESSON 5: Conferences
1. accommodate /ə'kɔmədeit/

Collocation: comfortably 
Ex: The spacious interior can comfortably  accommodate several overnight

2. arrangement /ə'reindʤmənt/

Collocation: unusual
Ex: An unusual arrangement in such a competitive recruitment market.
3. association /ə,sousi'eiʃn/

Collocation: Student
Ex: Brock’s Graduate Student Association also allows graduate students to
apply for an additional $100.

4. attend /ə'tend/

Collocation: regularly
Ex: Then reach out to group members who don't attend regularly.
5. get in touch 

Collocation: Please
Ex: Please get in touch, or send a donation to: The Green Party, at the address

6. hold /hould/

Collocation: meeting
Ex: We are looking to hold a meeting with the chairman as soon as possible to
discuss this unsatisfactory situation.
7. location /lou'keiʃn/

Collocation: exact
Ex: They knew its exact location and were told he was at home..

8. overcrowded /əʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/

Collocation: become
Ex: What may not get done is adding buses or rail cars to lines that become
9. register /'redʤistə/

Collocation: electoral
Ex: We need to ensure that everyone who has the right to vote is on the
electoral register.

10. select /si'lekt/

Collocation: randomly 
Ex: Each day at noon, one of the entered postcodes is randomly selected.
11. session /'seʃn/

Collocation: emergency
Ex: Today parliament will meet for an emergency session.

12. take part in

Collocation: discussion
Ex: They will be taking part in the discussions, along with many
other organizations.
LESSON 6: Computers and the Internet
1. access /ˈækses/

Collocation: unrestricted 
Ex: He had unrestricted access to the relevant British government records.

2. allocate /ˈæləkeɪt/

Collocation: efficiently
Ex: They could provide those items, like transportation infrastructure, that the
price system failed to allocate efficiently.
3. compatible /kəm'pætəbl/

Collocation: quite
Ex: It was benign, healthful and quite compatible with teetotalism.

4. delete /di'li:t/

Collocation:  automatically
Ex: When a sensitive post is found a moderator will automatically delete all
5. display /dis'plei/ 

Collocation: clearly
Ex: Mark then spread his arms, the whole display clearly showing up the umpire.

6. duplicate /'dju:plikit/

Collocation: exactly
Ex: He directed assistants to make death masks of animals so their features could
be exactly duplicated.
7. failure /'feiljə/

Collocation: admit
Ex: They have to, otherwise they are admitting failure on a massive scale.

8. figure out /ˈfɪɡə/ /aʊt/

Collocation: try to
Ex: Instead I'm here trying to figure out how this could have happened.
9. ignore /ig'nɔ:/

Collocation: blatantly
Ex: Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored.

10. search /sə:tʃ/

Collocation: thorough  
Ex: Yet, after a thorough search, no remains could be found.
11. shut down /ʃʌt/ /daʊn/

Collocation: instantly
Ex: On running SilverFast, from the desktop icon, the application instantly shut

12. warning /'wɔ:niɳ/

Collocation: safety
Ex: The directive will also force manufacturers to attach safety warnings to toys
or their packaging.
LESSON 7: Office Technology
1. affordable /əˈfɔːrdəbl/

Collocation: access to  
Ex: affordable access to market is a big draw back to-day

2. as needed N/A

Collocation: use
Ex: There is a textbook that goes along with the class that Feldheim said he
will use as needed.
3. be in charge of N/A

Collocation: verifying
Ex: They will be in charge  of verifying that the agreement is executed.

4. capacity /kə'pæsiti/

Collocation:  limited
Ex: There is virtually no scope to change destination due to
limited capacity in other ports.
5. durable /ˈdjʊərəbl/

Collocation: extremely
Ex: They are extremely  durable and offer a very long service life.

6. initiative /i'niʃiətiv/

Collocation: individual
Ex: It is a very hierarchical company and there's little place for individual
7. physically /ˈfɪzɪkli /

Collocation: improve
Ex: Alex improved physically, but he remained in a coma.

8. provider /provider/

Collocation: Information
Ex: Information providers are responsible for the content they publish..
9. recur /ri'kə:/

Collocation: constantly
Ex: For others, it is a constantly recurring summer theme.

10. reduction /ri'dʌkʃn/

Collocation: remarkable  
Ex: his practice leads to a remarkable reduction in curse of dimensionality.
11. stay on top of N/A

Collocation: always

Ex: Dana's an excellent student. She always stays on top of her homework.

12. stock /stɒk/

Collocation: rise
Ex: Once the new year starts, tax selling pressure lifts and stocks rise.
LESSON 8: Office Procedures
1. appreciation /ə,pri:ʃi'eiʃn/

Collocation: deep  
Ex: He always had a deep  appreciation of eccentricity.

2. be made of N/A

Collocation: appear to
Ex: Some of them appear to be made of teams of professional animators.
3. bring in N/A

Collocation: refuse to
Ex: You're inviting huge stress and possible burnout if you refuse to bring in
experts and delegate.

4. casually /ˈkæʒuəli/

Collocation:  wear
Ex: They are great to wear casually and are appropriate for a party or an
evening out on the town.
5. code /koud/

Collocation: dress
Ex: The fact is, offices should have dress codes for men and women.

6. expose /iks'pouz/

Collocation: fraud
Ex: We should expect there to be more frauds exposed in
the coming months.
7. glimpse /glimps/

Collocation: fleeting
Ex: But then, for just a fleeting glimpse, the guard drops.

8. out of N/A

Collocation: money
Ex: Then I run out of money and go out of business.
9. outdated /aut'deitid/

Collocation: equipment
Ex: The company is finding it hard to compete because of the
outdated  equipment it is using

10. practice /'præktis/

Collocation: nursing  
Ex: Further research is required to inform nursing practice
11. reinforce /,ri:in'fɔ:s/

Collocation: further

Ex: The presidency, for its part, has done everything to further  reinforce the
credibility of the euro.

12. verbally /'və:bəli/

Collocation:  skills 
Ex: Verbal skills  work well in a figurehead function.
LESSON 9: Electronics
1. disk /disk/

Collocation: computer  
Ex: In computer disk drives they can break off and cause head crashes
or bearing failures.

2. facilitate /fə'siliteit/

Collocation: further
Ex: The government is studying a draft law to facilitate further oil industry
nationalization to deepen the revolution.
3. network /'netwə:k/

Collocation: extensive
Ex: Its forum is an extensive  network of threads 

4. popularity /,pɔpju'læriti/

Collocation:  enormous
Ex: Now maybe its enormous popularity will put you all off.
5. process /ˈprəʊses/

Collocation: slow
Ex: Heat pumps will displace gas boilers, but that will be a slow process.

6. replace /ri'pleis/

Collocation: immediately
Ex: Let the thoughts pass and replace immediately with the positive..
7. revolution /,revə'lu:ʃn/

Collocation: industrial
Ex: The fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0): intelligent industry emergences
based on Cyber Physical Systems.

8. sharp /ʃɑ:p/

Collocation: extremely
Ex: All of them portrayed Moss as funny, friendly, but extremely sharp and self-
9. skill /skil/

Collocation: extraordinary
Ex: Under the author's extraordinary skill, it all seems believable.

10. software /ˈsɒftweə(r)/

Collocation: anti-virus  
Ex: For best results, also uninstall any third-party anti-virus software and firewalls.
11. store /stɔ:/

Collocation: convenience

Ex: They can also pay in cash at partner convenience stores.

12. technically /ˈteknɪkli/

Collocation:  support 
Ex: The stock is also at historic lows with no support technically below it.
LESSON 10: Correspondence
1. assemble /ə'sembl/

Collocation: carefully  
Ex: Of course, all of this was assembled carefully over time.

2. beforehand /bi'fɔ:hænd/

Collocation: reservations
Ex: Call in for reservations beforehand to avoid a long wait.
3. complication /ˌkɑːmplɪˈkeɪʃn

Collocation: added
Ex: There was an added complication at the end.

4. courier /'kuriə/

Collocation:  cycle
Ex: A cycle courier flashes by, crackling at the chest.
5. express /iks'pres/

Collocation: express
Ex: Order by midday for express delivery, weekdays only.

6. fold /fould/

Collocation: deftly 
Ex:  she deftly folded the cloth in half and ironed the fold
7. layout /ˈleɪaʊt/

Collocation: page
Ex: This extended not just to hair and make-up but even to page layout.

8. mention /'menʃn

Collocation: specifically
Ex: Looks were not mentioned specifically, but the word 'grumpy' was.
9. petition /pi'tiʃn

Collocation: divorce
Ex: You need to fill in a divorce petition, giving her last known address.

10. proof /proof/

Collocation: convincing   
Ex: In my opinion, there's no convincing proof that putting wires in walls, with or
without electrical currents, reduces moisture.
11. register /'redʤistə

Collocation: duly

Ex: All of this was duly registered, and appreciated, by other players.

12. revise /ri'vaiz/

Collocation: constantly 
Ex: It's also important to realize that you have to constantly revise and change as
a business develops.
LESSON 11: Job Ads & Recruitment
1. abundant /ə'bʌndənt/

Collocation: fairly  
Ex: Curly pine is fairly abundant.

2. accomplishment /ə'kɔmpliʃmənt/

Collocation: impressive
Ex: Our team has truly achieved an impressive accomplishment in Delta's
history and the launch industry.
3. bring together N/A

Collocation: want to
Ex: I want to bring together the best talent to develop that plan.

4. candidate /'kændidit/

Collocation:  potential 
Ex: When one potential candidate refused, union representatives organised
against her.
5. come up with N/A

Collocation: new plan

Ex: The school board said it would come up with new plans.

6. commensurate /kə'menʃərit/

Collocation: ability
Ex: Every company pays salary commensurate with the ability
7. match /mætʃ/

Collocation: championship
Ex: It will be touch and go for that [first championship match].

8. profile /profile/

Collocation: good
Ex: Very frankly, there is not a good  profile on him
9. qualification /,kwɔlifi'keiʃn/

Collocation: minimum
Ex: What are the minimum  qualifications for each job?

10. recruit /ri'kru:t/

Collocation: raw
Ex: Experienced soldiers can hold their ground under a hail of fire, raw recruits
will break and run.
11. submit /səb'mit/

Collocation: formally

Ex: Publishers may be asked to formally submit bids by a certain deadline, with no
bids opened until after the deadline.

12. time-consuming /tʌɪm/ /kənˈsjuːmɪŋ/

Collocation: rather
Ex: This piece of work is rather  time-consuming.
LESSON 12: Apply and Interviewing

1. ability /ə'biliti/

Collocation: innate  
Ex: His innate  ability to do things was a typical characteristic of the latent

2. apply /ə'plai/

Collocation: equally
Ex: They apply equally to re-sending messages posted by others.
3. background /'bækgraund/

Collocation: professional
Ex: Her biggest cheer of the evening came over her professional background.

4. be ready for N/A

Collocation:  combat
Ex: Within five years, the XM29 should be ready for combat.
5. call in N/A

Collocation: discuss
Ex: Radio listeners call in  to discuss whether he should take medicine.

6. confidence /'kɔnfidəns/

Collocation: total
Ex: They never strike a feeling of total confidence.
7. constantly /'kɔnstəntli/

Collocation: improve.
Ex: We expected that life in all its aspects would constantly  improve.

8. expert /'ekspə:t/

Collocation: leading
Ex: He is a leading expert on deaths related to tobacco use.
9. follow up

Collocation: development
Ex: The council will continue to follow up developments of this matter.

10. hesitant /'hezitənt/

Collocation: strangely 
Ex: Clinton has been strangely hesitant to speak plainly on this point.
11. present /'preznt - pri'zent/

Collocation: visually

Ex: The results can be presented visually in the form of a graph.

12. weakly /'wi:kli/

Collocation: extraordinarily
Ex: The ADMX experiment aims to detect this extraordinarily  weakly coupled
LESSON 13: Hiring and Training
1. conduct /'kɔndəkt/

Collocation: proper   
Ex: It should by law be an independent body monitoring and advising charities on
their proper conduct.

2. generate /'dʤenəreit/

Collocation: automatically
Ex: It has emerged that many of the posts were generated automatically by
so-called bots.
3. hire /'haiə/

Collocation: company
Ex: If you don't you will have to pay for the hire company's insurance.

4. keep up with N/A

Collocation:  try to 

Ex: He scorched horses last week trying to keep up with him.
5. look up to N/A

Collocation: really

Ex: The players really  look up to their coach.

6. mentor /'mentɔ:/

Collocation: great 
Ex: I have a great mentor ahead of me in Willie Clay.
7. on track N/A

Collocation: back
Ex: This is an opportunity for us to get back on track.

8. reject /'ri:dʤekt/

Collocation: explicitly
Ex: The manifesto explicitly rejected a cap on social care costs.
9. set up /'setʌp/

Collocation: quickly
Ex: Other hospitals quickly set up impromptu job fairs to screen candidates.

10. success /sək'ses/

Collocation: considerable  
Ex: All the same, the first book was a considerable success.
11. training /'treiniɳ/

Collocation: Basic

Ex: Basic training for care assistants will help.

12. update /'ʌpdeit/

Collocation: regular
Ex: As well as a plaque, the person sponsoring it usually receives a regular update

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