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Efficient Type and Polarity Classification of

Chromosome Images using CNNs: a Primary

Evaluation on Multiple Datasets
Le Quoc Anh1 , Vu Duy Thanh1 , Nguyen Huu Hoang Son1 , Doan Thi Kim Phuong2,3 , Luong Thi Lan Anh2,3 ,
Do Thi Ram4 , Nguyen Thanh Binh Minh4 , Tran Hoang Tung5 , Nguyen Hong Thinh6 , Le Vu Ha1,6 , and Luu Manh Ha1,6,*
Advanced Institute of Engineering and Technology, VNU-UET
Dept. of Biology and Medical Genetics, Hanoi Medical University
Center of Clinical Genetics and Genomic, Hanoi Medical University Hospital
Hematology and Blood Transfusion Center, Bach Mai Hospital
ICT Lab, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, VNU-UET
Corresponding author email:

Abstract—Karyotyping is critical for screening genetic diseases (XX for female and XY for male). Suppose there is a structural
in an early stage. However, the manual karyotyping process is or numerical anomaly of the chromosomes that could be
a labor-intensive task. This paper focuses on automatic chro- evidence of genetic disorders [3]. Fig. 1 is an example of
mosome image classification, which is a step in karyotyping.
We propose a convolutional neural network architecture for a metaphase image and its corresponding karyogram of a
efficient type and polarity classification of the chromosome image, Trisomy 13 patient.
namely ETPC, which is leveraged from the EfficientNet family’s
development. The ETPC’s classifier with a weighted classification
loss function are designed for efficiency in the training process.
We perform our experiment with two training scenarios on four
clinical datasets. The experiment on a dataset of 28,225 original
chromosome images demonstrates that the proposed network
achieved comparable results, with an accuracy of 95.3% for the
type classification and 99% for the polarity classification, while
having a significantly smaller number of parameters than state-
of-the-art methods. Furthermore, the experiment on multiple
datasets shows that the proposed network can dramatically
improve the classification accuracy on new datasets with a small
amount of fine-tuning data. (a) (b)
Index Terms—Karyotyping, chromosome, classification, deep
learning, EfficientNetV2 Fig. 1. An example of a metaphase image taken by microscope (a) and the
corresponding karyogram (b) of a Trisomy 13 patient with an extra copy of
I. I NTRODUCTION chromosome 13 (the red arrow).

Human chromosomes provide information in genetic disor- The procedure of manual karyotyping often requires a
ders, supporting cytogeneticists in screening and diagnosing meticulous effort from experienced cytogeneticists, which
diseases such as trisomy, deletions, and other genetic symp- is tediousness, low-reproducibility, and time-consuming. In
toms at an early stage [1]. In clinical practice, karyotyping, clinical practice, cytogeneticists may diagnose up to thirty
a process of separating, classifying, and ordering the chro- metaphase images to draw a reliable conclusion [2]. With the
mosome images in a cultured cell taken by a microscope, motivation of reducing the workload for cytogeneticists, this
acts a crucial role in diagnosing chromosome abnormalities paper will focus on automating the chromosome classification
[2]. Standard karyotyping uses the chromosome images at the since it is an essential and labor-intensive task in the karyotyp-
metaphase stage of mitosis (metaphase image) since all chro- ing process. Some challenges of the chromosome classification
mosomes become distinguishable by their unmistakable struc- can be listed as follows: 1) The chromosomes exhibit a
ture. Cytogeneticists use the characteristics of chromosomes to non-rigid intrinsic nature that makes the chromosomes have
classify and locate them in the table-like format known as the entirely different shapes and orientations; 2) In a metaphase
karyogram. An individual human has 46 chromosomes divided image, the chromosomes can be in random positions and
into 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes randomly rotated, and thus classification of polarity (showing
p-arm is upward or downward) is essential in performing methods, which are inherited from AlexNet. The study yielded
karyotyping [4]; 3) Differences in the cell cultivating processes an accuracy in chromosome type classification of 92.5% and
and imaging systems in medical centers lead to diversity 93.8%, respectively.
among the chromosome images. Many studies that used variations of deeper CNN and
The purpose of this study is to propose and access an leveraged the efficiency of the learning process have improved
automatic method for the type and polarity classification of the the accuracy of the classification task. Lin et al. (2020)
chromosome images. Our approach is to use a convolutional [6] proposed an augmentation technique, namely CDA, and
neural network (CNN) for chromosome classification with the used Inception-ResNet for the chromosome type classification.
aim for fast convergence, having a low number of parameters The CDA showed a practical improvement in classification
while still achieving high accuracy. accuracy from 87.5% to 96%. In the further study [7], MixNet
The main contributions of the paper are listed as follows: and a training algorithm are introduced and achieved the
• We propose a new CNN architecture for the purpose of accuracy of 98.7% and 96.5% on the G-band data and Q-
the chromosome type and polarity classification, with a band data, respectively. Al-Kharraz et al. (2021) [5] ensemble
weighted classification loss function for efficiency during a decision of three CNNs, including VGG19, ResNet50,
training its model, and investigate the optimal weight and MobileNetV2. The network uses average voting for the
coefficient for the classification task. chromosome type classification and yielded an accuracy of
• We perform experiments and evaluations for chromosome 97%.
classification using multiple datasets from several hospi-
tals. B. Multi-task for chromosome classification
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: The following Using classical image processing methods, studies of chro-
section reviews previous studies for chromosome classifica- mosome classification collect multi-information from chromo-
tion. Section III provides information in detail on the methods some images, bringing high efficiency to the classification
used in this study. The experimental results are presented in process. Wang et al. [1] proposed a multi-stage rule-based
section IV. We place the discussion in section V. Finally, we scheme for identifying the centromere and assigning the polar-
conclude the findings from this study in section VI. ity of chromosomes. The two pieces of extracted information
II. R ELATED W ORK help classify the chromosomes into three groups: metacentric,
submetacentric, and acrocentric. Poletti et al. [14] presented
A. Chromosome type classification a modular framework for the chromosome type and polarity
Several methods for chromosome classification have been classification, which relies on hand-craft feature extraction,
published recently [4]–[7], which can be divided into two cat- including the medial axis and various feature vectors.
egories: classical methods and deep learning-based methods. Deep learning techniques are proposed in the literature,
The pipeline of classical methods often contained two steps: showing the power of multi-task learning [3], [4]. Although
the first step is handcraft features extraction from the chro- polarity classification has implications in clinical medical
mosome images, and the second step is feeding these features procedures, only a few studies have leveraged the power of
to the classifier (e.g., multi-layer perceptron, support vector deep learning techniques to produce this information. Qin et
machine. . . ) to determine the type of chromosome [8], [9]. al. (2019) [4] proposed Varifocal-Net for chromosome type
Markou et al. [8] proposed a robust method that uses features and polarity classification. The Varifocal-Net composed of two
based on the medial axis, and a hybrid 2-level classifier is networks, G-Net and L-Net. The G-Net extracts the global
used for human chromosome type classification. Oskouei et features and then detects the region to zoom into the more
al. [9] combined the wavelet into a neural network that uses delicate part in the chromosome image; the zoomed part is
various density-based features to classify the chromosomes in used to extract local features by L-Net. After the features
group E (chromosomes 16 to 18). The limitation of classical extraction stage, two multi-layer perceptron classifiers are used
methods is that authors must carefully design suitable features to exploit two scales features for boosting the performance of
for a specific dataset. the classification results. The study reported the best accuracy
Applying deep learning techniques for medical image anal- of type and polarity classification are 98.7% and 99.2%,
ysis has garnered the attention of researchers in recent years. respectively. Zhang et al. (2021) [3] presented a CNN for
Deep learning techniques for the chromosome classification extracting multi-resolution features. The extracted features are
proposed in the literature have been outperforming the clas- fused and fed in two multi-layer perceptron classifiers to
sical methods [10]. The convolutional neural network is a classify the chromosomes type and polarity. The networks
class of deep learning techniques recently popular in the achieved accuracies of 98.1% and 99.8% for the type and
chromosome classification fields. Jindal et al. (2017) [11] pre- polarity classification, respectively.
sented a Siamese network for chromosomes type classification, Although several CNN-based chromosome classification
composed of two CNNs to handle the limit data problem. methods have been already published, there is a lack of a study
The study reported the best accuracy of 85.6%. Zhang et al. on the evaluation of the performance on multiple datasets.
(2018) [12] and Hu et al. (2019) [13] utilized CNN-based Therefore, the purpose of the study is also to primarily evaluate
the power of CNNs on multiple chromosome datasets from Similarly, the loss value of polarity classification task be-
several hospitals. tween output vector op and ground truth vector gp is calculated
1X p
The proposed CNN architecture, named ETPC, is illustrated Lp (op , gp ) = − (g log(opi ) + (1 − gip ) log(1 − opi ))
2 i=0 i
in Fig. 2. The CNN architecture consists two-phase: 1) Fea-
tures extraction that reuses the EfficientNetV2 backbone. 2) (2)
The classifier is designed to classify the chromosome type The loss function is used for training the ETPC is given by:
and polarity as a multi-task learning task. This section will
present details on ETPC architecture, the classifier, and the Ltotal = λLt (ot , gt ) + (1 − λ)Lp (op , gp ) (3)
weighted loss function for the training process.
where λ is the weighted coefficient for controlling the balanc-
A. Features extraction using EfficientNetV2 backbone ing between the two loss terms. The optimal λ coefficient is
determined in the experimental section.
The EfficientNet family was first introduced by Tan and
Le (2020) [15], which achieved state-of-the-art results on the IV. E XPERIMENT AND E VALUATION
ImageNet dataset, while the computational cost is significantly
A. Clinical data and preprocessing
reduced compared to previously published CNNs. The fun-
damental ideal of EfficientNet is compound model scaling to The data used in this study were collected from four
solve an optimization problem related to predefined parameters medical institutions with 886 karyograms with a total of 40869
in a baseline model. The authors recently have continued chromosome images. Information about the number of images
developing a new architecture named EfficientNetV2 [16]. The used for the training and testing phase is listed in Table I.
latest version model reduces training time and has smaller The first dataset, Pki dataset, was collected by the University
parameters while yielding comparable accuracy since this of Passau, Germany, and published by Ritter et al. [18],
architecture could generate various models using compound including 611 G-bands karyograms. We use 61 karyograms
model scaling techniques. (including 48 abnormal karyograms and 13 normal karyo-
To take the advantage of EfficientNetV2, we chose grams) that have been classified from our previous study [10].
EfficientNetV2-B2 as the backbone of ETPC to extract chro- We divide the remaining 80% of the images for training ETPC
mosome images’ features, since EfficientNetV2-B2 compro- and use 20% to experiment to find the optimal loss function
mises between the number of parameters and classification coefficient and select the best training model for ETPC.
accuracy. Fig. 2 shows the EfficientNetV2-B2 backbone in the The second dataset was published by Hu et al. [13] (Lu-
features extraction part, including seven stages for high-level daopei dataset). The data includes the chromosomes images
features extraction. of 91 karyograms collected at Beijing Ludaopei Hospital.
The chromosome images have been expertly labeled and
B. Mutil-task learning for chromosome type and polarity cropped into individual chromosome images with dimensions
classification of 100x220 pixels in width and height, respectively.
The third dataset is a public chromosome benchmark
High-level features are extracted via the ETPC’s backbone
dataset, collected by the Italy University of Padova (Biomlab
and then fed into the classifier stage (Fig. 2). Different from
dataset). Biomlab dataset includes 119 Q-bands karyograms.
the original classifier of EfficientNetV2-B2, the classifier stage
This dataset is widely used in chromosome classification
contains an average pooling layer followed by two fully
studies [5], [7], [11]. The chromosome images have been
connected layers to get the prediction vectors of type and
expertly labeled and cropped to multiple sizes based on the
polarity of the chromosome images. The previous studies on
shape of chromosomes.
multi-task chromosome classification use the Softmax function
The final dataset (Guangdong dataset) consisting of 65 G-
combined with Cross-Entropy loss [3], [4]. Nevertheless, this
bands karyograms studied and published by Lin et al. [6], [7].
is a multi-class multi-label problem, and Gour et al. already
Data were collected from Guangdong Women and Children
showed that the Sigmoid function is suitable for this type of
problem [17]. Therefore, we use the Sigmoid function for the
The data listed above have different characteristics. We
last classifier layer combined with Binary Cross-Entropy Loss
preprocess by segmenting every chromosome and pad it to
for ETPC.
dimensions of 256x256 pixels. Fig. 3 displays examples of
Loss value of type classification between the output vector
chromosome 1 on four datasets after preprocessing step.
ot and ground truth vector gt is defined as:
The Ludaopei dataset has chromosome images with a 400-
1 X t bands resolution instead of a 600-bands resolution like the
Lt (ot , gt ) = − (g log(oti ) + (1 − git ) log(1 − oti )) Pki dataset. Biomlab dataset uses Q-stand instead of G-
24 i=0 i
stand compared to other datasets. In the Guangdong dataset,
(1) some chromosome images are cropped, causing a loss of
Stage 0-6: Features extraction Stage 7: Classifier

Fig. 2. The ETPC architecture consists of two phases; the backbone for features extraction (stage 0-6) and the modified classifier (stage 7).

TABLE I ETPC has a slower convergence than that of the larger λ

N UMBER OF KARYOGRAMS AND CHROMSOME IMAGES FOR TRAINING coefficients. It can be seen that the λ coefficients of larger than
0.9 offer the training result with fast convergence, yielding a
Train & Validation Test high accuracy in the type classification on the validation set.
#karyogram #image #karyogram #image Fig. 4b indicates that the polarity classification is not affected
Pki 550 25424 61 2801
Ludaopei 10 460 81 3724 by changing the λ coefficient. Through this experiment, we
Bioimlab 10 460 109 5014 choose the λ coefficient of 0.95 to guarantee the stability of
Guangdong 10 460 55 2526 the training curves.
Total 886 karyograms; 40869 images
D. Evaluation results
Table IV-D compares the chromosome type and polar-
information, which may be due to the preprocessing step of ity classification accuracy between ETPC and state-of-the-
the previous study. art classification methods. The first catalog is two methods
In the training phase, the autosomes are labeled 0 to 21, for the chromosome classification were re-implemented and
and the X and Y sex chromosomes are marked 22 and training with the Pki dataset. The second catalog is three
23, respectively. The polarity label is 1 if the p-arm of the CNN classification models, including VGG-16, ResNet-34,
chromosome is upward and 0 otherwise. Besides, we perform and EfficientNetV2-B2 are provided for comparing the accu-
data augmentation operations during the training process with racy of chromosome type classification on the Pki dataset. In
random rotated of ±15 degrees, horizontally flipping, the the third catalog, we list the results of two methods from their
image contrast randomly changes in the range of 0.5 to 1.5. article Varifocal-Net [4] and the method proposed by Zhang et
B. Implementation Detail al. [3]. Table IV-D indicates that ETPC achieved comparable
accuracy for the type and polarity classification with the
We implement ETPC using Pytorch version 1.11. The state-of-the-art methods while having a smaller number of
EfficientNetV2 backbone is built using the timm library1 . We parameters.
train ETPC using Adam optimizer with a learning rate set of
0.001 and batch size of 128. ETPC is trained in 50 epochs TABLE II
using pre-trained weight on the ImageNet dataset. C OMPARISON ACCURACY FOR TYPE AND POLARITY
To compare the performance of ETPC with existing CNN- CLASSIFICATION OF ETPC AND STATE - OF - THE - ART METHODS

based methods for chromosome classification, we chose the Accuracy (%)

Method #param.
method of Zhang et al. [12] and CIR-Net [6] to compare the Type Polarity
Zhang et al. (2018) [12] 92.6 - 1.2 M
chromosome type classification. The CIR-Net is reused from CIR-Net (2020) [6] 95.7 - 55.2 M
the authors’ github repository2 . The training parameters setting VGG-16 [19] 94.5 - 134.3 M
is kept as in the original paper. ResNet-34 [20] 95.2 - 21.2 M
EfficientNetV2-B2 [16] 95.6 - 8.7 M
All experiments were carried out under an Ubuntu 20.04 Varifocal-Net (2019) [4] * 98.7 99.2 153.4 M
workstation with Intel® i9 10900, 64 GB of RAM, and Nvidia Zhang et al. (2021) [3] * 92.3 - 98.1 91 - 99.8 29.4 M
GPU RTX 3090 with 24GB VRAM. ETPC (proposed) 95.3 99.0 8.2 M
* The results are listed from the original papers.
C. Optimal weighted value definition
This part evaluates the effect of the λ coefficient on the E. Fine-tuning ETPC model for multiple datasets
training process and then determines the optimal λ coefficient
for ETPC. The λ coefficient is varied with values from 0.2 Medical facilities with different imaging systems and dif-
to 0.99. Fig. 4 shows that when the λ coefficient is small, ferences in banding type make the data diverse. To evaluate
the performance of ETPC on multiple datasets, we design
1 two training scenarios. ETPC is trained on the Pki dataset
2 and assessed for the remaining three sub-datasets in the first
Pki Ludaopei Biomlab Guangdong

Fig. 3. Examples of chromosome 1 on four datasets after preprocessing: three G-band datasets include Pki, Ludaopei, and Guangdong; Biomlab is a Q-band

grams from each dataset to fine-tune the ETPC model trained

only using Pki dataset in the first scenario. Also, we provided
the results while varying the λ coefficient in the range of 0.2 to
0.99. Table III shows a significant increase in accuracy when
using the small amount of data for the training and the λ
coefficient is 0.95 provided the best accuracy.
In this paper, ETPC, an CNN architecture for chromosome
type and polarity classification is proposed. From Table IV-D,
ETPC has a comparable result with other state-of-the-art meth-
ods with 95.3% and 99% accuracy for the type and polarity
classification, respectively. Comparing with the technique of
Zhang et al. (2018) [12], we obtained better results; it can be
explained that the CNN architecture developed by Zhang et
al. relatively shallow (4 convolution layers). Comparing the
results with state-of-the-art CNN-based classification models,
we find no significant difference in the accuracy, but the
(b) number of parameters of ETPC is significantly lower (8.2M).
Varifocal-Net gives impressive results with accuracy up to
98.7% when using 1909 karyograms for training. Varifocal-
Net has better results than those of ETPC. We can not
reproduce the work due to lack of the such amount large data.
Moreover, such a large model may require more resource for a
effective training and this is not always fulfilled in the practise.
Zhang et al. (2021) [3] showed that the classification accuracy
on the data used in their experiment was 98.1%. However,
Fig. 4. The training curves w.r.t the λ coefficient: the classification accuracy
and training loss of type (a), and polarity (b) on the Pki validation set the results were significantly reduced when evaluating only
the abnormal dataset (92.3%). Meanwhile, more than three-
Accuracy (%)
quarters of cases in our test dataset are abnormal data, which
Type Polarity might be the reason why our results achieved a lower accuracy
Zhang et al. (2018) 92.6 - 1.2 M
CIR-Net (2020) 95.7 - 55.2 M than that of Zhang et al.’s method.
VGG-16 94.5 - 134.3 M From Table III, it can be indicated that the classification
ResNet-34 95.2 - 21.2 M accuracy depend on the similarity between the target dataset
EfficientNetV2-B2 95.6 - 8.7 M
Varifocal-Net (2019) 98.7 99.2 153.4 M and Pki dataset. ETPC achieved the best accuracy on Ludaopei
Zhang et al. (2021) 92.3 - 98.1 91 - 99.8 29.4 M dataset because Ludaopei dataset gets the highest resemblance
ETPC (proposed) 95.3 99.0 8.2 M with Pki dataset (see Fig. 3). Nevertheless, the results also
* The results are listed from the original papers. indicated that when training ETPC using only the dataset from
one medical center and then inferring on the datasets from dif-
ferent medical center, the accuracy is significantly deducted. It
scenario. ETPC results in the best accuracy on the Ludaopei also raises a challenge: how to guarantee ETPC’s performance
dataset (45.4%), followed by the Guangdong dataset (7%) and in the clinical practise of multiple medical centers. In the
Boimlab dataset (5.7%). second scenario where the fine-tuning were performed, despite
In the second scenario, we experimented using ten karyo- the significant improvement, the classification accuracy is not

(1) Train on Pki (2) Ten karyograms fine-tuning (accuracy in %)

data (accuracy in %) λ=0.2 λ=0.5 λ=0.8 λ=0.9 λ=0.95 λ=0.99
Type 45.40 71.2 71.3 80.7 79.9 80.6 75.0
Polarity 83.40 94.0 96.0 96.4 95.7 96.5 90.5
Type 5.70 11.9 10.9 25.8 27.1 30.0 9.3
Polarity 72 55.8 67.9 61.3 76.9 75.1 73.4
Type 7 33.8 38.7 39.6 49.1 81.9 79.7
Polarity 62.50 64.2 79.6 68.7 66.9 93.2 89.6

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