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MM 3-B
Scent of Apples
The short story “The Scent of Apples” by Bienvenido Santos taught me to be
cautious with all the risks I take as an individual or teenager. For instance, Bienvenido described
how he was mean to his family at that time, which led to his family, particularly his parents,
becoming upset with him. As for myself, I should keep in mind that, as a teenager, I should resist
temptations and negative thoughts because doing so could cause me to act badly and harm
everyone I care about. When Bienvenido described wanting to return to his family. The short
story taught me that regrets always come to an end, proving what everyone always says to be
true. This incident will serve as a reminder to me to strive to never regret anything because doing
so is always the worst thing I can do. It will also serve as a reminder that my “family” will live
on in my heart for all eternity.This narrative demonstrates what a Filipino is. It demonstrates how
persevering and patient Filipinos like us are. We occasionally have to make some sacrifices for
specific reasons. No matter what, including when others look down on us, we should always be
proud of who we are as people. Problems and struggles cannot keep us back. Simply put, we
must believe in ourselves and adopt a positive outlook. We will face many challenges in life in
the past, present, and future; all we have to do is go with the flow and overcome them. If we
have faith, anything is possible with God’s assistance. The narrative depicts a typical Filipino’s
life while they are living abroad. The narrative reveals how much he missed his native land,
which he was forced to leave. That he is interested in the current state of his nation. It also
demonstrated his deep empathy for a friend who he had realized or even wished felt similarly to
him. I now understand how difficult it is to leave your country. your native country. that our
hearts only have room in one house. that our desire to stay somewhere is confined to one
location. That the only place you can look around, smile, and declare is on land. Your parents
will always be there for you and do everything in their power to make you happy, no matter
what. You might think the boy is being cruel to the tree, but we all treat our parents in the same
way. We don’t realize how much they do for us until it’s too late; we take them for granted.

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