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Quarter 1 Week 6

Science 7
Element Uses
Aluminum A light metal used in making airplanes, buildings, pots & pans, etc.
Bromine Used in photography, medicines, insecticides, etc.
Calcium A soft, metallic chemical element found in limestone, marble, chalk, etc.
Carbon Found in coal, oil gas, living things, & inks
Chlorine Used in bleach, in chemicals to kill germs in swimming pools, & found
with the element sodium in table salt
Chromium A shiny metal used on bumpers of some cars, household fixtures, etc.
Copper A metal used for electric wires, pots, pans, & pennies
Fluorine Used as a cleaning agent in toothpaste
Gold A metal used for jewelry & precious decorative pieces
Helium A gas much lighter than air used in blimps & balloons
Hydrogen A flammable & explosive gas
Iodine Used on cuts & wounds to kill germs
Iron A strong metal used in the construction of buildings, steel, & machines
Lead A metal used in automobile batteries & in fishing & diving weights
Lithium It is the lightest metal and is soft and reactive. It is known most
commonly to be used in batteries
Mercury A heavy, poisonous liquid used in some thermometers
Neon A gas used in many lights & signs
Nickel A metal used in coins
Nitrogen The main gas in the air, also used in fertilizers
Oxygen A gas necessary for respiration; aids burning
Platinum An expensive metal used in jewelry
Potassium Found in fertilizers
Silicon Used in electronics & in compounds for making glass
Silver Used in tableware, jewelry, photography, medicines, & coins
Sodium Soft metal that combines with chlorine to make table salt
Sulfur Used to make sulfuric acid & some medicines such as pet powders
Tin Used to make cans
Titanium This strong metal is used in the aerospace industry as well as engines
partly because of its ability to maintain its strength in thermal extremes
Tungsten A metal used in light bulb filaments
Uranium A metal used in some nuclear reactions
Zinc A metal that prevents rust & is used in dry cell batteries

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