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Prompt #1: 

Creativity Self Assessment:  There are many interesting websites about enhancing
creativity.  Here’s one that offers up some creativity enhancement
tools: (Links to an external site.). Take a
moment to review the website and take the “How Creative Are You” survey (a 3-minute self quiz, with
about 16 questions), accessible from the middle of the “Creativity Tools” page.
 As you worked through the self-assessment (via the website links noted above) and viewed
your results, what was your score (5 points)? Why do you think you were given that score (5
points)? And what specific ideas come to mind that would enhance your creativity in the
workplace (or in your personal life) (5 points)?
 Explore the internet (chapter 9 or any other resources you may have) for creativity enhancing
tools / techniques. Based on your explorations and experience, what are some of your
favorite creativity enhancing tools / techniques? (Be sure to provide at least a paragraph here,
with specifics---as if you are giving a short “How To” presentation. A general answer will not
be sufficient) (15 points). Please also be sure to include a citation of the source(s) you used (5
 Discuss how you have used this creativity tool to solve a problem, opportunity, issue, or
circumstance that you currently have. (15 points) Please elaborate here and provide a full
description.  Thanks!
 This essay needs to 400 words.
6 points:  At least 400 words in length.
2 points: Excessive run-on sentences.
4 points: Excessive grammar and spelling errors.
3 points: Lack of clarity.
5 points: Connected with the readings and provided proper in-text citations.

My score according to the “How Creative Are You” survey was a 56, placing me in the category of my
creativity being a work in progress. This seems to mean that I have only had some successes, which I
suppose is true in my timeline of becoming more than an artistic creative person. I often find myself
doubting my abilities as well as the resources I have, and it hinders my creative thought process because
I get caught up in access to resources. This occurs more so in my personal life then my work life
currently. Through work, I often can achieve my goals when I make suggestions for improvements and
materials like highchairs that would make life easier for parents with small children. I have decided I
need to work on expressing my concerns and opinions instead of being nervous and withholding
potentially great ideas. Put my good learning to work. In return to advance myself even further, I can
look to those who I am expressing my ideas to for advice on how they deal with their problems, being
collaborative and resulting in creativity and innovation. I also have recently began working on engaging
teammates and promoting more creativity while we are at work like different event set ups and ways to
boost arcade revenue.

For tools and tips on enhancing creativity I went straight to advice on how to be a more creative project
manager and leader from the Project Management Institute. In a conference paper written by Eddie
Merla, describes realizing ones “project genie” leading to enhanced project success, vastly improved
leadership skills and overall fruitful relationships (Merla). From pursuing this article, I found some
advice that resonated with me and my current struggles in creativity. The first topic that stood out is
Applications of Creativity in Project Environments. Merle describes an Initiation process that include a
“Productive Thinking Model” or “Thinkx” with six steps: Step one what's going on where you assess
current context and background, step two what is success where one determines a vision for the future,
step three what's the question where one takes the project challenge and converts it into questions by
brainstorming with team members, step four were one generates answers generate potential solutions
to the problem, Step 5 forge the solution where one develops the selected solution that the team found,
and step 6 aligning resources where project managers translate the selected solution into an action plan
(Merle). I found that if one does not have a solid Initiation plan, then planning and executing and
controlling, and closing are impossible. I also found the Genie within to be motivating and insightful. The
Genie Within includes Domain-Relevant Skills, Creativity-Relevant Skills and Task Motivation. I found the
creativity relevant skills to relate to the most. For example, Amabile in 1983 suggested there are three
groups known as Cognitive style, where this is the ability and willingness to bend rules, suspend
judgment, to abandon set ways, and to see things differently than others, as well as knowledge of
heuristics where heuristics are tips for coming up with new or novel ideas, and Work style where a
positive attitude, high energy, persistence, and the willingness to work hard make up a creative work
style. In my recent work life, I have had to use cognitive style myself when it comes to accepting my
team members and other perspectives and simultaneously encourage others to use the Work style
method. For instance, I have had to suspend judgement and abandon old ways when it came to the
methods of cleaning for the center that I was poorly trained on. A new team member came in with an
exceptional way to clean a bathroom however it was not how we were trained, and I was not sure if we
could use this method. However, it was fine, and we were able to clean even better and more efficiently.

Work Cited

Merla, E. (2010). Unleashing the project genie (creativity for project managers) Paper presented at PMI®
Global Congress 2010—Asia Pacific, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Newtown Square, PA:
Project Management Institute.

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