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So... What's Tate Modern ?

The Tate Modern is an institution that houses the UK's national collection of British art
and international modern art in a network of four art galleries​
Yes But Where is it Located ?​
● London Borough of Southwark :​
The Tate Modern is located in the former Bankside Power Station in the Bankside
district of the London Borough of Southwark. The Tate Modern is one of the largest
museums of modern and contemporary art in the world.
And What Type Of Museum is Tate Modern ?
​Well it's an art gallery in London. It houses the UK's national collection of international
modern and contemporary art and is part of the Tate Group together with Tate Britain,
Tate Liverpool and Tate St IvesHere are some pictures of Artworks in the Tate Modern:
Could you describe the interior perhaps...?​But of course! The Tate Modern is not
only known for its art, but also for the architecture of the building itself. Here, let's take a
So.. Here we have the first architecture ​It's called "The Turbine Hall"
The Second one is called "The Chimney"​
Here are the Third and Fourth:​They are called "THE NEW SWITCH HOUSE" ​
● So the Tate Modern is VERY big. To give you an idea, you need to walk
for about 3 to 4 hours to see almost all of the exhibitions.​Now let us take
a look from the outside...​
● As you can see, it is a HUGE building compared to humans. So you can
think of it as a serious art gallery rather than a $ 2 child's drawing. To
give you a better idea, the Tate Modern practically covers 34,000 m² !​
● Here are more pictures of the exterior of the Tate Modern. You can enter
the building different ways ! ​
● Here is an overall picture…
● ​And what happens if i get lost in the building ?​Firstly, you don't.​
Secondly, you cannot get lost in tate modern, because there are entrances and
exits everywhere, and you can also ask for help if you're lost.​

● And Finally, is it free or not ?​

● Well... The Tate Modern is completely free and you can enter it whenever
you want and leave it whenever you want without any problems. But if
you stay in the building past the closing time, you will of course be
escorted out.​
● ​However, it is advisable to book a ticket for the exhibitions and private
guided tours that can help you inside the building and give you a better
overview of everything inside TATE MODERN.​

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