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This flower exhibits two Fibonacci

spirals. You can faintly see how the

spirals form from the center of the
opened disk florets.

4. What is the relationship of the Golden Ratio and the

Each number in the Fibonacci sequence is divided by its
direct predecessor to arrive at the golden ratio.
5. Site and describe another important mathematical
•The Cantalan Numbers
The Catalan numbers are a sequence of natural numbers that
occur in various counting problems, often involving
recursively defined objects.
Catalan numbers have a significant place and major
importance in combinatorics and computer science. They
form a sequence of natural numbers that occur in studying
astonishingly many combinatorial problems.
Glenice Mae T. Torremocha Performance Task 6.2 | Pre-calculus

1. Who is Leonardo Fibonacci?

Leonardo Fibonacci, commonly known known as “
Leonardo of Pisa or Leonardo Pisano, was a member
of the Bonacci family and was born in Pisa, Italy,
possibly around 1175.

“The most talented Western mathematician of the

Middle Ages.”

Fibonacci first studied mathematics with an Arab

master before visiting Sicily, Greece, Syria, and
Egypt to further his studies of mathematics and
numerical systems. Fibonacci’s usage of the
nickname “Bigollo,” which may mean “traveler,” was
partly a result of this.

2. How is Fibonacci sequence so important in nature?

Fibonacci numbers are numbers that have an endless number of

possible values and are present in all aspects of our world. The math of
nature is everything. A plant generates new leaves, stems, and petals in a
pattern that resembles the Fibonacci sequence, if you were to watch it,
you would see.

3. Show 3 examples of Fibonacci sequence as seen in nature, include

Photos and description of each

An energy system in the Spiral aloe. Numerous cactus

shape of a fibonacci display the Fibonacci spiral.
moves with limited You can see how each set of
losses. Hurricane Irene. leaves spiral outward.

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