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Comparing Decimals

Compare each pair of decimals using the symbols >, < or =.

1) 43.5 43.12 2) 18.49 19.9

3) 21.75 21.75 4) 4.63 4.3

5) 5.17 5.4 6) 10.35 10.35

7) 47.31 39.73 8) 25.6 25.9

9) 24.5 24.5 10) 7.7 6.95

11) 36.62 36.4 12) 29.3 29.27

13) 12.7 12.8 14) 6.1 6.1

15) 40.24 40.24 16) 28.5 28.3

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Answer key
Comparing Decimals

Compare each pair of decimals using the symbols >, < or =.

1) 43.5 > 43.12 2) 18.49 < 19.9

3) 21.75 = 21.75 4) 4.63 > 4.3

5) 5.17 < 5.4 6) 10.35 = 10.35

7) 47.31 > 39.73 8) 25.6 < 25.9

9) 24.5 = 24.5 10) 7.7 > 6.95

11) 36.62 > 36.4 12) 29.3 > 29.27

13) 12.7 < 12.8 14) 6.1 = 6.1

15) 40.24 = 40.24 16) 28.5 > 28.3

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