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Standard operating procedure

Shaking incubator:
 Place the test tube on the grid
 Switch to the right
 Wait until the machine turns on properly.
 Set: Temperature, RPM and Time
1. sv > First temperature will appear (set the amount by pressing ADD and DEC
button) > Click on set button to save it > You will see saving .... appears on the
screen >

2. Then first SHIFT button to set RPM > (Set how much to give by pressing ADD
and DEC button) > Click on set button to save it > You will see saving .... appears
on the screen >

3. Set the time in the same way and do not leave by pressing the START button
after saving. Wait and see if the test tube shakes properly.

If you are a first time user, have someone with experience with you, talk to your
supervising teacher if necessary.

 এ
 ও
 ।
 : , এ এ য়

১. sv > ( ত ADD ও DEC এ য়

)>এ set এ > saving .... এ
> ২.ত RPM SHIFT >( ত ADD ও DEC এ
য় )>এ set এ > saving ....
এ > ৩. য় এ ও START ও
, এ ।

, য় এ
ত য় এ য় ।

SOP prepared by:

Afroza Sultana (Fellow), Ph.D. NFT
Jashore university of science and technology.

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