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In the dim light

The sound was too loud. I couldn't hear anything but that psychedelic
trance song anymore. I felt my head hurt, maybe from the noise, or even the
two beers I had. I just wanted to get out of there.

Carefully I paced the room in strategic steps so as not to step on two

drunk, dirty girls lying on the carpet. I recognized one of them. Bianca, the most
wanted girl in college, for many yes, but for me not at all, much less now.

Near the door, many people danced shamefully and vulgarly, making me
disgusted by what my eyes were seeing. I ran into other couples up front, they
seemed to be in a hallucinating sexual act to the sound of synthesizers. I
managed to get out and breathe an air that didn't contain the odor of hot beer
and vomit.

I stopped and wondered why I was there.

Would celebrating my eighteen years at a veteran party be a good idea?

It was too late to think about it. I looked at my watch, it was almost midnight and
I just wanted to leave.

I looked for my ride around the house, and didn't find it. I asked two guys
by the pool if they had seen my friend, they looked at each other, laughed and
said rambunctious things. They should be on drugs or on the effects of alcohol,
I don't know, I just kept looking.

When I was already giving up, I looked at a first floor window, and he was
with a girl or kissing and taking off his clothes. "Oh damn, I lost my ride and now
I have to go home", I thought as I watched a slight drizzle fall that night. The
increased headache along with her i felt a strange sensation rising and falling
throughout my entire body. I walked a few steps until I reached a small bush.

I vomited a lot, but I composed myself.

I needed to walk fast while there was still strength in me.

The moon was beautiful, full and bright, much more so than the image I
had as a child, which I looked out of my bedroom window. I remember asking
my dad for a telescope.

“Full moon, legends, mysticisms and mysteries.”

The pain came back stronger, I coughed so hard I even spit blood. What
did I have? I tried once again to forget about my situation. I was afraid to go
along Highway 66. I heard many scary stories about that place. But, there was
no other way back home. By the time, nothing could happen, nothing at all.
As I walked, the darkness wrapped around me in a hug. Around me were
only woods and trees. The sound of the drops of water falling reassured me a
little. My clothes were all wet, I felt her blend into my body. Three buttons had
come out, opening part of my shirt. Suddenly a chill went up my spine when I
heard my name spoken.

I looked back and saw nothing or anyone. I quickened my pace, and

could hear closer and clearer, a voice calling to me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, there was nothing to fear, at
least not in my memories, along with my father, who always told me to be
strong and face all my fears.

I looked again.

This time I stared at an approaching female body, closer and closer to


The rain had ceased to fall, and I had not even noticed, my attention was
on that nearby figure. She disarmed the umbrella, and smiling greeted me. I
knew her, Helena Santiago, I couldn't forget her. I had a strong crush on her
since the day I saw her come into my classroom and sit next to me. She didn't
talk much, She didn't really talk to anyone but me. Maybe it was because
everyone thought it was weird, but I didn't see her like that. Was teenage love
what I felt? Perhaps.

Helena was in a long dress, white as the mist that dissipated in the air,
her long black hair covering part of her shoulders. She had eyes that penetrated
deep into my soul, I could feel, but what I most wanted to feel were those
intense red lips that lit my desire. How I wanted to bite them.

She asked to accompany me.

She said she was alone at the party and had sought someone reliable to
accompany her, but had only found people offending her, and some drunks who
tried to take advantage of her. When she saw me walking in the distance, she
ran to meet me. I listened carefully to her every word. I took her hand and led
her on the long walk.

Helena was sweet, lovely and sincere. As we walked, she listed several
of my qualities, things I had never even thought of. I am a strong person yes, I
learned to be, but she saw it in me.

She studied me, was very observant, scared me a little, but it was only
the spice that made my attraction to her grow even more. I looked at her and
wanted her. I looked at the road and noticed that my distraction was so great
that I did not see that I passed Highway 66, which was very frightening.
When I thought everything was fine, something unexpected happened.

Hear a very loud buzzing through my ears. I tried to make all the cost
cover them with my hands. It was useless. I fell to my knees with severe
stomach pain.

I just remember looking up and seeing the beautiful full moon. I felt my
conscience fade and my body be lightly drawn to the muddy ground. In my fall, I
believe I saw Helena in my blurred, dark vision.

I passed out.

I woke up to the sound of sirens and heard the rumble of many people
talking. I had difficulty getting up or even opening my eyes right. I forced myself
to my feet, and all I could do was lift part of my trunk.

So much pain all over my body, it felt like I had caught up with a crowd of
angry people. Ifelt a smelled strong, I knew that odor, but my mind was not
assimilating what it was until I looked at my belly, and in agonized fright I could
see what it was.

Blood, a lot of blood impregnated on my clothes, which, by the way, were

torn. What had happened? Whose blood was all? I don't know.

I saw some cops approaching with guns pointing at me, and I don't know
what happened anymore, I think I blacked out, or someone hit the back of my
neck hard and I passed out.

I just remember that I woke up here in this small white room.

For days, or months, maybe even years, I'm in this place, alone. Yes,
alone, a poor girl alone here. I lost track of time and can't remember that day.

And Helena?

What happened to her? Nobody told me anything, I just got thrown here.

Helena, where are you and your mysteries? I remember his intense red
lips that I wanted to bite.

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